I need to setup a private nexus oss 3 for internal nodejs development for our company. The project dependencies have to be download from developer's computer and copy across to the private network, and then upload/publish to the private nexus instance.
We've write some scripts to pull all dependencies in .tgz format form the npm repo, and copied into the private network.
But how can I upload those .tgz files to the npm repo of my private nexus without using the GUI?
You can upload using the UI; but you choose not to use this way.
You can upload using the API; see the docs
You can upload using npm publish; eg.npm --registry=http://nxrm.local/repository/npm-hosted publish package.tgz
For someone who interest for a fast solution, here's my procedure and scripts:
create a hosted npm repo in nexus
create an account for package upload
grant 'npm Bearer Token Realm' realm to the account
run the download script for download packages from public npm repository
run the upload script for upload packages to private npm repository
script for downloading npm packages from public repository
for url in $(grep _resolved $NODE_MODULES_PATH/**/package.json | awk -F '"' '{print $4}' | sort -u); do
if wget -c -q "$url" -P $PACKAGES_PATH; then
echo "url=$url"
(>&2 echo "error download url=$url")
script for uploading npm packages to private nexus npm repository
npm login --registry=$REPOSITORY
for package in $PACKAGES_PATH/*.tgz; do
npm publish --registry=$REPOSITORY $package
the packages have to be downloaded locally in the normal way
the script should be running in the project root directory
the [REPOSITORY] can be obtained in your private hosted npm repository
You can also use the rest API to manage components directly:
POST /v1/components
For instance, to upload the package my-npm-package-0.0.0.tgz to the repository npm-private use the following:
curl -u user:password -X POST "http://localhost:8081/service/rest/v1/components?repository=npm-private" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "npm.asset=#my-npm-package-0.0.0.tgz;type=application/x-compressed"
The complete live API specs can be found at endpoint /#admin/system/api
The official nexus documentation can be found at https://help.sonatype.com/repomanager3/rest-and-integration-api/components-api
Is it possible to use firebase-functions from my laptop? If not, is firebase-admin the only option remaining?
Here are some examples:
How can I rent and use my own servers for cloud functions?
Listen only to additions to a cloud firestore collection?
Does Firebase Admin SDK perform any caching?
I am able to make an index.js file on my laptop, npm install firebase-admin module, link to my Firestore database and make changes to data just fine, using admin-credentials. When I also try npm install firebase-functions make use of event-triggers onCreate/onWrite/onUpdate/onDelete, they do not get any updates?
To my understanding, the only way possible to make use of event-triggers is by uploading to cloud functions, since you need Google's infrastructure to use those and you can't use them on your local machine, which you can with firebase-admin package. You can use use the local emulator(?), but it isn't production ready and is not for that use case(?).
So, in order to listen for new events on my Firestore database, only using my laptop (not Google Cloud Functions platform or some other server-hosted option), I have to use .onSnapshot() from firebase-admin npm.
However that module is unable to cache, and you are left querying the whole firestore database, downloading every document.
Is this correct? or is there any way possible to make firebase-functions work from my laptop server using firebase-admin + admin credentials, almost as if I uploaded the file to cloud platform. I don't require this part of data to be on the cloud, so I want to make changes and adjust firestore database from my laptop's Terminal.
You will need to balance scalability and what you want to achieve. One approach uses a Parse Server and a Docker container that works with Express. This method's advantage is its flexibility as to where the parse server can run. You can run this on your laptop or move it to Google Cloud if you need more processing power. However, it is worth noting that the container cannot access all Firebase trigger types.
I am not sure which Operating System you are using, but for Ubuntu, you can install Docker and run Parse Server like this:
# Update the apt package first
$ sudo apt-get update
# install dependencies
$ sudo apt-get install \
apt-transport-https \
ca-certificates \
curl \
gnupg-agent \
software-properties-common \
# Add Docker’s GPG key:
$ curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo apt-key add -
# add the Docker repository
$ sudo add-apt-repository \
"deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu \
$(lsb_release -cs) \
# Update the apt package again
$ sudo apt-get update
# Install Docker
$ sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io
$ git clone https://github.com/parse-community/parse-server
$ cd parse-server
$ docker build --tag parse-server .
$ docker run --name my-mongo -d mongo
To run the Parse Server:
$ docker run --name my-parse-server -v config-vol:/parse-server/config \
-p 1337:1337 --link my-mongo:mongo -d parse-server --appId APPLICATION_ID \
--masterKey MASTER_KEY --databaseURI mongodb://mongo/test
To link Firebase and the Docker Parse Server, you will need an adapter. The container above is an example, but it should be enough to get you started running from your laptop.
I'm using a local repository as a staging repo and would like to be able to clear the whole staging repo via REST. How can I delete the contents of the repo without deleting the repo itself?
Since I have a similar requirement in one of my environments I like to provide a possible solution approach.
It is assumed the JFrog Artifactory instance has a local repository called JFROG-ARTIFACTORY which holds the latest JFrog Artifactory Pro installation RPM(s). For listing and deleting I've created the following script:
# The logged in user will be also the admin account for Artifactory REST API
A_ACCOUNT=$(who am i | cut -d " " -f 1)
# Check if a stage were provided, if not set it to PROD
if [ -z "$STAGE" ]; then
# Going to list all files within the local repository
# Doc: https://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/JFROG/Artifactory+REST+API#ArtifactoryRESTAPI-FileList
curl --silent \
-i \
-X GET "https://${STAGE}.${URL}/artifactory/api/storage/${LOCAL_REPO}/?list&deep=1" \
-w "\n\n%{http_code}\n"
# Going to delete all files in the local repository
# Doc: https://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/JFROG/Artifactory+REST+API#ArtifactoryRESTAPI-DeleteItem
curl --silent \
-i \
-X DELETE "https://${STAGE}.${URL}/artifactory/${LOCAL_REPO}/" \
-w "\n\n%{http_code}\n"
So after calling
./Scripts/deleteRepository.sh JFROG-ARTIFACTORY Pa\$\$w0rd! repository-dev
for the development instance, it listed me all files in the local repository called JFROG-ARTIFACTORY, the JFrog Artifactory Pro installation RPM(s), deleted them, but left the local repository itself.
You may change and enhance the script for your needs and have also a look into How can I completely remove artifacts from Artifactory?
Do we have any option/way to download a docker image using wget or curl.
My docker image is present in Jfrog artifactory.
First, any curl command to an Artifactory repo would need the API key of your account. See "How to use docker registry API with Artifactory Docker Repository when not using docker client?"
you can use the following header: "X-JFrog-Art-Api" and pass the API key of the user to authenticate. The API key of the user can be retrieved from the "User Profile" page in Artifactory. Artifactory REST API supports three forms of authentication and you can use any one of them with the docker repository
Second, downloading an image is not trivial (as you need to get all the layers).
You might have some chance adapting the moby contrib script download-frozen-image-v2.sh
Or try docker-registry-debug which will print a curl command for fetching the layer, as explained here.
I found this answer while looking to do the same thing with gitlab. I modified the suggested moby contrib script to do the same thing for a gitlab instance.
Download download-gitlab-frozen-docker-image.sh
Mark it executable (chmod +x download-gitlab-frozen-docker-image.sh)
Run the script:
./download-gitlab-frozen-docker-image.sh <FOLDER_NAME> <DOCKER_URL>
where FOLDER_NAME is the folder to store the frozen docker image and DOCKER_URL is the url straight out of the gitlab container registry.
Import the frozen folder into docker (at your convenience/any future date):
tar -cC '<FOLDER_NAME>' . | docker load
We have build our first Nodejs app and I want to integrate Jenkins as continuous integration we are running node server behind Nginx as proxy and source control in Gitlab. I need example configurations or steps.
I am looking here any doc or wiki link or if you can point me into right direction it will be helpful
I have CentOS server and managed to install and configure Jenkins but not getting the proper way to connect my Gitlab server. I need to run npm commands after each build. If any one already has done that please let me know.
Your question is still vague but I will try to provide you here how I had done Jenkins NodeJs with Gitlab integration. I have CentOS 6 and tested.
Open Java should be installed prior.
sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo http://pkg.jenkins-ci.org/redhat-stable/jenkins.repo
sudo rpm --import https://jenkins-ci.org/redhat/jenkins-ci.org.key
sudo yum install jenkins
sudo service jenkins start
Login as jenkins
sudo -s -H -u jenkins
Now generate the ssh key in the folder /var/lib/jenkins/.ssh and copy that key to gitlab
Install Gitlab Hook Plugin and GitLab Plugin in jenkins.
As you will create a project by accessing your jenkins in browser
After creating the project go to configure (left side menu) project page
There lots of options are self explanatory - setup Git repo url
and setup mail git browser url.
Create a new item in jenkins and add the git repo url and in build triggers
select Build when a change is pushed to GitLab. GitLab CI Service URL:
Build Triggers
check the option
Build when a change is pushed to GitLab
Paste that url in your gitlab repo's webhooks in settings.
This is to run npm commands after build
There is one section SSH Publisher
In exec commands section (I have put my example you can write your commands)
cd project_dir
rm -rf public server package.json
tar -xvf projectname.tgz
npm install --production
export NODE_ENV=production
forever restartall
jasmine-node spec/api/frisbyapi_spec.js
rm -rf projectname.tgz
I have written most the steps that I took to setup jenkins nodejs and gitlab.
I might have forgot any step. If you face any error please post that as well.
I have uploaded the artifact to Sonatype Nexus from command line by using
MAVEN/maven/bin/mvn -X -e deploy:deploy-file -Durl=http://maven-nexus.com/nexus/content/repositories/xyz -DrepositoryId=xyz -DgroupId=com.kumar -DartifactId=peshu -Dversion=1.0.12 -Dpackaging=war -Dfile=RIGHT.war
Now I would like to delete this version (1.0.12) from command line so that I can automate this process, what is the command I can use instead of Curl.
Short anwser:
curl --request DELETE --write "%{http_code} %{url_effective}\\n" --user login:password --output /dev/null --silent http://maven-nexus.com/nexus/content/repositories/xyz/com.kumar/peshu/1.0.12
This will delete the hole GAV from your nexus.
The --write "%{http_code} %{url_effective}\\n option will return you the http code and the effective url used; idem the --output /dev/null --silent hide some verbose informations on the output,...
I am not quite sure, but I think you need a user login with admin rights on the Nexus.
Nexus version 2.5 has a Remove Releases From Repository task.
The issue of deleting released artifacts is discussed in detail here: