How to Connect Openedge to Crystal Report - openedge

has anyone tried Connecting Openedge 11.1 or 11.7 to Crystal Reports? If so, what version of Crystal Reports should I use? Hoping someone will help. Thanks a lot.

Crystal Reports wants a SQL connection to the OpenEdge database.
If your client is a Windows client and has Progress installed on it the ODBC/JDBC drivers should already exist. If you do not have Progress already installed the drivers are a free download from
If the OpenEdge DB has been configured to permit SQL access you will need to work with the OpenEdge DBA to obtain the connection details: hostname, port, username, and password so that you can create the appropriate connection configuration within Crystal.
If the OpenEdge DB is not currently configured to support SQL queries the DBA will need to add that capability and then provide you with the credentials.
If the database is provided as part of a 3rd party application you may need to work with the vendor to get that setup.


Tableau Server Error connecting to ODBC driver

I can able to connect/fetch data from Tableau Desktop but in tableau server it is throwing below error with datasource, Datasource is build on BI ODBC driver. Access permission are assign granted to root folder Oracle_HOME.
Based on the error, it seems the the driver is not properly installed. Try downloading the Oracle driver from tableau drivers page. If its installed correctly please cross check on the configurations you have provided. If you are using the ODBC driver, have you created the DSN properly. The DSN needs to be configured properly with the server name and authorisations and once this is done you can use this DSN in tableau.
Once you have installed the driver properly
Click Connect to Data.
On the Connect page, click Other Databases (ODBC).
In the DSN drop-down list, select the name that you gave to your Oracle BI Server ODBC connection, and then click Connect.
Below is the link on how to connect with the BI Connector
How to Connect to Oracle BI Server with Tableau without the shortcomings of Oracle ODBC driver
By Default, tableau server pre-populates “Server Run As user” account to Network Service account (NT AUTHRITY\NetworkService). And this account does not have full permission.

connection string for classic asp application using odbc 11 for sql server

We have a classic asp application, we lost connection with the database. In application server we are able to connect to database only through odbc driver 11 for sql server. Have tried other native client drivers to establish connection which remained unsuccessful. The only supported driver is odbc 11 for sql server.
Have tried following connection strings -
ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server:
{"Driver={ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server }; Data Source =servername; Initial Catalog= dbname; Uid=username ; Pwd=password; "}
{" DSN=dsnname;Uid=username ; Pwd=password; Database=dbname"}
Still unable to establish connection.
Can you please suggest the connection strings for odbc driver 11 for sql server?
The is an MS fix for these symtoms here
Issue described as below. The list of items fixed includes SQL Native client and ODBC client.
SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), Report Server, and Report Manager don’t connect to the database engine after you apply the fix for SQL Server 2008, 2008 R2, 2012, or 2014. Report Server and Report Manager fail and return the following error message:
The report server cannot open a connection to the report server database. A connection to the database is required for all requests and processing. (rsReportServerDatabaseUnavailable)
This issue occurs because SSMS, Report Manager, and Reporting Services Configuration Manager use ADO.NET, and ADO.NET support for TLS 1.2 is available only in the .NET Framework 4.6. For earlier versions of the .NET Framework, you have to apply a Windows update so that ADO.NET can support TLS 1.2 communications for the client. The Windows updates that enable TLS 1.2 support in earlier versions of .NET framework are listed in the table in the “How to know whether you need this update” section of KB3135244.
Found as to[ Google hit searching for - there are many more interesting-looking hits in the top ten there that should get you going.
Please come back and self-answer if this solves your issue and there were any other peculiar or unexpected mods you had to make.

Dnn Installation,Unable to connect to database. installWizard.aspx

I am installing donnetnukes.
below errors is showing.
"No valid default database connection detected. Standard Database setup option is unavailable"
ERROR: DotNetNuke requires SQL 2008 (express or full product) to work.
The error is not as straight forward as you may think, Chris. If you're sure you have at least SQL Express 2008 or later installed, ensure 3 other things.
Go to your Sql Sever Config Manager and
Ensure SQL Server 2005 is uninstalled
Ensure that SQL Server Browser is running.
Ensure that under SQL Sever Network Configuartion --> Protocols both Named Pipes and TCP/IP is enabled.
If you have trouble enabling SQL Server browser, first stop the SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) services, right click on the SQL Server Browser --> Properties --> Services Tab --> Start Mode set to "Automatic". Then you can restart both services. This will not work if you do not stop the SQLEXPRESS Server. At least it did not for me. :)
That error is straightforward, you either need to install SQL Express, using the defaults (not a named instance), or you need to provide the IP address, database name, and user connection info for the SQL server you are using.
Another thing that got me - I installed on Windows Server 2012 and the site wasn't trusted in Internet Explorer.
There must be some client scripts that need to run at start-up which are blocked.
I had such a problem. If use the custom option and then active the SA user and password in your SQL server, you will be able to continue the process.
The reason is that this wizard gets the IIS pool user as a default one. Hence, if you create a user, you will be able to connect to that specific user & password without any problem.
I hope you find this text helpful.

OLE DB Provider for SQL Server works, but not SQL Native Client

I'm running out of ideas so checking if anybody can shed some light.
2 tier Client-server application
SQL Server 2005
Workstation: Windows XP
Client-Server Application 1 uses SQL OLE DB Provider. (Provider=SQLOLEDB.1)
Client-Server Application 2 uses SQL Native Client. (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection)
Somehow, application 1 works well but application 2 needs to have Timeout in connection setting to be 30 seconds to make it work.
Using a tip I learned from JohnnyCoder's Database Connectivity Test with UDL File, I tracked down the problem is somewhere around driver. When I try Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server, it connects immediately. When I try SQL Native Client, it doesn't take long. It fails even it I set connection timeout to be 60.
Both of the applications work well on other installations but not on one specific site. So it has to be related to some environmental settings such as security, firewall, etc.
I tried installing new SQL Server 2005 Native Client on workstation. No luck.
So my question is:
Why does Application 2 ever make it work when the client actually cannot connect? Is there internal logic to use OLE DB when SQL Native Client timeout happens?
What else would you take a look?
Answer: their network firewall blocked TCP/IP packets.
As a result, SQL Native Client timed out with TCP/IP after 20 seconds and then tried Named Pipe which made it work.

Lotus Notes: Connection Error [Microsoft] [ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

In one of the Lotus Notes application which requires connection with external SQL DB, we have one user who is getting error message prompt because ODBC driver is not able to connect.
I did following checks:
1. User had permissions to EDIT registry HKLM-Software-ODBC
2. User is able to access the db server (i pinged server IP from user's machine)
3. Made sure that user had admin acces to computer.
This is how code works. The code first runs a VBscript which sets registry variables, then uses LotusScript with NSLXODBC to connect to the DB (ConnectTo method).
The only difference I found between users not having issue and those reporting issue is that USER REPORTING ISSUE had new laptop and it had windows 7 OS.
Lotus Notes Version: 6.5
The problem is likely in the ODBC setup then. The registry changes are supposed to set up the ODBC connection but I'd bet the same code doesn't work for Windows 7. Try manually creating the ODBC connection from that user's laptop.
