Rsync - How to display only changed files - rsync

When my colleague and I upload a PHP web project to production, we use rsync for the file transfer with these arguments:
rsync -rltz --progress --stats --delete --perms --chmod=u=rwX,g=rwX,o=rX
When this runs, we see a long list of files that were changed.
Running this 2 times in a row, will always show the files that were changed between the 2 transfers.
However, when my colleague runs the same command after I did it, he will see a very long list of all files being changed (though the contents are identical) and this is extremely fast.
If he uploads again, then again there will be only minimal output.
So it seams to me that we get the correct output, only showing changes, but if someone else uploads from another computer, rsync will regard everything as changed.
I believe this may have something to do with the file permissions or times, but would like to know how to best solve this.
The idea is that we only see the changes, regardless who does the upload and in what order.
The huge file list is quite scary to see in a huge project, so we have no idea what was actually changed.
PS: We both deploy using the same user#server as target.

The t in your command says to copy the timestamps of the files, so if they don't match you'll see them get updated. If you think the timestamps on your two machines should match then the problem is something else.
The easiest way to ensure that the timestamps match would be to rsync them down from the server before making your edits.
Incidentally, having two people use rsync to update a production server seems error prone and fragile. You should consider putting your files in Git and pushing them to the server that way (you'd need a server-side hook to update the working copy for the web server to use).


Stop rsync from backing up if too many files are being changed

Does anyone know of a way that I can tell rsync to not perform a backup if it detects and X amount of data will be changed? For example, if I run a backup and it detects and 25% of the data in the destination directory will be changed can I have it automatically abort that run and then I can evaluate and make a decision whether allow it or not. I back up my machine every night but what I'm worried about is if my machine gets hit with a ransomware bug or another issue that causes a ton of my data gets destroyed or lost I really don't want it to propagate to my backup. I used to tool call synconvery and it had this feature but I don't think the tool is supported very well and I get a lot of permission and read errors that I don't see with any other tools. Goodsync also has this feature but even though it runs on the Mac it doesn't support special characters in a file name and replaces it with an underscore when the file is copied. I just think that will cause problems when I try to restore those file and it's being referenced wit that special character but can't be found because it has a damn underscore. I like using rsync and I will eventually retrofit my script to use msrsync but I can't trust it if I can't get this protection in place.

Replacing static files that are under heavy read load

Let us assume we have a static file server (Nginx + Linux) that serves 10 files. The files are read almost as frequently as the server can process. However, some of the files need to be replaced with new versions, so that the filename and URL address remain unaltered. How to replace the files safely without a fear that some reads fail or become a mix of two versions?
I understand this is a rather basic operating system matter and has something to do with renames, symlinks, and file sizes. However, I failed to find a clear reference or a good discussion and I hope we can build one here.
Use rsync. Typically I choose rsync -av src dst, but YMMV.
What is terrific about rsync is that, in addition to having essentially zero cost when little or nothing changed, it uses atomic rename. So during file transfer, a ".fooNNNNN" temp file gets bigger and bigger. Once completed, rsync closes the file and renames it on top of "foo". So web clients either see all of the old, or all of the new file. Notice that range downloads (say from restart after error) are not atomic, exposing such clients to lossage, especially if bytes were inserted near beginning of file. SHA1 wouldn't validate for such a client, and he would have to restart his download from scratch. BTW, if these are "large" files, tell nginx to use zero-copy sendfile().

How to find out which script is running at what particular time in unix?

in my application server,some files are getting deleted from one folder exactly at 1 am everyday.i have checked the crontab.wms file and there is no script which runs at 1 am.
How to find out which script is deleting the files.
Exactly 1AM makes cron a prime suspect, but processes can be launched from other places (e.g. init). Also, if the directory can be mounted elsewhere then your server may not be deleting the files. And if malware is causing this, the origin of the process could be intentionally hidden. Some information about where the files are and what the files are could be useful clues.
Repeatedly running ps -aef for several seconds may uncover the culprit. I would run it hundreds of times without sleeping between starting just before 1AM. There can be a lot of processes to examine.
You may also repeatedly run this:
/usr/sbin/lsof +d <fullNameOfTheDirectory>
to list processes that have opened the specific directory (or files in the directory). This could give a more concise list, but you have to be lucky to be probing at exactly the time the process is using the directory. You may need to try over many nights and you will want both ps and lsof.
If the files do not belong to root, you can chown root before 1AM. If the delete succeeds then you know the process is root.
I assume the deletion is messing you up. You can archive the files before 1AM and restore them when they go missing, assuming the files are fairly static. Or, you can remove write permissions for a few minutes to see if that thwarts the process (you should still see it accessing the directory). These are kludges, but could patch things up until you can really solve it.

Is it better to execute a file over the network or copy it locally first?

My winforms app needs to run an executable that's sitting on a share. The exe is about 50MB (it's a setup.exe type of file). My app will run on many different machines/networks with varying speeds (some fast, but some awfully slow, like barely 10baseT speeds).
Is it better to execute the file straight from the share or is it more efficient to copy it locally and then execute it? I am talking in terms of annoying the user the least.
Locally is better. A copy will read each byte of the file a single time, no more, no less. As you execute, you may revisit code that is out of cache, etc and gets pulled again.
As a setup program, I would assume that the engine will want to do some kind of CRC or other integrity check too, which means it's reading the entire file anyway.
It is always better to execute it locally than running it over the network.
If you're application is small, and does not need to load many different resource during runtime then it is ok to run it over the network. It might even be preferable because if you run it over the network the code is read (download and load to memory) once as oppose of manually downloading the file then run it which take 2 read code. For example you can run a clock widget application over the network.
On the other hand, if your application does read a lot of resources during runtim, then it is absolutely a bad idea to run it over the network because each read of the resource will go over the network, which is very slow. For example, you probably don't want to be running Eclipse over the network.
Another factor to take into consideration is how many concurrent user will be accessing the application at the same time. If there are many, you should copy the application to local and run from there.
I believe the OS always copy the file to a local temp folder before it is actually executed. There are no round trips from/to the network after it gets a copy, it only happens once. This is sort of like how a browser works... it first retrieves the file, saves it locally, then it runs if off of the local temp where it saved it. In other words, there is no need to copy it manually unless you want to keep a copy for yourself.

rsync list of specific local files in 1 step

I'm working on a web application where a user uploads a list of files, which should then be immediately rsynced to a remote server. I have a list of all the local files that need to be rsynced, but they will be mixed in with other files that I do not want rsynced every time. I know rsync will only send the changed files, but this directory structure and contents will grow very large over time and the delay would not be acceptable.
I know that doing a remote rsync, I can specify a list of remote files, i.e...
rsync "host:/path/to/file1 /path/to/file2 /path/to/file3"
... but that does not work once I remove "host:" and try to specify the files locally.
I also know I can use --files-from, but that would require me to create a file ahead of time with a list of files that I want to rsync (and then delete it afterwards). I think it'd be cleaner to just effectively say "rsync these 4 specific files to this remote server", but I can't seem to get that to work.
Is there any way to do what I'm trying to accomplish, or do I have to resort to creating a tmp file with a list in it?
You should be able to list the files similar to the example you gave. I did this on my machine to copy 2 specific files from a directory with many other files present.
rsync test.sql test2.cpp myUser#myHost:path/to/files/synced/
