Changing 256 byte blocks to number for enryption - encryption

I'm working on RSA and ElGamal encryption systems but I'm stuck. I've written those algorithms, I know how it works. How can I change 256 byte chunks of file into number from range [1, 2^2048]? Because I can't pass 256 bytes as an argument with generated public key to encrypt.


Decrypt .enc with .pem openssl

I'm trying to decrypt a .enc file with openssl. I have the .pem key available.
This is what I'm doing:
openssl rsautl -decrypt -in file.enc -out dec.txt -inkey private.pem
And returns the following:
data greater than mod len
Is there anything I'm missing?
We don't know how the file was created or what the contents are. It seems your private key parses correctly, but the modulus has a certain amount of bits, say 2048 bits. That means that raw RSA - modular exponentiation - can only encrypt as many bytes as there are in the modulus.
To be even more precise, the data, when converted to a number using unsigned big endian encoding should be smaller than the modulus as number. If your data is larger in size then the decryption will fail, which means it is either generated differently - it may have additional encoding, for instance - or it has been generated with a different, larger RSA key.
Note that the data that can be encrypted is significantly smaller due to the padding overhead, which is required to make RSA secure. The padding is performed over the input message, before number conversion & modular exponentiation. Also note that RSA is always performed just once, it is not repeated as for instance usual for block ciphers.
So you're not missing something, you're rather having too many bytes in file.enc.

Length of AES encrypted data

I have a data that needs to be stored in a database as encrypted, the maximum length of the data before encryption is 50 chars (English or Arabic), I need to encrypt the data using AES-128 bit, and store the output in the database (base64string).
How to know the length of the data after encryption?
Try it with your specified algorithm, block size, IV size, and see what size output you get :-)
First it depends on the encoding of the input text. Is it UTF8? UTF16?
Lets assume UTF8 so 1 Byte per character means 50 Bytes of input data to your encryption algorithm. (100 Bytes if UTF16)
Then you will pad to the Block Size for the algorithm. AES, regardless of key size is a block of 16 Bytes. So we will be padded out to 64 Bytes (Or 112 for UTF 16)
Then we need to store the IV and header information. So that is (usually, with default settings/IV sizes) another 16Bytes so we are at 80 Bytes (Or 128 for UTF16)
Finally we are encoding to Base64. I assume you want string length, since otherwise it is wasteful to make it into a string. So Base 64 bloats the string using the following formula: Ceil(bytes/3) * 4. So for us that is Ceil(80/3) = 27 * 4 = 108 characters (Or 172 for UTF 16)
Again this is all highly dependent on your choices of how you encrypt, what the text is encoded as, etc.
I would try it with your scenario before relying on these numbers for anything useful.

Covert a DES 96 bit key to 64 bit

How can I convert a 96 bit key to a 64 bit key? I have a DES key that is 96 bits long (i.e 745347651281) . I want to convert this to 64 bit which I will use to decrypt a DES ciphertext.
There was an "original key" encrypted by RSA
The "original key" was decrypted using RSA to give us this (i.e 745347651281)
This (i.e 745347651281) is now supposed to be used to decryped a DES
Note : The "original key" was in hex format which I converted to integer(base 16) before doing RSA decryption.
The key you have displayed is 48 bits in size, not 96 bits in size - if it is considered to be specified hexadecimals. A DES key without parity would be 56 bits in size. This means that you have to create the parity bits that are missing. The parity of DES is described as such:
One bit in each 8-bit byte of the KEY may be utilized for error detection in key generation, distribution, and storage. Bits 8, 16,..., 64 are for use in ensuring that each byte is of odd parity.
Note that the bits are numbered starting at the left with value 1, meaning that the least significant bit of each byte is used for parity. So you have to distribute the bits you have been given over the bytes, and then adjust the parity of each byte by possibly flipping the least significant bit (using XOR with 1).
Usually libraries have support for this kind of operation. In Java you can do this by generating the DES key using SecretKeyFactory for instance.

What is the meaning of 128 bit key in AES

I am new to encryption methods and i want to know what is the meaning of 128 bit key. Does it mean the key has 128 characters or when we convert key to the binary, and then that binary has 128 digits or cipher that created using key and plain text has 128 characters ?
The key is 128 (binary) bits. That's all it means.
AES supports key sizes of 128, 192, or 256 bits.
AES has a fixed block size of 128 bits, which means it en/decrypts data in chunks of 16 bytes at a time. The plaintext/cipher text can be any length of course (and is padded out to a multiple of 16 bytes).
Good crypto implementations will use a Key Derivation Function which takes a password (or keyfile, etc) of any length, and generates a key suitable for the encryption algorithm in question.

Sign with RSA-1024 an SHA-256 digest: what is the size?

I was wondering:
1) if I compute the digest of some datas with SHA-512 => resulting in a hash of 64 bytes
2) and then I sign this hash with RSA-1024 => so a block of 128 bytes, which is bigger than the 64 bytes of the digest
=> does it mean in the end my signed hash will be exactly 128 bytes?
Thanks a lot for any info.
With RSA, as specified by PKCS#1, the data to be signed is first hashed with a hash function, then the result is padded (a more or less complex operation which transforms the hash result into a modular integer), and then the mathematical operation of RSA is applied on that number. The result is a n-bit integer, where n is the length in bits of the "modulus", usually called "the RSA key size". Basically, for RSA-1024, n is 1024. A 1024-bit integer is encoded as 128 bytes, exactly, as per the encoding method described in PKCS#1 (PKCS#1 is very readable and not too long).
Whether a n-bit RSA key can be used to sign data with a hash function which produces outputs of length m depends on the details of the padding. As the name suggests, padding involves adding some extra data around the hash output, hence n must be greater than m, leaving some room for the extra data. A 1024-bit key can be used with SHA-512 (which produces 512-bit strings). You could not use a 640-bit key with SHA-512 (and you would not, anyway, since 640-bit RSA keys can be broken -- albeit not trivially).
