Can not translate my wordpress website - no .pot file - wordpress

I could not find a .pot file so I created one with Eazypo. There was no languages folder in the theme folder either. I created a "languages" folder and uploaded the newly created .pot file. I translated every string and uploaded the new .mo and .po files in the "languages" folder and I defined wp lang to have the value of the .mo file name. Not working.
Any ideas of what can be wrong or how to solve this issue?
Thank you

In order for your theme to load your translation files, you need to use the load_theme_textdomain() function.
Add the following code to your theme's functions.php file:
function wp756531_my_theme_setup(){
load_theme_textdomain( 'my-theme', get_template_directory() . '/languages' );
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'wp756531_my_theme_setup' );
Important Notes:
Make sure to change the 'my-theme' domain to the one your theme uses.
Make sure your translation files are named after your locale(s) (eg.,, etc)


Trying to translate Genesis Sample Child Theme?

I'm using Genesis Sample Child Theme for my website. There is a line of code in function.php:
load_child_theme_textdomain( genesis_get_theme_handle(), get_stylesheet_directory() . '/languages' );
I know this mean .po and .mo file must upload to wp-content/themes/genesis-sample/languages but I try to upload it to different folder wp-content/languages/themes and name the .po and .mo file genesis-sample-vi and website still translate.
Any idea why it still working no matter the code above?

How to make custom Wordpress plugin aware of .po and .mo files?

I am trying to add a translation to a plugin I wrote from scratch but after experimenting a while I'm not sure how to make Wordpress aware that there's a translation available for my plugin.
I'm not sure what else to try so I thought that someone more experienced could point out things I might need to change.
What I did so far:
Added either _e() or __() to the sentences I want to be translated in my plugin files.
Used Loco Translate plugin to generate a .pot file.
Opened .pot file in Poedit, (it displayed a list of all the strings I wanted to translate) translated plugin and generated .po and .mo files from it.
Moved .pot, .po and .mo to my-plugin/languages/.
Renamed files to my-plugin-pt.po and
Changed Wordpress site language to translated language. Language changed everywhere else but the plugin still renders in english.
Not really sure what to do next.
I've created a method that runs load_plugin_textdomain() while following these instructions from Wordpress and have added it as an action to my-plugin __construct():
public function __construct() {
// Other filters and actions...
add_action( 'plugins_loaded', array( $this, 'translation_init' ) );
} // __construct
function translation_init() {
load_plugin_textdomain( 'my-plugin', FALSE, basename( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . '/languages/' );
The language code at the end of the .po and .mo files was incorrect.
Changed from -pt.po to -pt_PT.po (did the same for .mo file) and it started working perfectly.
There's a list of the available language codes for Wordpress which I should have had a look before naming the files in the first place.

Language file not loading - Wordpress Child Theme

I'm trying to add a Dutch translation to a Wordpress theme.
I have edited .pot file (inside the theme) with POedit, and saved nl_NL .po and .mo (without any issues).
Naturally, I've made languages directory in my childtheme (called charityhub-child).
I have changed my code in the most basic form (taken from Wordpress Code reference).
My functions.php looks like this:
function wpdocs_child_theme_setup() {
load_child_theme_textdomain( 'charityhub', get_stylesheet_directory() . '/languages' );
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'wpdocs_child_theme_setup' );
Parent theme name = charityhub.
What seems to be the problem here ? Language files are not loading...

Trouble Translating a WordPress theme

I've created an Arabic website and I am using the zippy theme from MageeWP the things is that I am trying to translate some strings in the theme, but I don't seem to get it working well.
In the theme functions file, there is a specification for the folder location for .PO and .MO files
I created a file and put it there, but it still not working, can anybody guide to a clue?
I checked in wp_config.php and indeed the WPLAND is set to ar
I also used the CodeStyling plugin to make the translation, and it didn't work, although the plugin does not problem a .po or .mo files for ONLY ar.
the source code of the zippy theme is here:
Looks like the theme is doing it wrong (simplified code):
define( 'ZIPPY_THEME_BASE_URL', get_template_directory_uri() );
$lang = ZIPPY_THEME_BASE_URL. '/lang';
load_theme_textdomain( 'zippy', $lang );
It's passing an URL and it should be a path, change the load_theme_textdomain line to:
load_theme_textdomain( 'zippy', get_template_directory() . '/lang');
I had a look at the Zippy theme. There are a template called en_US.po inside the lang folder. I had a look at that as well.
If you don't have poedit installed, download poedit now and install it on your computer. Now, make a copy of en_US.po and rename it ar.po. Open ar.po with poedit. Now you can do all your translations in this template. When you're done, just click save in poedit. Poedit will automatically create a template when your ar.po is saved.
Note, this is just a quick way of doing it, as there are already a language file available that isn't yet translated.
Hope this helps

Why is my localization in wordpress not working?

I have created a theme.
All words and phrases are using either:
__('Word Here','mythemelocalpath')
_e('Word Here','mythemelocalpath')
I have made a folder called languages within the my new themes folder.
I created a .mo and .po and .pot file with poedit and placed them within the languages folder which is within my new theme folder.
The .mo, .po, .pot files are after the localization which is example:
I then wrote this bit of code within the functions.php:
function mycustom_load_localization() {
// Retrieve the directory for the localization files
load_theme_textdomain( 'mythemelocalpath', TEMPPATH.'/languages' );
} // end custom_theme_setup
add_action('after_setup_theme', 'mycustom_load_localization');
I then enter the wp-config.php file and change the WP_LANG to de_DE
But for some reason its not working?
Can someone shed some light on this.
Thanks :)
Try this
load_theme_textdomain( 'mythemelocalpath', get_stylesheet_directory() . '/languages/' );
instead of
load_theme_textdomain( 'mythemelocalpath', TEMPPATH.'/languages' );
where get_stylesheet_directory() should give you the stylesheet directory path and it should be child theme save ;-)
