Difference between using "gr()" via Plots and installing GR.jl package - julia

I have installed the Plots.jl package and using "gr()" command.
Then, I have come across GR.jl on https://gr-framework.org/julia.html
I am confused what is the difference between the two.
Could someone please cast insight into this?

GR.jl is a plotting package in Julia, actually a Julia wrapper to the whole GR framework, a really fast and powerful plotting framework with front- and backend capabilities. It is entirely useful and usable on it's own.
Plots.jl is meta-plotting package in Julia, which aims to provide a convenient terse syntax for creating plots with a number of different plotting packages. Plots thus does not do any plotting itself - it takes your input commands and translates them to calls to other plotting packages, called "backends". This is currently implemented for 5 different packages: PyPlot, GR, Plotly, PGFPlots and InspectDR. GR is by far the most widely used backend though (and currently the default).
A goal of Plots is to allow package owners to define "recipes", which are descriptions of how to plot a custom type (such as a Shapefile, a Phylogeny, a Cluster object etc), but without depending on Plots. This makes it possible to plot types with recipes defined with Plots, but without interfering with any other plotting packages.
So, though GR is usable on it's own, many users find that the higher-level syntax for Plots is nicer in everyday use, and enjoy the extra usefulness of recipes.


Eliminating the need for packages in base R?

I know one of the reasons R is so popular is because of its amazing packages. But for data security reasons, I can't install packages on my work computer. So, it got me thinking if I could still make R do what I would typically make it do using packages with just base R, since packages are, after all, a compiled list of functions. I am wondering if it is possible run regression models and make charts in base R (without using, say ggplot2, caret, etc.). Is it possible to copy the functions in these packages into base R to get the same functionality out of base R as one would if they were using the packages? Is the list of functions that are published as part of these packages available somewhere publicly by chance?
I am wondering if it is possible run regression models and make charts in base R (without using, say ggplot2, caret, etc.).
Yes, before ggplot2 was invented, R was genereally praised for publication ready graphics. R comes with great plotting capabilities without ggplot2 even though the latter is definitively an improvement.
Obviously, people used R for regression decades before caret was invented. A base R installation comes with a solid set of linear and nonlinear regression methods but obviously, all those packages (well, most of them) have a reason to exist. It will mainly depend on what you plan to do use. Many things are implemented in a base installation, many are not.
You can find lists of packages included with all binary distributions of R here: https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-release/R-FAQ.html#Add_002don-packages-in-R
You will find, that that not only includes the stats package but lots of useful modelling packages like MASS, splines, boot, mgcv, nlme, cluster, rpart, spatial and survival, so a large number of even specialized models is at hand without additional downloading of packages.
Is it possible to copy the functions in these packages into base R to get the same functionality out of base R as one would if they were using the packages?
Many packages contain just plain R code, others will contain code in other languages, mostly C and C++, which will need a compiler to be translated on your system. However, where the use of foreign code / packages is considered a security breach, you should refrain from that and talk to your employer.
If it is not considered a problem but they do not want to make exceptions for you and your installation -- I was in the same place for quite some time and I just ran R from a USB stick. If that is allowed and feasible on your system, you can download packages to that USB stick installation.

R programming spectrum analysis

hello am new to R programming in r studio . I will be analyzing the spectral data of raman spectrum in future.
which package will be useful to for the spectral data analysis.I would like to learn that package. I have attached the image how I want to analyze. Please give me suggestions, how to plot the graph as shown in the fig in r studio
thanks in advance
There is a free package called hyperSpec that was specifically designed to handle spectral data together with associated extra data (e.g. experimental parameters etc.). The package also provides interface for common operations, like baseline correction, selection of spectral ranges, normalization, PCA, etc. Moreover, there is a host of plotting functions.
You can install it from CRAN with install.packages("hyperSpec"), however, as of today the CRAN version is outdated. I would recommend you to fetch the recent build from gitHub and install it via Rstudio (look for packages->install->from package archive file).
hyperSpec comes with an extensive documentation and example datasets. To browse through tutorials, run
Plotting is as easy as
plot(chondro) # left plot
qplotspc(chondro) + ggtitle("Example dataset") # right plot
To import your own data, look for functions inside of hyperSpec, whose name starts with read. Just start typing hyperSpec::read and a pop-up will appear. A lot of device-specific data formats are supported. See vignette("fileio") for details.

Using Protovis with R

As question, I have satisfied with what R and ggplot2 can do for static graph, but what about interactive graphs? How combine R and Protovis to make the graphs?
There is somethings called rwebvis but seems it is no longer active.
Any suggestion? Thanks.
Well, first you need a web server. Ooh, R has one of those now. Then you need some way of generating output on the web from R code - ooh, R has one of those too:
So you can then write R server pages that return JSON-encoded data that you can feed to Protovis - or if you want to get right up to date, to D3, which is Protovis++ and made of win.
Iplots is a fairly useful package that allows interactive graphing ( by this I mean selection linking between graphs, color linking, etc). It has some limitations and is not really made for producing plots as much as exploring data trends.
Acinonyx also was recently updated which is supposed to be an updated version of iplots, but from what I can tell it still has some work to do.
Not familiar with protovis or rwebvis.
There is a package from google called googlevis that enables some interactivity. This produces plots that are embeddable online. If you like protovis, the same author has another library called D3.
For running R on a webserver, I have been experimenting with RApache, which enables you to link your R installation to an apache server.
If the interactivity does not to be online, RStudio have a package called manipulate which may also be of interest.

R bindings for Mapnik?

I frequently find myself doing some analysis in R and then wanting to make a quick map. The standard plot() function does a reasonable job of quick, but I quickly find that I need to go to ggplot2 when I want to make something that looks nice or has more complex symbology requirements. Ggplot2 is great, but is sometimes cumbersome to convert a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame into the format required by Ggplot2. Ggplot2 can also be a tad slow when dealing with large maps that require specific projections.
It seems like I should be able to use Mapnik to plot spatial objects directly from R, but after exhausting my Google-fu, I cannot find any evidence of bindings. Rather than assume that such a thing doesn't exist, I thought I'd check here to see if anyone knows of an R - Mapnik binding.
The Mapnik FAQ explicitly mentions Python bindings -- as does the wiki -- with no mention of R, so I think you are correct that no (Mapnik-sponsored, at least) R bindings currently exist for Mapnik.
You might get a more satisfying (or at least more detailed) answer by asking on the Mapnik users list. They will know for certain if any projects exist to make R bindings for Mapnik, and if not, your interest may incite someone to investigate the possibility of generating bindings for R.
I would write the SpatialWotsitDataFrames to Shapefiles and then launch a Python Mapnik script. You could even use R to generate the Python script (package 'brew' is handy for making files from templates and inserting values form R).

Are there any R Packages for Graphs (shortest path, etc.)?

I know that R is statistical pkg, but probably there is library to work with graphs and find shortest path btw 2 nodes.
PS actually, I've found igraph and e1071, which one is better?
Thank you
Sure, there's a Task View that gathers a fair number of the graph-related Packages. (The page linked to is a CRAN portal, which uses iframes, so i can't directly link to the Graph Task View. So from the page linked to here, click on Task Views near the top of the LHS column, then click on the Task View gR, near the bottom of the list.
Among the Packages there, igraph, for instance, has graph-theoretic functions such as you have mentioned in your Q.
igraph versus e1071--well, igraph is coded in C; it's very fast. I have not compared it with e1071 though.
What i do know is that these two packages differ a great deal in scope: e1071 is a collection of functions (at least originally) for a University course (i believe the unusual name 'e1071' refers to the course identifier), while. e1071 indeed contains a graph theoretic functions, but the majority of the Package's functions are directed to machine learning.
iGraph on the other hand is a dedicated graph theoretic Package. iGraph has many more dedicated functions, as well as constructors for a number of common graph types.
