Suppose the following BQ-query:
SELECT CONCAT(CAST(fullVisitorId AS String), CAST(visitId AS STRING)) AS CustVisitId, hits.hitnumber AS HitNr, hits.transaction.transactionRevenue/1000000 AS Rev
`[projectid].[dataset].ga_sessions_*` AS t, t.hits AS hits
_TABLE_SUFFIX BETWEEN '20190120' AND '20190120'
WHERE CustVisitId = '49889154628941922861547956449'
This produces a table like this:
CustVisitId HitNr Rev
123456789 1
123456789 2
123456789 3
123456789 4 8
123456789 5
123456789 6
123456789 7
123456789 8
123456789 9 40
123456789 10
Now, I'd like to add a column ('New' in example below) to identify all hits preceding (and including) a transaction, like this:
CustVisitId HitNr Rev New
123456789 1 1
123456789 2 1
123456789 3 1
123456789 4 8 1
123456789 5 2
123456789 6 2
123456789 7 2
123456789 8 2
123456789 9 40 2
123456789 10 3
Does anyone know how to adjust the query so that the required table is produced?
Below is for BigQuery Standard SQL
SELECT CONCAT(CAST(fullVisitorId AS STRING), CAST(visitId AS STRING)) AS CustVisitId, hits.hitnumber AS HitNr, hits.transaction.transactionRevenue/1000000 AS Rev
`[projectid].[dataset].ga_sessions_*` AS t, t.hits AS hits
_TABLE_SUFFIX BETWEEN '20190120' AND '20190120'
WHERE CustVisitId = '49889154628941922861547956449'
As you can see I left your query unchanged and just added one line for New
In PL SQL is there a way to produce the Order Count per customer as follows... Thanks for your help.
Cust Order# Order Count
ABC1 011 1
ABC1 052 2
ABC1 199 3
BBA1 150 1
BBA1 158 2
If I understood you correctly, a little bit of analytics might do the job. Here's an example:
SQL> with test (cust, order#) as
2 (select 'ABC1', '011' from dual union all
3 select 'ABC1', '052' from dual union all
4 select 'ABC1', '199' from dual union all
5 select 'BBA1', '150' from dual union all
6 select 'BBA1', '158' from dual
7 )
8 select cust, order#,
9 row_number() over (partition by cust order by order#) order_count
10 from test;
---- --- -----------
ABC1 011 1
ABC1 052 2
ABC1 199 3
BBA1 150 1
BBA1 158 2
sounds like you want a GROUP BY such as
select cust, SUM(order_count)
from MyTable
group by cust;
which should yield
cust SUM
ABC1 6
BBA1 3
I am new to PL/SQL
I have a code like this
SELECT f.code,,f.amt, row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY f.code ORDER BY DESC) ranki
FROM advance.alloc f
and shows
122 12/31/2016 3 1
122 12/31/2015 7 2
122 12/31/2014 3 3
123 6/30/2015 3 1
125 6/30/2015 2 1
125 12/31/2014 8 2
Logic is this
if DATE = 12/__/__ AND ranki = 1 THEN ranki 1, so 122 picks 12/31/2016 3
if DATE = 6/30/__ AND ranki = 1 AND if ranki = 2 exists THEN then pick the second one,so 125 picks 12/31/2014 8
if 6/30__ and ranki is ONLY 1 shows Blank on date LIKE 123
so I would like to show
122 12/31/2016 3
123 __________ 3
125 12/31/2014 8
How can I code like this PL/SQL?
WHEN to_char(,'MM') = 12 AND af.ranki = 1 THEN END
I could code first logic, but I can not figure out how to code the rest of the logic
Why in PL/SQL? Or do you mean "in Oracle SQL"? (The solution below uses standard analytic functions, so it is not specific to Oracle.)
Add more information through analytic functions, in addition to ranki. Extract the month from the row with ranki = 1, and also the total count for each code. Then the WHERE clause can follow your logic step by step.
f ( code, dt, amount ) as (
select 122, to_date('12/31/2016', 'mm/dd/yyyy'), 3 from dual union all
select 122, to_date('12/31/2015', 'mm/dd/yyyy'), 7 from dual union all
select 122, to_date('12/31/2014', 'mm/dd/yyyy'), 3 from dual union all
select 123, to_date( '6/30/2015', 'mm/dd/yyyy'), 3 from dual union all
select 125, to_date( '6/30/2015', 'mm/dd/yyyy'), 2 from dual union all
select 125, to_date('12/31/2014', 'mm/dd/yyyy'), 8 from dual
-- End of simulated data (for testing purposes only, not part of the solution).
-- SQL query begins BELOW THIS LINE.
select code, case when mth = 12 or ranki = 2 then dt end as dt, amount
from ( select code, dt, amount,
first_value(extract (month from dt))
over (partition by code order by dt desc) as mth,
row_number() over (partition by code order by dt desc) as ranki,
count(*) over (partition by code) as cnt
from f
where mth = 12 and ranki = 1
or cnt = 1
or mth = 6 and ranki = 2
---- ---------- ------
122 12/31/2016 3
123 3
125 12/31/2014 8
I want to group by lead function by two column. Here is my table data.
Id Name_Id Name Item_Id Item_Name date
1 1 Car 1 SUV 1-Jan-2015
2 1 Car 1 SUV 12-March-2015
3 1 Car 1 SUV 20-April-2015
4 1 Car 2 Sport 23-April-2015
5 2 Bike 1 SUV 18-July-2015
6 2 Bike 1 SUV 20-Aug-2015
7 2 Bike 2 Sport 18-Sept-2015
8 2 Bike 3 Honda 20-OCT-2015
And I need result from above table like.
Id Name_Id Name Item_Id Item_Name start date end date
1 1 Car 1 SUV 1-Jan-2015 20-April-2015
2 1 Car 2 Sport 20-April-2015 23-April-2015
3 2 Bike 1 SUV 18-July-2015 20-Aug-2015
4 2 Bike 2 Sport 20-Aug-2015 18-Sept-2015
5 2 Bike 3 Honda 18-Sept-2015 20-OCT-2015
Any suggestion really appreciated.
I don't think you need to use LEAD here. The CTE below computes, for each Item_Id, the earliest and latest date. This is then joined to your original table to restrict to records corresponding to the earliest Item_Id. At the same time, the end date is also pulled in during the join.
WITH cte AS (
MIN(date) AS start_date,
MAX(date) AS end_date
FROM yourTable
GROUP BY Name, Item_Id
SELECT t1.Id, t1.Name_Id, t1.Name, t1.Item_Id, t1.Item_Name,
FROM yourTable t1
ON t1.Item_Id = t2.Item_Id AND
t1.Name = t2.Name AND = t2.start_date
This has been touched on before on this website. I want distinct on group but I also want to get the other fields too. what I need is the lowest id of each group, but instead I get the highest. I've tried variod SQL queries and the nearest 2 that work are
select *
from reminder
group by Eventgroup
order by autoid
SELECT distinct Autoid,EventDate,Subject,birthdate,Eventgroup
from reminder
group by Eventgroup
order by autoid
EventDate Subject birthdate Eventgroup autoid
09/10/2017 Joes Birthday 09/10/1995 4 9
13/07/2017 Bill Birthday 13/07/1999 2 8
04/04/2017 Tony Birthday 04/04/1993 3 7
09/10/2016 Joes Birthday 09/10/1995 4 6
13/07/2016 Bill Birthday 13/07/1999 2 5
04/04/2016 Tony Birthday 04/04/1993 3 4
09/10/2015 Joes Birthday 09/10/1995 4 3
13/07/2015 Bill Birthday 13/07/1999 2 2
04/04/2015 Tony Birthday 04/04/1993 3 1
both of these queries return
09/10/2017 Joes Birthday 09/10/1995 4 9
13/07/2017 Bill Birthday 13/07/1999 2 8
04/04/2017 Tony Birthday 04/04/1993 3 7
what I want is the earliets dates such as
09/10/2015 Joes Birthday 09/10/1995 4 3
13/07/2015 Bill Birthday 13/07/1999 2 2
04/04/2015 Tony Birthday 04/04/1993 3 1
Join the table with a subquery that finds the earliest date for each event group.
FROM reminders a
JOIN (SELECT eventgroup, MIN(eventdate) mindate
FROM reminders
GROUP BY eventgroup) b
ON a.eventgroup = b.eventgroup AND a.eventdate = b.mindate
This is the same structure as the second query in this answer in the duplicate question.
The table is
I need to get the last two event associates for each event
event_id event_date event_associate
1 2/14/2014 ben
1 2/15/2014 ben
1 2/16/2014 steve
1 2/17/2014 steve // this associate is the last but one for event 1
1 2/18/2014 paul // this associate is the last for event 1
2 2/19/2014 paul
2 2/20/2014 paul // this associate is the last but one for event 2
2 2/21/2014 ben // this associate is the last for event 2
3 2/22/2014 paul
3 2/23/2014 paul
3 2/24/2014 ben
3 2/25/2014 steve // this associate is the last but one for event 3
3 2/26/2014 ben // this associate is the last for event 3
I need to find out who was the last but one event_associate for each event . The result should be
event_id event_associate rn
1 steve 2
1 paul 1
2 paul 2
2 ben 1
3 steve 2
3 ben 1
I tried
SELECT t.* , ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY event_associate ORDER BY event_date DESC) rn
FROM mytable t
QUALIFY rn < 3
"for each event" -> PARTITION BY event_id
"last but one" -> ORDER BY event_date DESC
you have to count the number of row in your data base and then use this query
sql=sql+" LIMIT "+NumberOfRowsToShowInTables+" OFFSET "+(countrow- NumberOfRowsToShowInTables);
where countrow is he number of row in your database
NumberOfRowsToShowInTables equal 2 as you mentioned
sql is your normal query without limitation