Blueprism - Extract data from a web page into a collection - collections

I am new to blue prism. I have a scenario where I am giving input (passengers details for traveling) to a travel portal and based on the input its generating a booking reference number, total cost etc. Now I want to read all the outputs into a collection but the problem is data is not tabular (cant use Get Table in read component). Its just the details of travel which are populating into textboxes. Please find attached the screen shot to have more clarity on this.
How to achieve this? Any leads will be appreciated.

Based on the screenshot you've provided, this is part of the Blue Prism Advanced Consolidation Exercise ("BPTravel").
"Get Table" won't work on this data because it is not a table. As you've mentioned, the data is presented in a series of textboxes.
The way to tabularize this data would be to create a Collection in your Process and manually define each of the Field Names in the collection, then read each text field in individually to the correct column in the collection.

Read each text box data into data item. Create a named collection (i.e Collection with pre-defined column name). Loop through the collection.column_name(You will be getting column name as collection by using Utility - Collection Manipulation action and get the column names) and first add a row to collection and assign values to collection fields


If it is possible, how do I create a custom field containing a document number on NetSuite in a saved search?

In NetSuite, I am setting up a new (currently untitled) saved search that is meant to display three columns simultaneously: Invoice document number, Sales Order document number and Item Fulfillment document number.
I have configured my transaction saved search to display invoice document type. Sales Order document number is called Created From which is a NetSuite-created field and displays normally as desired.
There is a field called Document Number, unfortunately it responds closely to the criteria setting whether document types are set to Invoice or set to Item Fulfillment. Setting both does not meet my desired output.
I believe there is a way to somehow have all three document numbers present in the same saved search as their own unique columns.
While editing the saved search, I have attempted to create a new column called "Formula (text)" which is a field containing the formula {number}, this column appears as a second Invoice document number instead of the desired Item Fulfillment document number.
While editing the saved search, I have also tried another "Formula (text)" field containing the formula {tranid} which also results as another Invoice document number column instead of the desired Item Fulfillment document number.
Result of both above attempts:
I tried going to Customization > Lists, Records & Fields > Transaction Line Fields to create a new custom field, containing the above as defaulted formulas. The result is exactly that of the above image.
I tried going to Customization > Lists, Records & Fields > Transaction Body Fields to create a new custom field, where the content is referenced by another Saved Search. I expected that if I can pick the document number column from the "item fulfillment lookup" saved search, then that would appear as a separate column bearing the Item Fulfillment number.
I marked the document number column inside the "item fulfillment lookup" saved search as the summary type: "group" as well as give this saved search "Document Number" as an available filter in order for the "item fulfillment lookup" saved search to appear for custom columns.
Unfortunately, this yielded an empty blank column.
I know and I admit that I am doing something incorrect and would much appreciate it if there is an alternative solution or workaround to achieve this desired objective (all three document numbers to appear in a single saved search).
In your saved search Columns, at the end of the drop down list where you choose the columns, you can choose related records fields.
You didn't say which record your search is based on, but assuming your search criteria is on Sales Order, then you can use the following:
To get the related Item Fulfillment:
Fulfilling/Receiving Transaction Fields ... and then choose Document Number
To get the related Invoice:
Applying Transaction fields ... and then choose Document Number

Return one record from a form data source

I have a form with an existing data source. This data source has a one to many relationship to another table that is not an existing data source. Even though this second table contains multiple records (one to many), the field in the table that I want is duplicated across all records. Therefore I want to add this second table as a data source, but only return one record from it.
If I add the second table directly, than my form contains a line for each record instead of just one.
This problem was solved by creating a view to use as the new datasource. This view defined a calculated column that was based on a method that contained a query string that used TOP 1. The details in much more detail are at Martin DrĂ¡b's blog:
Use the property LinkType=ExistJoin on the datasource for your second table.
See the TransactionLog form for example.

Lookup field appears as numerical values instead of text on Access report

I am trying to create a report putting a field called contact which has the name of a person. This name is linked directly to another table where I keep all the contacts.
For some strange reason, when I include this name (which in query view displays as the name of the contact), instead of the name appearing, the unique ID number is shown on my report.
As mentioned in the article cited in the above comment, you can use a Combo Box control on your report to do the lookup for you. To see how this can be done, create a new report based on the table containing the lookup field, then drag and drop that field onto the report. That will create a Combo Box control with properties that look something like this:
Row Source: SELECT [Clients].[ID], [Clients].[LastName] FROM Clients;
Bound Column: 1
Column Count: 2
Column Widths: 0";1"
You could use a similar Combo Box control on your actual report to display the client's name rather than their numeric ID value.
Another alternative would be to change the Control Source of the report's Text Box control to have it do a DLookUp() on the table. If the lookup field is named [client] then changing the Control Source of the Text Box to something like
=DLookUp("LastName","Clients","ID=" & [client])
would also work.
I wanted to add to the great answer by Gord:
When using a "web" database (started in Access 2007 I think), you cannot change a report's fields to ComboBox style, nor can you use DLookUp(). (web databases lack a ton of features)
The workaround for this, if you want to create a Web-Report that uses lookup fields, is to create a Web-Query first based on your Web-Table (all the Web-* stuff has a www planet icon over the logo, if you create a new Web-DB in Access 2007+ you'll see what I mean)
So, instead of Table -> Report, you'll have to do W-Table -> W-Query -> W-Report.
Then, the only thing you need to customize to get the data right is the W-Query. Start by trying to reproduce the look in the query to match what you want users to see in the report. Note that here in the query, lookups will work fine (instead of the unique ID's, you get field names like you want). However, this will not carry over to the report. To do that, you gotta get the actual text field name you want into the query:
You should already have one table in your query; start by adding the table that your first lookup field points to. For example, the table I want to print is called Stock_Boards, and it has a lookup field called PCBID_lookup that points to the table Stock_PCBs.
Since you're using lookup fields, there should already be a relationship line between the two tables when you add the second one. If there isn't, something has gone horribly wrong.
Now, see how that line connects two fields on the two different tables? For example, I've got my PCBID_lookup field on my Stock_Boards table, which connects to the ID field on my Stock_PCBs table. If I created a report from this now, PCBID_lookup would be a number, a number that correlates to the ID of a record on Stock_PCBs.
To fix it, I will add the name field I want to show up on the report. In my example, that happens to be a Part Number, rather than the ID. I add the PartNumber field from my Stock_PCBs table to the query, and remove the PCBID_lookup field of the Stock_Boards table from my query.
Since PartNumber is what I want to show up on my report, it effectively replaces the original field (PCBID_lookup)
Repeat for all lookup fields you want in your report.
I had 1 more: I removed the Status field of the Stock_Boards table (which was an ID/Lookup) and added the 'Status' field from the Status table (which was the actual text name)
When finished, your query should look exactly how you want the data to appear, without any special tricks or asking Access to do something unnatural. Save your query, and create a web-report from it. Done!

filtering datagrids

In a simple scenario there is a webpage with a datagrid containing 2 columns; first name and country. There's a filter set on the grid to filter out all Australians. There's a form on the same page to add new records and a user decides to add someone from Australia. This record does not meet the filter criteria so would not normally display. However, this might be confusing from the users perspective as they might not have confidence that the person has been successfully added or have forgotten that the filter will mean the new entry is not displayed.
What is the best way to handle this from a usability perspective?:
display the new entry but leave the list in a state inconsistent
with the filter criteria?
filter out the new entry but risk confusing the user?
provide feedback to the user that the record was successfully
added but may be filtered out of the list?
Three tools I use, Mingle, Jira, and Quicken, use this implementation very effectively; a slight modification to your number 3:
Provide feedback to the user that the record was successfully added, but won't be shown, and provide a link to the record using its record identifier (record number + title).

Checkboxes and View Based Table View

I am having some difficulty trying to use checkboxes as the selectedIndex in a view based table.
There is good documentation on view based table here:
[View Based Tables ]
However, I after searching and looking on Stackoverflow I can't seem to get my implementation for doing the following.
My view is a table that makes a callout to Yahoo Finance. The table is view based constructed with bindings.
When the table is populated I want to have a check box against each row so that when the user clicks the check box, that row will be updated from Yahoo. Currently this works using multi or single selection using the table view and an observer.. I want to do this with the checkboxes and a button that gets all the checked rows.
The IB setup is as follows:
What is the best way to get the rows where the checkbox is selected? Should I use the array controller or do I need to do something with the table?
Assuming that you use a NSArray of NSDictionaries as your data model, why not add a key/value pair to each "stock" dictionary as a flag? Then in your button action method, just iterate through the data model and trigger an update when the flag is set. Bindings do the rest!
