I calculated the integral of the product of a Gaussian density and some function.
First, I did it with the function int2() (rmutil package).
And then, I did it with Gauss-Hermite points.
The two results I have obtained are different.
Should I consider that the Gauss-Hermite method is the good one and the numerical integration is an approximation ?
I provide below an example :
1. rmutil::int2()
Sig <- matrix (c(0.2^2, 0, 0, 0.8^2), ncol=2)
Mu<- c(2, 0)
to.integrate <- function(B0, B1) {
first.int= 1/0.8 * (1.2 * exp(B0 + B1 * 0.5))^(-1/0.8) * gamma(1/0.8)
B=matrix(c(B0, B1), ncol=1)
multi.norm=1 / (2 * pi * det(Sig)^(1/2)) *
exp (- 0.5 * t( B - Mu ) %*% solve(Sig) %*%( B - Mu ) )
return (first.int %*% multi.norm)
result_int2 <- int2(to.integrate, a=c(-Inf, -Inf), b=c(Inf, Inf),
eps=1.0e-6, max=16, d=5)
2. Compute multivariate Gaussian quadrature points:
mgauss.hermite <- function(n, mu, sigma) {
dm <- length(mu)
gh <- gauss.quad(n, 'hermite')
gh <- cbind(gh$nodes, gh$weights)
idx <- as.matrix(expand.grid(rep(list(1:n), dm)))
pts <- matrix(gh[idx, 1], nrow(idx), dm)
wts <- apply(matrix(gh[idx, 2], nrow(idx), dm), 1, prod)
eig <- eigen(sigma)
rot <- eig$vectors %*% diag(sqrt(eig$values))
pts <- t(rot %*% t(pts) + mu)
return(list(points=pts, weights=wts))
nod_wei <- mgauss.hermite(10, mu=Mu, sigma=Sig)
gfun <- function(B0, B1) {
first.int <- 1/0.8 *(1.2 * exp(B0 + B1 * 0.5))^(-1/0.8)* gamma(1/0.8)
result_GH <- sum(gfun(nod_wei$points[, 1], nod_wei$points[, 2]) * nod_wei$weights)/pi
The mistake came from the way the points were calculated in the mgauss.hermite function.
I changed the decomposition of the Sigma matrix for a Cholesky decomposition with a multiplication by square root of 2.
And the results of the two methods became very similar.
Below is the correction of the mgauss.hermite function
mgauss.hermite <- function(n, mu, sigma) {
dm <- length(mu)
gh <- gauss.quad(n, 'hermite')
gh <- cbind(gh$nodes, gh$weights)
idx <- as.matrix(expand.grid(rep(list(1:n),dm)))
pts <- matrix(gh[idx,1],nrow(idx),dm)
wts <- apply(matrix(gh[idx,2],nrow(idx),dm), 1, prod)
rot <- 2.0**0.5*t(chol(sigma))
pts <- t(rot %*% t(pts) + mu)
return(list(points=pts, weights=wts))
Following this question: How to get the value of `t` so that my function `h(t)=epsilon` for a fixed `epsilon`?
I first sampling 500 eigenvectors v of a random matrix G and then generate 100 different random vectors initial of dimension 500. I normalized them in mats.
#make this example reproducible
n <- 500
#Sample GOE random matrix
A <- matrix(rnorm(n*n, mean=0, sd=1), n, n)
G <- (A + t(A))/sqrt(2*n)
ev <- eigen(G)
l <- ev$values
v <- ev$vectors
#size of multivariate distribution
mean <- rep(0, n)
var <- diag(n)
#simulate bivariate normal distribution
initial <- MASS::mvrnorm(n=1000, mu=mean, Sigma=var) #ten random vectors
#normalized the first possible initial value, the initial data uniformly distributed on the sphere
xmats <- lapply(1:1000, function(i) initial[i, ]/norm(initial[i, ], type="2"))
Then I compute res
h1t <- function(t,x_0) {
h10 <- c(x_0 %*% v[, n])
denom <- vapply(t, function(.t) {
sum((x_0 %*% v)^2 * exp(-4*(l - l[n]) * .t))
}, numeric(1L))
abs(h10) / sqrt(denom)
find_t <- function(x, epsilon = 0.01, range = c(-50, 50)) {
uniroot(function(t) h1t(t, x) - epsilon, range,
tol = .Machine$double.eps)$root
I want to get res:
res <- lapply(xmats, find_t)
However, it shows error that Error in uniroot(function(t) h1t(t, x) - epsilon, range, tol = .Machine$double.eps) : f() values at end points not of opposite sign
res is a list. I run hist(unlist(res)) and it worked well.
I am using CVXR to code a penalized linear regression. My global loss is composed of 4 elements: two differents SSE losses loss_u, loss_b on two different data sets, a ridge penalty and a specific distance D. The code works if I use the 'distance == "MM"'. However, there is an error for 'distance == "MMD"'. I use an external rcpp function from kernal "kernlab::kmmd". The problem is that "Xb %*% beta" is a MulExpression. I dont know if I should convert it into a numeric (but how?) or if it is impossible to use rcpp function.
deb_reg <- function(Xu, Yu, Xb, Yb, beta, lambda = 0, theta = 0.5, alpha = 0, distance = "MM") {
n <- nrow(Xu)
m <- nrow(Xb)
ridge <- lambda * sum(beta^2)
loss_u <- sum((Yu - Xu %*% beta)^2) * ( theta/ n )
loss_b <- sum((Yb - Xb %*% beta)^2) * ( (1-theta)/ m )
if(distance == "MM"){
D <- alpha * ( mean(Yu) - mean(Xb %*% beta) )^2
} else if(distance == "MMD"){
y <- as.numeric(Yu)
# print(beta)
x <- Xb %*% beta
# D <- alpha * EasyMMD::MMD(y, x)
MMD <- kernlab::kmmd(as.matrix(y), as.matrix(x))
D <- alpha * sum(MMD#mmdstats)
} else{
D <- 0
obj <- loss_u + loss_b + ridge + D
p <- ncol(X_unbiased)
beta <- Variable(p)
obj <- deb_reg(Xu = X_unbiased, Yu = Y_unbiased, Xb = X_biased, Yb = Y_biased, beta,
lambda = 0.1, theta=0.5, alpha = 10, distance = "MMD")
prob <- Problem(Minimize(obj))
result <- solve(prob)
How can I calculate the OLS coefficient in R without the function lm.
Formula: ß = (X'X)^-1*X'y
X <- cbind(runif(1000000), rnorm(1000000), rchisq(1000000,50))
y <- 100 * X[,1] + 200 * X[,2] + rnorm(nrow(X), 0, 10)
Would be really grateful for help since I have no idea how I can do this
It's basic linear algebra for OLS. You might want to have a look at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_regression
X <- cbind(runif(1000000), rnorm(1000000), rchisq(1000000,50))
y <- 100 * X[,1] + 200 * X[,2] + rnorm(nrow(X), 0, 10)
# (X'X)^-1*X'y
# basic matrix algebra
solve(t(X) %*% X) %*% (t(X) %*% y)
# crossprod for numeric stability
crossprod(solve(crossprod(X)), crossprod(X,y))
# same in lm()
If your linear model has an intercept
x <- cbind(1, X)
# (X'X)^-1*X'y
solve(t(x) %*% x) %*% (t(x) %*% y)
crossprod(solve(crossprod(x)), crossprod(x,y))
Here is my version, including gradient decent. Kudos also to this post.
x0 <- c(1,1,1,1,1) # Intercept
x1 <- c(1,2,3,4,5)
x2 <- c(8,4,3,1,8)
x <- as.matrix(cbind(x0,x1,x2))
y <- as.matrix(c(3,7,5,11,14))
# (X'X)^-1 X'y
beta1 = solve(t(x)%*%x) %*% t(x)%*%y
# R's regression command
beta2 = summary(lm(y ~ x[, 2:3]))
# Gradient decent
m <- nrow(y)
grad <- function(x, y, theta) {
gradient <- (1/m)* (t(x) %*% ((x %*% t(theta)) - y))
# Define gradient descent update algorithm
grad.descent <- function(x, maxit){
theta <- matrix(c(0, 0, 0), nrow=1) # Initialize the parameters
alpha = .05 # set learning rate
for (i in 1:maxit) {
theta <- theta - alpha * grad(x, y, theta)
# Results without feature scaling
I'm setting up an alternative response function to the commonly used exponential function in poisson glms, which is called softplus and defined as $\frac{1}{c} \log(1+\exp(c \eta))$, where $\eta$ corresponds to the linear predictor $X\beta$
I already managed optimization by setting parameter $c$ to arbitrary fixed values and only searching for $\hat{\beta}$.
BUT now for the next step I have to optimize this parameter $c$ as well (iteratively changing between updated $\beta$ and current $c$).
I tried to write a log-lik function, score function and then setting up a Newton Raphson optimization (using a while loop)
but I don't know how to seperate the updating of c in an outer step and updating \beta in an inner step..
Are there any suggestions?
# Response function:
sp <- function(eta, c = 1 ) {
return(log(1 + exp(abs(c * eta)))/ c)
# Log Likelihood
l.lpois <- function(par, y, X){
beta <- par[1:(length(par)-1)]
c <- par[length(par)]
l <- rep(NA, times = length(y))
for (i in 1:length(l)){
l[i] <- y[i] * log(sp(X[i,]%*%beta, c)) - sp(X[i,]%*%beta, c)
l <- sum(l)
# Score function
score <- function(y, X, par){
beta <- par[1:(length(par)-1)]
c <- par[length(par)]
s <- matrix(rep(NA, times = length(y)*length(par)), ncol = length(y))
for (i in 1:length(y)){
s[,i] <- c(X[i,], 1) * (y[i] * plogis(c * X[i,]%*%beta) / sp(X[i,]%*%beta, c) - plogis(c * X[i,]%*%beta))
score <- rep(NA, times = nrow(s))
for (j in 1:length(score)){
score[j] <- sum(s[j,])
# Optimization function
opt <- function(y, X, b.start, eps=0.0001, maxiter = 1e5){
beta <- b.start[1:(length(b.start)-1)]
c <- b.start[length(b.start)]
b.old <- b.start
i <- 0
conv <- FALSE
while(conv == FALSE){
eta <- X%*%b.old[1:(length(b.old)-1)]
s <- score(y, X, b.old)
h <- numDeriv::hessian(l.lpois,b.old,y=y,X=X)
invh <- solve(h)
# update
b.new <- b.old + invh %*% s
i <- i + 1
# Test
b.new <- b.old
warning("convergence failed")
# convergence reached?
if(sqrt(sum((b.new - b.old)^2))/sqrt(sum(b.old^2)) < eps | i >= maxiter){
conv <- TRUE
b.old <- b.new
eta <- X%*%b.new[1:(length(b.new)-1)]
# covariance
invh <- solve(numDeriv::hessian(l.lpois,b.new,y=y,X=X))
fitted <- sp(eta, b.new[length(b.new)])
result <- list("coefficients" = c(beta = b.new),
"fitted.values" = fitted,
"covariance" = invh)
# Running fails ..
n <- 100
x <- runif(n, 0, 1)
Xdes <- cbind(1, x)
eta <- 1 + 2 * x
y <- rpois(n, sp(eta, c = 1))
You have 2 bugs:
line 25:
(y[i] * plogis(c * X[i,]%*%beta) / sp(X[i,]%*%beta, c) - plogis(c * X[i,]%*%beta))
this returns matrix so you must convert to numeric:
as.numeric(y[i] * plogis(c * X[i,]%*%beta) / sp(X[i,]%*%beta, c) - plogis(c * X[i,]%*%beta))
line 23:
) is missing:
you have:
s <- matrix(rep(NA, times = length(y)*length(par), ncol = length(y))
while it should be:
s <- matrix(rep(NA, times = length(y)*length(par)), ncol = length(y))
I'm having trouble optimizing a multivariate normal log-likelihood in R. If anyone has a good solution for that, please let me know. Specifically, I cannot seem to keep the variance-covariance matrix positive-definite and the parameters in a reasonable range.
Let me introduce the problem more completely. I am essentially trying to simultaneously solve these two regression equations using MLE:
y_1 = \beta_1 + \beta_2 x_1 + \beta_3 x_2 \\
y_2 = \beta_4 + \beta_3 x_1 + \beta_5 x_2
The fact that $\beta_3$ is in both equations is not a mistake. I try to solve this using MLE by maximizing the likelihood of the multivariate normal distribution for $Y = (y_1, y_2)^\top$ where the mean is parameterized as above in the regression equations.
I've attached the log-likelihood function as I believe it should be, where I constrain the variance covariance matrix to be positive-definite by recreating it from necessarily positive eigenvalues and a cholesky decomposition.
mvrestricted_ll <- function(par, Y, X) {
# Indices
n <- nrow(X)
nbetas <- (2 + 3 * (ncol(Y) - 1))
# Extract parameters
beta <- par[1:nbetas]
eigvals <- exp(par[(nbetas + 1):(nbetas + ncol(Y))]) # constrain to be positive
chole <- par[(nbetas + ncol(Y) + 1):(nbetas + ncol(Y) + ncol(Y)*(ncol(Y)+1)/2)]
# Build Sigma from positive eigenvalues and cholesky (should be pos def)
L <- diag(ncol(Y))
L[lower.tri(L, diag=T)] <- chole
Sigma <- diag(eigvals) + tcrossprod(L)
# Linear predictor
# Hard coded for 2x2 example for now
mu <- cbind(beta[1] + beta[2]*X[,1] + beta[3]*X[,2],
beta[4] + beta[3]*X[,1] + beta[5]*X[,2])
yminmu <- Y - mu
nlogs <- n * log(det(Sigma))
invSigma <- solve(Sigma)
meat <- yminmu %*% tcrossprod(invSigma, yminmu)
return(- nlogs - sum(diag(meat)))
# Create fake data
n <- 1000
p <- 2
X <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n)
Y <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n)
# Initialize parameters
initpars <- c(rep(0, (2 + 3 * (ncol(Y) - 1)) + ncol(Y) + ncol(Y)*(ncol(Y)+1)/2))
# Optimize fails with BFGS
optim(par = initpars, fn = mvrestricted_ll, X=X, Y=Y, method = "BFGS")
# Optim does not converge with Nelder-mead, if you up the maxits it also fails
optim(par = initpars, fn = mvrestricted_ll, X=X, Y=Y)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: I should note that just letting Sigma be a vector in the parameters and then returning a very large value whenever it is not positive definite does not work either.
I have no idea if the code/answer is correct, but
invSigma <- try(solve(Sigma))
if (inherits(invSigma, "try-error")) return(NA)
and running
optim(par = initpars, fn = mvrestricted_ll, X=X, Y=Y,
control = list(maxit = 1e5))
gets me a little farther to a convergence code of 10 (degenerate Nelder-Mead simplex).
[1] 1.361612e+01 4.674349e+01 -3.050170e+01 3.305013e+01 6.731194e+01
[6] -3.117192e+01 -5.408598e+00 -6.326897e-07 -1.987449e+01 -1.795924e+01
[1] -1.529013e+19
function gradient
1219 NA
[1] 10
I suspect that a real solution will involve looking more carefully at the code to see if it's really doing what you think it's doing (sorry); understanding why solve() errors occur might be a good first step. You can work on troubleshooting this by putting a cat(par, "\n") as the first line of the function and running it without the try/NA-return code. That will allow you to isolate an example data set that throws the error — then you can work your way through your code a line at a time (with debug() or by hand) to see what's happening.
You can consider using the following approach :
fn <- function(par, mat_X, mat_Y)
X <- mat_X
Y <- mat_Y
n <- nrow(X)
nbetas <- (2 + 3 * (ncol(Y) - 1))
beta <- par[1 : nbetas]
eigvals <- exp(par[(nbetas + 1) : (nbetas + ncol(Y))])
chole <- par[(nbetas + ncol(Y) + 1) : (nbetas + ncol(Y) + ncol(Y) * (ncol(Y) + 1) / 2)]
L <- diag(ncol(Y))
L[lower.tri(L, diag = TRUE)] <- chole
Sigma <- tryCatch(diag(eigvals) + tcrossprod(L), error = function(e) NA)
return(10 ^ 30)
mu <- cbind(beta[1] + beta[2] * X[,1] + beta[3] * X[,2],
beta[4] + beta[3] * X[,1] + beta[5] * X[,2])
yminmu <- Y - mu
nlogs <- n * log(det(Sigma))
invSigma <- tryCatch(solve(Sigma), error = function(e) NA)
return(10 ^ 30)
meat <- yminmu %*% tcrossprod(invSigma, yminmu)
log_Lik <- - nlogs - sum(diag(meat))
if(is.na(log_Lik) | is.nan(log_Lik) | is.infinite(log_Lik))
return(10 ^ 30)
n <- 1000
p <- 2
mat_X <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), nrow = n)
mat_Y <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), nrow = n)
lower <- rep(-10, 10)
upper <- rep(10, 10)
DEoptim(fn = fn, lower = lower, upper = upper,
control = list(itermax = 10000, parallelType = 1), mat_X = mat_X, mat_Y = mat_Y)