Saving H2o data frame - r

I am working with 10GB training data frame. I use H2o library for faster computation. Each time I load the dataset, I should convert the data frame into H2o object which is taking so much time. Is there a way to store the converted H2o object ? (so that i can skip the as.H2o(trainingset) step each time I make trails on building models )

After the first transformation with as.h2o(trainingset) you can export / save the file to disk and later import it again.
my_h2o_training_file <- as.h2o(trainingset)
path <- "whatever/my/path/is"
h2o.exportFile(my_h2o_training_file , path = path)
And when you want to load it use either h2o.importFile or h2o.importFolder. See the function help for correct usage.
Or save the file as csv / txt before you transform it with as.h2o and load it directly into h2o with one of the above functions.

as.h2o(d) works like this (even when client and server are the same machine):
In R, export d to a csv file in a temp location
Call h2o.uploadFile() which does an HTTP POST to the server, then a single-threaded import.
Returns the handle from that import
Deletes the temp csv file it made.
Instead, prepare your data in advance somewhere(*), then use h2o.importFile() (See This saves messing around with the local file, and it can also do a parallelized read and import.
*: For speediest results, the "somewhere" should be as close to the server as possible. For it to work at all, the "somewhere" has to be somewhere the server can see. If client and server are the same machine, then that is automatic. At the other extreme, if your server is a cluster of machines in an AWS data centre on another continent, then putting the data into S3 works well. You can also put it on HDFS, or on a web server.
See for some examples in both R and Python.


Does R have an equivalent to python's io for saving file like objects to memory?

In python we can import io and then make make a file like object with some_variable=io.BytesIO() and then download any type of file to that and interact with it like it were a locally saved file except that it's in memory. Does R have something like that? To be clear I'm not asking about what any particular OS does when you save some R object to a temp file.
This is kind of a duplicate of Can I write to and access a file in memory in R? but that is about 9 years old so maybe the functionality exists now either in base or with a package.
Yes, readBin.
readBin("/path", raw(),"/path")$size)
This is a working example:
tfile <- tempfile()
writeBin(serialize(iris, NULL), tfile)
x <- readBin(tfile, raw(),$size)
…and you get back your iris data.
This is just an example, but for R objects, it is way more convenient to use readRDS/saveRDS().
However, if the object is an image you want to analyse, readBin gives a raw memory representation.
For text files, you should then use:
but again there are readLines(), read.table(), etc., for these tasks.

Which file format takes less space in sink() function?

I am running a long time script (gets information from the server), which runs the whole day and sink() function saves the output to .txt format. I heard that sometimes sink() function stops abruptly if a huge file is created. In my case, the file size is approx. 100-200mb. Which file format is better to use in order to save some space? or is there are any other functions to save data to my computer?
The first option that comes to mind is the feather package. It stores data frames in binary format, which allows you to push and pull data frames easily. The data should also be lightweight in memory compared to traditional options like sink().
An example workflow would be:
#write data
path <- "my_data.feather"
write_feather(df, path)
#read data
df <- read_feather(path)
Without having your data on hand to benchmark myself, try it out, and let me know if it's indeed faster

Import .rds file to h2o frame directly

I have a large .rds file saved and I trying to directly import .rds file to h2o frame using some functionality, because it is not feasible for me to read that file in R enviornment and then use as.h2o function to convert.
I am looking for some fast and efficient way to deal with it.
My attempts:
I have tried to read that file and then convert it into h2o frame. But, it is way much time consuming process.
I tried saving file in .csv format and using h2o.import() with parse=T.
Due to memory constraint I was not able to save complete dataframe.
Please suggest me any efficient way to do it.
Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.
The native read/write functionality in R is not very efficient, so I'd recommend using data.table for that. Both options below make use of data.table in some way.
First, I'd recommend trying the following: Once you install the data.table package, and load the h2o library, set options(""=TRUE). What that will do is make sure that as.h2o() uses data.table underneath for the conversion from an R data.frame to an H2O Frame. Something to note about how as.h2o() works -- it writes the file from R to disk and then reads it back again into H2O using h2o.importFile(), H2O's parallel file-reader.
There is another option, which is effectively the same thing, though your RAM doesn't need to store two copies of the data at once (one in R and one in H2O), so it might be more efficient if you are really strapped for resources.
Save the file as a CSV or a zipped CSV. If you are having issues saving the data frame to disk as a CSV, then you should make sure you're using an efficient file writer like data.table::fwrite(). Once you have the file on disk, read it directly into H2O using h2o.importFile().

Converting R dataframe to H2O Frame without writing to disk

I know the as.h2o function from h2o library converts an R data.frame to an H2O frame. Two questions:
Does as.h2o() write data to disk during conversion? How long is this data stored?
Are there other options that avoids the temp step of writing to disk?
The exact path of running as.h2o on a data.frame, df :
path <- write.csv(df)
We temporarily write to disk the data.frame and then subsequently upload rather than import the file into H2O and as soon as the file is uploaded we delete the temporary frame. There is no cleaner alternative to not writing to disk.

Lock file when writing to it from parallel processes in R

I use parSapply() from parallel package in R. I need to perform calculations on huge amount of data. Even in parallel it takes hours to execute, so I decided to regularly write results to a file from clusters using write.table(), because the process crashes from time to time when running out of memory or for some other random reason and I want to continue calculations from the place it stopped. I noticed that some lines of csv files that I get are just cut in the middle, probably as a result of several processes writing to the file at the same time. Is there a way to place a lock on the file for the time while write.table() executes, so other clusters can't access it or the only way out is to write to separate file from each cluster and then merge the results?
It is now possible to create file locks using filelock (GitHub)
In order to facilitate this with parSapply() you would need to edit your loop so that if the file is locked the process will not simply quit, but either try again or Sys.sleep() for a short amount of time. However, I am not certain how this will affect your performance.
Instead I recommend you create cluster-specific files that can hold your data, eliminating the need for a lock file and not reducing your performance. Afterwards you should be able to weave these files and create your final results file.
If size is an issue then you can use disk.frame to work with files that are larger than your system RAM.
The old unix technique looks like this:
`#make sure other processes are not writing to the files by trying to create a directory:
if the directory exists it sends an error and then tries again. Exit the repeat when it successfully creates the lock directory
if(system2(command="mkdir", args= "lockdir",stderr=NULL)==0){break}
#get rid of the locking directory
system2(command = "rmdir", args = "lockdir")
