Grep hex characters in a file - unix

I am having some difficulty finding the number of hex characters in a file. For example:
grep -o \x02 file | wc -l
There should be about 3M matches here, but it doesn't seem like the \x02 character is being recognized here. For example (in python):
>>> s=open('file').read()
>>> s.count('\x02')

The answer by Mark Setchell may be OK for MacOS but doesn't seem to work on debian using bash (tested with bash 4.4, grep 2.27).
I could get a match using the -P directive (for Perl regex)
user#host:~ $ printf '\x02\n3\n\x02' | grep -c -P '\x02'
user#host:~ $ printf '\x02\n3\n\x02' | grep -c -P '\xFF' #same input, different pattern
user#host:~ $ printf '\x02\n3\n\xff' | grep -c -P '\xFF' #match with unmatching case
Hope this helps

This seems to do what you want on macOS:
printf "\x02\n3\n\x02" | grep -c "\x02"


How can pipes and grep and wc be combined to just give a count of the phrase “syntax ok”

How can pipes and grep and wc be combined to just give a count of the phrase “syntax ok”
Something like the following…
cd /usr/IBMIHS/bin/ |
apachectl -t -f /usr/IBMIHS/conf/AAA/httpd.conf |
apachectl -t -f /usr/IBMIHS/conf/AAA/siteAA.conf |
grep "^Syntax OK" | wc
Simply via grouping commands with curly brackets, and use grep -c:
apachectl -t -f /usr/IBMIHS/conf/AAA/httpd.conf
apachectl -t -f /usr/IBMIHS/conf/AAA/siteAA.conf
} |& grep -c "Syntax OK"
From man grep
-c, --count
Suppress normal output; instead print a count of matching lines for each input file. With the -v, --invert-match option (see below), count non-matching lines.

dynamically pass string to Rscript argument with sed

I wrote a script in R that has several arguments. I want to iterate over 20 directories and execute my script on each while passing in a substring from the file path as my -n argument using sed. I ran the following:
find . -name 'xray_data' -exec sh -c 'Rscript /Users/Caitlin/Desktop/DeMMO_Pubs/DeMMO_NativeRock/DeMMO_NativeRock/R/scipts/dataStitchR.R -f {} -b "{}/SEM_images" -c "{}/../coordinates.txt" -z ".tif" -m ".tif" -a "Unknown|SEM|Os" -d "overview" -y "overview" --overview "overview.*tif" -p FALSE -n "`sed -e 's/.*DeMMO.*[/]\(.*\)_.*[/]xray_data/\1/' "{}"`"' sh {} \;
which results in this error:
ubs/DeMMO_NativeRock/DeMMO_NativeRock/R/scipts/dataStitchR.R -f {} -b "{}/SEM_images" -c "{}/../coordinates.txt" -z ".tif" -m ".tif" -a "Unknown|SEM|Os" -d "overview" -y "overview" --overview "overview.*tif" -p FALSE -n "`sed -e 's/.*DeMMO.*[/]\(.*\)_.*[/]xray_data/\1/' "{}"`"' sh {} \;
sh: command substitution: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `('
sh: command substitution: line 0: `sed -e s/.*DeMMO.*[/](.*)_.*[/]xray_data/1/ "./DeMMO1/D1T3rep_Dec2019_Ellison/xray_data"'
When I try to use sed with my pattern on an example file path, it works:
echo "./DeMMO1/D1T1exp_Dec2019_Poorman/xray_data" | sed -e 's/.*DeMMO.*[/]\(.*\)_.*[/]xray_data/\1/'
which produces the correct substring:
I think there's an issue with trying to use single quotes inside the interpreted string but I don't know how to deal with this. I have tried replacing the single quotes around the sed pattern with double quotes as well as removing the single quotes, both result in this error:
sed: RE error: illegal byte sequence
How should I extract the substring from the file path dynamically in this case?
To loop through the output of find.
while IFS= read -ru "$fd" -d '' files; do
echo "$files" ##: do whatever you want to do with the files here.
done {fd}< <(find . -type f -name 'xray_data' -print0)
No embedded commands in quotes.
It uses a random fd just in case something inside the loop is eating/slurping stdin
Also -print0 delimits the files with null bytes, so it should be safe enough to handle spaces tabs and newlines on the path and file names.
A good start is always put an echo in front of every commands you want to do with the files, so you have an idea what's going to be executed/happen just in case...
This is the solution that ultimately worked for me due to issues with quotes in sed:
for dir in `find . -name 'xray_data'`;
do sampleID="`basename $(dirname $dir) | cut -f1 -d'_'`";
Rscript /Users/Caitlin/Desktop/DeMMO_Pubs/DeMMO_NativeRock/DeMMO_NativeRock/R/scipts/dataStitchR.R -f "$dir" -b "$dir/SEM_images" -c "$dir/../coordinates.txt" -z ".tif" -m ".tif" -a "Unknown|SEM|Os" -d "overview" -y "overview" --overview "overview.*tif" -p FALSE -n "$sampleID";

UNIX for loop with some options

I have for loop:
for mnt `cat $file.txt`
grep -h -i -A 3 -B 4 *log | grep -v "10001" >> extrafile.txt
What does -A 3 and -B 4 means?
After and Before followed by number of lines
After en Before. After and before what?
No wonder the grep is confusing: You don't mention the "${mnt}" you are searching for. When I improve your script (moving input and output to the end, outside the loop, and using ${mnt}), the script looks like
while read -r mnt; do
grep -h -i -A 3 -B 4 "${mnt}" *log | grep -v "10001"
done < "${file.txt}" >> extrafile.txt
You get the context of every hit from $file.txt and delete all lines with 10001.

xargs to copy one file into several

I have a directory that has one file with information (call it and several files that are empty (call them
I'm trying to formulate an xargs command that copies the contents of into all of the empty files.
So far I have
ls -ltr | awk '{print $9}' | grep -v masterfile | xargs -I {} cat > {}
Unfortunately, all this does is creates a file called {} and prints into it N times.
Is there something I'm missing with the syntax here?
Thanks in advance
You can use this command to copy file 20 times:
$ tee < >/dev/null file{1..20}.inc
Note: file{1..20}.inc will expand to file1, file2, ... , file20
If you disternation filenames are random:
$ shopt -s extglob
$ tee < >/dev/null $(ls !(
Note: $(ls !( will expand to all file in current directory except (please don't use spaces in filename)
While the tee trick is really brilliant you might be interested in a solution that is easier to adapt for other situations. Here using GNU Parallel:
ls -ltr | awk '{print $9}' | grep -v masterfile | parallel "cat > {}"
It takes literally 10 seconds to install GNU Parallel:
wget -qO - | sh -x
Watch the intro videos to learn more:

Multiple grep search/ignore patterns

I usually use the following pipeline to grep for a particular search string and yet ignore certain other patterns:
grep -Ri 64 src/install/ | grep -v \.svn | grep -v "file"| grep -v "2\.5" | grep -v "2\.6"
Can this be achieved in a succinct manner? I am using GNU grep 2.5.3.
Just pipe your unfiltered output into a single instance of grep and use an extended regexp to declare what you want to ignore:
grep -Ri 64 src/install/ | grep -v -E '(\.svn|file|2\.5|2\.6)'
Edit: To search multiple files maybe try
find ./src/install -type f -print |\
grep -v -E '(\.svn|file|2\.5|2\.6)' | xargs grep -i 64
Edit: Ooh. I forgot to add the simple trick to stop a cringeable use of multiple grep instances, namely
ps -ef | grep something | grep -v grep
Replacing that with
ps -ef | grep "[s]omething"
removes the need of the second grep.
Use the -e option to specify multiple patterns:
grep -Ri 64 src/install/ | grep -v -e '\.svn' -e file -e '2\.5' -e '2\.6'
You might also be interested in the -F flag, which indicates that patterns are fixed strings instead of regular expressions. Now you don't have to escape the dot:
grep -Ri 64 src/install/ | grep -vF -e .svn -e file -e 2.5 -e 2.6
I noticed you were grepping out ".svn". You probably want to skip any directories named ".svn" in your initial recursive grep. If I were you, I would do this instead:
grep -Ri 64 src/install/ --exclude-dir .svn | grep -vF -e file -e 2.5 -e 2.6
you can use awk instead of grep
awk '/64/&&!/(\.svn|file|2\.[56])/' file
You maybe want to use ack-grep which allow to exclude with perl regexp as well and avoid all the VC directories, great for grepping source code.
The following script will remove all files except a list of files:
echo cleanup_all $#
if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then
FILES=`find . -type f`
# strip last char
echo exluded files expression : $EXCLUDE_FILES_EXP
FILES=`find . -type f | egrep -v $EXCLUDE_FILES_EXP`
echo removing $FILES
for FILE in $FILES
echo "cleanup: removing file $FILE"
rm $FILE
