Removing google analytics from a google site copy - google-analytics

We have a live google classics site that is currently tracked in google analytics. Because there is still work to be done, the team created a copy of our site for internal use, and it seems to be separate from the live site. The copied site isn't just a copied page or template. It's its own entity.
The problem is that Google Analytics combines both sites' data, so the overview data is not representative of the actual usage. I have 2 assumptions.
When the copy was made, it copied all settings including enabling analytics and the Analytics Web Property ID.
Or, someone enabled Analytics for the copy and added the same Analytics Web Property ID
All of this happened before my time, and since I am not an owner, I can't see the settings in 'Manage Site'. To my knowledge though, all the owner has to do is go to Settings -> Manage Site -> Statistics -> No Analytics for the copy site only. My fear is that in doing so, it affects the live copy as well and we disable the Analytics. But that wouldn't make sense considering they are 2 separate sites.
A side question is, when we disable Analytics, does the data already collected disappear, or if we reenable with the same tracking, then the data comes back?
So my question is, how do we get Analytics to stop combining the 2 sites' data? (Disable Analytics and remove the Analytics Web Property ID of the copy?)
Thank you so much!

If you look at the analytics data, you can probably filter it by "hostname".
What you would do in this case, you'd create a exclude filter, put in the hostname of the domain that you don't want and the view will prevent data coming in if it has that hostname.
The data won't disappear for the past and will reappear if you remove the filter, but the data for during the time when the filter is active won't be there. Essentially the data won't be collected.


Cannot get Google Analytics (GA4) Realtime to Work

Hello Community!
A friend hired me for SEO implementation and a re-design for his website ( Among these implementations comes the integration for Google Analytics, GA4.
For Context:
The site has been mounted on Wordpress and previously he had used Google Ads for his website, that's why he inserted a Global Site Tag and a Remarketing Tag with a snippet plugin to add these.
The issue is:
I've created a property for this website within Google Analytics and created a standard Data Stream as I've always done for any other web, copied the Global Site Tag and placed it in the head tag of the website as usual. The problem is, after a while, I'm still not able to view any realtime users even if I'm navigating in it and blocking my ID is not a setting so I should appear. (I'm not using any ad-blocker of any sort which could interfere with the script)
I've tried other options to mounting the GA tag such as through Google Tag Manager and still the same result. Also through the Jetpack pluggin for wordpress which only asks for the Measurement ID and still the same result...
Could there be a problem with the GA Tag and the Global Site Tag from Google Ads?
By the way, the google ads account is of my client, my plan as it has worked before is to set up the property of Analytics and then transfer it later on (we have that trust) but I don't know why this simple task is having such a persistent issue.
Thanks in advance for any advice, really appreciate it!!

Google Analytics: share data between multiple accounts?

currently we have a company blog that runs via Also we have our corporate site ( that is our "selling" site. The blog is about tutorials, open source stuff, totally non profit.
We want to examine if the blog has value to our business. Branding and so on... Will customers visit our blog, are users from our blog more likely to buy sth and so on.
Both Domains are within the same Google Analytics Account but as separate properties. Is it somehow possible?
I dont want to use something with Referal as solution since it just might be that someone visits our blog and returns after some week via an ad.
You cant analyse Google Analytics data across properties or accounts. Data can only be analyzed within the same property.
This is why its best not to split data between properties but to store everything in the same property when its the same web account. At the very least having one default property with all of the data can also be useful.

Google analytic history after website update

We just updated our website to the most recent WordPress version and switched hosting companies. Sometime during or after the switch over, our Google Analytics plugin was deactivated. I have since re-activated it but we are unable to see the history of the analytics prior to the switch over. Is there a way to get that history back?
In general, there is no way to get hold of Google Analytics data that you didn't track at the time. There is also no way to transfer data from one account, property or view to another.
If you had Google Analytics enabled on your site before, then the data that it gathered at that point will still be kept, so long as you remember the log-in details from the time and haven't deleted the account, removed yourself from it, or similar.
However there's no way to migrate it from an old Google Analytics account to a new one, so if the problem here is that you're not seeing your old data on the new account, then this is caused by the fact that the two trackers had different unique IDs, and there's no way to rectify this.

How to track single folder traffic in Google analytics?

I have forum directory on my website. That sub directory is located on I was wondering that how can I track forum traffic only as a separate property in Google Analytics without filtering it from the whole traffic of the website. So I can show the trends of forum to Moderators or Editors.
I don't recommend using a property to break out traffic on the same domain. It's better to use a new view with a filter. Be sure to keep a view that is unfiltered.
If you do decide to use a separate property, you will need to modify the code in all the page templates used in the /forum path to use a different UA tracking ID.
You can add a 2nd tracker for just the forum.
As per Google:
"In some cases you might want to send data to multiple web properties from a single page. This is useful for sites that have multiple owners overseeing sections of a site; each owner could view their own web property."
This exactly fits your scenario

Google Analytics - only track traffic to a folder of the site

I want to track traffic for and careless about traffic on in general.
Is it ok to place the GA tracking code in the files inside the /current-campaign/ folder or does it HAVE TO be in the root of the server for tracking to work?
GA will only track on the pages you actually put the tracking code on, regardless of where the page is located (unless you start messing with things like domain settings or filters etc..).
So IOW yes, it is okay to do that. If you don't have tracking code on then it's not gonna track that page (though it might show up as the URL in some reports like referring URL or exit link or whatever, same as any other page you don't track)
In Google Analytics, you can add a filter to the profile and filter all but the chosen directories. Go to Analytics Settings > Profile Settings and look for "Add Filter" link.
In addition to Crayon's answer, you can limit tracking to a subdirectory by using _setCookiePath() function in your tracking function. See Analytics documentation on single subdirectory (note the link anchor is not resolved to a correct header, at least for me).
This is advised in the documentation to use when you only want to track a subdirectory and avoid clashes with Analytics trackers possibly in use in other subdirectories.
I work for a department in a large university.
The department's web page resides at
I only have FTP access to the sub-folder /department-name/ and nothing else on the site.
It was quite easy to get Google Analytics to track traffic within the subfolder /department-name/, ignoring the rest of the site. All I did was create a profile in GA, setting the default url to I then pasted the tracking code into the pages I wished to track.
It took about eight hours for anything to show up in GA, but after that it worked just fine.
