Reference firestore database with firebase auth uID - firebase

Is there a way to reference Auth uID with my created users DB through firebase console? Or i need to do it through application by writing code?
Since my app doesn't have registration but only log in as a function, then i have already populated auth table, but i need to somehow reference each uID with user in DB.
One way that i thought about was that i would create new users DB field when someone logs in for the first time. That could be a workaround, but still.
Maybe someone has an idea or solution of what i should do to achieve a result for my problem?


Read Firebase authentication records with R

Using R, I am trying to read the Firebase authentication records created by users for our project, projectID. To be clear, I do not wish to read, nor can I read, the user pswd, just the Firebase authentication ID, known as the User UID.
Firebase creates a unique UID when a user record is created. This in turn populates a collection, call it collectionID, where the key to collectionID is the Firebase authentication User UID. Other information about the user's use of our application is stored within this collection.
I can read the collectionID using the Firestore library created by Luis Rodriguez - github("luizmirodriguez/FireStore") - as follows:,collectionID,auth$credentials$access_token).
I cannot download the authentication records shown in Firebase Console with R today. Does anyone know how to do this?
It may be as simple as knowing the name of the collection (authentication, authentication/users, authentication/users_uid all produce errors).
Any help appreciated

Retrieve FirebaseUser data by UID using only FirebaseAuth

I am using theFirebaseAuth Flutter plugin in order to manage the authentication process of users in my app. So far, I have been able to retrieve data from the current user with no trouble. However, I would like to retrieve user information data such as the profile picture using the UID of that user. This is quite easy when the user I want to get the data from is the current user, but I can't see the way of doing that when the user is different.
Is it possible, in some way, to build an instance of FirebaseUser specifying the UID? Or am I forced to store that information in some external storage platform? I prefer
For security reasons, getting user info from any user besides the current one has to be done in a managed environment like a server or Cloud Functions. You can use the Admin SDK to handle this.

Firestore manipulating other users data

I have been exploring Firebase and from my first impressions it looks really good.
I will use Auth for authentication because it's simple and I do not want to write yet another sign in/up system.
I have been looking at firestore for saving data, because it's simple and I do not have to manage a server.
And here comes the problem; Many of the examples I have seen put rules to show only the current rows with "ID" the Auth UID which they pass from the client.
But can the user can decompile my app, change the UID to other user's UID and read/write to their data?
Is this true or am I missing something?
UIDs are handled by Firebase on the server side. There is no way to reverse engineer an app and change the UID.
If for some reason a user does that or anything similar, he won't be able to login to the app thus won't have access to the data stored on Cloud Firestore.

what is the best way to manage FCM registration ID in database server?

I'm trying to use firebase cloud messaging service for my android application and I'm trying to find the best way to manage registration ID in database server.
I was thinking to create new table with userID,registrationId (where userID is unique for each user) in my database and insert new record once the user logs in successfully and remove that record when the user logs out. but there are some situation that the registration Id will be refreshed, I can get the new registration Id to save it in the database. but how can I get the old registration Id to remove it?
Are there better way to manage the registration Id in database?
note: a device can access one account but there are might be many devices that use the same account.
Depending on the user, you might want to also have an identifier for each device they use. But for a simpler explanation, I'll go with the scenario where each user only has a single device.
If you're using Firebase Database, then the simplest way to structure the nodes would be something like this:
$userId: <registration_token_here>
Simple as that. You just pair the userId that you use in your app (possibly for authentication) and place the token there. On sign out, log the user out. When the user is currently signed-in and the token refreshes, handle it in onTokenRefresh(), send the new token to the DB, and replace the older one. Deciding to keep the old one for logging purposes is your call.
Possibly helpful posts:
Firebase Cloud Messaging - Managing Registration Tokens
Managing FCM device groups

Mapping Firebase Auth users to Firestore Documents

I'm trying to use Firebase's Firestore database to handle Users in my Android app.
Initially I want to use the id returned from the Auth package (a string), and set that as the id for the users Collection in the database. When creating a Document inside of the Collection users, I set a uid field to that auth package string.
I realize there is no way of setting that string to an indexable value so that queries like:
// get Auth package uid string
would work.
So the alternative, I guess, is to use Query.whereEqualTo("uid", auth_uid_string) which would give me the user in a list, because firestore doesn't assume the query is for a unique value.
I want to avoid the above solution, and devise a way to store the users of the app in firestore, and use the auth package to verify that I fetch the correct user. Is such a solution possible? Or should I try a different firebase service, or even just run a postgres server in heroku or something?
I am not sure how to do this in android, but with JS I am doing the following:
currentUser is the user object that the authentication function returns (I use signInWithCredential)
It is working perfectly. I am sure you can implement a similar approach in android.
