In Gauss-legendre integration we need to find zeros of the legendre function but i can't find a way to write code that enable me to do that?
I understand there are list of "xi"s out there by which this function equals to zero but can we write program that find these "xi"s on it own?
In general, finding zeroes of an arbitrary function is not a problem that can be solved by an algorithm. Whether your particular function or class of functions can be solved by an algorithm or not must depend intimately upon the specific mathematical properties of your functions, since your algorithm must rely on those properties specifically. Questions on your functions and what properties it might possess is out of scope for programming and probably computer science as well; I suggest math stack exchange. If you can get a mathematician to explain how to solve the problem by hand, at least in theory, then you are at the point where programmers and computer scientists can start to help you.
I am trying to implement the RaptorQ Forward Error Correction Scheme in java as specified here:
The core of the problem is actually to execute gaussian elimination on a matrix A in a smart way to be fast.
The matrix A is composed of submatrices, among others these are G_LDPC,1 and G_LDPC,2.
(Generator matrices for Low Density Parity Checks)
On page 22 in section " Pre-coding relationships" it is stated that this matrices can be decuced from the code snippet on the same page.
My Problem: I am not able to derive the structure of these two submatrices from the code snipped.
Does someone see how to do that, or how the structure looks like?
Thanks for any kind of help!
I'm also trying to implement RaptorQ, and ran into this exactly same problem. My suggestion is this book:
Raptor Codes (Foundations and Trends(R) in Communications and Information Theory) [Paperback]
Amin Shokrollahi (Author), Michael Luby (Author)
It has a better explanation on constructing the constraint matrix in section 3.3.3 (I'd quote it, but I don't have it digital).
#Max anyway we can chat or you can share your RFC5053 implementation? I really could use someone familiar with these difficulties to talk to and share some doubts/ideas.
After being stuck with the problem, I decided to implement the Raptor codec according to RFC 5053 as described here:
This is actually the predecessor version of RaptorQ.
The general working principle seems to be the same, but it is less optimized and therefore has worse properties, especially in sense of reception efficiency.
But on the other hand it was less complex and more intuitive to me, and therefore I was able to code a working implementation in Java.
And after all, I have to admit that I'm very astonished by the capabilities of the created codec!
With the deeper understanding gained during coding the RFC 5053 implementation I was probably also able to realize the RaptorQ codec now.
i am new to and i was told that i need to know UML thoroughly to build successful software, is this correct? i mean cant i just "code and fix" and "model" in my brain. how important is UML and what is the best way to learn it?
UML is a standard used to convey information about the design of an object oriented software system in a (mostly) graphical format.
It is important as it makes communicating about such a system easier.
UML is a simple way to graphically document a system and its interactions. Its value to you is not necessarily using UML itself, but the value of documenting a system before coding or modifying it.
I see the advantages as
You are forced to think about the whole design before you start building. A drawing is a lot easier to change than a whole lot of code. Mistakes at this stage are easier to rectify.
It helps to understand the system and interactions far better than code alone can. With all the self-documenting code that you can write, a good diagram will nearly always be clearer to and fast to pick up.
The disadvantages are
Takes time to produce, when you would probably rather be coding and experimenting
Can get out of date if effort is not put in to keeping up to date.
i mean cant i just "code and fix" and
"model" in my brain
You can. It's done every day. And a lot of what's going through it at the time, and how you convey your ideas on napkins is already a form of UML without its rigid nomenclature.
But if you're working with colleagues on big systems, there may be occasions were they speak the language.
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I haven't taken any math classes above basic college calculus. However, in the course of my programming work, I've picked up a lot of math and comp sci from blogs and reading, and I genuinely believe I have a decent mathematical mind. I enjoy and have success doing Project Euler, for example.
I want to dive in and really start learning some cool math, particularly discrete mathematics, set theory, graph theory, number theory, combinatorics, category theory, lambda calculus, etc.
My impression so far is that I'm well equipped to take these on at a conceptual level, but I'm having a really hard time with the mathematical language and symbols. I just don't "speak the language" and though I'm trying to learn it, I'm the going is extremely slow. It can take me hours to work through even one formula or terminology heavy paragraph. And yeah, I can look up terms and definitions, but it's a terribly onerous process that very much obscures the theoretical simplicity of what I'm trying to learn.
I'm really afraid I'm going to have to back up to where I left off, get a mid-level math textbook, and invest some serious time in exercises to train myself in that way of thought. This sounds amazingly boring, though, so I wondered if anyone else has any ideas or experience with this.
If you don't want to attend a class, you still need to get what the class would have given you: time in the material and lots of practice.
So, grab that text book and start doing the practice problems. There really isn't any other way (unless you've figured out how osmosis can actually happen...).
There is no knowledge that can only be gained in a classroom.
Check out the MIT Courseware for Mathematics
Also their YouTube site
Project Euler is also a great way to think about math as it relates to programming
Take a class at your local community college. If you're like me you'd need the structure. There's something to be said for the pressure of being graded. I mean there's so much to learn that going solo is really impractical if you want to have more than just a passing nod-your-head-mm-hmm sort of understanding.
Sounds like you're in the same position I am. What I'm finding out about math education is that most of it is taught incorrectly. Whether a cause or result of this, I also find most math texts are written incorrectly. Exceptions are rare, but notable. For instance, anything written by Donald Knuth is a step in the right direction.
Here are a couple of articles that state the problem quite clearly:
A Gentle Introduction To Learning
Developing Your Intuition For
And here's an article on a simple study technique that aims at retaining knowledge:
Teaching linear algebra
Consider auditing classes in discrete mathematics and proofs at a local university. The discrete math class will teach you some really useful stuff (graph theory, combinatorics, etc.), and the proofs class will teach you more about the mathematical style of thinking and writing.
I'd agree with #John Kugelman, classes are the way to go to get it done properly but I'd add that if you don't want to take classes, the internet has many resources to help you, including recorded lectures which I find can be more approachable than books and papers.
I'd recommend checking out MIT Open Courseware. There's a Maths for Computer Science module there, and I'm enjoying working through Gilbert Strang's Linear Algebra course of video lectures.
Youtube and are also good resources for video lectures.
Finally, there's a free Maths for CS book at bookboon.
To this list I would now add The Haskel Road to Logic, Maths, and Programming, and Conceptual Mathematics: A First Introduction to Categories.
--- Nov 16 '09 answer for posterity--
Two books. Diestel's Graph Theory, and Knuth's Concrete Mathematics. Once you get the hang of those try CAGES.
Find a good mentor who is an expert in the field who is willing to spend time with you on a regular basis.
There is a sort of trick to learning dense material, like math and mathematical CS. Learning unfamiliar abstract stuff is hard, and the most effective way to do it is to familiarize yourself with it in stages. First, you need to skim it: don't worry if you don't understand everything in the first pass. Then take a break; after you have rested, go through it again in more depth. Lather, rinse, repeat; meditate, and eventually you may become enlightened.
I'm not sure exactly where I'd start, to become familiar with the language of mathematics; I just ended up reading through lots of papers until I got better at it. You might look for introductory textbooks on formal mathematical logic, since a lot of math (especially in language theory) is based off of that; if you learn to hack the formal stuff a bit, the everyday notation might look a bit easier.
You should probably look through books on topics you're personally interested in; the inherent interest should help get you over the hump. Also, make sure you find texts that are actually introductory; I have become wary of slim, undecorated hardbacks labeled Elementary Foobar Theory, which tend to be elementary only to postdocs with a PhD in Foobar.
A word of warning: do not start out with category theory -- it is the most boring math I have ever encountered! Due to its relevance to language design and type theory, I would like to know more about it, but so far I have not been able to deal...
For a nice, scattershot intro to bits of many kinds of CS-ish math, I recommend Godel, Escher, Bach by Hofstadter (if you haven't read it already, of course). It's not a formal math book, though, so it won't help you with the familiarity problem, but it is quite inspirational.
Mathematical notation is is akin to several computer languages:
based on many idioms
a fair amount of local variations and conventions
As with a computer language, you don't need to "wash the whole elephant at once": take it one part a at time.
A tentative plan for you could be
identify areas of mathematics that are interesting or important to you. (seems you already have a bit of a sense for that, CS has helped you develop quite a culture for it.)
take (or merely audit) a few formal classes in this area. I agree with several answers in this post, an in-person course, at local college is preferable, but, maybe at first, or to be sure to get the most of a particular class, first self-teaching yourself in this area with MIT OCW, similar online resources and associated books is ok/fine.
if an area of math introduces too high of a pre-requisite in terms of fluency with notation or with some underlying concept or (most often mechanical computation and transformation techniques). No problem! Just backtrack a bit, learn these foundations (and just these foundations!) and move forward again.
Find a "guru", someone that has a broad mathematical culture and exposure, not necessarily a mathematician, physics folks are good too, indeed they can often articulate math in a more practical fashion. Use this guru to guide you, as he/she can show you how the big pieces fit together.
Note: There is little gain to be had of learning mathematical notation for its own sake. Rather it should be learned in context, just like say a C# idiom is better memorized when used and when associated with a specific task, rather than learned in vacuo. A related SO posting however provides several resources to decipher and learn mathematical notation
Project Euler takes problems out of context and drops them in for people to solve them. Project Euler cannot teach you anything effectively. I think you should forget about it, if it is popular it does not mean anything. You cannot study Mathematics through Project Euler as it contains only bits and pieces(and some pretty high level pieces) that you're supposed to know in order to solve the problems. Learning mathematics means to consider a subject and a read a book about it and solving exercices or reading solutions, that's how you learn math. If it so happens that through your reading you find something that is close to some project euler thing, your luck , but otherwise Project euler is a complete waste of time. I think the time is much better invested choosing a particular branch of mathematics and studying that. Let me explain why: I solved 3 pretty advanced Projec Euler problems and they were all making appeal to knowledge from Number theory which I happened to have because i studies some part of it. I do not think Iearned anything from Project Euler, it just happened that I already knew some number theory and solved the problems.
For example, if you find out you like number theory, take H. Davenport -> Hardy & Wright -> Kenneth & Rosen's , study those.
If you like Graph Theory take Reinhard Diestel's book which is freely available and study that(or check and find whichever is more appropriate to your taste) but don't spread your attention in 999999 directions just because Project Euler has problems ranging from dynamic programming to advanced geometry or to advanced number theory, that is clearly the wrong way to go and it will not bring you closer to your goal.
This sounds amazingly boring
Well ... Mathematics is not boring when you find some problem that you are attached to, which you like and you'd like to find the solution to, and when you have the sufficient time to reflect on it while not behind a computer screen. Mathematics is done with pen and paper mostly(yes you can use computers .. but that's not really the point).
So, if you find a real-world problem, or some programming problem that would benefit from
you knowing some advanced maths, and you know what maths you have to study , it can be motivating to learn in that way.
If you feel you are not motivated it is hard to study properly.
There is also the question of what you actually mean when you say learn. Does the learning process stop after you solved the problems at the end of the chapter of a book ? Well you decide. You can consider you have finished learning that subject, or you can consider you have not finished and read more about it. There are entire books on just one equation and variations of it.
The amount of programming-related math that you can learn without formal training is limited, but it's more than enough. But maybe you can self-teach yourself.
It all boils down to your resources and motivation.
To know mathematics you have to do mathematics not programming(project euler).
For beginning to learn category theory I recommend David Spivak's Category Theory for the Sciences (AKA Category Theory for Scientists) because its relatively comprehensible due to many examples that enable understanding by analogy and which quickly builds a foundation for understanding more abstract concepts.
It requires the ability to reason logically and an intuitive notion of what is a set. It proceeds from sets and functions through basic category theory to adjoint functors, categories of functors, sheaves, monads and an introduction to operads. Two main threads throughout are modeling databases in terms of categories and describing categories with annotated diagrams called ologs. The bibliography provides references to more advanced and specialized topics including recent papers by Dr. Spivak.
An expected outcome from reading this book is the capability of understanding category theory texts and papers written for mathematicians such as Mac Lane's Category Theory for the Working Mathematician.
In PDF format it is available from (the dynamic version is recommended since its the most recent). The open access HTML version is available from (which is recommended since it includes additional content including answers to some exercises).
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Most people suggest that learning assembly is essential, its important to know the underlying workings of the computer, and so forth. But what I'm looking for are some practical suggestions that will make the effort of learning Assembly to be worth it.
What are your suggestions? What am I missing out on by not learning Assembly and pointers/memory management in general?
I think the main practical advantage to learning low-level things like assembly language, pointers, and memory management is that when you're writing or reviewing high-level code you're better able to instinctively or subconsciously spot performance issues or other pitfalls.
An average developer, might write a simple loop and think, "This code iterates over a set of integers and writes each to the console."
An expert developer might write the same loop and think, "This code iterates over a set of integers, and has to box each element to call the ToString method and ToString has to format the string in base 10 which is somewhat non-trivial, and then both the boxed integer and the formatted string will soon be eligible for garbage collection as no references will remain, and the first time this method runs, it will need to be JIT'ed..." and so on.
9 times out of 10, it may not matter. But that 1 time out of 10, the expert developer is likely to notice a problem in code that the average developer would never think to consider.
Pointers/memory management are more general than assembly language. You need to understand them for C and C++ as well, which you might need if you have to maintain code written in C.
For assembly language, it is sometimes useful to read the assembler code that the C compiler generates, to find out whether it generates correct and efficient code.
You need to learn to read assembly so you can figure out what goes wrong when a complex statement bombs out. The CPU debug window shouldn't be a mysterious place.
This is sort of one of those questions that will always be asked: "Why should I know anything." etc. Well, perhaps you could get a job doing something besides building the next generic CRUD application or something like that. If you want to do any sort of system development, having a working knowledge of assembly is very helpful, if not vital. As far as what you're "missing out" perhaps you are missing out on actually knowing how computers work. Some people think this is desirable. Some people don't. Some people build processors. Some people dig ditches. It's all a matter of personal preference :)
I think it's great to learn new languages. It opens my mind. Some languages are more mind-opening than others. I'd say assembler is one of those. It forces you to think about stuff like the call stack and instruction pointer. And it'll make you appreciate higher level languages even more. Another fun language to learn is PostScript.
I don't think you need to learn assembly for anything practical. However, it will ensure that you understand the real roots of what you are doing as a developer. In essence, assembly programming is a discipline for learning chip logic and architecture. I haven't programmed assembly in over two decades but it still informs the kinds of choices I make when programming C#.
But what I'm looking for are some practical suggestions that will make the effort of learning Assembly to be worth it.
Learn what assembly is.
Really learn how to read (and understand) small fragments of it: how to walk/step through it in your mind.
Perhaps too, step through some of it with a debugger (including seeing memory and registers being changed).
Ideally, find some annotated assembly.
But, don't bother to learn how to write assembly: instead, learning to write C or C++ is probably 'low' enough for most practical purposes.
Well, on a practical level I did a class in 6502 assembler when I was first learning to code the early 80s. I also did some 8088 assembler. It's been of occasional use of the years since but I can't say it's ever really got my out of a hole on more than one or two occasions in 25 years. Groking C at a pretty fundamental level is of far more use. YMMV and it's certainly helpful as background, but as a direct practical benefit? Marginal really.
Perversely though one thing that has proved useful is at an even lower level. I did a class on chip design (NAND gates and the like) and as part of that was taught formal Boolean logic at some depth. That's been massively useful ever since - it's surprising the number of coders who don't really know what they are doing with ands, ors and nots :-)
Pointers and memory management are really a different question than assembly. If you want to do C/C++, then you need to learn pointers and memory management, because those are part of the language. But, even if you plan to use nothing but (say) Java all your life, you should learn something about memory management to keep from writing a memory leak despite the GC, and pointers are just the difference between atomic types and object references. You need the concepts or you'll write programs that don't work!
Practical reasons for learning assembly: debugging and optimization. Even if you don't write any assembly, one of these days you may need to optimize C/C++ code for performance. In that case, you'll need to be able to read the assembly for your inner loop, even if you never need to write another line of it.
Ultimately, I think your distinction between "knowing the underlying workings of your computer" and "practical suggestions that will make the effort of learning assembly worth it" is a false one. Ignorance does not pay. Learning how your computer works is a practical suggestion worth the effort!
I have a prophecy: someday soon, your program will run far too slowly to be practical, and crash intermittently with an out-of-memory exception. On that day, the sheer screaming anxiety of not knowing what the hell is going on or where to start looking in order to fix it will refund your karma debt, with interest...
These days many assembly languages are actually fairly high level.
And it's always been true that if you learn 'C', that's close enough to assembly to get most of the learning benefits.
edit: thinking about this a bit more, in Knuth's books he describes an idealised assembly language. You won't go far wrong learning that, and reading those books.
Another practical reason I can think of is reverse engineering application code to modify it for educational purposes ONLY, since this is widely used by crackers to bypass shareware application protections like time-limit or serial numbers.
An application like win32Dasm can convert executables into assembly code that can later be modified with a Hex editor like hiew. You can learn quite a lot about the flow of the program.
I think learning about computer architecture, in conjunction of assembly, would open your mind quite a bit.
It would help explain lots of performance issues - e.g. parser's slow because there's lots of branches, and pipeline gets flushed very easily, branch predictor cannot compensate for everything.
Also, different architectures have their quirks. Someone talked about an assembly trick to swap 2 registers in place, involving xor's. It works, and it would run great for in-order execution core (most recent example would be the Intel Atom, and the Via C7 in netbooks), but not so great in out-of-order cores.
Knowing that may help you to detect poorly compiled code by inspecting it in assembly, and possibly be able to write code in higher-level language to sidestep the imperfection of compiler optimizers. I'm not trying to diss them, but they just can't be perfectly in tuned.
The biggest practical advantage to learning Assembly is performance. You can optimize to near perfection when its required.