Usage of WP plugin to access Facebook photo feed now requires review/approval to use Page Public Content Access endpoint - wordpress

I am using a Wordppress plugin, WP Embed Facebook, to display a "live" photo feed from an album on a Facebook page/account I have control over. It used to work fine, displaying thumbnails in one of my footer widgets that when clicked opened in a lightbox. Lately, instead of said thumbnails, the following message is disalyed:
Error: (#10) To use ‘Page Public Content Access’, your use of this
endpoint must be reviewed and approved by Facebook. To submit this
‘Page Public Content Access’ feature for review please read our
documentation on reviewable features: (only visible to
(see far right footer widget at
In following the link in the error message, it would seem that my "app" (i.e. the web page using the plugin) needs to undergo a review/approval process from Facebook, which seems to me to be quite the excessive set of hoops to jump through just to access content on my own page, but I digress...
If I'm reading the documentation correctly, they require access to the "app" in test mode so that they can see it in acton. In an attempt to meet this requirement, I:
logged into my FB app dashboard where the plugin required me to create an app in order to get an App ID and an App Secret anyway. No big deal.
Created a 'test app' from that from that app and configured the plugin to use the test app's App ID and App Secret
The long and the short of my current issue is that, I get the same error message with the test app as with the original. I was under the impression that being a test app, access to the endpoint would be allowed. Not so much. I don't know how I can provide Facebook access to my working test app if it produces the same error as the production version.
I'm sure i'll run into more snags with the remaining hoops I'm jumping through, but for now if anyone had any advice for how I can get the test app access to that endpoint so it can be viewed in a working state for FB review, I'd be ecstatic.
OR there's the possibility that I've misinterpreted the requirements - if it looks like that might be the case, please do not hesitate to bring that to my attention either.
I found the following that sounds like it might indicate that if "the person" who is the publisher of the WP page containing the plugin is the "the person" who is an admin of the app in the FB system, the endpoint is accessible.
"While you are testing your app and before you submit it for review,
your app can only access content on a Page for which the following is
true: The person who holds the admin role for the Page also holds an
admin, developer, or tester role on the app. If you want the app to be
able to access public content on other Pages, you must submit this
feature for review. Once you set your app to live mode, it will not be
able to see any Page public content without this feature."
Now what exactly does "the person" mean? I added the FB account that has the same email address as the publisher of the WP page as an admin of the app in the App Dashboard, but the results are the same. I can't think of any way (other than by email address) that Facebook would be able to figure out that a WP user is the "same person". Am I missing something here?

Submitting for Page Public Content Access would be the wrong thing to do here to begin with.
to display a "live" photo feed from an album on a Facebook page/account I have control over.
So that makes it not public access to begin with - that feature is for accessing public content of pages you don’t have admin access to.
Accessing the photos of your own page requires a page access token - and getting that in return requires the page admin to grant manage_pages permission to the app.
If the plugin is showing you an API response talking about Page Public Content Access, then it means it did not use a proper page token for the request to begin with.
Now I don’t know this plugin, and whether it is prepared to ask for that when retrieving an access token, and if so whether something else goes wrong. I would suggest you contact the plugin author for support.
But again, Page Public Content Access is not what you need here.


How long is the lifespan of a Firebase Dynamic Link created via API?

I have successfully created a dynamic link via Firebase using their API as listed here: I was wondering what the lifespan of one these "generated-on-the-fly" dynamic links were?
Dynamic Links have no time-to-live, and don't expire.
You can archive a link from the Firebase console, but that merely hides it and doesn't expire the existing link.
This reads like a XY problem though. Since dynamic links carry no authentication/authorization information, they are valid indefinitely. If any authentication is required to see the contents that the link target, you'd implement that in your app after requiring the user to authentication/authorize after the link is resolved.
If the link target has become invalid in your app, you'll want to set up a redirect in your app - so that users who have the old link end up in a useful location too. This is essentially the same that you'd do with links on a web site: instead of letting the web server show a 404 page, it's better to set up redirects to the new location of the relevant content.

The security token did not match. The request was aborted to prevent any security breach. Please try again

I've got the error above in my Joomla website when I either try to log in or create a new account from the side site. I have also noticed the two following things:
if I create a new user from the backend, this doesn't appear in the _users table;
a file named ".myjoomla.configuration.php.md5", containing an alphanumeric string, is automatically generated in the website root every time I try to log in vainly from the frontend. Besides, it turns up again if I remove it manually through FTP.
Did my website get hacked? How could I fix it?
".myjoomla.configuration.php.md5" contains the md5 hash of the configuration.php file and appears on your site as part of the service you either subscribed to or trialled. It is part of the near-realtime alerting service which detects when configuration.php has been changed and alerts you if you are a paying subscriber of the service. It is NOT an indication of a hack at all.
Disclaimer: It is code I wrote and a service I run, so I know what Im talking about.
Not being able to create users - Im guessing you have Admin Tools or RSFirewall installed and configured, both these products stop users being created IF configured that way.
Token issues: These are well covered in Joomla documentation and forums. They are CSRF tokens and if yours is not validating then try NOT double clicking the buttons, check your session handlers are working, and check your cookies are working as expected
Nothing you say leads me to believe your site is hacked
The issue I've encountered was about the Joomla native Login module. As I published it in all the pages of my website and clicked on the login link appeared on the frontend side, I was redirected to a link that looked like
which displayed the login page correctly. Yet, once filled in the form and submitted it, the warning message in question popped out. The same problem occurred when either trying to register a new account or reset the password.
Although I couldn't find an explanation to the issue, I managed to fix it by creating a Login, Reset and Registration menu items under the main menu and then hidden them as I didn't want them to show up among the other menu items on the frontend.
Went back to the frontend and clicked on login, I was now redirected to a different url that looks like
where "login" is the alias that I had chosen for the Login menu item.
After having filled in the form and submitted it, I was able to log in successfully. Likewise, Registration and Reset operations worked.

WP feed Facebook

I need help with facebook API,
I have a plugin Flow-Flow Social Stream, I create new API from manual there method 2:
enter image description here
But after paste all information on plugin I see only this error message:
Sorry, an error occurs from Facebook API: (#10) To use 'Page Public Content Access', your use of this endpoint must be reviewed and approved by Facebook. To submit this 'Page Public Content Access' feature for review please read our documentation on reviewable features:
I don't know what more for this do now, please I there someone who Can advice me best solution or any advice?
This error is an indication that there is no proper page access token being used for the API requests. To be able to access content from just any public page, you would need to submit your app for review of that “feature” first. But with a page access token it isn’t “public” access any more, the page token proves that you have admin access to the particular page in question … so if you still get that error, it most likely means you did not create a proper page access token.
Double-check that, and debug your access token to see if it is actually a page access token for the page in question, and what permissions it includes.

Firebase dynamic link flagged as suspicious in gmail

Some Background
We have an app which requires users registration
When a user registers, we send a confirmation email
The email contains a Firebase Dynamic Link to a web page and is caught by the app if it's installed
Since the final link contains a unique confirmation token, we generate a dynamic link each time using the Firebase dynamic link REST API
The generated dynamic link is something like this: https://{domain}{randomChars}
The final link points to our domain, which is using HTTPS
The Problem
When I try to open that link in Gmail (both desktop and android), a pop-up appears that says:
Suspicious link
This link has been flagged as suspicious. Are you sure you want to proceed to {domain}
It's weird that the top-level domain is from Google, and it's flagged as suspicious
The email contains other links, e.g. to the home page, youtube, instagram and facebook, and those open without any issue (all of them are HTTPS)
We're using Rackspace/Mailgun to send emails
Any insights will be really useful.
I checked both domains ({domain} and ours) in MX Toolbox and no blacklist was found.
Dynamic links now use instead of The latter url has been deprecated.

Module "LinkedIn integration" for Drupal

Established in Drupal module "linkedin integration".
I have an API Key and Secret key on //,
There are two problems:
1) The module is configured, but you receive this error:
"401 : No LinkedIn account is associated with this user"
2) Posting of Content not working
If I edit a page and try to post it to linkedin it doesn't work. If I turn on debug I get the following:
Linkedin debug : answered "< : <
How can I fix this problem?
Problem one is that you have not yet linked your user with your linked in user.
To do this you should login as a normal user (password username from drupal).
Then when you go to your user edit screen you should see a tab linkedin if you click on it it will offer you the possibility to link your account. Make sure you are not in admin overlay mode it might not redirect you to linked in then.
After that save and you should be able to login
The posting problem can be more things.
I noticed that it takes pretty long for your post to appear in linked in so it might be that.
You did not show the rights you gave your application but make sure that in linked in you at least selected "rw_nus"
Linkedin documents show that right as doing:
Retrieve and post updates to LinkedIn as you
Im talking about the settings here:
The message debug gave back does not seem to mean anything (is a bug in the module i believe). I tested it myself and i got the same message and my post did appear a few minutes after that in linkedin
