Wix contact form submission and Google Analytics goal - google-analytics

Could you help me understand how to catch a form submission event with Google Analytics if my site is built with Wix. Google Analytics is installed via Google Tag Manager.
Wix's documentation: https://support.wix.com/en/article/tracking-wix-contact-form-submissions-with-google-analytics
In Google Analytics the goal is organized as follows:
1. Goal type is "Event".
2. Category: "Leads".
3. Action: "Submitted".
4. Label: "New Lead"
At my site I fire in Chrome in console I can organize like this:
tracker = ga.getAll()[0];
tracker.send("event", "Leads", "Submitted", "New Lead");
1. In Googlel Analytics I can catch the event in Real-Time section/Conversions.
2. In my Chrome browser I have installed GA debug plugin. It is reacting to the event:
eventAction (&ea) Submitted
analytics_debug.js:23 eventCategory (&ec) Leads
analytics_debug.js:23 eventLabel (&el) New Lead
analytics_debug.js:23 hitType (&t) event
But when I just submit the form at my site, nothing happens: neither Real-Time report catches the conversion, nor GA debug plugin shows any activity.
Could you help me adjust the system so that Google Analytics should catch the form submission event.

Not sure if you've figured this out as of yet. If you have, great!
It sounds like you're trying to set this up through the coding on the site itself. Instead, I recommend setting up the event via Google Tag Manager to fire on a click of the form's submit button. It's an easier way to get events to fire if you're having trouble getting the code to function.
Wix has a great tutorial on how to do this posted here.


Custom Event Tag not firing in GTM

Completely new to GTM and having trouble getting ecommerce conversion tracking to work on GA4. This is what debug mode looks like in GTM the tag doesn't fire. Does anyone know what could be causing the issue?
Have research all the possible reasons, checked the source code, spoken with the developer who added the GTM container to the site, reviewed the tag itself but still none the wiser.
Look at the trigger is waiting for a datalayer event : add_to_cart.
So you need to ask the developer to push a datalayer event with ecommerce item when user successfully perform an add_to_cart event.
Here is the detail about all ecommerce event and its datalayer.
You have done half of the job. The there is still another part need to be done.

Google Optimize is implemented using GTM but is being triggered multiples times

We have an issue. GO is being fired every time I go to a new page. The website was built in SPA/react
They use a datalayer virtualpath that activates every time user go to a new page.
This DL was used as a custom event trigger to fire the Google analytics universal tag
Google optimize is associated to the Google analytics tag so every time a user to to a new page then go to a new page, the updatevirtualpath trigger is activated and the GO tag is fired.
Have anyone implemented Google optimize in GTM for react/ single page application websites where they use custom event as trigger ? When I use all pages trigger it works fine but when i use custom events it gets triggers every time user visit new pages..
Anyone know what can we do?

Zoho: Forms: Google Tag Manager events not firing

I have a form hosted by Zoho Forms that is embedded onto my website using an iframe.
The zoho form has a custom domain, setup as follows:
My website: example.com
Zoho Form: forms.example.com
Using Google Tag Manager (GTM) I'm trying to fire a Google Analytics 4 (GA4) event when someone submits the Zoho Form.
Zoho allows me to add the GTM container ID to my form. They also push data layer variables such as zf_submitform, zf_formview, etc.
So I have added my GTM container ID to my form, configured the events, and setup a trigger on GTM. But the tags are never triggered.
For example, I create a Tag that should fire a GA4 Event when the zf_submitform event is triggered. But it doesn't fire.
Even when I view the form directly in it's native URL (not embedded into my website) the event will not fire.
Also, when debugging it using GTM Preview, it has a green "tick" symbol next to the firing trigger. But the Firing Status is "Not Fired". So even their own debugger thinks that the tag should have fired, but it does not.
Here are some screenshots of that setup to show you what I have tried:
What am I doing wrong?
The Tag:
The Custom Event (zf_submitform)
The GTM Preview Debugger
I have just discovered that Zoho Forms includes an allowList in their dataLayer variable.
This means only tag containers matching the allowlist will be fired.
Here is an example of the datalayer showing the allowlist:
gtm: {
allowlist: ["gas", "ua", "v", "c", "e"],
uniqueEventId: 9,
start: 1630545428319
event: "zf_onclickfield",
zf_category: "Zoho Forms",
zf_field: "Name",
zf_page: "",
zf_action: "Onclick Field",
zf_formname: "Contact Us Form"
It is understandable that they have an allowlist on their container, to avoid people running custom code on their forms.
But it needs to have the new GA4 Config and GA4 Event tags added to the list for them to work.
I have sent them a support request asking them to add gaawc (Google Analytics 4 Configuration) and gaawe (Google Analytics 4 Event) to the allowedlist but they are dragging their feet.
If you are using Zoho Forms and having problems with your own Google Tag Manager setup: Check the datalayer and it's allowlist. If it does not have gaawc and gaawe then it means Zoho has not yet updated their GTM integration. In that case can you please also message Zoho support with a link to this answer, asking them to update the allowlist ASAP. The more people who request this change the faster they will act.

How to track site search(with query and without) via GTM? 2 ways of searching

I have a search bar on my website and there is 2 ways of getting search results
When they type keyword in the search bar and they press enter button. They will be redirected to the page with the url address with query. For example: /?s=test - I have this in GA but...
In the same time when user is typing keyword he gets search results in real-time via AJAX under search bar in the form of a list . When
the displayed result is clicked user will be redirected straight to the result page
And I want to know how to track this second option because Google Analytics is not able to collect this type of searching via AJAX.
Google Tag Manager and VirtualPageView? How to do it guys cuz Im a newbie
In your AJAX's success callback, you can fire a virtual pageview or an event with Google Analytics. Since you have used Google tag manager, you can push a dataLayer event
success: function(data) {
'event': 'searchEvent',
'keyword': 'keyword'
Then you can use this in GTM to create a trigger and fire an event or a virtual pageview. If you are using Virtual pageview, override your location parameter with something like /?s={{keyword}}, where {{keyword}} is a dataLayer variable and it would work

Google tag manager events not appearing in google analytics

A client has requested that we implement google tag manager on to track submission of all the forms on his website. We have set up all of the tags and triggers per the instructions that we found online but it appears that only 1 tag is actually working. We the Solids Conveying Case Studies event appear in the behavior > events> overview screen of analytics but not in the Real Time screen. All other tags do not appear to fire at all. We did view the preview/debug mode and see what appears to be a glimpse of a tag after the form submits and the page reloads. Also during our debugging process we tried setting the action to trigger on the form id, and we tried checking Wait for Tags. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Here is a link to the website: https://foxvalve.com
Here is an example of a tag that we set up.
Tag Type: Universal Analytics
Track Type: Event
Category: Air Gas Ejectors (Different Depending on the Form)
Action: Submit
Label: Form
Value: empty
Non-Interaction Hit: True
Google Analytics Settings: Google Analytics Variable
Trigger Configuration
Trigger Type: Form Submission
Trigger Fires On Page URL equals (the page URL of the form)
