DO Spaces [or S3] + Nginx with subdomain - nginx

All, i'm running into issues proxying a subdomain to a DO space (suspect that AWS/S3 would act the same way); in this case, trying to serve logos off the bucket, with the requested url being Nginx should proxy_pass this to (and it will always be .png).
NGINX setup is currently:
location / {
set $bucket ""
proxy_pass https://$bucket/logos$request_uri.png;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
... other proxy_set/hide settings ...
Above is simplest version of many rewrite/return/regex location attempts, but nothing works. In the example above (using chrome), a redirect to occurs, which is missing /logos in the path. Moreover, I don't want chrome to redirect at all - it's more convenient for the user to see the original request from (if that's possible).
Was anyone able to execute on a similar setup?


phpMyAdmin inside docker container via nginx reverse proxy

I installed phpMyAdmin docker image and run it with
# docker run --name phpmyadmin -d --link mariadb:db -p 8081:80 -e PMA_ABSOLUTE_URI=http://servm3/pma --restart unless-stopped phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin
Accessing http://servm3:8081 works fine. The variable PMA_ABSOLUTE_URI is for reverse proxies as seen on the docker page.
Then I set up nginx (locally installed, not inside docker) to act as a reverse proxy (working for several other apps like guacamole).
Inside my nginx.conf I have:
location /pma/ {
proxy_pass http://localhost:8081/;
proxy_buffering off;
Accessing http://servm3/pma shows the favicon on the browser tab but instead of the login page only a blank page is shown. Removing the preceding "/" and restarting nginx only gives a 404.
# docker logs phpmyadmin
shows nothing except from the php and nginx service start info, nothing related to phpmyadmin.
Local nginx access log shows several 304 and 404 codes and some 200, error log is not present. Detailled log can be found here on pastebin.
I hope somebody will be able to tell me how to make nginx work as a reverse proxy for the phpMyAdmin docker container.
If some important information is missing please let me know.
Be sure to include the rewrite:
location ~ \/pma {
rewrite ^/pma(/.*)$ $1 break;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_pass http://localhost:8081;
You'll also want to set the PMA_ABSOLUTE_URI environment variable in your docker-compose.yml:
Provided you're running 4.6.5 or later of the docker phpmyadmin you should be set. To update you can docker pull to pull down the latest. i.e.
docker pull phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin
Just remove the ending backslash of /pma/:
location /pma {
proxy_pass http://localhost:8081/;
proxy_buffering off;
With it the browser treats it as a directory and request for assets accordingly, which is unexpected for PMA.
Don't need rewrite.
location ^~ /pma/ {
proxy_pass http://pma-container/;
absolute_redirect off;
Notice: keep trailing slash on location, proxy_pass, PMA_ABSOLUTE_URI
There's not a lot that can be done. Problem is that phpmyadmin is serving its pages from localhost, and even if nginx translates accesses from http://servm3/pma to http://localhost, all links in HTML content ignore the lattest and, even if they're relative, they don't take into account the /pma part. So, all those 404 errors you're seeing are from resources that, inside HTML, are referenced as relative links like styles.css, that when referenced/clicked become http://servm3/styles.css, that doesn't exist in the server.
Unfortunately reverse proxies work at the header level so, even if they are able to change headers like Location on the fly, they leave HTML content untouched, and hence the problems. There're workarounds involving changing HTML code on the fly, but they're not easy, are unreliable at most and they hinder performance considerably, so the only practical solution is that websites explicitly support some kind of base path setting. In this case, the solution would be that phpmyadmin Docker image allowed setting the base path using an environment variable in docker-compose.yaml, instead of defaulting to root.
Another workaround in the mean time would be not using a relative path, but a subdomain. If you're in control of DNS settings for servm3, you could use something like phpmyadmin.servm3, and proxy_pass without problems.
If you have a docker setup that will have many different domains but one database(like a multistore magento shop, or a multi domain wordpress) it might be undesireable to forward all the traffic to one single domain. Or even having to hardcode it in the ENV variable.
It's easier to portforward based on subdomain.
In your nginx config define a map, listing your port numbers
map $subdomain $port_number {
default "013";
phpmyadmin "014";
mailhog "017";
This will make it so that when the variable $subdomain matches any entry in the map below, the variable $port_number will be set to the corresponding value. In my example is default "013" if nothing is matched.
Then add the following directive to your server directive.
server_name server_name ~^(?:(?<subdomain>[^.]+)\.|)(?<base_domain>.+\.localhost)$;
These regexes set 2 variables $subdomain and base_domain
If the request is
$subdomain will have example
$base_domain will have com.localhost
$port_number will have 013
If the request is
$subdomain will have phpmyadmin
$base_domain will have
$port_number will have 014
[Optional] If you need the actual domain in a variable you could use an if statement like this:
set $lookup_domain $host;
if ($port_number != "013") {
set $lookup_domain $base_domain;
and $lookup_domain will contain the actual domain you're interested in.
You can then use a proxy pass like this:
location / {
proxy_pass http://docker-host:${backend}${port_number};
proxy_pass_header Content-Type;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; # allow websockets
proxy_pass_header Connection;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
Where the $backend variable contains in my case the base port range for my webapp set.
So the proxy url becomes someting like http://docker-host:20013 depending on the app. Feel free to skip that and set the ports to actual ports or whatever, or to modify it to follow any other logic.
don't know if you're still looking for an answer.
just follow this answer from Joshua Ostrom.
The problem is I dont know why it doesn't behave like it should but, you need to add index.php at the end like
I had the same issue

Set up a Ghost blog at /blog on Meteor

I am not sure if this is possible but there is a way to host a Ghost blog at a subfolder instead of a subdomain
I have set up everything on that end the way it says and now the only thing that is needed is to exclude /blog from the FlowRouter.notFound function. is there a way to do that or set up the route to listen to nginx?
Here's the nginx config
server {
listen 80;
server_name localhost;
location ^~ /blog {
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_set_header X-NginX-Proxy true;
proxy_redirect off;
here's ghost config
config = {
// ### Production
// When running Ghost in the wild, use the production environment.
// Configure your URL and mail settings here
production: {
url: '',
//everything else
There are two separate issues here.
Setting up Ghost to be served a subdirectory through Nginx. The tutorial you linked to covers exactly that.
Integrating the blog with a second site based on Meteor.
It's not clear if you've completed the first step or not, so let's make sure that's taken care of first:
# Make sure your config.js for Ghost includes /blog in the url key in the development section: ''
# Start Ghost in in the development enviroment: NODE_ENV=development node index.js
# Check that something is actually running on port 2368: sudo netstat -plnt | grep ':2368'
# Go here in your browser, you should see your Ghost blog and be able to browse it:
If you have gotten that far, your Ghost blog is working and you are ready to access it through Nginx on port 80. To simplify the problem for this step, move any Meteor code out of the way temporarily so this can be verified.
Your Nginx configuration looks good. Just reload Nginx once more for
good measure, and then check this URL in your browser now:
Now you should see your Ghost blog again, but now accessed through Nginx and proxied to the other port.
Once you've confirmed that step is working, add put the Meteor frontend code back in place. From the perspective of any frontend code, /blog is just like any URL handled by the web server.
If you go to /blog and see a NotFound page served by Meteor, that means that the client-side Meteor framework must have loaded from /somewhere/, presumably /index.html. In this case, there's a problem with the Nginx configuration. Perhaps there is more to it whant you have posted?

NGINX not responding

I have three sites configured on my server using NGINX and the first two are working fine. One is a static site and one is running Rails (using Unicorn). I have attempted to mirror the NGINX/Unicorn configurations.
For the non-working site, I get "problem loading site" in my browser and absolutely nothing in my NGINX error logs (even at debug level) or my Unicorn log. I also get nothing when I attempt to cURL to the site.
I have double checked DNS by pinging domain name and am running out of ideas. I've also tried making this the default server and browsing by IP address.
Thoughts on how I should go about debugging? I would like to at least understand if NGINX is seeing these requests or not.
NGINX configuration:
upstream unicorn-signup {
server unix:/home/signup/app/tmp/sockets/unicorn.sock;
server {
listen 80;
listen [::]:80;
root /home/signup/app/current/public;
# configure for Unicorn (NGINX acts as reverse proxy)
location / {
try_files $uri #unicorn;
location #unicorn {
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded_Proto $scheme;
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_pass http://unicorn-signup;
proxy_read_timeout 300s;
proxy_send_timeout 300s;
Fixed! It was the dreaded force_ssl flag in my production configuration. For future travelers, here is how I went about troubleshooting:
Went on a Costco run to clear my mind and buy huge quantities of stuff.
To determine if it was a DNS, NGINX or Unicorn/Rails problem, I replaced my NGINX configuration with a very simple one and placed a simple index.html in my public root. This worked fine - which lets DNS off the hook (I could resolve the domain name at the web server).
I diff'd the working and non-working NGINX configuration files for the nth time and made them as close as possible but didn't find anything.
Then I noticed that when I was serving the simple index.html file in #2 above, the domain was not getting redirected to https:// but when switched to my "normal" Unicorn/Rails version, I was always getting redirected.
I searched for Rails redirecting to SSL and remembered the force_ssl flag.
I checked my two projects and noticed the flag was not set in the working project, but set in the non-working one (smoking gun).
I changed, committed, redeployed and reloaded the browser and it... didn't work (!) Fortunately, I had the good sense to clear browser cache and try again and it is all good now.
Hope this helps someone.

Server behind nginx reverse proxy ignores relative path in URL

My title isn't the best, my knowledge of webstuff is quite basic, sorry.
What I want to achieve
I have one box fanbox running nginx on Archlinux that I use as main entry point to my home LAN from the internet (namely work where I can only get out to port 80 and 443) via the reverse proxy facility using a changing domain name over which I have no control and that we will call for now.
fanbox has its ports 80 and 443 mapped to, that part was easy.
I have 2 webservers behind the firewall, web1.lan, web2.lan, web2ilo.lan. Both of these have various applications (which may have same name on different machines) that can directly be accessed on the LAN via standard URLs (the names are given as examples, I have no control over the content):
...and so on...
Now web2ilo.lan is a particular case. It's the out of band management web interface of the HP server web2.lan. That particular webserver offers only 1 application, so it can only be accessed via its root URL:
My goal is to access these via subpath of like this:
My problem
That nearly works but the web applications tend to rewrite URLs so that after I login to, respectively:
the browser is redirected respectively to
Note that the relative subpaths web1 and web2ilo have gone, which logically give me a 404.
My config
So far, I've searched a lot and I tried many options in nginx without understanding too much what I was doing. Here is my config that reproduces this problem. I've left SSL out for clarity.
server {
listen 443 ssl;
server_name localhost;
# SSL stuff left out for clarity
location / {
root /usr/share/nginx/html;
index index.html index.htm;
location /web1/ {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_pass https://web1.lan/;
location /web2/ {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_pass https://web2.lan/;
location /web2ilo/ {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_pass https://web2ilo.lan/;
After first answers
After the first couple of answers (thanks!), I realise that my setup is far from common and that I may be heading for trouble all alone.
What would then be a better idea to access the webserver behind the firewall without touching frontend ports and domain/hostname ?
You may wish to consider the use of setting proxy_redirect to let nginx know that it should modify the "backend" server response headers (Location and Refresh) to the appropriate front-end URLs. You can either use the default setting to allow nginx to calculate the appropriate values from your location and proxy_pass directives, or explicitly specify the mappings like below:
proxy_redirect http://web1.lan/ /web1/
Note: This only affects response headers - not any links in HTML content, or any Javascript.
If you experience problems with links in content or Javascript, you can either modify the content on the backend servers (which you've indicated may not be possible), or adjust your proxy solution such that front end paths are the same as the back end ones (e.g., rather than http://frontend/web1/phpAdmin you simply have http://frontend/phpAdmin). This would entail adding location directives for each application, e.g.,
location /phpAdmin/ {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_pass https://web1.lan/phpAdmin/;
Here is a tested example.
In my docker-compose.yml I use the demo image whoami to test:
image: "containous/whoami"
restart: unless-stopped
- default
- "traefik.enable=true"
- "traefik.http.routers.whoareyou.rule=Path(`/whoareyou`)"
- "traefik.http.routers.whoareyou.entrypoints=web"
- "traefik.http.routers.whoareyou.middlewares=https-redirect#file"
- "traefik.http.routers.whoareyou-secure.rule=Path(`/whoareyou`)"
- "traefik.http.routers.whoareyou-secure.entrypoints=web-secure"
- "traefik.http.routers.whoareyou-secure.tls=true"
In my config.yaml I have my https redirect:
scheme: https
I did not find an answer to my question and decided to try a different approach:
I now have containerized most of my servers
I use Traefik ( as my "fanbox" (= reverse proxy) as it covers my needs but also solves in a quite easy fashion the SSL certificates stuff.
Thanks all for your suggestions.

nginx and trailing slash with proxy pass

I am using the following configuration for nginx 1.4.1:
server {
listen 8000;
location /test/register {
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Server $host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
What I want to do is when the users vist they should be proxied to the apache which runs on port 80.
When I visit I get correct results (index.php).
When I visit I get correct results (404 from apache).
When I visit I get correct results (404 from nginx).
When I visit I get correct results (404 from apache).
The problem is when I visit I get a 301 response and I am redirected to http://localhost/test/register/ (notice the trailing slash and of course the 'localhost')!!!
I haven't done any other configurations to nginx to put trailing slashes or something similar. Do you know what is the problem ? I want to work correctly by proxying to apache (or if not possible at least to issue a 404 error and not a redirect to the localhost of the user).
Update 1: I tried from a different computer than the one with which I had the bad behavior yesterday.. Well, it worked: I just got a 301 response that pointed me to the correct! How is it possible to work from one computer but not from the other (I'm using the same browser-Chrome in both computers)? I will try again tomorrow to test from a third one to see the behavior.
Thank you !
My guess is that your upstream server (either apache or your script) triggered a redirect to the absolute url http://localhost/test/register/. Because you use in your proxy_pass directive, nginx doesn't find a match of the domain name and returns the Location header as is.
I think the right solution is to NOT use absolute redirect if the redirect is to an internal url. This is always a good practice.
However, without changing upstream server, there are two quick solutions.
you can use
proxy_pass http://localhost;
This will tell nginx the domain name of upstream is localhost. Then nginx will know to replace http://localhost by when it finds that part in the Location header from upstream.
Another one is to add a proxy_redirect line to force nginx to rewrite any location header with http://localhost/ in it.
proxy_redirect http://localhost/ /;
I prefer to the first solution because it's simpler. There is no DNS lookup overhead of using proxy_pass http://localhost; because nginx does the lookup in advance when it starts the web server.
Did you already try playing with server_name_in_redirect?
However, I found you question via google because I run the same issue with the trailing slash. Nginx forces a 301 to the same URL with an trailing slash.
