update an arrayResult of doctrine - symfony

i this query i get all of phones with certain condition
and one thing that i want after that is to set isFirstInstalled of all phones in this query to 1
also i want data of this query for api result
what is the most optimize way for that
the simplest way is using the result of the query in foreach and set one by one to 1 ?!
i want the result of my query before updating
$isFirstNotInstalledCases = $em->getRepository(User::class)
->select("u.phone as phone")
->addSelect("u.isFirstInstalled as isFirstInstalled")
->where("u.phone IN (:phone)")
->andWhere("u.isFirstInstalled = :isFirstInstalled")

Try to avoid foreach if you have not to do logic, use update better. Something like this:
$qb = $this->_em->createQueryBuilder();
$q = $qb->update('App\User', 'u')
->set('u.isFirstInstalled', 1))
->where("u.phone IN (:phone)")
->andWhere("u.isFirstInstalled = :isFirstInstalled")
$p = $q->execute();


Use the Doctrine's QueryBuilder to get Categories with a minimum number of products

I want to use the Doctrine's QueryBuilder to get Categories with a specified attribute and a number minimum of products inside. I precise that's the first time I use this Doctrine's function. I discovered that and I realized that it's so much powerful than basics repositories functions. I'm a very beginner with SQL because I used to use Repository's functions.
But I think I achieve this in pure SQL:
SELECT category.*,COUNT(*)
FROM category_product
INNER JOIN category ON category_product.category_id = category.id
WHERE category.name = 'region'
GROUP BY category_product.category_id HAVING COUNT(*) > 20
At the moment I'm totally lost with DQL construction. My Category and Product Entities both have a Many to Many relationship and I can't reach traducing this to Doctrine. I tried using the category_product table auto-generated by doctrine's but It doesn't want to access this table...
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('c');
->where("c.name = 'region'")
->innerJoin('c.products', 'p', 'WITH', 'COUNT(c.products) > :minimum')
->setParameter('minimum', $minimum);
dump($qb->getQuery(), $qb->getQuery()->getResult());
Each Time I uses a new construction I have Semantical errors I'm not able to correct...
Thanks a lot for your help
You could try some thing like here (piece of code from my working model)
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('c')
->where('c.name = region')
->addSelect('COUNT(c.products) AS counter')
->innerJoin('c.products', 'p')
->having('count(p.id) >= :minimum')
->setParameter('region', $region)
->setParameter('minimum', $minimum)
related post: here
Ok Thanks to you I got it.
I shouldn't select the COUNT because I typed the return to be an Array of categories but it returned an array of arrays with contains the category and the count... I had to group by c too.
Thanks a lot for your help !
The answer is :
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('c')
->where('c.name = :region')
->innerJoin('c.products', 'p')
->having('SIZE(c.products) > :minimum')
->setParameter('region', $region)
->setParameter('minimum', 20);

delete several rows where attribute = x

I need to delete all rows where the image_id = x applies
like this
DELETE FROM `ImageVoters` WHERE image_id =1
How do I do this using DQL?
Since im trying to delete several rows at once the remove() function won't work
EntityManager#remove() expects parameter 1 to be an entity object, array given.
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$query = $em->createQuery('SELECT u FROM GabrielUploadBundle:ImageVoters u WHERE u.image_id = 1');
$db_imageactions = $query->getResult();
This is the code that works
$qb = $em->createQueryBuilder();
$qb->delete('GabrielUploadBundle:ImageVoters', 'v')
->where($qb->expr()->eq('v.image_id', ':imageId'))
->setParameter('imageId', $current_imageId);
You could create an ORM queryBuilder, to create a clean/safe query object by using internal orm methods
$qb->delete('My\Image\Namespace\ImageVoters', 'ivoter')
->where($qb->expr()->eq('ivoter.image_id', ':imageId')
->setParameter('imageId', 1);
You can also execute any raw SQL like this:
$sql = "DELETE FROM ImageVoters WHERE image_id =".$image_id;
$q = $em->getConnection()->exec($sql);

Doctrine query building select MAX

I would like to select everything + MAX value and receive only rows having max values.
$query = $this->createQueryBuilder('s');
$query->where('s.challenge = :challenge')->setParameter('challenge', $challenge);
return $query->select('s.*, MAX(s.score) AS max_score')->getQuery()->getResult();
How could I achieve this in doctrine? I am getting an error that * property is not found. I have tried to select them all one by one but no luck either.
Goal is to achieve something like this
SELECT user, challenge, whateverelse, MAX(score) FROM users_scores_table GROUP BY user_id
Please help ;)
It's too late, but I write this for the records.
You can use "as HIDDEN" in SELECT statements to remove a field of the final result, this way you can use it for ordering or grouping without modifying result fields.
In your example:
$query = $this->createQueryBuilder('s');
$query->select('s, MAX(s.score) AS HIDDEN max_score');
$query->where('s.challenge = :challenge')->setParameter('challenge', $challenge);
$query->orderBy('max_score', 'DESC');
Here is a final working query
$query = $this->createQueryBuilder('s');
$query->select('s, MAX(s.score) AS max_score');
$query->where('s.challenge = :challenge')->setParameter('challenge', $challenge);
$query->orderBy('max_score', 'DESC');
return $query->getQuery()->getResult();

symfony2 doctrine query negation of where

i wanna query for all of my categories like this:
$othercategories = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('Bundle:Category')->findBy(
array('language' => $language, 'active' => 1),
array('sorting' => 'ASC')
what i wanna do is to add another parameter to my query, i want all categories EXCEPT one with a specific id. so like:
WHERE id NOT IN ( 2 )
WHERE id <> 2
how can i achieve that?
You can use DQL queries like this
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getEntityManager();
$query = $em->createQuery( 'SELECT c FROM Bundle:Category c WHERE c.language = :language AND c.active = 1 AND c.id NOT IN ( 2 ) ORDER BY c.language ASC' )
->setParameter('language', $language);
$category= $query->getResult();
Sorry I couldn't test this because I am using my phone to answer this question and I don't know your entity variables. Let me know what changes you did to make it work, it will help others.
For more info check http://symfony.com/doc/master/book/doctrine.html
You can add these queries in repository and reuse them. Refer the Cook book on http://symfony.com/doc/master/cookbook/index.html
Hope this helped.
You can use this syntax if you prefer
$repository = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('Bundle:Category');
$queryBuilder = $repository->createQueryBuilder();
$notInCategoryIds = array(2); // Category ids that will be excluded
->from('Bundle:Category', 'c')
->where('c.language = :language')->setParameter('language', $language)
->andWhere('c.active = :active')->setParameter('active', 1)
->andWhere($queryBuilder->expr()->notIn('c.id', $notInCategoryIds)
->orderBy('c.sorting', 'ASC');
$results = $queryBuilder->getQuery()->getResult();
It's probably going to be more useful for other developers that prefers this syntax

'where not in' query with doctrine query builder

Im trying to reproduce this query:
SELECT * FROM `request_lines`
where request_id not in(
select requestLine_id from `asset_request_lines` where asset_id = 1
in doctrine query builder,
I am stuck on the where request_id not in(select
I currently have:
$linked = $em->createQueryBuilder()
->from('MineMyBundle:MineRequestLine', 'rl')
You need to use query builder expressions, and this means you need access to the query builder object. Also, the code is easier to write if you generate the subselect list ahead of time:
$qb = $em->createQueryBuilder();
$nots = $qb->select('arl')
->from('$MineMyBundle:MineAssetRequestLine', 'arl')
$linked = $qb->select('rl')
->from('MineMyBundle:MineRequestLine', 'rl')
->where($qb->expr()->notIn('rl.request_id', $nots))
It is possible to do this in one Doctrine query:
$qb = $this->_em->createQueryBuilder();
$sub = $qb;
$sub = $qb->select('arl')
->from('$MineMyBundle:MineAssetRequestLine', 'arl')
$linked = $qb->select('rl')
->from('MineMyBundle:MineRequestLine', 'rl')
->where($qb->expr()->notIn('rl.request_id', $sub->getDQL()))
Check the reference in this answer here
Using Symfony 5, this solution might help those, who are trying to set parameters on a subquery, the notIn() 2nd argument accepts an array or you could pass a DQL instead and that's what we are doing here and keep in mind that the parameters should be added to the main query as below.
$main = $this->em->createQueryBuilder();
$sub = $main;
$sub = $sub->select('arl')
->from('$MineMyBundle:MineAssetRequestLine', 'arl')
$linked = $main->select('rl')
->from('MineMyBundle:MineRequestLine', 'rl')
->where($main->expr()->notIn('rl.request_id', $sub->getDQL()))
->setParameter('id', 1)
