How to run a multinomial logit regression with both individual and time fixed effects in R - r

Long story short:
I need to run a multinomial logit regression with both individual and time fixed effects in R.
I thought I could use the packages mlogit and survival to this purpose, but I am cannot find a way to include fixed effects.
Now the long story:
I have found many questions on this topic on various stack-related websites, none of them were able to provide an answer. Also, I have noticed a lot of confusion regarding what a multinomial logit regression with fixed effects is (people use different names) and about the R packages implementing this function.
So I think it would be beneficial to provide some background before getting to the point.
Consider the following.
In a multiple choice question, each respondent take one choice.
Respondents are asked the same question every year. There is no apriori on the extent to which choice at time t is affected by the choice at t-1.
Now imagine to have a panel data recording these choices. The data, would look like this:
# number of observations
n <- 100
# number of possible choice
possible_choice <- letters[1:4]
# number of years
years <- 3
# individual characteristics
x1 <- runif(n * 3, 5.0, 70.5)
x2 <- sample(1:n^2, n * 3, replace = F)
# actual choice at time 1
actual_choice_year_1 <- possible_choice[sample(1:4, n, replace = T, prob = rep(1/4, 4))]
actual_choice_year_2 <- possible_choice[sample(1:4, n, replace = T, prob = c(0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1))]
actual_choice_year_3 <- possible_choice[sample(1:4, n, replace = T, prob = c(0.2, 0.5, 0.2, 0.1))]
# create long dataset
df <- data.frame(choice = c(actual_choice_year_1, actual_choice_year_2, actual_choice_year_3),
x1 = x1, x2 = x2,
individual_fixed_effect = as.character(rep(1:n, years)),
time_fixed_effect = as.character(rep(1:years, each = n)),
stringsAsFactors = F)
I am new to this kind of analysis. But if I understand correctly, if I want to estimate the effects of respondents' characteristics on their choice, I may use a multinomial logit regression.
In order to take advantage of the longitudinal structure of the data, I want to include in my specification individual and time fixed effects.
To the best of my knowledge, the multinomial logit regression with fixed effects was first proposed by Chamberlain (1980, Review of Economic Studies 47: 225–238). Recently, Stata users have been provided with the routines to implement this model (femlogit).
In the vignette of the femlogit package, the author refers to the R function clogit, in the survival package.
According to the help page, clogit requires data to be rearranged in a different format:
# create wide dataset
data_mlogit <-, id.var = "individual_fixed_effect",
group.var = "time_fixed_effect",
choice = "choice",
shape = "wide")
Now, if I understand correctly how clogit works, fixed effects can be passed through the function strata (see for additional details this tutorial). However, I am afraid that it is not clear to me how to use this function, as no coefficient values are returned for the individual characteristic variables (i.e. I get only NAs).
fit <- clogit(formula("choice ~ alt + x1 + x2 + strata(individual_fixed_effect, time_fixed_effect)"),
Since I was not able to find a reason for this (there must be something that I am missing on the way these functions are estimated), I have looked for a solution using other packages in R: e.g., glmnet, VGAM, nnet, globaltest, and mlogit.
Only the latter seems to be able to explicitly deal with panel structures using appropriate estimation strategy. For this reason, I have decided to give it a try. However, I was only able to run a multinomial logit regression without fixed effects.
# state formula
formula_mlogit <- formula("choice ~ 1| x1 + x2")
# run multinomial regression
fit <- mlogit(formula_mlogit, data_mlogit)
If I understand correctly how mlogit works, here's what I have done.
By using the function, I have created a dataset compatible with the function mlogit. Here, I have also specified the id of each individual (id.var = individual_fixed_effect) and the group to which individuals belongs to (group.var = "time_fixed_effect"). In my case, the group represents the observations registered in the same year.
My formula specifies that there are no variables correlated with a specific choice, and which are randomly distributed among individuals (i.e., the variables before the |). By contrast, choices are only motivated by individual characteristics (i.e., x1 and x2).
In the help of the function mlogit, it is specified that one can use the argument panel to use panel techniques. To set panel = TRUE is what I am after here.
The problem is that panel can be set to TRUE only if another argument of mlogit, i.e. rpar, is not NULL.
The argument rpar is used to specify the distribution of the random variables: i.e. the variables before the |.
The problem is that, since these variables does not exist in my case, I can't use the argument rpar and then set panel = TRUE.
An interesting question related to this is here. A few suggestions were given, and one seems to go in my direction. Unfortunately, no examples that I can replicate are provided, and I do not understand how to follow this strategy to solve my problem.
Moreover, I am not particularly interested in using mlogit, any efficient way to perform this task would be fine for me (e.g., I am ok with survival or other packages).
Do you know any solution to this problem?
Two caveats for those interested in answering:
I am interested in fixed effects, not in random effects. However, if you believe there is no other way to take advantage of the longitudinal structure of my data in R (there is indeed in Stata but I don't want to use it), please feel free to share your code.
I am not interested in going Bayesian. So if possible, please do not suggest this approach.


Latent class growth modelling in R/flexmix with multinomial outcome variable

How to run Latent Class Growth Modelling (LCGM) with a multinomial response variable in R (using the flexmix package)?
And how to stratify each class by a binary/categorical dependent variable?
The idea is to let gender shape the growth curve by cluster (cf. Mikolai and Lyons-Amos (2017, p. 194/3) where the stratification is done by education. They used Mplus)
I think I might have come close with the following syntax:
lcgm_formula <- as.formula(rel_stat~age + I(age^2) + gender + gender:age)
lcgm <- flexmix::stepFlexmix(.~ .| id,
k=nr_of_classes, # would be 1:12 in real analysis
nrep=1, # would be 50 in real analysis to avoid local maxima
control = list(iter.max = 500, minprior = 0),
model = flexmix::FLXMRmultinom(lcgm_formula,varFix=T,fixed = ~0))
,which is close to what Wardenaar (2020,p. 10) suggests in his methodological paper for a continuous outcome:
stepFlexmix(.~ .|ID, k = 1:4,nrep = 50, model = FLXMRglmfix(y~ time, varFix=TRUE), data = mydata, control = list(iter.max = 500, minprior = 0))
The only difference is that the FLXMRmultinom probably does not support varFix and fixed parameters, altough adding them do produce different results. The binomial equivalent for FLXMRmultinom in flexmix might be FLXMRglm (with family="binomial") as opposed FLXMRglmfix so I suspect that the restrictions of the LCGM (eg. fixed slope & intercept per class) are not specified they way it should.
The results are otherwise sensible, but model fails to put men and women with similar trajectories in the same classes (below are the fitted probabilities for each relationship status in each class by gender):
We should have the following matches by cluster and gender...
...but instead we have
That is, if for example men in class one and women in class three would be forced in the same group, the created group would be more similar than the current first row of the plot grid.
Here is the full MVE to reproduce the code.
Got similar results with another dataset with diffent number of classes and up to 50 iterations/class. Have tried two alternative ways to predict the probabilities, with identical results. I conclude that the problem is most likely in the model specification (stepflexmix(...,model=FLXMRmultinom(...) or this is some sort of label switch issue.
If the model would be specified correctly and the issue is that similar trajectories for men/women end up in different classes, is there a way to fix that? By for example restricting the parameters?
Any assistance will be highly appreciated.
This seems to be a an identifiability issue apparently common in mixture modelling. In other words the labels are switched so that while there might not be a problem with the modelling as such, men and women end up in different groups and that will have to be dealt with one way or another
In the the new linked code, I have swapped the order manually and calculated the predictions with by hand.
Will be happy to hear, should someone has an alternative approach to deal with the label swithcing issue (like restricting parameters or switching labels algorithmically). Also curious if the model could/should be specified in some other way.
A few remarks:
I believe that this is indeed performing a LCGM as we do not specify random effects for the slopes or intercepts. Therefore I assume that intercepts and slopes are fixed within classes for both sexes. That would mean that the model performs LCGM as intended. By the same token, it seems that running GMM with random intercept, slope or both is not possible.
Since we are calculating the predictions by hand, we need to be able to separate parameters between the sexes. Therefore I also added an interaction term gender x age^2. The calculations seems to slow down somewhat, but the estimates are similar to the original. It also makes conceptually sense to include the interaction for age^2 if we have it for age already.
varFix=T,fixed = ~0 seem to be reduntant: specifying them do not change anything. The subsampling procedure (of my real data) was unaffected by the set.seed() command for some reason.
The new model specification becomes:
lcgm_formula <- as.formula(rel_stat~ age + I(age^2) +gender + age:gender + I(age^2):gender)
lcgm <- flexmix::flexmix(.~ .| id,
k=nr_of_classes, # would be 1:12 in real analysis
#nrep=1, # would be 50 in real analysis to avoid local maxima (and we would use the stepFlexmix function instead)
control = list(iter.max = 500, minprior = 0),
model = flexmix::FLXMRmultinom(lcgm_formula))
And the plots:

How to obtain Brier Score in Random Forest in R?

I am having trouble getting the Brier Score for my Machine Learning Predictive models. The outcome "y" was categorical (1 or 0). Predictors are a mix of continuous and categorical variables.
I have created four models with different predictors, I will call them "model_1"-"model_4" here (except predictors, other parameters are the same). Example code of my model is:
Model_1=rfsrc(y~ ., data=TrainTest, ntree=1000,
mtry=30, nodesize=1, nsplit=1,
na.action="na.impute", nimpute=3,seed=10,
When I run the "Model_1" function in R, I got the results:
My question was how can I get the predicted possibility for those 412 people? And how to find the observed probability for each person? Do I need to calculate by hand? I found the function BrierScore() in "DescTools" package.
But I tried "BrierScore(Model_1)", it gives me no results.
codes I added:
prediction_Raw_SB = predict(Raw_SB, TrainTest)
BrierScore(prediction_Raw_SB, as.numeric(TrainTest$VL_supress03) - 1)
BrierScore(prediction_Raw_SB, as.numeric(as.character(TrainTest$VL_supress03)) - 1)
BrierScore(prediction_Raw_SB, TrainTest$VL_supress03_nu - 1)
I tried some codes: have so many error messages:
One assumption I am making about your approach is that you want to compute the BrierScore on the data you train your model on (which is usually not the correct approach, google train-test split if you need more info there).
In general, therefore you should reflect on whether your approach is correct there.
The BrierScore method in DescTools only has a defined method for glm models, otherwise, it expects as input a vector of predicted probabilities and a vector of true values (see ?BrierScore).
What you would need to do though is to predict on your data using:
prediction = predict(model_1, TrainTest, na.action="na.impute")
and then compute the brier score using
BrierScore(as.numeric(TrainTest$y) - 1, prediction$predicted[, 1L])
(Note, that we transform TrainTest$y into a numeric vector of 0's and 1's in order to compute the brier score.)
Note: The randomForestSRC package also prints a normalized brier score when you call print(prediction).
In general, using one of the available workbenches for machine learning in R (mlr3, tidymodels, caret) might simplify this approach for you and prevent a lot of errors in this direction. This is a really good practice, especially if you are less experienced in ML as it can prevent many errors.
See e.g. this chapter in the mlr3 book for more information.
For reference, here is some very similar code using the mlr3 package, automatically also taking care of train-test splits.
data(breast, package = "randomForestSRC") # with target variable "status"
task = TaskClassif$new(id = "breast", backend = breast, target = "status")
algo = lrn("classif.rfsrc", na.action = "na.impute", predict_type = "prob")
resample(task, algo, rsmp("holdout", ratio = 0.8))$score(msr("classif.bbrier"))

Multinomial logit: estimation on a subset of alternatives in R

As McFadden (1978) showed, if the number of alternatives in a multinomial logit model is so large that computation becomes impossible, it is still feasible to obtain consistent estimates by randomly subsetting the alternatives, so that the estimated probabilities for each individual are based on the chosen alternative and C other randomly selected alternatives. In this case, the size of the subset of alternatives is C+1 for each individual.
My question is about the implementation of this algorithm in R. Is it already embedded in any multinomial logit package? If not - which seems likely based on what I know so far - how would one go about including the procedure in pre-existing packages without recoding extensively?
Not sure whether the question is more about doing the sampling of alternatives or the estimation of MNL models after sampling of alternatives. To my knowledge, there are no R packages that do sampling of alternatives (the former) so far, but the latter is possible with existing packages such as mlogit. I believe the reason is that the sampling process varies depending on how your data is organized, but it is relatively easy to do with a bit of your own code. Below is code adapted from what I used for this paper.
# create artificial data
# data frame of choser id and chosen alt_id
id_alt <- data.frame(
id = 1:1000,
alt_chosen = sample(1:30, 1)
# data frame for universal choice set, with an alt-specific attributes (alt_x2)
alts <- data.frame(
alt_id = 1:30,
alt_x2 = runif(30)
# conduct sampling of 9 non-chosen alternatives
id_alt <- id_alt %>%
mutate(.alts_all =list(alts$alt_id),
# use weights to avoid including chosen alternative in sample
.alts_wtg = map2(.alts_all, alt_chosen, ~ifelse(.x==.y, 0, 1)),
.alts_nonch = map2(.alts_all, .alts_wtg, ~sample(.x, size=9, prob=.y)),
# combine chosen & sampled non-chosen alts
alt_id = map2(alt_chosen, .alts_nonch, c)
# unnest above data.frame to create a long format data frame
# with rows varying by choser id and alt_id
id_alt_lf <- id_alt %>%
select(-starts_with(".")) %>%
# join long format df with alts to get alt-specific attributes
id_alt_lf <- id_alt_lf %>%
left_join(alts, by="alt_id") %>%
mutate(chosen=ifelse(alt_chosen==alt_id, 1, 0))
# convert to mlogit data frame before estimating
id_alt_mldf <-,
alt.var="alt_id", shape="long")
mlogit( chosen ~ 0 + alt_x2, id_alt_mldf) %>%
It is, of course, possible without using the purrr::map functions, by using apply variants or looping through each row of id_alt.
Sampling of alternatives is not currently implemented in the mlogit package. As stated previously, the solution is to generate a data.frame with a subset of alternatives and then using mlogit (and importantly to use a formula with no intercepts). Note that mlogit can deal with unbalanced data, ie the number of alternatives doesn't have to be the same for all the choice situations.
My recommendation would be to review the mlogit package.
the package has a set of example exercises that (in my opinion) are worth looking at:
You may also want to take a look at the gmnl package (I have not used it)
Multinomial Logit Models with Continuous and Discrete Individual Heterogeneity in R: The gmnl Package
Mauricio Sarrias' (Author) gmnl Web page
Question: What specific problem(s) are you trying to apply a multinomial logit model too? Suitably intrigued.
Aside from the above question, I hope the above points you in the right direction.

Treatment of categorical variables in rpart

I wonder how rpart treats categorical variables. There are several references suggesting that for unordered factors it looks through all combinations. Actually, even the vignette at the end section 6.2 states
(F)or a categorical predictor with m levels, all 2^m−1 different possible
splits are tested.
However, given my experience with the code, I find it difficult to believe. The vignette shows a supporting evidence that running
rpart(Reliability ~ ., data=car90)
takes a really long, long time. However, in my case, it runs in seconds. Despite having an unordered factor variable with 30 levels.
To demonstrate the issue further, I have created several variables with 52 levels, meaning that 2^51 - 1 ~ 2.2 10^15 splits would need to be checked if all possibilities were explored. This code runs in about a minute, IMHO proving that all combinations are not checked.
NROW = 50000
NVAR = 20
rand_letters = data.frame(replicate(NVAR, as.factor(c(
letters[, floor(NROW/2), replace = TRUE)],
LETTERS[, ceiling(NROW/2), replace = TRUE)]))))
rand_letters$target = rbinom(n = NROW, size = 1, prob = 0.1)
tree_letter = rpart(target ~., data = rand_letters, cp = 0.0003)
What combinations of categorical variables are ACTUALLY checked in rpart?
I know it is an old question but I found this link that might answer some of it.
Bottom line is that rpart seems to be applying a simple algorithm:
First, sort the conditional means, p_i = E(Y|X = x_i)
Then compute Gini indices based on groups obtained from that ordering.
Pick the two groups giving the maximum of these Gini indices.
So it should not be nearly as computationally expensive.
However, I personally have a case where I have a single categorical variable, whose categories are US states, and rpart overtimes when trying to use it to produce a classification tree. Creating dummy variables and running rpart with the 51 variables (1 for each state) works fine.

R- Random Forest - Importance / varImPlot

I have an issue with Random Forest with the Importance / varImPlot function, I hope someone could help me with?
I tried to code versions but I am confused about the (different) results:
rffit = randomForest(price~.,data=train,mtry=x,ntree=500)
rfvalpred = predict(rffit,newdata=test)
Shows the plot and the data of “importance”, however only “IncNodePurity”. And the data is different the plot and the data, I tried with "Scale" but did not work.
rf.analyzed_data = randomForest(price~.,data=train,mtry=x,ntree=500,importance=TRUE)
yhat.rf = predict(rf.analyzed_data,newdata=test)
In that case it does not produce any plot anymore and the importance data is showing “%IncMSE” and “IncNodePurity” data but the “IncNodePurity” data is different to first code?
1.) Any idea why data is different for “IncNodePurity”?
2.) Any idea why no “%IncMSE” is shown in the first version?
3.) Why no plot is shown in the second version?
Many thanks!!
1) IncNodePurity is derived from the loss function, and you get that measure for free just by training the model. On the downside it is a more unstable estimate as results may vary from each model run. It is also more biased as it favors variables with many levels. I guess your found the differences are due to randomness.
2) VI, %IncMSE takes a little extra time to compute and is therefore optional. Roughly all values in data set needs to be shuffled and every OOB sample needs to be predicted once for every tree times for every variable. As the package randomForest is designed, you have to compute VI during training. importance must be set to TRUE. varImpPlot cannot plot it as it has not been computed.
3) Not sure. In this code example I see both plots at least.
X = data.frame(replicate(6,rnorm(1000)))
y = with(X, X1^2 + sin(X2*pi) + X3*X4)
train = data.frame(y=y,X=X)
rf2=randomForest(y~.,data=train, importance=T)
#plotting importnace
varImpPlot(rf1) #plot only with IncNodePurity
varImpPlot(rf2) #bi-plot also with %IncMSE
