FIll zeros with previous value +1 - r

I have a record grouped by users. At the variable "day" there are some 0s, which I would like to have replaced in order of sequence (= previous value +1).
data <- data.frame(user = c(1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2), day = c(170,0,172,34,35,0,0,38))
user day
1 1 170
2 1 0
3 1 172
4 2 34
5 2 35
6 2 0
7 2 0
8 2 38
I want to have the following:
user day
1 1 170
2 1 171
3 1 172
4 2 34
5 2 35
6 2 36
7 2 37
8 2 38
I've tried the following (really inefficient and doesn't work for all cases...):
data = group_by(data, user) %>%
+ mutate(lead_day = lead(day),
+ day_new = case_when(day == 0 ~ lead_day - 1,
+ day > 0 ~ day))
> data
# A tibble: 8 x 4
# Groups: user [2]
user day lead_day day_new
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 170 0 170
2 1 0 172 171
3 1 172 NA 172
4 2 34 35 34
5 2 35 0 35
6 2 0 0 -1
7 2 0 38 37
8 2 38 NA 38

You could use Reduce
data$day <-Reduce(function(x,y) if(y==0) x+1 else y, data$day,accumulate = TRUE)
# user day
# 1 1 170
# 2 1 171
# 3 1 172
# 4 2 34
# 5 2 35
# 6 2 36
# 7 2 37
# 8 2 38
Or as you use tidyverse already :
data %>% mutate(day = accumulate(day,~if(.y==0) .x+1 else .y))
# user day
# 1 1 170
# 2 1 171
# 3 1 172
# 4 2 34
# 5 2 35
# 6 2 36
# 7 2 37
# 8 2 38


Add rows to dataframe in R based on values in column

I have a dataframe with 2 columns: time and day. there are 3 days and for each day, time runs from 1 to 12. I want to add new rows for each day with times: -2, 1 and 0. How do I do this?
I have tried using add_row and specifying the row number to add to, but this changes each time a new row is added making the process tedious. Thanks in advance
picture of the dataframe
We could use add_row
then slice the desired sequence
and bind all to a dataframe:
df1 <- df %>%
add_row(time = -2:0, Day = c(1,1,1), .before = 1) %>%
df2 <- bind_rows(df1, df1, df1) %>%
mutate(Day = rep(row_number(), each=15, length.out = n()))
# A tibble: 45 x 2
time Day
<dbl> <int>
1 -2 1
2 -1 1
3 0 1
4 1 1
5 2 1
6 3 1
7 4 1
8 5 1
9 6 1
10 7 1
11 8 1
12 9 1
13 10 1
14 11 1
15 12 1
16 -2 2
17 -1 2
18 0 2
19 1 2
20 2 2
21 3 2
22 4 2
23 5 2
24 6 2
25 7 2
26 8 2
27 9 2
28 10 2
29 11 2
30 12 2
31 -2 3
32 -1 3
33 0 3
34 1 3
35 2 3
36 3 3
37 4 3
38 5 3
39 6 3
40 7 3
41 8 3
42 9 3
43 10 3
44 11 3
45 12 3
Here's a fast way to create the desired dataframe from scratch using expand.grid(), rather than adding individual rows:
df <- expand.grid(-2:12,1:3)
colnames(df) <- c("time","day")
time day
1 -2 1
2 -1 1
3 0 1
4 1 1
5 2 1
6 3 1
7 4 1
8 5 1
9 6 1
10 7 1
11 8 1
12 9 1
13 10 1
14 11 1
15 12 1
16 -2 2
17 -1 2
18 0 2
19 1 2
20 2 2
21 3 2
22 4 2
23 5 2
24 6 2
25 7 2
26 8 2
27 9 2
28 10 2
29 11 2
30 12 2
31 -2 3
32 -1 3
33 0 3
34 1 3
35 2 3
36 3 3
37 4 3
38 5 3
39 6 3
40 7 3
41 8 3
42 9 3
43 10 3
44 11 3
45 12 3
You can use tidyr::crossing
add_values <- c(-2, 1, 0)
crossing(time = add_values, Day = unique(day$Day)) %>%
bind_rows(day) %>%
arrange(Day, time)
# A tibble: 45 x 2
# time Day
# <dbl> <int>
# 1 -2 1
# 2 0 1
# 3 1 1
# 4 1 1
# 5 2 1
# 6 3 1
# 7 4 1
# 8 5 1
# 9 6 1
#10 7 1
# … with 35 more rows
If you meant -2, -1 and 0 you can also use complete.
tidyr::complete(day, Day, time = -2:0)

Finding cumulative second max per group in R

I have a dataset where I would like to create a new variable that is the cumulative second largest value of another variable, and I would like to perform this function per group.
Let's say I create the following example data frame:
(df1 <- data.frame(patient = rep(1:5, each=8), visit = rep(1:2,each=4,5), trial = rep(1:4,10), var1 = sample(1:50,20,replace=TRUE)))
This is pretend data that represents 5 patients who each had 2 study visits, and each visit had 4 trials with a measurement taken (var1).
> head(df1,n=20)
patient visit trial var1
1 1 1 1 25
2 1 1 2 23
3 1 1 3 48
4 1 1 4 37
5 1 2 1 41
6 1 2 2 45
7 1 2 3 8
8 1 2 4 9
9 2 1 1 26
10 2 1 2 14
11 2 1 3 41
12 2 1 4 35
13 2 2 1 37
14 2 2 2 30
15 2 2 3 14
16 2 2 4 28
17 3 1 1 34
18 3 1 2 19
19 3 1 3 28
20 3 1 4 10
I would like to create a new variable, cum2ndmax, that is the cumulative 2nd largest value of var1 and I would like to group this variable by patient # and visit #.
I figured out how to calculate the cumulative 2nd max number like so:
df1$cum2ndmax <- sapply(seq_along(df1$var1),function(x){sort(df1$var1[seq(x)],decreasing=TRUE)[2]})
However, this calculates the cumulative 2nd max across the whole dataset, not for each group. I have attempted to calculate this variable using grouped data like so after installing and loading package dplyr:
df2 <- df1 %>%
group_by(patient,visit) %>%
mutate(cum2ndmax = sapply(seq_along(df1$var1),function(x){sort(df1$var1[seq(x)],decreasing=TRUE)[2]}))
But I get an error: Error: Problem with mutate() input cum2ndmax. x Input cum2ndmax can't be recycled to size 4.
Ideally, my result would look something like this:
patient visit trial var1 cum2ndmax
1 1 1 25 NA
1 1 2 23 23
1 1 3 48 25
1 1 4 37 37
1 2 1 41 NA
1 2 2 45 41
1 2 3 8 41
1 2 4 9 41
2 1 1 26 NA
2 1 2 14 14
2 1 3 41 26
2 1 4 35 35
… … … … …
Any help in getting this to work in R would be much appreciated! Thank you!
One dplyr and purrr option could be:
df1 %>%
group_by(patient, visit) %>%
mutate(cum_second_max = map_dbl(.x = seq_along(var1),
~ ifelse(.x == 1, NA, var1[dense_rank(-var1[1:.x]) == 2])))
patient visit trial var1 cum_second_max
<int> <int> <int> <int> <dbl>
1 1 1 1 25 NA
2 1 1 2 23 23
3 1 1 3 48 25
4 1 1 4 37 37
5 1 2 1 41 NA
6 1 2 2 45 41
7 1 2 3 8 41
8 1 2 4 9 41
9 2 1 1 26 NA
10 2 1 2 14 14
11 2 1 3 41 26
12 2 1 4 35 35
13 2 2 1 37 NA
14 2 2 2 30 30
15 2 2 3 14 30
16 2 2 4 28 30
17 3 1 1 34 NA
18 3 1 2 19 19
19 3 1 3 28 28
20 3 1 4 10 28
Here is an Rcpp solution.
cum_second_max is a modification of cummax which keeps track of the second maximum.
NumericVector cum_second_max(NumericVector x) {
double max_value = R_NegInf, max_value2 = NA_REAL;
NumericVector result(x.length());
for (int i = 0 ; i < x.length() ; ++i) {
if (x[i] > max_value) {
max_value2 = max_value;
max_value = x[i];
else if (x[i] < max_value && x[i] > max_value2) {
max_value2 = x[i];
result[i] = isinf(max_value2) ? NA_REAL : max_value2;
return result;
df1 %>%
group_by(patient, visit) %>%
c2max = cum_second_max(var1)
#> # A tibble: 20 x 5
#> # Groups: patient, visit [5]
#> patient visit trial var1 c2max
#> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1 1 1 25 NA
#> 2 1 1 2 23 23
#> 3 1 1 3 48 25
#> 4 1 1 4 37 37
#> 5 1 2 1 41 NA
#> 6 1 2 2 45 41
#> 7 1 2 3 8 41
#> 8 1 2 4 9 41
#> 9 2 1 1 26 NA
#> 10 2 1 2 14 14
#> 11 2 1 3 41 26
#> 12 2 1 4 35 35
#> 13 2 2 1 37 NA
#> 14 2 2 2 30 30
#> 15 2 2 3 14 30
#> 16 2 2 4 28 30
#> 17 3 1 1 34 NA
#> 18 3 1 2 19 19
#> 19 3 1 3 28 28
#> 20 3 1 4 10 28
Thanks so much everyone! I really appreciate it and could not have solved this without your help! In the end, I ended up using a similar approach suggested by tmfmnk since I was already using dplyr. I found an interesting result with the code suggested by tmkmnk where for some reason it gave me a column of values that just repeated the first row's number. With a small tweak to change dense_rank to order, I got exactly what I wanted like this:
df1 %>%
group_by(patient, visit) %>%
mutate(cum_second_max = map_dbl(.x = seq_along(var1),
~ ifelse(.x == 1, NA, var1[order(-var1[1:.x])[2])))

calculate count of number observation for all variables at once in R

numbers1 <- c(4,23,4,23,5,43,54,56,657,67,67,435,
numbers2 <- c(4,23,4,23,5,44,54,56,657,67,67,435,
to peform counting i do so manually
but i can have 100 variables from mydat$x1 to mydat$100.
I don't want manually enter 100 times.
How to do that all counting would for all variables?$x1-mydat$x100))
is not working.
We can make a list of all variables in the environment that have a pattern like numbers. Then we can loop through all of the elements of the list:
number_lst <- mget(ls(pattern = 'numbers\\d'), envir = .GlobalEnv) #thanks NelsonGon
lapply(number_lst, function(x)
x Freq
1 4 2
2 5 1
3 23 2
4 34 2
5 43 1
6 54 1
7 56 2
8 65 1
9 67 2
10 324 1
11 435 3
12 453 1
13 456 1
14 567 1
15 657 1
x Freq
1 4 2
2 5 1
3 23 2
4 34 2
5 44 1
6 54 1
7 56 2
8 65 1
9 67 2
10 324 1
11 435 3
12 453 1
13 456 1
14 567 1
15 657 1
As I read your question, you want to count the number of times each unique element in a set occurs using minimal re-typing over many sets.
To do this, you'll first need to put the sets into a single object, e.g. into a list:
list_of_sets <- list(numbers1 = c(4,23,4,23,5,43,54,56,657,67,67,435,
numbers2 = c(4,23,4,23,5,44,54,56,657,67,67,435,
Then you loop over each list element, e.g. using a for loop:
list_of_counts <- list()
for(i in seq_along(list_of_sets)){
list_of_counts[[i]] <-[[i]]))
list_of_counts then contains the results:
Var1 Freq
1 4 2
2 5 1
3 23 2
4 34 2
5 43 1
6 54 1
7 56 2
8 65 1
9 67 2
10 324 1
11 435 3
12 453 1
13 456 1
14 567 1
15 657 1
Var1 Freq
1 4 2
2 5 1
3 23 2
4 34 2
5 44 1
6 54 1
7 56 2
8 65 1
9 67 2
10 324 1
11 435 3
12 453 1
13 456 1
14 567 1
15 657 1

Group Data in R for consecutive rows

If there's not a quick 1-3 liner for this in R, I'll definitely just use linux sort and a short python program using groupby, so don't bend over backwards trying to get something crazy working. Here's the input data frame:
df_in <- data.frame(
ID = c(1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2),
weight = c(150,150,151,150,150,170,170,170,171,171),
start_day = c(1,4,7,10,11,5,10,15,20,25),
end_day = c(4,7,10,11,30,10,15,20,25,30)
ID weight start_day end_day
1 1 150 1 4
2 1 150 4 7
3 1 151 7 10
4 1 150 10 11
5 1 150 11 30
6 2 170 5 10
7 2 170 10 15
8 2 170 15 20
9 2 171 20 25
10 2 171 25 30
I would like to do some basic aggregation by ID and weight, but only when the group is in consecutive rows of df_in. Specifically, the desired output is
df_desired_out <- data.frame(
ID = c(1,1,1,2,2),
weight = c(150,151,150,170,171),
min_day = c(1,7,10,5,20),
max_day = c(7,10,30,20,30)
ID weight min_day max_day
1 1 150 1 7
2 1 151 7 10
3 1 150 10 30
4 2 170 5 20
5 2 171 20 30
This question seems to be extremely close to what I want, but I'm having lots of trouble adapting it for some reason.
In dplyr, I would do this by creating another grouping variable for the consecutive rows. This is what the code cumsum(c(1, diff(weight) != 0) is doing in the code chunk below. An example of this is also here.
The group creation can be done within group_by, and then you can proceed accordingly with making any summaries by group.
df_in %>%
group_by(ID, group_weight = cumsum(c(1, diff(weight) != 0)), weight) %>%
summarise(start_day = min(start_day), end_day = max(end_day))
Source: local data frame [5 x 5]
Groups: ID, group_weight [?]
ID group_weight weight start_day end_day
(dbl) (dbl) (dbl) (dbl) (dbl)
1 1 1 150 1 7
2 1 2 151 7 10
3 1 3 150 10 30
4 2 4 170 5 20
5 2 5 171 20 30
This approach does leave you with the extra grouping variable in the dataset, which can be removed, if needed, with select(-group_weight) after ungrouping.
First we combine ID and weight. The quick-and-dirty way is using paste:
df_in$id_weight <- paste(df_in$id, df_in$weight, sep='_')
ID weight start_day end_day id_weight
1 1 150 1 4 1_150
2 1 150 4 7 1_150
3 1 151 7 10 1_151
4 1 150 10 11 1_150
5 1 150 11 30 1_150
6 2 170 5 10 2_170
7 2 170 10 15 2_170
8 2 170 15 20 2_170
9 2 171 20 25 2_171
10 2 171 25 30 2_171
Safer way is to use interaction or group_indices: Combine values in 4 columns to a single unique value
We can group consecutively using rle.
rlel <- rle(df_in$id_weight)$lengths
df_in$group <- unlist(lapply(1:length(rlel), function(i) rep(i, rlel[i])))
ID weight start_day end_day id_weight group
1 1 150 1 4 1_150 1
2 1 150 4 7 1_150 1
3 1 151 7 10 1_151 2
4 1 150 10 11 1_150 3
5 1 150 11 30 1_150 3
6 2 170 5 10 2_170 4
7 2 170 10 15 2_170 4
8 2 170 15 20 2_170 4
9 2 171 20 25 2_171 5
10 2 171 25 30 2_171 5
Now with the convenient group number we can summarize by group.
df_in %>%
group_by(group) %>%
summarize(id_weight = id_weight[1],
start_day = min(start_day),
end_day = max(end_day))
# A tibble: 5 x 4
group id_weight start_day end_day
<int> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 1_150 1 7
2 2 1_151 7 10
3 3 1_150 10 30
4 4 2_170 5 20
5 5 2_171 20 30
with(df_in, {
aggregate(day, list('ID'=ID, 'weight'=weight),
function(x) c('min_day' = min(x), 'max_day' = max(x)))
ID weight x.min_day x.max_day
1 1 150 1 5
2 1 151 3 3
3 2 170 1 3
4 2 171 4 5

dplyr append group id sequence?

I have a dataset like below, it's created by dplyr and currently grouped by ‘Stage', how do I generate a sequence based on unique, incremental value of Stage, starting from 1 (for eg row$4 should be 1 row#1 and #8 should be 4)
X Y Stage Count
1 61 74 1 2
2 58 56 2 1
3 78 76 0 1
4 100 100 -2 1
5 89 88 -1 1
6 47 44 3 1
7 36 32 4 1
8 75 58 1 2
9 24 21 5 1
10 12 11 6 1
11 0 0 10 1
I tried the approach in below post but didn't work.
how to mutate a column with ID in group
Here is another dplyr solution:
> df
# A tibble: 11 × 4
X Y Stage Count
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 61 74 1 2
2 58 56 2 1
3 78 76 0 1
4 100 100 -2 1
5 89 88 -1 1
6 47 44 3 1
7 36 32 4 1
8 75 58 1 2
9 24 21 5 1
10 12 11 6 1
11 0 0 10 1
To create the group id's use dpylr's group_indicies:
i <- df %>% group_indices(Stage)
df %>% mutate(group = i)
# A tibble: 11 × 5
X Y Stage Count group
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int>
1 61 74 1 2 4
2 58 56 2 1 5
3 78 76 0 1 3
4 100 100 -2 1 1
5 89 88 -1 1 2
6 47 44 3 1 6
7 36 32 4 1 7
8 75 58 1 2 4
9 24 21 5 1 8
10 12 11 6 1 9
11 0 0 10 1 10
It would be great if you could pipe both commands together. But, as of this writing, it doesn't appear to be possible.
After some experiment, I did %>% ungroup() %>% mutate(test = rank(Stage)), which will yield the following result.
X Y Stage Count test
1 100 100 -2 1 1.0
2 89 88 -1 1 2.0
3 78 76 0 1 3.0
4 61 74 1 2 4.5
5 75 58 1 2 4.5
6 58 56 2 1 6.0
7 47 44 3 1 7.0
8 36 32 4 1 8.0
9 24 21 5 1 9.0
10 12 11 6 1 10.0
11 0 0 10 1 11.0
I don't know whether this is the best approach, feel free to comment....
Another approach, assuming the data called Node
lvs <- levels(as.factor(Node$Stage))
Node %>% mutate(Rank = match(Stage,lvs))
