Wordpress changing page adress - wordpress

For some reason 1 page has different URL than all the others.
Its domain.com/en/page-name whereas WordPress shows it should be domain.com/page-name, this leads to that page being unreachable since its supposed to be domain.com/page-name.
Is there a way to change the address, where that page is located without having access to file server?
I only have access to WordPress website admin itself.
This happened after changing my site address from domain.com/en to domain.com and only that 1 page didn't change.

Kindly go to the settings and try changing the Permalink settings.


WordPress site not working on main domain

I've uploaded the WordPress website on a server. and if try to access the site using the main domain it shows the screen shown below. and if I update the site URL in the database with a subdomain and use subdomain then the site's homepage opens but cant switch to any other page.
First make sure that the dns are correctly propagated, especially the nameservers.
Try to change permalink settings and flush cache on your browser.

Can't Access Wordress homepage after changing local URL

i recently started developing a site for my local business and it doesnt have to have a hosting and a domain. I will use this site to show my clients what they're getting and giving them choices.
Fast forward yesterday, i changed the siteurl and homepage url in phpmyadmin to make the site locally accessible, and i was accessing it though. Today my ip was changed and i changed the ip adress through phpmyadmin. Now i can access all of my pages but homepage. I can access admin panel, access categories page and all other things. But when i try to open homepage it redirects me to the old URL, what should i do?
I am using Astra theme with Elementor, Woocommercial, Cartflows etc.
you can go to phpmyadmin from your host.
go to "options" table. change the "siteurl" to thing you want.
but if it is true, you can do a test.
creat a new page for your home page and set that for homepage from general-option -> reading .
test that. It should be work.

IP address showing instead of domain address for my wordpress website

I have a domain name from NameCheap, and I am hosting a WP site on Amazon Web Services EC2. I have already changed the A record to so the site pulls up anytime i go to myDomainName.com. Everything works fine until I hit the home bottom on the website. At that point the IP comes up in in the address bar. Any pages i access after that will have the IPaddress/page.
I know I may need to change something in the wp-config.php, but I don't think I have this file on my computer (I used AWS to launch WP, and I don't think I have download anything about WP except some plugins). My website address change option in setting-general on WP is also greyed out so I cannot change it. Anyone has any idea how I could make my domain name display?
Any help is appreciated. Thank you so much!!
have you tried changing your home and site url in wp-admin? If you go to wp-admin/options.php you can change the home and site url fields to your domain name. You can also do it through phpAdmin or editing the DB directly (wp-options table).

IP Address showing instead of Domain name on my Wordpress site

I am having an issue where I have a Domain name from Go Daddy, and I am hosting a WP site on Amazon Web Services EC2. I have already changed the A record to so the site pulls up anytime i go to www.bemoremarketing.com. Everything works fine until I hit the home bottom on the website. At that point the IP comes up in in the address bar. Any pages i access after that will have the IPaddress/page
From what I have gathered, I may need to change something in the wp-config.php, but I am unable to find where this is. Any help is appreciated.
You need to change the Site URL.
You can do this through the Wordpress Settings at Settings > General > Wordpress Address/Site Address, or in the wp-config.php file
define( 'WP_SITEURL', 'http://example.com/wordpress' );
For more details see https://codex.wordpress.org/Changing_The_Site_URL.
Go to settings of wordpress. Then, change the URL as given below.
I do not know if this is still of interest but make sure you have all your pages linking to the actual www.yoursite.com
Also, make sure that your HOME link on the menu links to the www.yoursite.com instead of IP.
Changes made in the WP Settings > General are also needed.
I have fixed the same issue. My domain name is purchased from GoDaddy too. I use a raspberry pi and wordpress to build a website.
For GoDaddy.com, following this explain,
Use Forwarding with masking in your DNS management.
After changing wait for a while.
Go to your website by searching your domain name and it won't change to IP address on the address bar.
I didn't modify WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL)

Wordpress redirect

I have a wordpress installation on a wp folder.
I need my clients write
in the browser, and the page
to be displayed, preserving the www.example.com address, not showing the www.example.com/wp/about/ address.
Which are the proper way to do this?.
You can assign it by go to setting -> Reading and choose the page you want to display at Front page displays. You can choose either page or posts.
Just update WordPress.
This bug is not present in current versions...
