What are the options for persisting data on Apple Watch? - watchkit

I'm using Apple Watch to collect sensor(e.g. accelerator) data, and need to store the data first on the Watch and send to iPhone afterwards. What are the possible ways to store the data?
As it would be a large amount of data, NSUserDefault apparently is not suitable in this scenario.

SQLite works on Watch. The below SQLDataAccess.swift will work.


Firebase in Flutter, make loading more appealing

So I am working on a message app, i was thinking about a few methods to make the loading of data more appealing, because now, it just loads in really "ugly". basically it just jumps when new data gets added. I was think about just at the beginning really load all the data but store that data in lists to then later manipulate those instead of building everything again. What would your approach be? Am I not thinking correct there?
I was think about just at the beginning really load all the data but store that data in lists to then later manipulate those instead of building everything again.
That is how I've implemented it, storing updates as the state updates in the app. But this only works if all data is personal so you don't have two persons changing the same data at the same time so you get overrides in firebase.
If you have multiple changes to the same dataset it is better to work with realtime data imo. Read more at Firestore realtime changes

Plain JSON vs in-app DB for React-native?

I have 50-100mb dataset that users need to have access to. It's static, so doesn't make sense to host a server for it. There are two kinds of operations I'll perform on the data:
Reading objects by unique ObjectId. Each object is ~3kb.
Full text search through ~300.000 strings. Each string is 4-60 characters.
I'm considering to store data as JSON files. The 300k strings will be stored separately. I'll use https://github.com/nextapps-de/flexsearch or something similar to perform search over it. I've done something similar before with ~10mb dataset back in 2016. I used just regex search and it was working flawlessly.
Are there reasons to use RealmDB, SQLite, PouchDB or something else instead of just JSON?
I wish I did this question an year ago...
In the office I currently work we tried creating an app by using PouchDB and react native, we basically saw PouchDB as an advantage because it wouldn't require our API to send all data over and over again on every refresh triggered by the user, it would only send the data that changed based on the client's checkpoint. As the data in the server was quite heavy (around 6k entries with more than 200 attributes each) we tried at all costs to go easy on the client's data plan.
Months after this implementation was in place we implemented a search functionality with many different options for sorting and filtering, and not only we had to throw away all our implementation of PouchDB, but we had to start from scratch replacing all its logic with indexed JSON values. PouchDB performance was extremely slow, it was taking more than 5 seconds or so to retrieve results, and we just couldn't afford to delay this time on our scope.
In the end we accomplished to reach a very quick search running flex search inside our indexed JSONs. Don't do the same mistake we did, PouchDB costed us too much budget and precious time. It was a terrible choice.
Unfortunately I cannot offer proof or more details from a reputable source, I can only share the own personal terrible experience I had when I thought we were reaching the end of a project and we had to start from scratch. it was a mess.
Oh boy, a bountied, opinion based question!
I have about 5 years experience with pouchDB specifically, a little with SQLite. I have but a cursory experience with RealmDB - I tried it out and decided it was not a good fit for my hybrid/mobile needs.
pouchDB exceeds in on one area hands down - synchronization/replication just like it's big brother CouchDB. Providing interaction with an offline database that synchronizes with a remote database is huge for many mobile apps. pouchDB is schemaless, leveraging JSON documents. With pouchDB one may choose among several data stores via adapters. As there can be quota headaches1 for your data size the right choice may likely be the SQLite adapter. pouchDB does not support full text search.
SQLite is what its name implies - a relational database, requiring a schema. An advantage to SQLite is platform support and the size of the database is not subject to quota headaches like web storage (e.g. IndexedDB). SQLite supports full text search, and apps can deploy with a canned database.
Between pouchDB and SQLite lies RealmDB - it is a schema based object database that supports synchronization/replication. Like pouchDB, it does not support full text search.
Now your requirements
Looking up object by id
300k static text
full-text search
I read 'static' to mean immutable.
Since your data does not change and full-text search is required, pouchDB and RealmDB would not be good choices. If there is a requirement to enhance, remove or add to the data, either would make sense as changes to data on a single server would replicate changes to the local database, practically in a seamless fashion.
SQLite might be a reasonable choice since it supports search and it is possible to deploy a canned database with the app. However, SQLite can be slow in hybrid apps.
pouchDB and RealmDB would be massive overkill and not a good fit.
SQLite would add a fair bit of complexity.
For your specific requirements I'd stay on your path, though I have a care as it appears flexsearch loads its index into memory - if its performance returns some penalty then SQLite, with it's ability to deploy a canned database and providing a search facility may prove a reasonable trade off versus complexity.
Good luck!
1 Quota Headaches
I would say it really just depends on whether you want and NEED to leverage the power of relational queries. Because your data is never changing I would use JSON unless you are trying to perform complex comparisons between your data. In your case it sounds like you are just going to be searching for the particular ObjectId so JSON is your best bet especially because you are saying you won't need to change the data later.
If you organize your JSON so that your ObjectId are in a sorted order you will easily be able to search quickly.

Firebase Realtime Database vs Cloud Firestore

Edit: After posting the question I thought I could also make this post a quick reference for those of you needs a quick peek at some of the differences between these two technologies which might help you decide on one of them eventually. I will be editing this question and adding more info as I learn more.
I have decided to use firebase for the backend of my project. For firestore is says "the next generation of the realtime database". Now I am trying to decide which way to go. Realtime database or cloud firestore?
At a first glance, it looks like firestore charges per number of results returned, number of reads, number of writes/updates etc. Real-time database charges based on the data transmitted. The number of read-write operations is irrelevant. They both also charge on the data stored on the google servers too (I think in this respect firestore is cheaper one). Why am I mentioning this price point? Because from my point of view, although it might a lower weight, it is also a point to consider while choosing the one over the other.
Cloudstore seems to scale horizontally seamlessly. I think this is not possible with the real-time database.
In the real-time database, you need to shard your data yourself using multiple databases. And you can only do this if you are in BLAZE pracing plan.
ref: https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/usage/sharding
Performance & Indexing:
Another thing is the real-time database data structure is different in both. The real-time database stores the data as a JSON object in any way we structure them. Firestore structures the data as collections and documents. And hence the querying also changes between the two.
I think firestore does auto indexing which increases the read performance greatly too (which will decrease read performance). I am not sure if this is also the case with the real-time database.
The real-time database does not automatically index your data. You need to do it yourself after a solid inspection of your data and your needs.
What other differences can you think of?
What would be (or has been) your choice for different types of projects?
Do you still go with the real-time database or have you migrated from that to the firestore? If so why?
And one last thing. How would you compare the SDKs of these two?
Thanks a lot!
What other differences can you think of?
what i think, ok. I use realtime-database for 6 months experience and difference is, firestore easy for sorting data. As Example, i want to retrieving user name based timestamp.
Query firstQuery = firestore.collection("Names").orderBy("timestamp", Query.Direction.DESCENDING).limit(10); // load 10 names
What would be (or has been) your choice for different types of
For me, Realtime-Database for Data Streaming when i work with Arduino, i want to store Drone Speed.
And Firestore for SMART OFFICE, like Air Conditioner, or light-room and Enterprise like Inventory Quantities, etc.
Do you still go with the real-time database or have you migrated from
that to the firestore? If so why?
still go with real-time because i need TREE for displaying streaming data strucure instead of query TABLE like firestore.

How to use a pre-filled database for IONIC?

I am new to IONIC. I want to know what is the ideal choice for storage. Is it IONIC storage?
Also i need to manually enter some data for the app. Now i can’t find any way to store data beforehand, is this possible in ionic?
For example, lets say i need a database/storage filled before with some values. How can i do that? Is that possible or i need to get the data from cloud?
I have posted my query in IONIC forum, this is the best answer i got:
Super simple solution: On start you check if a special value is set, e.g. databasePreloaded. If it is missing, you open a file, read the content and write it to the storage. Then you set databasePreloaded. On next start it will be present and the data won’t be loaded again.
My question is if the data is around 5-6 MB then what the ideal way to do that?
Using a check to see if the data has been loaded is a simple choice.
It would be easy to work with.
The main issue for me is whether the data will change at all once it has been deployed? You would need to think how this would be handled.
Finally, I'm under the impression IndexedDB can only handle up to 5mb so you will need to store this data in sqlite?

Exporting all Marketo Leads in a CSV?

I am trying to export all of my leads from Marketo (we have over 20M+) into a CSV file, but there is a 10k row limit per CSV export.
Is there any other way that I can export a CSV file with more than 10k row? I tried searching for various dataloader tool on Marketo Launchpoint but couldn't find a tool that would work.
Have you considered using the API? It may not be practical unless you have a developer on your team (I'm a programmer).
marketo lead api
If your leads are in salesforce and marketo/salesforce are in parity, instead of exporting all your leads, do a sync from salesforce to the new MA tool (if you are switching) instead. It's a cleaner easier sync.
For important campaigns etc, you can create smart lists and export those.
There is no 10k row limit for exporting Leads from a list. However, there is a practical limit, especially if you choose to export all columns (instead of only the visible columns). I would generally advise on exporting a maximum of 200,000-300,000 leads per list, so you'd need to create multiple Lists.
As Michael mentioned, the API is also a good option. I would still advise to create multiple Lists, so you can run multiple processes in parallel, which will speed things up. You will need to look at your daily API quota: the default is either 10,000 or 50,000. 10,000 API calls allow you to download 3 million Leads (batch size 300).
I am trying out Data Loader for Marketo on Marketo Launchpoint to export my lead and activity data to my local database. Although it cannot transfer marketo data to CSV file directly, you can download Lead to your local database and then export to get a CSV file. For your reference, we have 100K leads and 1 billion activity data.
You might have to run multiple times for 20M leads, but the tool is quite easy and convenient to use so maybe it’s worth a try.
Initially there are 4 steps to get bulk leads from marketo
1. Creating a Job
2. Enqueue Export Lead Job
2. Polling Job Status
3. Retrieving Your Data
