terminator - programmatic way to set window titles? [duplicate] - terminator

Is there way to set terminator (Version: 0.95ppa1) title of tabs to a different string via bash command-line (CLI)?
I plan to use this feature with AutoKey and I can open multiple machines at same time and set title to Name of the machine its connected to.

TITLE="\e]2;\"This is just crazy enough to work\"\a"
Resets title to
"This is just crazy enough to work"
This should apply to all xterm-style terminal emulators.

From the Terminator man pages,
Rename window title.
Rename tab title.
Rename terminal title.
You can also launch a new instance with
$ terminator --title [title]

Add follwing in your .bashrc file by editing it using vim ~/.bashrc and use set_title to rename your tab:
run source ~/.bashrc command after editing your .bashrc file
Ex.: set_title newtab will rename your current tab to newtab
working Properly in Gnome3.14 terminal and terminator 0.97

On Terminator 1.91-6 double click terminal title enables edition

PS1 does not need to be set. Credit for this function goes to geirha on freenode #bash
set_title() { printf '\e]2;%s\a' "$*"; }

This seems to work for me. I'm using BASH on Crunchbang (Debian derived)
$ echo -en '\e]0;echo works too\a'

With Terminator 0.96 and GNU bash 4.2.25 the printf suggestion above worked for me, but I had to tweak it slightly to make it into a function that would just work for me in a new Terminator tab. I added this to the end of my ~/.bashrc file:
set_title() { printf "\e]2;$*\a"; }
The key was placing the \a at the end of the quoted string. Then when opening a new tab in Terminator I can use this like so:
set_title "My new tab title"
Apologies to those who already stated the essentials of this answer, but since I found that I had to make slight changes to get it to work for me, this my also benefit someone else.

Try add PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -en "\033]0; $("pwd") \a"' in your .bashrc

For terminator 0.98 (Ubuntu 16.04 MATE), right clicking the title enables renaming it.

Right click on terminator and choose preferences from the drop-down menu. Choose profiles tab and enable "show title bar" option. It works!!
Tip: You can actually rename each terminator window!!


What does terminal / hyperterm display in the tab title? Is it possible to customize this?

I'm confused what data is being shown in my terminal tabs. The first part, epzio is obviously my username. But the second part, #C02S60BBG8WP, I have no idea.
Note: I use zsh combined with oh-my-zsh for my shell.
Is it possible to customize what is shown in the tab titles? I'd like to remove the epzio#C02S60BBG8WP part altogether and just display the current working directory.
Also, why do my tab titles turn blue for no apparent reason? I thought this was only supposed to happen when you had a specific process such as node running. As you can see in the screenshot below, the tic-tac-toe tab has turned blue even though nothing is happening in that tab.
Update: It seems that the solution might involve making changes to ~/.oh-my-zsh/lib/termsupport.zsh, but I'm not sure if these would get overridden when oh-my-zsh updates itself.
C02S60BBG8WP is probably your hostname; check by typing hostname.
You can change the terminal title by printing an escape sequence like this:
echo -en "\033]0;New terminal title\a"
So this should change the title to your current working directory, $PWD, substituted by a single ~ if you're in $HOME:
echo -en "\033]0;${PWD/#$HOME/~}\007"
If that doesn't work, it's probably being overridden immediately afterwards by a command that is automatically invoked by your shell. In bash, this would be PROMPT_COMMAND which on my system looks like this:
__vte_prompt_command; printf "\033]0;%s#%s:%s\007" "${USER}" "${HOSTNAME%%.*}" "${PWD/#$HOME/\~}"
The zsh equivalent seems to be to define a precmd hook:
precmd() { echo -en "\033]0;${PWD/#$HOME/~}\007" }
To make that permanent, you can just put it your .zshrc.

ZSH: Hide computer name in terminal

How would I hide the computer name in the prompt while using the terminal?
At the moment it shows both username and computer name like so:
It would save some space by removing anwarchoukah#anwars-mbp, seeing as I actually know who I am:)
Try to add export DEFAULT_USER=$USER to your .zshrc file
On MacOS 10.15 Catalina:
Open the file /private/etc/zshrc in a text editor
Locate the comment: # Default prompt
Modify the line that looks like this: PS1="%n#%m~ %& # "
Save the file. You will be prompted to enter a password to save it.
Load a new Terminal window.
For example, you can:
Remove "%n#%m" to get rid of both the username and computer name
Remove "%n" to get rid of the user name
Remove "%m" to get rid of the machine name
step 1. one your .zshrc file by vim .zshrc
step 2. go to end of your file.
Paste this code:
careful indent again your code
prompt_context() {
if [[ "$USER" != "$DEFAULT_USER" || -n "$SSH_CLIENT" ]]; then
prompt_segment black default "%(!.%{%F{yellow}%}.)$USER"
EDIT - explaining what this does
This will remove the machine#user name from the prompt IF:
- you are not logged in as the default user
- you are not in an ssh client shell
For most people, not needed, but if you regularly ssh to other machines and have multiple terminals open (eg remote sys admin type work) then this is extremely useful so when you look at your terminal you know which machine and user you are logged in as inside that terminal.
If you don't need/manage that type of complexity then use one of the other answers to just modify your export PROMPT/PS1 value.
If you are using a custom shell or theme, this might not work and although the prompt will no longer show your computer and username it will keep throwing the error:
prompt_context:2: command not found: prompt_segment
For example, you can see with this (very popular) powerlevel9k it does not work. This is because the Powerlevel9k theme uses it's own magic and you simply add commands to your ~/.zshrc file to get the same result, eg:
More info on that here.
Open up .zshrc, find the line reading export PS1 or maybe export PROMPT.
Remove the variable that is used for the hostname, could be %m or %M.
Zsh on Archlinux wiki
You can use colors and also have a prompt (or some information) on the right side.
I like this approach (on my mac)
put in .zshrc
PS1="%n$ "
The terminal will look like
Just add prompt_context() {} to .zshrc
Unfortunately none of the .zshrc changes worked for me.
Machine : Mac M1, Big Sur 11.4
So this is what worked.
I Navigated to where the ZSH themes were installed, opened my theme, agnoster in TextEdit, and modified the configuration where it chooses what do display, which by default is $username#%m.
Note : %m here is the machine name.
Here is a screenshot of delta. Yellow is what I did, Green is the default setting from github version of agnoster theme.
Voila this worked. Now to me it just displays the machine name, as I intended.
Hope that helps. Many links and SOF posts only made me click that solution.
Set DEFAULT_USER in ~/.zshrc file to your regular username. You can get your exact username value by executing whoami in the terminal.
Something like this:
export DEFAULT_USER=username
If you are using PowerLevel9k theme, there is a variable POWERLEVEL9K_CONTEXT_TEMPLATE that can change the view of your hostname and computer name.
The default option is %n#%m,
%n -> username
%m -> machine name
to hide hostname:
Open the .zshrc file using sudo nano ~/.zshrc
Add the line
POWERLEVEL9K_CONTEXT_TEMPLATE="%n" at the end of .zshrc file
Save the file.
Maybe this will help you [ Open Profile => Shell ]
PS1="~ $: ";clear;
Just add this to your ~/.zshrc file:
export DEFAULT_USER=\`whoami`
Install Oh My Zsh is the easiest solution for me:
One liner install:
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/master/tools/install.sh)"
If you're using Powerlevel10k, then you can run p10k configure and configure the output a bit.
My username and computer-name was gone after having gone through it. It feel less hacky, than the other solutions here.
I don't know why I can't find a simplified solution.
So here is the simplified one.
Just jump into the themes directory,
# ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes
Select the theme, as I have been using
# vim agnoster.zsh-theme
Just remove %m to remove and also you can remove the username too.
Once done,
Just run
To reflect the changes, Enjoy :)
Thanks to Wes Bos' amazing video series Command Line Power User , I managed to find the answer.. It's pretty simple. Stuff like that is set in the ZSH theme.
Open up .zshrc, change the theme from ZSH_THEME="agnoster" (which is what I was using) to something else.
Wes Bos has made a lovely theme called Cobalt2 which does exactly what I was looking for :)
I've now changed it to ZSH_THEME="cobalt2"

Using fzf with tmux and zsh on Mac

I really like fzf when I use it, but it's difficult to actually use it. For example, I don't want to have to type vim $(fzf) every time I want to fuzzy find for a file. Ideally, I'd like to be able to just type ctrl-E to enter fzf and start editing the file after selecting it by pressing enter.
I don't know what keys are being pressed to accomplish what's done in the video on the github page (https://github.com/junegunn/fzf). Pressing tab just does normal auto-completion (and I don't want to do the ** style autocompletion. I want to enter fzf-tmux and have it paste the result into my command)
Can anyone help me?
The install script of fzf will setup such key bindings for you, CTRL-T, CTRL-R, and ALT-C. Refer to the the project home page for the details. The code for the key bindings can be found here.
If you do not like the default ones fzf provides, you can try writing your own.
# A simple widget for dictionary words
fzf-dict-widget() {
LBUFFER="$LBUFFER$(cat /usr/share/dict/words | fzf-tmux -m | paste -sd" " -) "
zle reset-prompt
bindkey '^E' fzf-dict-widget
zle -N fzf-dict-widget

Set the terminal tab title as prompt name in unix

Lets say, the prompt is as below
run_scripts >
How to set that terminal tab title same as prompt
i.e Terminal tab tile also should be
So that terminal title should dynamically update when the prompt changes.
Many terminals emulators are able to understand the special escaping : "\033]0;foo\007".
I know its a old post but i saw it today :
Here is the answer:
title `pwd`
if title command does not works in your shell then:
write a shell script with follwing contents (filename = title)
#!/usr/bin/tcsh -f
echo "^[]2;$1^G^[]1;$1^G"
chmod +x title (give this script executable permission)
title `pwd` <enter>
This single line command will change the title of the tab.
Simply run the command from terminal tab which title need to change-
Some Info:
The PS1 is a primary prompt variable which holds the characters displayed at the terminal prompt. You can set it whatever you want. However the above command will make it only work for current terminal session. Once you close the terminal and opena new one, it'll be the default one.
To make it permenant edit the PS1 variable in ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc file.
It help us to easily navigate over the tabs.

tmux man-page search highlighting

When I search in, for example, man ls while in a tmux session, the search strings don't appear highlighted - the page jumps down so that the search string is on the top line of the buffer, as expected, but it's not highlighted.
Doing the same thing in the same shell while not in a tmux session results in highlighted search strings.
I have no idea where to start looking to solve this. Any hints are appreciated.
Based on Less Colors For Man Pages by Gen2ly, here is my man page and how to do it:
This is a shell, not a web page !
How to
(optional) I'm using Tomorrow theme for Konsole/Yakuake ;
Edit your ~/.bashrc ~/.zshrc, etc. to add :
# Colored man pages: http://linuxtidbits.wordpress.com/2009/03/23/less-colors-for-man-pages/
# Less Colors for Man Pages
export LESS_TERMCAP_mb=$'\E[01;31m' # begin blinking
export LESS_TERMCAP_md=$'\E[01;38;5;74m' # begin bold
export LESS_TERMCAP_me=$'\E[0m' # end mode
export LESS_TERMCAP_se=$'\E[0m' # end standout-mode
export LESS_TERMCAP_so=$'\E[38;5;016m\E[48;5;220m' # begin standout-mode - info box
export LESS_TERMCAP_ue=$'\E[0m' # end underline
export LESS_TERMCAP_us=$'\E[04;38;5;146m' # begin underline
Reload your config and try a man page search :
. ~/.bashrc && man ls
Fixed it. The problem is to do with the way that the screen $TERM handles italics. From the tmux FAQ:
vim displays reverse video instead of italics, while less displays italics
(or just regular text) instead of reverse. What's wrong?
This matches my problem exactly. The $PAGER used by man is less by default - basically, man uses less to show the contents of the manual pages. In my case, less wasn't highlighting text, just showing regular text.
The reason for this happening:
Screen's terminfo description lacks italics mode and has standout mode in its
place, but using the same escape sequence that urxvt uses for italics. This
means applications (like vim) looking for italics will not find it and might
turn to reverse in its place, while applications (like less) asking for
standout will end up with italics instead of reverse.
The solution is to make a new terminfo file for tmux, which lets it know that italics are supported. The solution's outlined in the (at time of writing) very, very bottom of the tmux FAQ.
After creating the new terminfo file, in tmux: C-b :source-file /absolute/path/to/.tmux.conf (from this SuperUser question) - this should make tmux reload the .tmux.conf file. However, this didn't work for me, and the changes only applied after restarting the tmux server (close all tmux sessions, then re-open them).
This thread is a few years old but is still the one that comes up as the best search result, so I'm answering with what finally worked for me. This is based off of tmux FAQ.
...but the instructions aren't completely clear on when or where to substitute the -256color string. I use gnome-terminal (v 3.16.2) with tmux, and this worked for me:
$ mkdir $HOME/.terminfo/
$ screen_terminfo="screen-256color"
$ infocmp "$screen_terminfo" | sed \
-e 's/^screen[^|]*|[^,]*,/screen-256color|screen with italics support,/' \
-e 's/%?%p1%t;3%/%?%p1%t;7%/' \
-e 's/smso=[^,]*,/smso=\\E[7m,/' \
-e 's/rmso=[^,]*,/rmso=\\E[27m,/' \
-e '$s/$/ sitm=\\E[3m, ritm=\\E[23m,/' > /tmp/screen.terminfo
$ tic /tmp/screen.terminfo
And tell tmux to use it in ~/.tmux.conf:
set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"
Note: I tried it once without the -256color and since that didn't work (still seeing italics instead of highlighting), I had to delete everything under the .terminfo dir (another dir called 's') before the infocmp would work.
