Using Post for Each API Call , even for get Resource.? - http

i was working with backend Architecture using http methods like standards
get for getting resource,
post for adding some resorce
put for update and delete for deleting resource.
but someone insisted me to change all methods to post, with this logic that this is not secure way to call get , delete with parameters.

POST is not inherently any more secure than the other HTTP methods. There may be something in your particular framework that has different authorization paths for GET vs POST.
More likely they just have some historical experience which is no longer relevant. You really want to stick with the RESTful design as much as you possibly can (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE). It has real benefits in the long run.

Related mvc and web api which is better Http POST or PUT

I have an application of type mvc and web api.
I m little bit confused over http post and http put.
When to use what and what is the pros and cons of each.
I have gone through many blogs but no solid reason what is designed for what.
Use POST where you would have to create completely new record from scratch.
Use PUT where you would have to update existed record in your database
Here are Differences between PUT & POST
`POST is Not idempotent`-->
Means running POST operation again and again will create new instance everytime when you run call it.
`PUT is Idempotent`-->
PUT is Idempotent operation calling PUT again and again will result same result.
So POST is not idempotent while PUT is idempotent.
`There is also PATCH` -->
Use patch when you would have to update only few properties of your model.In other words Partial Updates.
Put simply (no pun intended):
POST is usually used to CREATE new objects.
PUT is usually used to UPDATE existing objects
Using the correct HTTP verbs allows you to publish a cleaner API and negates the need for encoding intent within the endpoint (url). For example, compare:
Using the correct verbs:
GET api/user/12345
POST api/user/12345
PUT api/user/12345
DELETE api/user/12345
Hacking the endpoint:
GET api/user/12345
POST api/user/12345/create
POST api/user/12345/update
POST api/user/12345/delete
I think the only Cons of using PUT etc are that not all developers are familiar with them and some third party software may not support them or at least it may not be as easy as using the more familiar verbs like GET & POST.
For example, I had a problem a few weeks ago when a proxy was placed in front of an API just before it was to go live and the proxy didn't support the HTTP PUT verb (maybe a config issue - but we didn't have access to the proxy to fix it) so we had to tweak the API and change it to POST at the last minute (which also meant we had to change the clients (mobile apps) that were using it).

Why is using a HTTP GET to update state on the server in a RESTful call incorrect?

OK, I know already all the reasons on paper why I should not use a HTTP GET when making a RESTful call to update the state of something on the server. Thus returning possibly different data each time. And I know this is wrong for the following 'on paper' reasons:
HTTP GET calls should be idempotent
N > 0 calls should always GET the same data back
Violates HTTP spec
HTTP GET call is typically read-only
And I am sure there are more reasons. But I need a concrete simple example for justification other than "Well, that violates the HTTP Spec!". ...or at least I am hoping for one. I have also already read the following which are more along the lines of the list above: Does it violate the RESTful when I write stuff to the server on a GET call? &
HTTP POST with URL query parameters -- good idea or not?
For example, can someone justify the above and why it is wrong/bad practice/incorrect to use a HTTP GET say with the following RESTful call
I know it's wrong, but hopefully it will help provide an example to answer my original question. So the above would update recordID = 5 with AddToTotalAmount = 10 and then return the updated records. I know a POST should be used, but let's say I did use a GET.
How exactly and to answer my question does or can this cause an actual problem? Other than all the violations from the above bullet list, how can using a HTTP GET to do the above cause some real issue? Too many times I come into a scenario where I can justify things with "Because the doc said so", but I need justification and a better understanding on this one.
The practical case where you will have a problem is that the HTTP GET is often retried in the event of a failure by the HTTP implementation. So you can in real life get situations where the same GET is received multiple times by the server. If your update is idempotent (which yours is), then there will be no problem, but if it's not idempotent (like adding some value to an amount for example), then you could get multiple (undesired) updates.
HTTP POST is never retried, so you would never have this problem.
If some form of search engine spiders your site it could change your data unintentionally.
This happened in the past with Google's Desktop Search that caused people to lose data because people had implemented delete operations as GETs.
Here is an important reason that GETs should be idempotent and not be used for updating state on the server in regards to Cross Site Request Forgery Attacks. From the book: Professional ASP.NET MVC 3
Idempotent GETs
Big word, for sure — but it’s a simple concept. If an
operation is idempotent, it can be executed multiple times without
changing the result. In general, a good rule of thumb is that you can
prevent a whole class of CSRF attacks by only changing things in your
DB or on your site by using POST. This means Registration, Logout,
Login, and so forth. At the very least, this limits the confused
deputy attacks somewhat.
One more problem is there. If GET method is used , data is sent in the URL itself . In web server's logs , this data gets saved somewhere in the server along with the request path. Now suppose that if someone has access to/reads those log files , your data (can be user id , passwords , key words , tokens etc. ) gets revealed . This is dangerous and has to be taken care of .
In server's log file, headers and body are not logged but request path is . So , in POST method where data is sent in body, not in request path, your data remains safe .
i think that reading this resource: could be helpful to you to make difference between message API and resource api ?

Is it dangerous if a web resource POSTs to itself?

While reading some articles about writing web servers using Twisted, I came across this page that includes the following statement:
While it's convenient for this example, it's often not a good idea to
make a resource that POSTs to itself; this isn't about Twisted Web,
but the nature of HTTP in general; if you do this, make sure you
understand the possible negative consequences.
In the example discussed in the article, the resource is a web resource retrieved using a GET request.
My question is, what are the possible negative consequences that can arrive from having a resource POST to itself? I am only concerned about the aspects related to the HTTP protocol, so please ignore the fact that I mentioned about Twisted.
The POST verb is used for making a new resource in a collection.
This means that POSTing to a resource has no direct meaning (POST endpoints should always be collections, not resources).
If you want to update your resource, you should PUT to it.
Sometimes, you do not know if you want to update or create the resource (maybe you've created it locally and want to create-or-update it). I think that in that case, the PUT verb is more appropriate because POST really means "I want to create something new".
There's nothing inherently wrong about a page POSTing back to itself - in fact, many of the widely-used frameworks (ASP.NET, etc.) use that method to handle various events that happen on the client - some data is posted back to the same page where the server processes it and sends a new reponse.

How do I handle use 100 Continue in a REST web service?

Some background
I am planning to writing a REST service which helps facilitate collaboration between multiple client systems. Similar to how git or hg handle things I want the client to perform all merging locally and for the server to reject new changes unless they have been merged with existing changes.
How I want to handle it
I don't want clients to have to upload all of their change sets before being told they need to merge first. I would like to do this by performing a POST with the Expect 100 Continue header. The server can then verify that it can accept the change sets based on the header information (not hard for me in this case) and either reject the request or send the 100 Continue status through to the client who will then upload the changes.
My problem
As far as I have been able to figure out so far ASP.NET doesn't support this scenario, by the time you see the request in your controller actions the POST body has normally already been completely uploaded. I've had a brief look at WCF REST but I haven't been able to see a way to do it there either, their conditional PUT example has the full request body before rejecting the request.
I'm happy to use any alternative framework that runs on .net or can easily be made to run on Windows Azure.
I can't recommend WcfRestContrib enough. It's free, and it has a lot of abilities.
But I think you need to use OpenRasta instead of WCF in order to do what you're wanting. There's a lot of stuff out there on it, like wiki, blog post 1, blog post 2. It might be a lot to take in, but it's a .NET framework thats truly focused on being RESTful, and not RPC like WCF. And it has the ability work with headers, like you asked about. It even has PipelineContributors, which have access to the whole context of a call and can halt execution, handle redirections, or even render something different than what was expected.
As far as I can tell, this isn't possible in OpenRasta after all, because "100 continue is usually handled by the hosting environment, not by OR, so there’s no support for it as such, because we don’t get a chance to respond in the pipeline"

Is there any reason not to use HTTP PUT and DELETE in a web application?

Looking around, I can't name a single web application (not web service) that uses anything besides GET and POST requests. Is there a specific reason for this? Do some browsers (or servers) not support any other types of requests? Or is this only for historical reasons? I'd like to make use of PUT and DELETE requests to make my life a little easier on the server-side, but I'm reluctant to because no one else does.
Actually a fair amount of people use PUT and DELETE, mostly for non-browser APIs. Some examples are the Atom Publishing Protocol and the Google Data APIs:
Beyond that, you don't see PUT/DELETE in common usage because most browsers don't support PUT and DELETE through Forms. HTML5 seems to be fixing this:
The way it works for browser applications is: people design RESTful applications with PUT and DELETE in mind, then "tunnel" those requests through POSTs from the browser. For example, see this SO question on how Ruby on Rails accomplishes this using hidden fields:
How can I emulate PUT/DELETE for Rails and GWT?
So, you wouldn't be on your own designing your application with the larger set of HTTP verbs in mind.
EDIT: By the way, if you're curious about why PUT/DELETE are missing from browser based form posts, it turns out there's no real good technical reason. Reading around this thread on the rest-discuss mailing list, especially Roy Fielding's comments, is interesting for some context:
EDIT: There are some comments on whether AJAX libraries support all the methods. It does come down to the actual browser implementation of XMLHttpRequest. I thought someone might find this link handy, which tests your browser to see how compliant the HttpRequest object is with various HTTP options.
Unfortunately, I don't know of a reference which collects these results.
Quite simply, the HTML 4.01 form element only allows the values "POST" and "GET" in its method attribute
Some proxy servers with tough security policies might drop them. I'm using PUT and DELETE anyways.
I've read that some browsers do not support other HTTP methods properly, though I can't name any specifics.
Rails, in particular, will pack your forms with a method parameter to explicitly set this even if the browser doesn't support those methods. That seems like a reasonable precaution if you're going to do this.
I say use all the features of HTTP, browsers be damned, lol. Maybe it'll inspire more complete and proper use of the HTTP protocol moving forward. There's more happening on the net than just POSTs and GETs. About time browser implementations reflected this.
This depends on your browser and Ajax library. For example jQuery supports all HTTP methods even though the browser may not. See for example the jQuery "ajax" documentation on the "type" attribute.
The Restlet Java framework lets you tunnel PUT and DELETE requests through HTML POST operations. To do this, you just add method=put or method=delete to your URI's query string, eg: ...
This is the same as Ruby on Rails' approach (as described by #ars above).
Personally, I really don't see any purpose for using PUT or DELETE in a web application. All operations that an application performs are read or write, aka input output. Why do you need to distinguish the nature of the operation in the header of the HTTP request?
I could make ajax calls with the same url of form /object/object_id
and do multiple operations like delete, update, get the value, or create.
Just by looking at the URL, I have no clue which one it is.
By using GET and POST only, my urls will be:
/object/id --> implied GET
Based on my limited experience, this is a lot cleaner than hidden header request types in many cases.
I am not saying one should never use PUT or DELETE, just saying, use them only if absolutely needed.
Refer to "RESTful Web API" by Leonard Richardson to read more about different use cases and conventions regarding HTTP request methods in a RESTful web api.
