Google App Maker Widget Validate on Datasource select - google-app-maker

I have three different fields/textbox widgets, that rely on querying the same data source to be checked to avoid duplication. For reasons, I do not want to turn on the unique/required for those three fields.
I put some code to check for validation. My problem is that when I call the form's validate function, it takes some time till the validation comes back with an error message. However the form's validate returns immediately and allows people to click Submit.
How can I avoid this problem?
Block till validation kicks (setTimeout function?)
Set a separate invisible field such as working and set the validationError on the field and clear after validations clear? This will probably be a numeric field so that I can wait for all streams in parallel to finish.
Final question. is Validate a blocking function as it goes through the fields? I am guessing Yes.


Having multiple validation errors in single error message in Peoplesoft

Is it possible to get multiple error messages for missing required fields in a single error message to the user? For example, if I left all 5 of my required fields blank, the error message that is displayed when clicking Submit will show all 5 messages in the same window.
This is a fantastic idea and should be added to the PeopleSoft Idea Spaces in MyOracle Support. Unfortunately, this is not delivered. There are multiple ways a person might trigger an exception, including:
Choosing an invalid value
Leaving required fields blank
Failing FieldEdit or SaveEdit PeopleCode
Unfortunately, PeopleSoft fails on the first, not all. Regarding the last item: FieldEdit/SaveEdit, as soon as you trigger the PeopleCode Error function, PeopleCode halts, so it is impossible for us to use the Error function to queue multiple exceptions.
With all that said, nothing is impossible. One way to accomplish this would be to use our own JavaScript/CSS to mark all fields that fail validation. This would require us to write additional PeopleCode, etc., to work around Oracle's delivered validation.
One approach to do that is to perform the validations "manually", stack then and present to the user.
In order to do that, you need to have a custom "Save" or "Validate Button", and your peoplecode would stack the errors.
You can use the vanilla required fields validation + any conditional validation you need.
A good way to present this is just have a field(long) or an html area and nicely present the errors:
Emplid is required
Setid is required
Enter an end date less than start date
But otherwise, this is not part of Peopletools, although some modules do offer this (eSupplier Portal for instance has a similar feature).

How change via ajax part of the form validated by JsFormValidatorBundle

My form is validated by JsFormValidatorBundle. I have to replace only part of the existing form via ajax. Specifically I change the payment list according to the chosen transport in an order process. init_js_validation() works well but the form is still validating by binded "submitForm" at the first time and next ajax accumulates another event.
Then I have already modified FpJsFormValidator.attachDefaultEvent and i have remove old binding. The form is still validated according to origin model and new payments are validated after marking form as invalid.
FpJsFormValidator.constraintsCounter is increased by every init_js_validation(). Model is ok but constraints are accumulated.
Can I reset or destroy a validation of this form or remove constraints before init_js_validation()?

Tracking down error on form or in session

Apologies if this is classic ASP 101, but its been so long since I did any ASP Im struggling to understand / track this error down. What makes it worse is Ive inherited this application and I cant ask the original author..
I have a shopping cart that includes an input checkbox and numerous other fields. When the form is processed and submitted it is run through some javascript and then if all is ok, redirected to another page. (Nothing unusual there). Firebug shows that at this point the value of the check box is different depending on its checked state.
When the form is submitted it goes to another page that iterates over the session.Contents() collection, and builds up a string that is sent to a 3rd party. Using fiddler, it appears that whilst the name of the checkBox is in this string, the value is always 'on'
From reading Google, I see that the session.Contents collection is all parameters that have been placed in the session / application. but a grep across all the files in the project directory doesnt turn up anywhere that the checkbox is added to the session.
So, is the cb there simply because it is on the form or used in javascript, or are there other ways of adding the variable into the session. (Grep on the name doesnt turn up any other instances).
And secondly, if the variable is in the session, no matter how it got there, why is it always set to "on". Im assuming that somehow it has been added to the session and set to On before the form is processed. But the checkbox defaults to unchecked, so Im confused!
Can anyone help explain this, or even suggest how I can track it down / fix it. (The obvious answer is to try to force it into the session with the correct value, but I'd like to know why it is misbehaving rather than just ignore it in case I meet something like this again!
I am going to assume that you have already determined that the JavaScript is not modifying checkbox state priort to allowing the submission.
When your form is submitted, the fields that are submitted are in the Request.Form collection. When a checkbox is not checked, it is not part of the Request.Form collection. Therefore, there will be as many checkbox fields in your Request.Form collection as you had checked when submitting, and they will all have the value of their respective "value" property.
If you then add these to the Session.Contents collection, they persist until the session ends. If you never explicitly clear the Session.Contents collection, but submit the form more than once with different values, then the Session.Contents collection will continue to accrue more and more (checkbox_name, checkbox_value) pairs until such time as it contains a (checkbox_name, checkbox_value) pair for every checkbox on your form.
You may wish to write a function that clears each one of your form fields from the session, and call this either after processing a form, or before processing a form (whichever makes sense for your application). Alternatively, just use the Request.Form collection.

How do I display data from an external database in Drupal?

I am building a custom module that will allow my users to do a simple query against an MS SQL database. I've built the form using hook_form() and have gotten validation to work.
I'm planning on retrieving the data from hook_form_submit(), but once I've done that, how do I append it below the form? It does not appear that I have access to $output from hook_form_submit(). I'm at a loss as to what to do next.
When you are rendering the form you should check for $form_state['values'] to see if the user has already submitted a form when you're rendering the form. Then you could paint the form results in the same step as painting the form.
The first time the user loads the form page the $form_state variable won't contain any submitted form info so you can render an empty results table.
There's a good illustration of the Drupal Form API workflow on here: Form API Internal Workflow Illustration
The problem in trying to output data in the hook_form() method is that the method gets invoked twice which clears the post values the second time through. Throw a dpm($form_state) in the hook_form() function and you'll see two sets of post data. One with values and one without.
So after dissecting the built in Search module, which pretty much operates exactly the way I want my form to work, I figured out how this is done. Well, at least one way you can do it.
What Search module does is take the values from $form_state in hook_form_submit() and pastes them into the URL, then it sets the $form_state['redirect'] to that new URL, effectively storing those variables in the URL and changing the POST to a GET.
Now, in the callback, they extract those values from the URL, do the search on them, THEN they call drupal_get_form(), append the results to the end and return it.
There's another solution HERE where they use SESSION to store the values until the second trip through. Weird, but it works.

Ways to keep track of dynamically created DOM elements in ASP.NET

Assume you have a page in ASP.NET where it makes sense to use JavaScript/jQuery to modify the DOM with values that will eventually be read by the server on submit. For example, you have a form that allows end users to add/remove objects (like dependents on a health insurance form or assets on a loan application).
What are some ways to ensure that these items are detected and retrieved by the server once the information is submitted?
I've tried a few things that work, but none of them seem perfect so I wanted to see what the community had to offer.
Also, I'm not looking for suggestions that avoid dynamic DOM elements (like use a Wizard, etc.). I'm specifically trying to improve my technique with dynamically created DOM elements.
There are two ways to do something like this:
First: post only the information on submit. As long as you add both a name and an id attribute to every element in your DOM, every element is represented in Request.Form, so you can easily iterate through this collection.
I tend to have a naming convention like insurance_row_1, insurance_row_2 and so forth. You can find all rows like Request.Form.AllKeys.Where(k=>k.StartsWith("insurance_row_")).
When you want to save every action on the server:
Maintain a state container in javascript, that holds information in some dictionary-like control, where you put every action that has been performed by your application, and a state whether the server has processed them. Something like:
var stateContainer = [
{ 'put-insurance-row-1', false },
{ 'delete-insurance-row-1', false }
Do an AJAX request to the server to perform such an action, and use the state-container's key to track whether the request succeeded or failed. Set the state to 'true' when the request has been successfully submitted. Make sure to do this in order in which you receive the events, so send them one-by-one to the server to ensure that you keep a valid state.
You can (try) to prevent closing the browser if some states aren't persisted yet.
why are you using client side code to do this? i would go the route of doing a postback and adding a control from server side code. the built in ajax updatepanel should handle this very quickly.
