Understanding Blazor hosting - .net-core

I am referring to Blazor hosted , not server-side !
Can someone please explain me when running browser-hosted Blazor , why do i need to place in the Server.Startup the extension app.UseBlazor<Client.Startup> ?
If the Blazor client is already hosted in a net core project -> Client.Startup why does my Server project need to add this extension ?
Isn't the client supposed to be decoupled from the server?
I am missing something here ? Why does my Server project need to know about the Client since my Client project is already standalone ?
I have added a picture.
So as you can see in my picture , if the server is communicating via http with the client, why do i need to add the extension ?
Blazor is already running in a asp-net-core which is the Client project am i not right?

"Why does my Server project need to know about the Client since my Client project is already standalone ?"
No, yours is not a standalone project. Your project contains two apps. Just read what you wrote yourself. Do try to remove your server project and run the Blazor app. You've got a front-end app (Blazor) running in the Browser. But you need an app to serve the Blazor app: ASP.NET Core app that runs on a server.
"Blazor is already running in a asp-net-core which is the Client project am i not right?"
As far as I know, Blazor is running under mono webassembly.
I would suggest you to read the contents of the UseBlazor method to learn what it does, and why it is needed. And as far as I recall it's Client.Program rather than Client.Startup.


Run Angular and ASP.NET Web API on the same port

I am currently using angular to issue API call to an API server running ASP.NET. However, I have a cross-origin issue as for angular development, I am using localhost. While in the production version they will all run under the same domain using IIS.
Is there a way to run the angular app on the same port with ASP.NET?
P.S.: I am also open for other alternatives on solving this issue.
I've encountered the same problem, then I've found this post on medium, hope this works for you.
Actually the solution that I've used is from that article.
The idea is that you can't "publish" the API and the Angular app on the same port, but you can use a proxy to connect from the Angular app to the API on the other port.
Update: sorry for not answering this long time ago.
To deal with the cors issue (in this case) you can use a proxy with the ng serve command.
For example, in my case I have used a proxy.conf.json file like this:
"/api/*": {
"target": "http://localhost:3000",
"secure": false,
"pathRewrite": {"^/api" : ""}
This code rewrite the url on every request to /api/* to the http://localhost:3000 where your api is listening.
So, to illustrate, if in angular you make a request like http://localhost:4200/api/users it will be redirected/rewrited to http://localhost:3000/api/users solving the cors issue.
Now, the way you have to run your angular application is different.
ng serve --proxy-config proxy.conf.json
I was able to achieve that with IIS successfully! I know the post is old but hopefully, it will save time for solution seekers :)
First (just a reminder) ensure that you have .NET Core Hosting Bundle installed on IIS machine (link could be found here). Bear in mind that it will require at least WinSrvr2012R2 to run.
Now copy published .net core API solution folder to the server. The same for Angular - next reminder here: execute ng build --prod then copy dist folder to the server.
Then configure IIS - create a new web site that points to the Angular app folder. Your Angular app should run at this point (but obviously there is no API yet).
Go to application pools - you will see the pool created for your application. Open basic settings and change CLR version to 'No managed code'.
And finally, click on your Web Site and 'Add application' under it. Point to dotnet core API folder and name it using some short alias. Now you should have a website structure with the application included.
If your angular app URL is:
your API is under:
Final remarks:
Usually, web API using URL structure like
So after bundling it together, it will look like:
With that approach, you should be able to attach multiple web API services under statically served Angular website - each one under its own alias. Potentially it might be useful in many scenarios.

Running ASP.Net server - Must be from visual studio?

I'm pretty new to ASP.Net and I've been having troubles understanding something.
I made a web application project with a web service on my computer.
I made another web application project, who then consumed the WSDL from the web service on the first project and uses a function in it.
I ran each on a different VS2012 Instance and when both projects are running in then there is no problem and it works fine.
When i close the VS Instance with the Web Service project then I get a Coonnection Error which is also logical.
My question:
Is there a way to keep the server running without keeping visual studio open?
There is no ".exe" generated or anything so I don't know what to run in order to keep the "Server" running..
Additional question if you don't mind:
If I want to use this service from another computer on the same Network, will the "localhost:.....?WSDL" service reference still work or do I need another address?
Sorry for my lack of knowledge, I just couldn't find a good guide explaining about how to keep the server running anywhere.
Thank you, Mellor.
Host your web service in localhost
use the computername instead of localhost in WSDL URL when you add services/web reference in cleint applications

Host NetBean html5 app on iis

I download NetBean IDE and did the Getting Started Tutorial
but now I want to host the site on my local IIS and I can't find in Google way of doing it.
Someone know if it possible? and if yes how?
Note: I am coming from the world of ASP.NET and I used to host my web apps on IIS...
If you open Project Properties dialog (right click on the project and select Project Properties) and switch to Run category, there is a field called Web Server. NetBeans uses for HTML5 projects Embedded server by default but if you place your project to some "DocumentRoot" (sorry, don't know the terminology of IIS), then you can switch to External server in the the dialog and provide URL at which your project is available.
Note that NetBeans won't control your IIS, you simply provides URL which should be opened in browser once you run the project (so the server must be already running and your project must be in the document root)

ASP.Net SignalR: (404 Not found) when accessed from different application

I have created a simple chat application following the Getting Started With SignalR URL. When I run and test the program it is working wonderfully fine.
I tried to create a simple client out of this application with a simple HTML and required SignalR.JS package installed as instructed in the second part of Self Hosting SignalR the article where a html and set of JS files try to access the chat application hosted in IIS (one developed following the Getting Started URL.
I am getting the signalr/hubs 404 Not Found error when firebug is used to trace and is not working. Can someone please help me understand what change we need to do to get the chat server working from the JavaScript (and any other) client application.
My chat server is hosted in my IIS as srserver (virtual directory) and the client again is hosted in IIS as srclient (virtual directory) . It is not Cross domain but still not able to get this working.
I had similar problem , that i was missing in the auto generated hubs js (visual studio generates it automatically but when in production environment i had to place it there)
you can generate it using the following command, and than place in the production environment :
signalr ghp /path:[path to the .dll that contains your Hub class]
follow the full instrutinos here

Switch from consumer application to WCF (servicestack) by debugging in Visual Studio

I am developing one product and there are 4 separate projects, in that I have developed one EXE project and WCF and I have done switching in debugging mode by attaching WCF project in process of debugging client of EXE and it has worked.
But when I transfer my WCF to servicestack then I could not able switch between them.
I am running my EXE project and and attached my WCF(servicestack) project to process
JsonServiceClient client = new JsonServiceClient("MYServiceURL");
RESTWCF.ServiceModel.Perfmon objBalPerformanceDataProperties = MakeObjectForServiceStackToInsertData();
var res = client.Post<RESTWCF.ServiceModel.Perfmon>("/perfmon", objBalPerformanceDataProperties);
When I click F11 on client.post I could not able to switch in WCF project, I think you can make sense of my problem.
Give me some solution of this problem so I can debug my code of WCF project (to find error :) in that)
You can only debug one host project at a time.
If you want to test the server set the ServiceStack project to be Start-up Host and press F5 to start debugging the ServiceStack host. Put a break-point at the start of the service you want to hit.
You can then just Run (i.e. without debugging) the client application which if everything is configured correctly, it should hit your breakpoint.
To make sure you're debugging the service correctly, instead of running the client first try calling the web service via a url, e.g:
If it hits the break-point you set, then all is well and you can run the client application as mentioned above.
Also it's a good idea to include ServiceStack's debbuging symbols, i.e. it's *.pdb files in the same folder as it's *.dll's - as it helps with debugging.
Note: WCF has nothing to do with ServiceStack - In a lot of cases that's considered an insult :-)
