Why does spplot take so much time for multiple panels - r

I am plotting multiple shapefiles using spplot. Here's a data to construct that
my.shp <- getData('GADM', country = 'BRA', level = 2)
my.shp$ID<- 1:nrow(my.shp)
My data consists of a variable X for 10 years as shown where each column is a year
df <- matrix(sample(100:5000, 55040, replace = T), nrow = 5504, ncol = 10)
df <- data.frame(ID = 1:nrow(my.shp), df)
my.dat <- merge(my.shp, df, by = "ID")
variable.names <- paste0("X",1:10)
spplot(my.dat, rev(variable.names), col = NA, at = seq(from = 100, to = 5000, by = 500),
col.regions = distinctColorPalette(length(seq(from = 100, to = 5000, by = 500))),
main = list(label = "TEST"))
My problem is this plot takes so much time (around an hour) to get plotted and was wondering if there is something inherently wrong in the code itself that it is taking too long to plot. My laptop has a 32 GB RAM.

I haven't compared this plot to your spplot because I don't want to spend an hour waiting for it.
Instead I'm proposing to use library(mapdeck) to plot an interactive map, which takes a matter of seconds.
Two things to note
You need a Mapbox Access token
You need to convert the sp object to sf
my.shp <- getData('GADM', country = 'BRA', level = 2)
my.shp$ID <- 1:nrow(my.shp)
df <- matrix(sample(100:5000, 55040, replace = T), nrow = 5504, ncol = 10)
df <- data.frame(ID = 1:nrow(my.shp), df)
my.dat <- merge(my.shp, df, by = "ID")
sf <- sf::st_as_sf( my.dat )
set_token( "YOUR_MAPBOX_TOKEN" )
mapdeck() %>%
data = sf
, fill_colour = "GID_2"

Are you willing/able to switch to sf instead of sp?
The sf plot function is considerably faster than spplot, although the layout differs a bit.
my.dat_sf <- st_as_sf(my.dat)
plot(my.dat_sf[rev(variable.names)], max.plot=10, breaks=c(seq(from = 100, to = 5000, by = 500),5000),
pal = distinctColorPalette(length(seq(from = 100, to = 5000, by = 500))),
main = "TEST", border=NA, key.pos=4)
Additionally, you could try to simplify the polygon with rmapshaper::ms_simplify() for Spatial*-objects or sf::st_simplify() for SimpleFeatures, which lets you reduce the object size by quite a bit, depending on the given dTolerance. Thus plotting, will also be faster with simplified polygons.
The original SpatialPolygon:
format(object.size(my.dat_sf), units="Kb")
"25599.2 Kb"
and a simplified SimpleFeature:
dat_sf_simple <- st_transform(my.dat_sf, crs = 3035)
dat_sf_simple <- st_simplify(dat_sf_simple, dTolerance = 1000, preserveTopology = T)
dat_sf_simple <- st_transform(dat_sf_simple, crs = 4326)
format(object.size(dat_sf_simple), units="Kb")
"7864.2 Kb"
Plot the simplified SimpleFeature, which takes about 1 minute on my machine with 8GB RAM.
plot(dat_sf_simple[rev(variable.names)], max.plot=10, breaks=c(seq(from = 100, to = 5000, by = 500),5000),
pal = distinctColorPalette(length(seq(from = 100, to = 5000, by = 500))),
main = "TEST", border=NA, key.pos=4)
You could also try out with ggplot2, but I am pretty sure the most performant solution will be the sf plot.
dat_sf_simple_gg <- dat_sf_simple %>%
dplyr::select(rev(variable.names), geometry) %>%
gather(VAR, SID, -geometry)
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = dat_sf_simple_gg, aes(fill=SID)) +
facet_wrap(~VAR, ncol = 2)


making 2 box plots from the same data frame in R

I want to make a 2 box plots with y being weight and x being the before and after. so two different boxplot will be displayed at the same time.
`rats_before = data.frame(
rat_num = paste0(rep("rat number",200),1:200),
weight = rweibull(200,shape= 10,scale = 20))
rats_after = data.frame(
rat_num = paste0(rep("rat number",200),1:200),
weight = rweibull(200,shape= 9,scale = 21))
rats = merge(rats_before,rats_after, by = c("rat_num"))`
i know the next part is not even close but it will give you a idea of what im trying to do.
rat_boxplot = qplot(y = weight, x = (rats_after, rats_before), geom = "boxplot", data = rats)
Or, if you want to do this in base R -
rats_before = data.frame(
rat_num = paste0(rep("rat number",200),1:200),
weight = rweibull(200,shape= 10,scale = 20))
rats_after = data.frame(
rat_num = paste0(rep("rat number",200),1:200),
weight = rweibull(200,shape= 9,scale = 21))
rats <- rbind(rats_before, rats_after)
rats$type <- c(rep("before", nrow(rats_before)), rep("after", nrow(rats_after)))
rats$type <- factor(rats$type)
rats$type <- relevel(rats$type, ref = 2)
boxplot(weight ~ type, data = rats)
You can add a column to each df ans userbind which will bind the rows of the two df instead of merge you can use. Then you simply have to use the aes of a ggplot.
rats_before$condition = "before"
rats_after$condition = "after"
rats = rbind(rats_before,rats_after)
Hope I understood your question.

R Leaflet. Reporting the times a line crosses through a generated grid cell using pop-up function

Morning, Afternoon or Evening
I have the following data (ships transect ):
# R-4.0.2
lats <- c(seq(50, 49, by = -0.05), seq(49, 50, by = 0.05), seq(50, 49, by = -0.05))
lngs <- c(seq(-6, -5, by = 0.05), rep(-5, 21) , seq(-5, -5.5, by = -0.025))
times <- c(seq(from=as.POSIXct("2020-10-10 10:00", tz="GMT"),
to=as.POSIXct("2020-10-10 10:20", tz="GMT"), by="min"),
seq(from=as.POSIXct("2020-10-10 10:20", tz="GMT"),
to=as.POSIXct("2020-10-11 07:00", tz="GMT"), by="hour"),
seq(from=as.POSIXct("2020-10-11 07:00", tz="GMT"),
to=as.POSIXct("2020-10-11 07:20", tz="GMT"), by="min"))
value <- sample(1:100, 63, replace=TRUE)
df <- data.frame(lats, lngs, times, value)
Using this data, I am able to produce a meta-explorer (Fig. 1), with much help from user #Wimpel in my earlier question on the same subject
Figure 1. Metadata explorer, code to produce found at bottom of question
This is great, but, where the transect crosses itself the result is a high number of data points and odd average time. Demonstrated in Fig. 1s popup.
What I would like to achieve is for the pop up to display the number of times the ship has been in the area, the average time for that passage (not time taken) and the number of data points for that passage.
I think the answer is hidden within the following function, but my lack of understand impinges me.
for(i in 1:length(polys)) {
numofimg[i] = length(df$value[which(!is.na(over(x=df,y=polys[i])))])
I realise this is asking quite a bit, so even pointers are welcome.
Code to create map
library( sf )
library( sp )
coordinates(df) <- c("lngs","lats")
proj4string(df) <- CRS("+proj=longlat")
grd <- GridTopology(cellcentre.offset=bbox(df)[,1],
cellsize=c(0.05,0.05), cells.dim=c(200,130))
polys <- as.SpatialPolygons.GridTopology(grd)
proj4string(polys) <- CRS("+proj=longlat")
meantime <- rep(0, length(polys))
numofimg <- rep(0, length(polys))
for(i in 1:length(polys)) {
meantime[i] = mean(df$times[which(!is.na(over(x=df,y=polys[i])))])
for(i in 1:length(polys)) {
numofimg[i] = length(df$value[which(!is.na(over(x=df,y=polys[i])))])
times <- as.list(meantime)
convertback <- function(x){
as.POSIXct(x, origin="1970-01-01")
times <- lapply(times, convertback)
times <- do.call("c", times)
polys$meantime <- times
polys$numofimg <- numofimg
pal <- colorNumeric(
palette = "viridis",
domain = polys$numofimg)
clipped <- polys[polys#data$numofimg > 0, ]
leaflet() %>%
addProviderTiles('Esri.WorldGrayCanvas') %>%
leafgl::addGlPolygons(data = clipped,
weight = 1,
fillColor = ~pal(numofimg),
fillOpacity = 0.8,popup = ~paste("<h3>Cell Info:</h3>",
"<b>Mean Cell time: </b>",
"<b>Number of datapoints: </b>",
) %>%
addPolylines(group = "Ships Path",
data = df,
lng = ~lngs,
lat = ~lats,
color = "black",
weight = 1)

How do I map county-level data as a heatmap using FIPS codes (interactively?) in R

I am hoping to create an interactive map that will allow me to create a plot where users can change the year and variable plotted. I've seen the package tmap be used, so I'm imagining something like that, but I'd also take advice for a static map, or another approach to an interactive one. My data is much, much, richer than this, but looks something like:
example <- data.frame(fips = rep(as.numeric(c("37001", "37003", "37005", "37007", "37009", "37011", "37013", "37015", "37017", "37019"), 4)),
year = c(rep(1990, 10), rep(1991, 10), rep(1992, 10), rep(1993, 10)),
life = sample(1:100, 40, replace=TRUE),
income = sample(8000:1000000, 40, replace=TRUE),
pop = sample(80000:1000000, 40, replace=TRUE))
I'd like my output to be a map of ONLY the counties contained in my dataset (in my case, I have all the counties in North Carolina, so I don't want a map of the whole USA), that would show a heatmap of selected variables of interest (in this sample data, year, life, income, and pop. Ideally I'd like one plot with two dropdown-type menus that allow you to select what year you want to view, and which variable you want to see. A static map where I (rather than the user) defines year and variable would be helpful if you don't know how to do the interactive thing.
I've tried the following (taken from here), but it's static, which is not my ideal, and also appears to be trying to map the whole USA, so the part that's actually contained in my data (North Carolina) is very small.
colors = c("#F1EEF6", "#D4B9DA", "#C994C7", "#DF65B0", "#DD1C77",
example$colorBuckets <- as.numeric(cut(example$life, c(0, 20, 40, 60, 80,
90, 100)))
colorsmatched <- example$colorBuckets[match(county.fips$fips, example$fips)]
map("county", col = colors[colorsmatched], fill = TRUE, resolution = 0,
lty = 0, projection = "polyconic")
Here's almost the whole solution. I had hoped some package would allow mapping to be done by fips code alone, but haven't found one yet. You have to download shapefiles and merge them by fips code. This code does everything I wanted above except allow you to also filter by year. I've asking that question here, so hopefully someone will answer there.
# get shapefiles (download shapefiles [here][1] : http://www2.census.gov/geo/tiger/GENZ2014/shp/cb_2014_us_county_5m.zip )
usgeo <- st_read("~/cb_2014_us_county_5m/cb_2014_us_county_5m.shp") %>%
mutate(fips = as.numeric(paste0(STATEFP, COUNTYFP)))
### alternatively, this code *should* allow you download data ###
### directly, but somethings slightly wrong. I'd love to know what. ####
# temp <- tempfile()
# download.file("http://www2.census.gov/geo/tiger/GENZ2014/shp/cb_2014_us_county_5m.zip",temp)
# data <- st_read(unz(temp, "cb_2014_us_county_5m.shp"))
# unlink(temp)
# create fake data
example <- data.frame(fips = rep(as.numeric(c("37001", "37003", "37005", "37007", "37009", "37011", "37013", "37015", "37017", "37019"), 4)),
year = c(rep(1990, 10), rep(1991, 10), rep(1992, 10), rep(1993, 10)),
life = sample(1:100, 40, replace=TRUE),
income = sample(8000:1000000, 40, replace=TRUE),
pop = sample(80000:1000000, 40, replace=TRUE))
# join fake data with shapefiles
example <- st_as_sf(example %>%
# drop layers (not sure why, but won't work without this)
example$geometry <- st_zm(example$geometry, drop = T, what = "ZM")
# filter for a single year (which I don't want to have to do)
example <- example %>% filter(year == 1993)
# change projection
example <- sf::st_transform(example, "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
# create popups
incomepopup <- paste0("County: ", example$NAME, ", avg income = $", example$income)
poppopup <- paste0("County: ", example$NAME, ", avg pop = ", example$pop)
yearpopup <- paste0("County: ", example$NAME, ", avg year = ", example$year)
lifepopup <- paste0("County: ", example$NAME, ", avg life expectancy = ", example$life)
# create color palettes
yearPalette <- colorNumeric(palette = "Blues", domain=example$year)
lifePalette <- colorNumeric(palette = "Purples", domain=example$life)
incomePalette <- colorNumeric(palette = "Reds", domain=example$income)
popPalette <- colorNumeric(palette = "Oranges", domain=example$pop)
# create map
leaflet(example) %>%
addProviderTiles("CartoDB.Positron") %>%
smoothFactor = 0.2,
fillOpacity = .8,
popup = poppopup,
color = ~popPalette(example$pop),
group = "pop"
) %>%
smoothFactor = 0.2,
fillOpacity = .8,
popup = yearpopup,
color = ~yearPalette(example$year),
group = "year"
) %>%
smoothFactor = 0.2,
fillOpacity = .8,
popup = lifepopup,
color = ~lifePalette(example$life),
group = "life"
) %>%
smoothFactor = 0.2,
fillOpacity = .8,
popup = incomepopup,
color = ~incomePalette(example$income),
group = "income"
) %>%
baseGroups=c("income", "year", "life", "pop"),
position = "bottomleft",
options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE)
I'm still looking for a way to add a "year" filter that would be another interactive radio-button box to filter the data by different years.

Why the labels are not arranged properly in `stars()` in R?

I am using following function to generate stars(), one the visualization technique for multivariate data.
Name = randomNames(50, which.names = 'first')
height = sample(160:180, 50, replace = TRUE)
weight = sample(45:85, 50, replace = TRUE)
tumour_size = runif(50, 0,1)
df = data.frame(Name, height, weight, tumour_size, rnorm(50, 10,3))
stars(df,labels = Name)
But, I get the output like this:
How to align the names exactly below the stars?
Use option flip.labels=FALSE.
stars(df, labels = Name, flip.labels = FALSE)

Wind rose with ggplot (R)?

I am looking for good R code (or package) that uses ggplot2 to create wind roses that show the frequency, magnitude and direction of winds.
I'm particularly interested in ggplot2 as building the plot that way gives me the chance to leverage the rest of the functionality in there.
Test data
Download a year of weather data from the 80-m level on the National Wind Technology's "M2" tower. This link will create a .csv file that is automatically downloaded. You need to find that file (it's called "20130101.csv"), and read it in.
# read in a data file
data.in <- read.csv(file = "A:/drive/somehwere/20130101.csv",
col.names = c("date","hr","ws.80","wd.80"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
This would work with any .csv file and will overwrite the column names.
Sample data
If you don't want to download that data, here are 10 data points that we will use to demo the process:
data.in <- structure(list(date = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L,
1L, 1L), .Label = "1/1/2013", class = "factor"), hr = 1:9, ws.80 = c(5,
7, 7, 51.9, 11, 12, 9, 11, 17), wd.80 = c(30, 30, 30, 180, 180,
180, 269, 270, 271)), .Names = c("date", "hr", "ws.80", "wd.80"
), row.names = c(NA, -9L), class = "data.frame")
For sake of argument we'll assume that we are using the data.in data frame, which has two data columns and some kind of date / time information. We'll ignore the date and time information initially.
The ggplot function
I've coded the function below. I'm interested in other people's experience or suggestions on how to improve this.
# WindRose.R
plot.windrose <- function(data,
spdres = 2,
dirres = 30,
spdmin = 2,
spdmax = 20,
spdseq = NULL,
palette = "YlGnBu",
countmax = NA,
debug = 0){
# Look to see what data was passed in to the function
if (is.numeric(spd) & is.numeric(dir)){
# assume that we've been given vectors of the speed and direction vectors
data <- data.frame(spd = spd,
dir = dir)
spd = "spd"
dir = "dir"
} else if (exists("data")){
# Assume that we've been given a data frame, and the name of the speed
# and direction columns. This is the format we want for later use.
# Tidy up input data ----
n.in <- NROW(data)
dnu <- (is.na(data[[spd]]) | is.na(data[[dir]]))
data[[spd]][dnu] <- NA
data[[dir]][dnu] <- NA
# figure out the wind speed bins ----
if (missing(spdseq)){
spdseq <- seq(spdmin,spdmax,spdres)
} else {
if (debug >0){
cat("Using custom speed bins \n")
# get some information about the number of bins, etc.
n.spd.seq <- length(spdseq)
n.colors.in.range <- n.spd.seq - 1
# create the color map
spd.colors <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(min(max(3,
if (max(data[[spd]],na.rm = TRUE) > spdmax){
spd.breaks <- c(spdseq,
max(data[[spd]],na.rm = TRUE))
spd.labels <- c(paste(c(spdseq[1:n.spd.seq-1]),
max(data[[spd]],na.rm = TRUE)))
spd.colors <- c(spd.colors, "grey50")
} else{
spd.breaks <- spdseq
spd.labels <- paste(c(spdseq[1:n.spd.seq-1]),
data$spd.binned <- cut(x = data[[spd]],
breaks = spd.breaks,
labels = spd.labels,
ordered_result = TRUE)
# clean up the data
data. <- na.omit(data)
# figure out the wind direction bins
dir.breaks <- c(-dirres/2,
seq(dirres/2, 360-dirres/2, by = dirres),
dir.labels <- c(paste(360-dirres/2,"-",dirres/2),
paste(seq(dirres/2, 360-3*dirres/2, by = dirres),
seq(3*dirres/2, 360-dirres/2, by = dirres)),
# assign each wind direction to a bin
dir.binned <- cut(data[[dir]],
breaks = dir.breaks,
ordered_result = TRUE)
levels(dir.binned) <- dir.labels
data$dir.binned <- dir.binned
# Run debug if required ----
if (debug>0){
# deal with change in ordering introduced somewhere around version 2.2
if(packageVersion("ggplot2") > "2.2"){
cat("Hadley broke my code\n")
data$spd.binned = with(data, factor(spd.binned, levels = rev(levels(spd.binned))))
spd.colors = rev(spd.colors)
# create the plot ----
p.windrose <- ggplot(data = data,
aes(x = dir.binned,
fill = spd.binned)) +
geom_bar() +
scale_x_discrete(drop = FALSE,
labels = waiver()) +
coord_polar(start = -((dirres/2)/360) * 2*pi) +
scale_fill_manual(name = "Wind Speed (m/s)",
values = spd.colors,
drop = FALSE) +
theme(axis.title.x = element_blank())
# adjust axes if required
if (!is.na(countmax)){
p.windrose <- p.windrose +
# print the plot
# return the handle to the wind rose
Proof of Concept and Logic
We'll now check that the code does what we expect. For this, we'll use the simple set of demo data.
# try the default settings
p0 <- plot.windrose(spd = data.in$ws.80,
dir = data.in$wd.80)
This gives us this plot:
So: we've correctly binned the data by direction and wind speed, and have coded up our out-of-range data as expected. Looks good!
Using this function
Now we load the real data. We can load this from the URL:
data.in <- read.csv(file = "http://midcdmz.nrel.gov/apps/plot.pl?site=NWTC&start=20010824&edy=26&emo=3&eyr=2062&year=2013&month=1&day=1&endyear=2013&endmonth=12&endday=31&time=0&inst=21&inst=39&type=data&wrlevel=2&preset=0&first=3&math=0&second=-1&value=0.0&user=0&axis=1",
col.names = c("date","hr","ws.80","wd.80"))
or from file:
data.in <- read.csv(file = "A:/blah/20130101.csv",
col.names = c("date","hr","ws.80","wd.80"))
The quick way
The simple way to use this with the M2 data is to just pass in separate vectors for spd and dir (speed and direction):
# try the default settings
p1 <- plot.windrose(spd = data.in$ws.80,
dir = data.in$wd.80)
Which gives us this plot:
And if we want custom bins, we can add those as arguments:
p2 <- plot.windrose(spd = data.in$ws.80,
dir = data.in$wd.80,
spdseq = c(0,3,6,12,20))
Using a data frame and the names of columns
To make the plots more compatible with ggplot(), you can also pass in a data frame and the name of the speed and direction variables:
p.wr2 <- plot.windrose(data = data.in,
spd = "ws.80",
dir = "wd.80")
Faceting by another variable
We can also plot the data by month or year using ggplot's faceting capability. Let's start by getting the time stamp from the date and hour information in data.in, and converting to month and year:
# first create a true POSIXCT timestamp from the date and hour columns
data.in$timestamp <- as.POSIXct(paste0(data.in$date, " ", data.in$hr),
tz = "GMT",
format = "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M")
# Convert the time stamp to years and months
data.in$Year <- as.numeric(format(data.in$timestamp, "%Y"))
data.in$month <- factor(format(data.in$timestamp, "%B"),
levels = month.name)
Then you can apply faceting to show how the wind rose varies by month:
# recreate p.wr2, so that includes the new data
p.wr2 <- plot.windrose(data = data.in,
spd = "ws.80",
dir = "wd.80")
# now generate the faceting
p.wr3 <- p.wr2 + facet_wrap(~month,
ncol = 3)
# and remove labels for clarity
p.wr3 <- p.wr3 + theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.title.x = element_blank())
Some things to note about the function and how it can be used:
The inputs are:
vectors of speed (spd) and direction (dir) or the name of the data frame and the names of the columns that contain the speed and direction data.
optional values of the bin size for wind speed (spdres) and direction (dirres).
palette is the name of a colorbrewer sequential palette,
countmax sets the range of the wind rose.
debug is a switch (0,1,2) to enable different levels of debugging.
I wanted to be able to set the maximum speed (spdmax) and the count (countmax) for the plots so that I can compare windroses from different data sets
If there are wind speeds that exceed (spdmax), those are added as a grey region (see the figure). I should probably code something like spdmin as well, and color-code regions where the wind speeds are less than that.
Following a request, I implemented a method to use custom wind speed bins. They can be added using the spdseq = c(1,3,5,12) argument.
You can remove the degree bin labels using the usual ggplot commands to clear the x axis: p.wr3 + theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),axis.title.x = element_blank()).
At some point recently ggplot2 changed the ordering of bins, so that the plots didn't work. I think this was version 2.2. But, if your plots look a bit weird, change the code so that test for "2.2" is maybe "2.1", or "2.0".
Here is my version of the code. I added labels for directions (N, NNE, NE, ENE, E....) and made the y label to show frequency in percent instead of counts.
Click here to see figure of wind Rose with directions and frequency (%)
# WindRose.R
plot.windrose <- function(data,
spdres = 2,
dirres = 22.5,
spdmin = 2,
spdmax = 20,
spdseq = NULL,
palette = "YlGnBu",
countmax = NA,
debug = 0){
# Look to see what data was passed in to the function
if (is.numeric(spd) & is.numeric(dir)){
# assume that we've been given vectors of the speed and direction vectors
data <- data.frame(spd = spd,
dir = dir)
spd = "spd"
dir = "dir"
} else if (exists("data")){
# Assume that we've been given a data frame, and the name of the speed
# and direction columns. This is the format we want for later use.
# Tidy up input data ----
n.in <- NROW(data)
dnu <- (is.na(data[[spd]]) | is.na(data[[dir]]))
data[[spd]][dnu] <- NA
data[[dir]][dnu] <- NA
# figure out the wind speed bins ----
if (missing(spdseq)){
spdseq <- seq(spdmin,spdmax,spdres)
} else {
if (debug >0){
cat("Using custom speed bins \n")
# get some information about the number of bins, etc.
n.spd.seq <- length(spdseq)
n.colors.in.range <- n.spd.seq - 1
# create the color map
spd.colors <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(min(max(3,
if (max(data[[spd]],na.rm = TRUE) > spdmax){
spd.breaks <- c(spdseq,
max(data[[spd]],na.rm = TRUE))
spd.labels <- c(paste(c(spdseq[1:n.spd.seq-1]),
max(data[[spd]],na.rm = TRUE)))
spd.colors <- c(spd.colors, "grey50")
} else{
spd.breaks <- spdseq
spd.labels <- paste(c(spdseq[1:n.spd.seq-1]),
data$spd.binned <- cut(x = data[[spd]],
breaks = spd.breaks,
labels = spd.labels,
ordered_result = TRUE)
# figure out the wind direction bins
dir.breaks <- c(-dirres/2,
seq(dirres/2, 360-dirres/2, by = dirres),
dir.labels <- c(paste(360-dirres/2,"-",dirres/2),
paste(seq(dirres/2, 360-3*dirres/2, by = dirres),
seq(3*dirres/2, 360-dirres/2, by = dirres)),
# assign each wind direction to a bin
dir.binned <- cut(data[[dir]],
breaks = dir.breaks,
ordered_result = TRUE)
levels(dir.binned) <- dir.labels
data$dir.binned <- dir.binned
# Run debug if required ----
if (debug>0){
# create the plot ----
p.windrose <- ggplot(data = data,
aes(x = dir.binned,
fill = spd.binned
,y = (..count..)/sum(..count..)
geom_bar() +
scale_x_discrete(drop = FALSE,
labels = c("N","NNE","NE","ENE", "E",
"ESE", "SE","SSE",
"S","SSW", "SW","WSW", "W",
"WNW","NW","NNW")) +
coord_polar(start = -((dirres/2)/360) * 2*pi) +
scale_fill_manual(name = "Wind Speed (m/s)",
values = spd.colors,
drop = FALSE) +
theme(axis.title.x = element_blank()) +
scale_y_continuous(labels = percent) +
# adjust axes if required
if (!is.na(countmax)){
p.windrose <- p.windrose +
# print the plot
# return the handle to the wind rose
Have you ever tried windRose function from Openair package? It's very easy and you can set intervals, statistics and etc.
windRose(mydata, ws = "ws", wd = "wd", ws2 = NA, wd2 = NA,
ws.int = 2, angle = 30, type = "default", bias.corr = TRUE, cols
= "default", grid.line = NULL, width = 1, seg = NULL, auto.text
= TRUE, breaks = 4, offset = 10, normalise = FALSE, max.freq =
NULL, paddle = TRUE, key.header = NULL, key.footer = "(m/s)",
key.position = "bottom", key = TRUE, dig.lab = 5, statistic =
"prop.count", pollutant = NULL, annotate = TRUE, angle.scale =
315, border = NA, ...)
pollutionRose(mydata, pollutant = "nox", key.footer = pollutant,
key.position = "right", key = TRUE, breaks = 6, paddle = FALSE,
seg = 0.9, normalise = FALSE, ...)
