Openstack heat template : float number as an input parameter - openstack

I want to provide a floating point number as an input parameter. When I select the parameter type to be a "number", providing a float number results in an error, stating : "enter a whole number". Has anyone tried it out ?
The openstack heat template documentation clearly states that, with a parameter type number, one can enter an integer or a float number. Not sure why it isn't working.
I'm using openstack Newton, and here is a sample template which isn't working according to expectations :
heat_template_version: 2016-10-14
description: test template
type: number
label: a number
description: a number
default: 0.1
- range: { min: 0.0, max: 100.0 }
type: OS::Heat::RandomString
length: 10
Note : the sole purpose of the above template is to test floating point number as input.
Thanks in advance for help.
I get the following error.


Declare two fields of a struct as mutually exclusive in CueLang?

I want to ensure that my users only set one of two fields:
- type: weekly
# Allow only ONE of the following fields:
weekday_time_of_day: {...}
time_of_day: [...]
I came across the OneOf pattern on Cuetorials, but this does only seem to help when wanting to enforce a schema while writing cue files.
#OneOfTimeRestrictions: {time_of_day: [...string]} | { weekday_time_of_day: {...string} }
rotations: [{
type: *"weekly" | "daily"
restrictions: #oneOf_timerestrictions | {} # won't work, naturally, because nothing is "chosen"
(the the values of the mutually exclusive fields are actually additional, more complex structs, not strings, in case that might matter - but for the sake of a shorter example I've omitted them).
However, I'm trying to vet YAML instead.
The problem is that when defining this:
rotations: [{
type: *"weekly" | "daily"
restrictions: {time_of_day: [...string]} | { weekday_time_of_day: {...string} }
Both fields are acceptable, including when giving them at the same time.

Error: The operator '+' isn't defined for the class 'Object'

As a complete Dart beginner coming from python and javascript, I find this behavior quite strange:
var user = {'name': 'John Doe', 'birth_y': 1980};
2021-user['birth_y'] // is 41
But if the operator is on the right.
user['birth_y'] + 41 // error
The error:
Error: The operator '+' isn't defined for the class 'Object'.
- 'Object' is from 'dart:core'.
Try correcting the operator to an existing operator, or defining a '+' operator.
user['birth_y'] + 41;
From the error, one guesses that for maps with mixed types, entries have type 'Object', Yet:
user['birth_y'] is int // true
user['birth_y'].runtimeType // int
This behavior is also exhibited by lists of mixed types,
What am I missing?
Dart does a statically analysis of your program before running it. In this analyze phase, it will look at the data type of your variables and see if it is statically safe.
In your case you have this Map:
var user = {'name': 'John Doe', 'birth_y': 1980};
Since your Map contains different types of values, Dart will try to see which data type can be used for all your values. In this case, the only thing String and int shares is the Object type. So user is being analyzed to be of the type Map<String, Object>.
This means that when you get a object from user, the only thing the analyzer can be sure about is it is of the type Object.
So when you do:
user['birth_y'] + 41
The analyzer will assume you get a Object which does not have the + operator.
You should in general not use Map as some kind of object which contains different data types. Instead create a class which makes it possible to write type safe code.

Why is Ada not trapping this specified range check?

I am going through the tutorial and have hit upon a problem that I am unsure of.
Specifically I understand that Ada is designed to trap attempts to overflow a variable with a specified range definition.
In the case below, the first attempt to do this causes a compiler 'range check failure' which is expected. However the following line doesn't trap it and I am not sure why:
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Custom_Floating_Types is
type T_Norm is new float range -1.0 .. 1.0;
D : T_Norm := 1.0;
Put_Line("The value of D =" & T_Norm'Image(D));
-- D := D + 1.0; -- This causes a range check failure at run time = completely expected.
Put_Line("The value of D =" & T_Norm'Image(D + 1.0)); -- This doesn't?
end Custom_Floating_Types;
You have a couple of pretty good answers, but I'm going to add another because it's clear that you expect the expression D + 1.0 to raise an exception, and the answers you have don't explain why it doesn't.
A type declaration like
type T_Norm is new float range -1.0 .. 1.0;
is roughly equivalent to
type T_Norm'Base is new Float;
subtype T_Norm is T_Norm'Base range -1.0 .. 1.0;
The type (called the "base type") isn't given a name, though it can often be referenced with the 'Base attribute. The name that is given is to a subtype, called the "first-named subtype".
This distinction is important and is often not given enough attention. As explained by egilhh, T_Norm'Image is defined in terms of T_Norm'Base. This is also true of the arithmetic operators. For example, "+" is defined as
function "+" (Left : in T_Norm'Base; Right : in T_Norm'Base) return T_Norm'Base;
2.0 is clearly in the range of T_Norm'Base, so evaluating D + 1.0 doesn't violate any constraints, nor does passing it to T_Norm'Image. However, when you try to assign the resulting value to D, which has subtype T_Norm, a check is performed that the value is in the range of the subtype, and an exception is raised because the check fails.
This distinction is used in other places to make the language work reasonably. For example, a constrained array type
type A is array (1 .. 10) of C;
is roughly equivalent to
type A'Base is array (Integer range <>) of C;
subtype A is A'Base (1 .. 10);
If you do
V : A;
... V (2 .. 4)
you might expect problems because the slice doesn't have the bounds of A. But it works because the slice doesn't have subtype A but rather the anonymous subtype A'Base (2 ..4).
The definition of 'Image says:
For every scalar subtype S:
S'Image denotes a function with the following specification:
function S'Image(Arg : S'Base)
return String
As you can see, it takes a parameter of the base (unconstrained) type
T_Norm'Image(D + 1.0) neither assigns nor reads an out-of-range value. It asks for the 'Image attribute (string representation) of (D + 1.0), which is the same as asking for (1.0 + 1.0).
I can see two ways the confusion might arise. First, the name "attribute" could be misinterpreted to suggest that 'Image involves something intrinsic to D. It doesn't. The 'Image attribute is just a function, so D is just part of the expression that defines the value of the parameter (in your example = 2.0).
Second, the 'Image attribute comes from Float. Thus, any Float can be its parameter.
You can create a function that accepts only parameters of T_Norm'Range and make that function an attribute of T_Norm. See Ada Reference Manual 4.10.
Because you don't store a value greater than range in D.

Why is my Map type not exported by Reason?

Following this question, I have created a file (and hence module) that defines a concrete Map type:
/* */
module StringMap = Map.Make({
type t = string;
let compare = compare
type scores = StringMap.t(int);
Now, I want to use the type in another file:
/* */
let currentScores = Scores.scores.empty;
However, this gives me the error:
The value scores can't be found in Scores
If I add a constant (e.g. let n = 123; and Js.log(Scores.n);) then it works.
What am I missing here?
scores is a type, and types, even record types, do not have fields on the type itself. Furthermore, types and values live in different namespaces, so while the scores type exists, the scores value does not, hence the error "The value scores can't be found in Scores".
Modules, on the other hand, can have "fields", so that's why it lives there. And you could of course also alias empty the same way you've aliased the Scores.t type:
type scores = StringMap.t(int);
let empty = StringMap.empty;
Finally, you ask "Surely to make a Map instance the key-type must be known?". Indeed it does, and you've made it known. You specified the key type when you made the StringMap module (Map.Make({ type t = string; ...0);). You do not need to specify the value type (int), however. That will be inferred.

Ada: Understanding variable'Size vs type'Size vs value_size vs object_size

Let the following Ada types be defined:
type Type_Huge is array (1 .. Integer'Last) of Float;
type Type_B is (foo, bar, blop, bloub);
type Type_A ( disc : Type_B := foo) is
case disc is
when foo =>
My_int : Integer;
when bar =>
huge_data : Type_Huge := (others => 0.0);
when others =>
end case;
end record;
1- Do you confirm the following ?
my_var : Type_A;
(Type_A'Size = my_var'Size) returns False
2- what is the real value of my_var'Size ?
I would say the size is at least:
Type_B'Size + Integer'Size
3- What is the value of Type_A'Size ?
I would say the size is the max of the possible configurations.
3- Is there anything else the compiler would add (probably hidden) to my_var?
I have also read some articles concerning Value_Size and Object_Size
But I don't get the full picture right now.
As quoted in another answer the LRM requires 'Size be defined by the implementation for indefinite types; in addition, LRM M.2 (45) requires that the implementation documents this characteristic:
(45) The meaning of Size for indefinite subtypes.
If your compiler is GNAT, this is what it states in its reference manual:
Size for an indefinite subtype is the maximum possible size,
You can see the compiler's choice when you add compiler switch -gnatR3. The output also lists numbers for 'Value_Size as they depend on the record discriminant's value. (The (...) part talks about sizes of subprogram parameters.)
Quoting section 13.3 in the LRM:
(44) For every subtype S:
(45) S'Size [...]
(48) If S is indefinite, the meaning is implementation defined. [...]
In other words: It is implementation defined.
