How to create a loop for sum calculations which then are inserted into a new row? - r

I have tried to find a solution via similar topics, but haven't found anything suitable. This may be due to the search terms I have used. If I have missed something, please accept my apologies.
Here is a excerpt of my data UN_ (the provided sample should be sufficient):
country year sector UN
AT 1990 1 1.407555
AT 1990 2 1.037137
AT 1990 3 4.769618
AT 1990 4 2.455139
AT 1990 5 2.238618
AT 1990 Total 7.869005
AT 1991 1 1.484667
AT 1991 2 1.001578
AT 1991 3 4.625927
AT 1991 4 2.515453
AT 1991 5 2.702081
AT 1991 Total 8.249567
BE 1994 1 3.008115
BE 1994 2 1.550344
BE 1994 3 1.080667
BE 1994 4 1.768645
BE 1994 5 7.208295
BE 1994 Total 1.526016
BE 1995 1 2.958820
BE 1995 2 1.571759
BE 1995 3 1.116049
BE 1995 4 1.888952
BE 1995 5 7.654881
BE 1995 Total 1.547446
What I want to do is, to add another row with UN_$sector = Residual. The value of residual will be (UN_$sector = Total) - (the sum of column UN for the sectors c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5")) for a given year AND country.
This is how it should look like:
country year sector UN
AT 1990 1 1.407555
AT 1990 2 1.037137
AT 1990 3 4.769618
AT 1990 4 2.455139
AT 1990 5 2.238618
----> AT 1990 Residual TO BE CALCULATED
AT 1990 Total 7.869005
As I don't want to write many, many lines of code I'm looking for a way to automate this. I was told about loops, but can't really follow the concept at the moment.
Thank you very much for any type of help!!
PS: (for Parfait)
country year sector UN ETS
UK 2012 1 190336512 NA
UK 2012 2 18107910 NA
UK 2012 3 8333564 NA
UK 2012 4 11269017 NA
UK 2012 5 2504751 NA
UK 2012 Total 580957306 NA
UK 2013 1 177882200 NA
UK 2013 2 20353347 NA
UK 2013 3 8838575 NA
UK 2013 4 11051398 NA
UK 2013 5 2684909 NA
UK 2013 Total 566322778 NA

Consider calculating residual first and then stack it with other pieces of data:
agg <- within(merge(aggregate(UN ~ country + year, data = subset(df, sector!='Total'), sum),
aggregate(UN ~ country + year, data = subset(df, sector=='Total'), sum),
by=c("country", "year")),
{UN <- UN.y - UN.x
sector = 'Residual'})
final_df <- rbind(subset(df, sector!='Total'),
agg[c("country", "year", "sector", "UN")],
subset(df, sector=='Total'))
final_df <- with(final_df, final_df[order(country, year, as.character(sector)),])
row.names(final_df) <- NULL
Rextester demo
# country year sector UN
# 1 AT 1990 1 1.407555
# 2 AT 1990 2 1.037137
# 3 AT 1990 3 4.769618
# 4 AT 1990 4 2.455139
# 5 AT 1990 5 2.238618
# 6 AT 1990 Residual -4.039062
# 7 AT 1990 Total 7.869005
# 8 AT 1991 1 1.484667
# 9 AT 1991 2 1.001578
# 10 AT 1991 3 4.625927
# 11 AT 1991 4 2.515453
# 12 AT 1991 5 2.702081
# 13 AT 1991 Residual -4.080139
# 14 AT 1991 Total 8.249567
# 15 BE 1994 1 3.008115
# 16 BE 1994 2 1.550344
# 17 BE 1994 3 1.080667
# 18 BE 1994 4 1.768645
# 19 BE 1994 5 7.208295
# 20 BE 1994 Residual -13.090050
# 21 BE 1994 Total 1.526016
# 22 BE 1995 1 2.958820
# 23 BE 1995 2 1.571759
# 24 BE 1995 3 1.116049
# 25 BE 1995 4 1.888952
# 26 BE 1995 5 7.654881
# 27 BE 1995 Residual -13.643015
# 28 BE 1995 Total 1.547446

I think there are multiple ways you can do this. What I may recommend is to take advantage of the tidyverse suite of packages which includes dplyr.
Without getting too far into what dplyr and tidyverse can achieve, we can talk about the power of dplyr's inline commands group_by(...), summarise(...), arrange(...) and bind_rows(...) functions. Also, there are tons of great tutorials, cheat sheets, and documentation on all tidyverse packages.
Although it is less and less relevant these days, we generally want to avoid for loops in R. Therefore, we will create a new data frame which contains all of the Residual values then bring it back into your original data frame.
Step 1: Calculating all residual values
We want to calculate the sum of UN values, grouped by country and year. We can achieve this by this value
res_UN = UN_ %>% group_by(country, year) %>% summarise(UN = sum(UN, na.rm = T))
Step 2: Add sector column to res_UN with value 'residual'
This should yield a data frame which contains country, year, and UN, we now need to add a column sector which the value 'Residual' to satisfy your specifications.
res_UN$sector = 'Residual'
Step 3 : Add res_UN back to UN_ and order accordingly
res_UN and UN_ now have the same columns and they can now be added back together.
UN_ = bind_rows(UN_, res_UN) %>% arrange(country, year, sector)
Piecing this all together, should answer your question and can be achieved in a couple lines!
res_UN = UN_ %>% group_by(country, year) %>% summarise(UN = sum(UN, na.rm = T))`
res_UN$sector = 'Residual'
UN_ = bind_rows(UN_, res_UN) %>% arrange(country, year, sector)


How can i sum values of 1 column based on the categories of another column, multiple times, in R?

I guess my question its a little strange, let me try to explain it. I need to solve a simple equation for a longitudinal database (29 consecutive years) about food availability and international commerce: (importations-exportations)/(production+importations-exportations)*100[equation for food dependence coeficient, by FAO]. The big problem is that my database has the food products and its values of interest (production, importation and exportation) dissagregated, so i need to find a way to apply that equation to a sum of the values of interest for every year, so i can get the coeficient i need for every year.
My data frame looks like this:
element product year value (metric tons)
Production Wheat 1990 16
Importation Wheat 1990 2
Exportation Wheat 1990 1
Production Apples 1990 80
Importation Apples 1990 0
Exportation Apples 1990 72
Production Wheat 1991 12
Importation Wheat 1991 20
Exportation Wheat 1991 0
I guess the solution its pretty simple, but im not good enough in R to solve this problem by myself. Every help is very welcome.
This is a picture of my R session
# dummy table. Use setDT(df) if yours isn't a data table already
df <- data.table(element = (rep(c('p', 'i', 'e'), 3))
, product = (rep(c('w', 'a', 'w'), each=3))
, year = rep(c(1990, 1991), c(6,3))
, value = c(16,2,1,80,0,72,12,20,0)
); df
element product year value
1: p w 1990 16
2: i w 1990 2
3: e w 1990 1
4: p a 1990 80
5: i a 1990 0
6: e a 1990 72
7: p w 1991 12
8: i w 1991 20
9: e w 1991 0
# long to wide
df_1 <- dcast(df
, product + year ~ element
, value.var = 'value'
); df_1
# apply calculation
df_1[, food_depend_coef := (i-e) / (p+i-e)*100][]
product year e i p food_depend_coef
1: a 1990 72 0 80 -900.000000
2: w 1990 1 2 16 5.882353
3: w 1991 0 20 12 62.500000

Euclidean distant for distinct classes of factors iterated by groups

*Update: The answer suggested by Rui is great and works as it should. However, when I run it on about 7 million observations (my actual dataset), R gets stuck in a computational block (I'm using a machine with 64gb of RAM). Any other solutions are greatly appreciated!
I have a dataframe of patents consisting of the firms, application years, patent number, and patent classes. I want to calculate the Euclidean distance between consecutive years for each firm based on patent classes according to the following formula:
Where Xi represents the number of patents belonging to a specific class in year t, and Yi represents the number of patents belonging to a specific class in the previous year (t-1).
To further illustrate this, consider the following dataset:
df <- data.table(Firm = rep(c(LETTERS[1:2]),each=6), Year = rep(c(1990,1990,1991,1992,1992,1993),2),
Patent_Number = sample(184785:194785,12,replace = FALSE),
Patent_Class = c(12,5,31,12,31,6,15,15,15,3,3,1))
> df
Firm Year Patent_Number Patent_Class
1: A 1990 192473 12
2: A 1990 193702 5
3: A 1991 191889 31
4: A 1992 193341 12
5: A 1992 189512 31
6: A 1993 185582 6
7: B 1990 190838 15
8: B 1990 189322 15
9: B 1991 190620 15
10: B 1992 193443 3
11: B 1992 189937 3
12: B 1993 194146 1
Since year 1990 is the beginning year for Firm A, there is no Euclidean distance for that year (NAs should be produced. Moving forward to year 1991, the distinct classses for this year (1991) and the previous year (1990) are 31, 5, and 12. Therefore, the above formula is summed over these three distinct classes (there is three distinc 'i's). So the formula's output will be:
Following the same calculation and reiterating over firms, the final output should be:
> df
Firm Year Patent_Number Patent_Class El_Dist
1: A 1990 192473 12 NA
2: A 1990 193702 5 NA
3: A 1991 191889 31 1.2247450
4: A 1992 193341 12 0.7071068
5: A 1992 189512 31 0.7071068
6: A 1993 185582 6 1.2247450
7: B 1990 190838 15 NA
8: B 1990 189322 15 NA
9: B 1991 190620 15 0.5000000
10: B 1992 193443 3 1.1180340
11: B 1992 189937 3 1.1180340
12: B 1993 194146 1 1.1180340
I'm preferably looking for a data.table solution for speed purposes.
Thank you very much in advance for any help.
I believe that the function below does what the question asks for, but the results for Firm == "B" are not equal to the question's.
fEl_Dist <- function(X){
Year <- X[["Year"]]
PatentClass <- X[["Patent_Class"]]
sapply(seq_along(Year), function(i){
j <- which(Year %in% (Year[i] - 1:0))
tbl <- table(Year[j], PatentClass[j])
if(NROW(tbl) == 1){
} else {
numer <- sum((tbl[2, ] - tbl[1, ])^2)
denom <- sum(tbl[2, ]^2)*sum(tbl[1, ]^2)
setDT(df)[, El_Dist := fEl_Dist(.SD),
by = .(Firm),
.SDcols = c("Year", "Patent_Class")]
# Firm Year Patent_Number Patent_Class El_Dist
#1: A 1990 190948 12 NA
#2: A 1990 186156 5 NA
#3: A 1991 190801 31 1.2247449
#4: A 1992 185226 12 0.7071068
#5: A 1992 185900 31 0.7071068
#6: A 1993 186928 6 1.2247449

Obtaining back incidence data from cumulative data?

I have a dataframe for which I have date data and cumulative counts.
I am trying to do a reverse of cumsum to get the daily counts but also getting the counts per group.
I am trying to go from dataframe A to dataframe B.
I am using R and tidyr.
Here is the code :
df <- data.frame(cum_count = c(5, 14, 50, 5, 14, 50),
state = c("Alabama", "Alabama", "Alabama", "NY", "NY", "NY"),
Year = c(2012:2014, 2012:2014))
Dataframe A
cum_count state Year
1 5 Alabama 2012
2 14 Alabama 2013
3 50 Alabama 2014
4 5 NY 2012
5 14 NY 2013
6 50 NY 2014
Dataframe B
cum_count state Year
1 5 Alabama 2012
2 9 Alabama 2013
3 36 Alabama 2014
4 5 NY 2012
5 9 NY 2013
6 36 NY 2014
I have tried using the diff function :
df <- df %>%group_by(state)%>%
mutate(daily_count = diff(cum_count))
But I get
Error: Column daily_count must be length 3 (the number of rows) or one, not 2
Let me know what you think.
diff returns length one less than the original length and mutate requires the output column to have the same length as the original (or length 1 which can be recycled). We can append a value possibly NA or the first value of 'cum_count'
df %>%
mutate(daily_count = c(first(cum_count), diff(cum_count)))
# A tibble: 6 x 4
# Groups: state [2]
# cum_count state Year daily_count
# <dbl> <fct> <int> <dbl>
#1 5 Alabama 2012 5
#2 14 Alabama 2013 9
#3 50 Alabama 2014 36
#4 5 NY 2012 5
#5 14 NY 2013 9
#6 50 NY 2014 36
Or for this purpose, use lag and subtract from the column itself
df %>%
mutate(daily_count = replace_na(cum_count - lag(cum_count), first(cum_count)))

Canonical way to reduce number of ID variables in wide-format data

I have data organized by two ID variables, Year and Country, like so:
Year Country VarA VarB
2015 USA 1 3
2016 USA 2 2
2014 Canada 0 10
2015 Canada 6 5
2016 Canada 7 8
I'd like to keep Year as an ID variable, but create multiple columns for VarA and VarB, one for each value of Country (I'm not picky about column order), to make the following table:
Year VarA.Canada VarA.USA VarB.Canada VarB.USA
2014 0 NA 10 NA
2015 6 1 5 3
2016 7 2 8 2
I managed to do this with the following code:
data <-, text='Year Country VarA VarB
2015 USA 1 3
2016 USA 2 2
2014 Canada 0 10
2015 Canada 6 5
2016 Canada 7 8'))
molten <- melt(data, id.vars=c('Year', 'Country'))
molten[,variable:=paste(variable, Country, sep='.')]
recast <- dcast(molten, Year ~ variable)
But this seems a bit hacky (especially editing the default-named variable field). Can I do it with fewer function calls? Ideally I could just call one function, specifying the columns to drop as IDs and the formula for creating new variable names.
Using dcast you can cast multiple value.vars at once (from data.table v1.9.6 on). Try:
dcast(data, Year ~ Country, value.var = c("VarA","VarB"), sep = ".")
# Year VarA.Canada VarA.USA VarB.Canada VarB.USA
#1: 2014 0 NA 10 NA
#2: 2015 6 1 5 3
#3: 2016 7 2 8 2

R aggregating on date then character

I have a table that looks like the following:
Year Country Variable 1 Variable 2
1970 UK 1 3
1970 USA 1 3
1971 UK 2 5
1971 UK 2 3
1971 UK 1 5
1971 USA 2 2
1972 USA 1 1
1972 USA 2 5
I'd be grateful if someone could tell me how I can aggregate the data to group it first by year, then country with the sum of variable 1 and variable 2 coming afterwards so the output would be:
Year Country Sum Variable 1 Sum Variable 2
1970 UK 1 3
1970 USA 1 3
1971 UK 5 13
1971 USA 2 2
1972 USA 3 6
This is the code I've tried to no avail (the real dataframe is 125,000 rows by 30+ columns hence the subset. Please be kind, I'm new to R!)
#making subset from data
GT2 <- subset(GT1, select = c("iyear", "country_txt", "V1", "V2"))
#making sure data types are correct
GT2[,3] <- as.numeric(as.character( GT2[,3] ))
GT2[,4] <- as.numeric(as.character( GT2[,4] ))
#removing NA values
GT2Omit <- na.omit(GT2)
#trying to aggregate - i.e. group by year, then country with the sum of Variable 1 and Variable 2 being shown
aggGT2 <-aggregate(GT2Omit, by=list(GT2Omit$iyear, GT2Omit$country_txt), FUN=sum, na.rm=TRUE)
Your aggregate is almost correct:
> aggGT2 <-aggregate(GT2Omit[3:4], by=GT2Omit[c("country_txt", "iyear")], FUN=sum, na.rm=TRUE)
> aggGT2
country_txt iyear V1 V2
1 UK 1970 1 3
2 USA 1970 1 3
3 UK 1971 5 13
4 USA 1971 2 2
5 USA 1972 3 6
dplyr is almost always the answer nowadays.
aggGT1 <- GT1 %>% group_by(iyear, country_txt) %>% summarize(sv1=sum(V1), sv2=sum(V2))
Having said that, it is good to learn basic R functions like aggregate and by.
