Scraping only the NEWEST blog post with rvest in R - r

I'm using rvest to scrape the .txt files of a blog page, and I have a script that triggers every day, and scrapes the newest post. The base of that script is an lapply function that simply scrapes all of the posts, and I later sort out duplicates using Apache NiFi.
That's not an efficient way to sort duplicates, so I was wondering if there's a way to use the same script, and only scrape the newest posts?
The posts are labelled with numbers that count up, such as BLOG001, BLOG002, etc. I want to put a line of code that makes sure to scrape the newest posts (they may post several in any given day). How do I make sure that I only get BlOG002, and the next run only get BLOG003, and so on?
# URL set up
url <- "https://www.example-blog/posts.aspx"
page <- html_session(url, config(ssl_verifypeer = FALSE))
# Picking elements
links <- page %>%
html_nodes("td") %>%
html_nodes("a") %>%
# Function
out <- Map(function(ln) {
fun1 <- html_session(URLencode(
paste0("https://www.example-blog", ln)),
config(ssl_verifypeer = FALSE))
}, links)

Assuming that all of the links you want start with 'BLOG' as in your post, and you only want to download the one with the maximum number each time the code is run. You could try something like this to achieve that.
# URL set up
url <- "https://www.example-blog/posts.aspx"
page <- html_session(url, config(ssl_verifypeer = FALSE))
# Picking elements
links <- page %>%
html_nodes("td") %>%
html_nodes("a") %>%
# Make sure only 'BLOG' links are checked
links <- links[substr(links, 1, 4) == 'BLOG']
# Get numeric value from link
blog.nums <- as.numeric(substr(links, 5, nchar(links)))
# Get the maximum link value <- links[which(blog.nums == max(blog.nums))]
fun1 <- html_session(URLencode(
config(ssl_verifypeer = FALSE))


How can i scrape the complete dataset from yahoo finance with rvest

Im trying to get the complete data set for bitcoin historical data from yahoo finance via web scraping, this is my first option code chunk:
crypto_url <- read_html("")
cryp_table <- html_nodes(crypto_url,css = "table")
cryp_table <- html_table(cryp_table,fill = T) %>%
I the link that i provide to read_html() a long period of time is already selected, however it just get the first 101 rows and the last row is the loading message that you get when you keep scrolling, this is my second shot but i get the same:
col_page <- read_html("")
cryp_table <-
col_page %>%
html_nodes(xpath = '//*[#id="Col1-1-HistoricalDataTable-Proxy"]/section/div[2]/table') %>%
html_table(fill = T)
cryp_final <- cryp_table[[1]]
How can i get the whole dataset?
I think you can get the link of download, if you view the Network, you see the link of download, in this case:
Well, this link looks like the url of the site, i.e., we can modify the url link to get the download link and read the csv. See the code:
site <- ""
base_download <- ""
download_link <- site %>%
stringr::str_remove_all(".+(?<=quote/)|/history?|&frequency=1d") %>%
stringr::str_replace("filter", "events") %>%
stringr::str_c(base_download, .)

Simple solution to scrape and loop with rvest, storing the results of the for-loop in a variable

I need to collect the links from 3 pages, each having 150 links, using R with rvest library. I used a for-loop to crawl through the pages. I know that it's a very basic question, which has been answered elsewhere:
R web scraping across multiple pages
Scrape and Loop with Rvest
I tried different versions of the following code. Most of them worked but returned only 50 instead of 150 links
baseurl <- ""
n <- 1:3
nextpages <- paste0(baseurl, n)
for(i in nextpages){
html <- read_html(nextpages)
links <- html %>% html_nodes("") %>% html_attr("href")
The code is expected to return all the 150, instead of just 50.
You're overwriting the links variable in every iteration, so you would only end up with the last 50 links.
But you're looping using the 'i' variable, whereas your read_html() function uses the nextpages variable, which is actually a vector of 3 urls. You should be getting an error.
Try this:
links <- c()
for(i in nextpages){
html <- read_html(i)
links <- c(links, html %>% html_nodes("") %>% html_attr("href"))
We can use map instead of a for loop.
map(nextpages, . %>% read_html %>%
html_nodes("") %>%
html_attr("href")) %>% flatten_chr()
#[1] ""
#[2] ""

R Scrape a list of Google + urls using purrr package

I am working on a web scraping project, which aims to extract Google + reviews from a set of children's hospitals. My methodology is as follows:
1) Define a list of Google + urls to navigate to for review scraping. The urls are in a dataframe along with other variables defining the hospital.
2) Scrape reviews, number of stars, and post time for all reviews related to a given url.
3) Save these elements in a dataframe, and name the dataframe after another variable in the dataframe corresponding to the url.
4) Move on to the next url ... and so on till all urls are scraped.
Currently, the code is able to scrape from a single url. I have tried to create a function using map from the purrr package. However it doesn't seem to be working, I am doing something wrong.
Here is my attempt, with comments on the purpose of each step
#Load the necessary libraries
#To avoid any SSL error messages
set_config( config( ssl_verifypeer = 0L ) )
Defining the URL dataframe
#Now to define the dataframe with the urls
urls_df =data.frame(Name=c("CHKD","AIDHC")
Creating the function
extract_google_review=function(googleplus_urls) {
#Opens a Chrome session
rmDr=rsDriver(browser = "chrome",check = F)
myclient= rmDr$client
#Creates a sub-dataframe for the filtered hospital, which I will later use to name the dataframe
urls_df_sub=urls_df %>% filter(GooglePlus_URL %in% googleplus_urls)
#Navigate to the url
#click on the snippet to switch focus----------
webEle <- myclient$findElement(using = "css",value = ".review-snippet")
# Save page source
pagesource= myclient$getPageSource()[[1]]
#simulate scroll down for several times-------------
count=read_html(pagesource) %>%
html_nodes(".p13zmc") %>%
#Stores the number of reviews for the url, so we know how many times to scroll down
scroll_down_times=count %>%
str_sub(1,nchar(count)-5) %>%
for(i in 1 :scroll_down_times){
webEle$sendKeysToActiveElement(sendKeys = list(key="page_down"))
#the content needs time to load,wait 1.2 second every 5 scroll downs
#loop and simulate clicking on all "click on more" elements-------------
webEles <- myclient$findElements(using = "css",value = ".review-more-link")
for(webEle in webEles){
pagesource= myclient$getPageSource()[[1]]
#this should get the full review, including translation and original text
reviews=read_html(pagesource) %>%
html_nodes(".review-full-text") %>%
#number of stars
stars <- read_html(pagesource) %>%
html_node(".review-dialog-list") %>%
html_nodes("g-review-stars > span") %>%
#time posted
post_time <- read_html(pagesource) %>%
html_node(".review-dialog-list") %>%
html_nodes(".dehysf") %>%
#Consolidating everything into a dataframe
#Assign the dataframe a name based on the value in column 'Name' of the dataframe urls_df, defined above
df_name <- tolower(urls_df_sub$Name)
if(exists(df_name)) {
assign(df_name, unique(rbind(get(df_name), reviews_df)))
} else {
assign(df_name, reviews_df)
} #End function
Feeding the urls into the function
#Now that the function is defined, it is time to create a vector of urls and feed this vector into the function
googleplus_urls %>% map(extract_google_review)
There seems to be an error in the function ,which is preventing it from scraping and storing the data into separate dataframes like intended.
My Intended Output
2 dataframes, each with 3 columns
Any pointers on how this can be improved will be greatly appreciated.

R Web scraping from different URLs

I am web scraping a page at
From this url, I have built up a dataframe through the following code:
dflist <- map(.x = 1:417, .f = function(x) {
url <- ("")
read_html(url) %>%
html_nodes(".title a") %>%
html_text() %>%
}) %>%, .)
I have repeated the same code in order to get all the data I was interested in and it seems to work perfectly, although is of course a little slow due to the Sys.sleep() thing.
My issue has raised once I have tried to scrape the single projects descriptions that should be included in the dataframe.
For instance, the first project description is at
the second project description is at
and so forth.
My problem is that I can't find a dynamic way to scrape all the projects' pages and insert them in the data frame, being the number in the URLs not progressive nor at the end of the link.
To make things clearer, this is the structure of the website I am scraping:
I have scraped successfully level 1. but cannot level 1.1.b. (study-description) , the one I am interested in, since the dynamic element of the URL (in this case: 7118) is not consistent in the website's above 6000 pages of that level.
You have to extract the deeper urls from the .title a and then scrape those as well. Here's a small example on how to do that using rvest and the tidyverse
scraper <- function(x) {
url <- sprintf("", x)
html <- read_html(url)
tibble(title = html_nodes(html, ".title a") %>% html_text(trim = TRUE),
project_url = html_nodes(html, ".title a") %>% html_attr("href"))
result <- map_df(1:2, scraper) %>%
mutate(study_description = map(project_url, ~read_html(sprintf("%s/study-description", .x)) %>% html_node(".xsl-block") %>% html_text()))
This isn't complete as to all the things you want to do, but should show you an approach.

Web Scraping multiple Links using R

I am working on a web scraping program to search for data from multiple sheets. The code below is an example of what I am working with. I am able to get only the first sheet on this. It will be of great help if someone can point out where I am going wrong in my syntax.
jump <- seq(1, 10, by = 1)
site <- paste0("",jump,"&tab=Relevance&q=%5bazure%5d%20free%20tier")
dflist <- lapply(site, function(i) {
webpage <- read_html(i)
draft_table <- html_nodes(webpage,'.excerpt')
draft <- html_text(draft_table)
finaldf <-, dflist)
Below is the link from where I need to scrape the data which has
127 pages.
As per the above code I am able to get data only from the first page and not the rest of the pages. There is no syntax error also. Could you please help me in finding out where I am going wrong.
Some websites put a security to prevent bulk scraping. I guess SO is one of them. More on that :
In fact, if you delay a little your calls, this will work. I've tried w/ 5 seconds Sys.sleep. I guess you can reduce it, but this may not work (I've tried with a 1 second Sys.sleep, that didn't work).
Here is a working code :
dflist <- map(.x = 1:10, .f = function(x) {
url <- paste0("",x,"&q=%5bazure%5d%20free%20tier")
read_html(url) %>%
html_nodes('.excerpt') %>%
html_text() %>%
}) %>%, .)
