How to skip a particular script from execution in flyway - flyway

I have merged some code in git repository with three scripts(V1,V2,V3) for Flyway), and I have later found out that there is a problem in the script (V2). I don't want to modify the script V2, I just want to skip the execution of the script V2 by Flyway.

One simple solution would be to change the sql file name so that it is not taken into account anymore by Flyway (Eg. V2_scriptname -> OLD_V2_scriptname). That should do it if changing the sql file name is an option.


Flyway: reusing sql file

I just started looking into Flyway using the command line route, and was wondering if it is possible to reuse the .sql file?
I have a file called V1__Create_user.sql which has
CREATE USER ${user_name} WITH PASSWORD '${pass}';
GRANT readaccess TO ${user_name};
It looks like I can only use this sql file once, that is when I run below command
flyway -placeholders.userName=test_user -placeholders.pass=test migrate
When I run the above command again with different user_name and password for the placeholders, no changes was made.
So, I was wondering if there's a way to reuse that sql file instead of generating new sql files containing the same sql query over and over ?
The way Flyway works is that it runs the scripts you provide it in the order in which you provide it. It puts a marker in the database showing which scripts it has already run. Then, when you rerun it, it will only run the scripts that it has not yet: run V2__Whatever, V2.2__Something, etc..
You can't go back & modify an existing script and expect the tool to pick up that it has changed and then rerun it. Even if that script is using placeholders.
That doesn't include the repeatable scripts (stuff like view definitions) that run every time you deploy using Flyway. If you had to, you could make that a repeatable script and run it that way. BUT, that will work as long as every deployment is incremental, 1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 4. As soon as you need to deploy from version 1 to 4, you can't pass multiple commands in.
Since every instance of SQL in relational data stores I'm aware of is a declarative language, the best way to deal with it, is to use it as such. Yes, that means stuff like CREATE USER is used over & over. However, since each USER created is unique, that's just how it works.

Flyway - Does it keep track of schema and object dependency

I have installed Flyway Software and trying to deploy code. I have a Scenario
I created a file V1_01_CREATE_TABLE.SQL to create a table.
Created a file V1_01_CREATE_PACKAGE.SQL - This package will hold code to insert a row into one of the columns in table created in step 1.
Created a file V1_01_02_ALTER_TABLE.SQL - This SQL will rename the column which was being referred in step2.
This will invalidate the package if I run 1, 2 & 3. How does FLYWAY handle such a situation? Does it understand object dependency?
As explained in the manual, Flyway simply passes your SQL scripts to the database to be executed, and records the success or failure of their execution.
Flyway has no interest or understanding of the content of your scripts. Flyway never looks at the content of those scripts. In that sense, there is no “intelligence” in Flyway.
Flyway is like the postal worker delivering your letters without opening the envelope. You are the author, and you take full responsibility for the logic and correctness of the SQL scripts. You are responsible for following the naming conventions so your scripts run in the correct order.
After initially creating its metadata table, Flyway makes very limited use of JDBC and SQL. Flyway does little more than make a connection to the database server, determine which of the scripts have yet to be run, and say to the database “Here, run this script, and this script, and then run this script.” while recording the success or failure of each run.
You should name your scripts in order they needs to be executed
This will execute scripts in migrated

Any way to "compress" Flyway migrations?

We are using Flyway to migrate the database schema and we already have more than 100 migration scripts.
Once we "squashed" multiple migrations into a single first-version migration, this is ok during development, as we drop and recreate the schema. But in production this wouldn't work, as Flyway won't be able to validate the migrations.
I couldn't find any documentation or best practice of what to do in this case. The problem is that the file quantity increases constantly, I don't want to see thousands of migration files everytime, essentially if production is already in the latest version. I mean, the migration scripts that have a version number that is lower than the version in production are irrelevant to us, it would be awesome if we could squash those files into a single migration.
We are using MySQL.
How should we handle this?
Isn't that what re-baselining would do?
I'm still new to flyway, but this is how I think it would work. Please test the following first before taking my word for it.
Delete the schema_version table.
Delete your migration scripts.
Run flyway baseline
(this recreates the schema_version table and adds a baseline record as version 1)
Now you're good to go. Bear in mind that you will not be able to 'migrate' to any prior version as you've removed all of your migration scripts, but this might not be a problem for you.
Step by step solution:
drop table schema_version;
Export database structure as a script via MySQL Workbench, for example. Name this script V1__Baseline.sql
Delete all migration scripts and add V1__Baseline.sql to your scripts folder, so it is the only script available for Flyway
Run Flyway's "baseline" command
We do this to allow us to compress scripts for building new DB in dev environments but also run against existing production DB without having to log on and delete the flyway_version_history table, and we can keep the scripts (mainly for reference):
Compress all the scripts to a new script e.g. V1 to V42 into a new scripts V43.
Convert V1 to V42 to text files by putting .txt on the end.
Set the baseline to 43.
Set flyway to ignore missing migrations.
In script V43 use an 'if' block to protect the create/insert statements so that they don't run for the existing production database. We use postgres so it is something like this:
DO $$
flywayVersion INTEGER;
SELECT coalesce(max(installed_rank), 0) INTO flywayVersion FROM flyway_schema_history;
RAISE NOTICE 'flywayVersion = %', flywayVersion;
IF flywayVersion = 0 THEN
RAISE NOTICE 'Creating the DB from scratch';
The flyway command looks something like this:
I haven't tried this, but what if you deleted all the migrations, create a new migration that creates the new starting point as version 1, set it as the baseline version -- and then modify your configuration to use a different table (e.g. flyway_schema_history_2)?
In existing databases, Flyway will see that you have a non-empty schema with no (recognized) flyway table and ignore the baseline migration. In new environments it will run the baseline migration too.
Am I missing anything?
(Of course a separate problem is how to generate the "compressed" migration. If you don't need any seed data you can just do a schema-only backup of your database and use that. If your migrations populate data too you will probably have to work that out manually.)
I think this article answers your question best:
For postgres a reusable script has been created that you could execute every so many months for instance. You can of course adapt the script to MySQL specific things instead of postgres:

Flyway usage: what exactly is the migration concept?

I looked at the Flyway samples and documentation and tried to understand if it is useful in my environment.
The following conceptual detail is unclear to me: How does Flyway manage the changes between database versions? It obviously does NOT compare database life-instances (see answer here:Can Flyway find out and generate migration files from datamodel?)
In detail my setup looks like this:
I create SQL create and insert scripts when coding (automatically and manually). This means every version of my database is represented by a number of insert/create statements.
In my world I execute these scripts through a database tool (sqlplus from Oracle). Each run would setup the database _from_scratch_ (!).
Can I put these very same scripts 1 to 1 inside the "migration" path of Flyway? What happens if the target database is way older than the last "migration step" I did (or flyway did not yet exist when it was installed)?
I got some input from another Flyway user:
It seems like each "migration" (version of the database) has to be hand-written SQL/Java code and contains only "updates" from the previous "migration" of database.
If this is true, I wonder how this can be used with traditional coding technics: in my world SQL statements are generated automatically and contain all database init/create statements, not just "updates" to some previous version. If my SQL code generator could do that, then I wouldn't even need a tool like Flyway :-).
Your question about "how to handle a DB that has a longer history than there are migration scripts?" You need to create a V1_ migration/sql script that matches/recreates your latest DB schema. Something that can take a blank DB to what you have today. Create/generate that sql script using your existing DB tools and then put it in flyways migration directory. (And test V1 by using flyway against a clean DB and see if you get what you expect.)
After that point in time, all later versions must be added in as you work. When you decide you need a new table, in your dev environment, write a new V*_.sql that modifies your schema to the way you need it.
This blog goes over this situation for a Spring/SQL application.

How to get flyway to re-run migration?

We are trying to put migrations as .sql files under version control. Developers would write a VN__*.sql file, commit to version control and a job that runs every 5 minutes would automatically migrate to a Dev and Test database. Once the change proved to not cause problems, someone else would run a manual job to run the migration on Production.
I had a demo migration that created a few tables. I checked V4__DemoTables.sql into version control on my PC.
On our Linux box a job that runs every 5 minutes extracted the new file from version control, then ran the file. It detected the file and executed it.
But the .sql file had a typo. And we are using Neteeza which has problems with flyway automatically wrapping a migration in a BEGIN TRAN ... END TRAN. So the migration created 2 tables, then aborted before the third.
No problem I thought. I dropped the 2 tables that the .sql file did create. Checked V4__ out of version control, fixed the typo and re-submitted it.
Five minutes later the update was extracted but flyway complains that the checksum does not match. So it will NOT run the updated V4__DemoTables.sql file.
How do I get flyway to accept the updated file and update the checksum in the SCHEMA_VERSION file in case of a typo?
Reading the docs it seems like the developers suggest I should have created a new V4_1_DemoTables.sql file with the fix's. But this would have collided with the commands in the V4__ file so this seemed wrong.
So here is what the docs imply I need to do:
Leave V4__ as a 'successful' migration according to the
Create V4_1_ to delete the tables that were created before the typo
line in V4__.
Create V4_2_ which has the typo fix from the original file to do all
the real work.
Is this correct?
If the migration completes successfully, but some of the db objects are not quite right yet (typo in column name, ...), do as you said and push a follow-up script that fixes it (rename column, ...).
If the migration fails, and it didn't run on a DB with DDL transaction, the DB must be cleaned manually. This means:
Reverting the effects of the migration on the DB
Removing the version from the SCHEMA_VERSION table and marking the previous one as current
This second step will be automated in the future with the introduction of the command.
