How to find Google Cloud Platform history logs? [duplicate] - firebase

I've read in this article that Firestore has launched Stackdriver (in beta) so we can monitor Cloud Firestore read, write and delete operations in near-real time but where can I find it in Firebase console?

You have to go to the Google Cloud Console and not to the Firebase console.
The URL is
There you will find a set of vertical menu items about Stackdriver. You should use the Monitoring menu item to open the Stackdriver console.
Then once in the Stackdriver console, you should open the Resources menu and create a new Metric for your Firestore instance, as shown below:
BTW, Doug Stevenson has recently published a couple of posts which cover (among others) some of the link/differences between the two consoles: and


How to query firebase firestore usage by source (admin vs web)

is there any way in firebase or google cloud console to view the firestore document reads by source (admin or web sdk)? we had a massive spike and need this info to triage.
All options are listed on the documentation page on monitoring usage, but there is no view of what specific document caused the spike in reads. If you want such a thing, you'll have to build it yourself - which unfortunately won't help for this incident that has already occurred.

Firebase Firestore everyday API call graph?

I am not able to find the screen to view everyday detailed graph for API call count for Firebase Firestore. I want to view see graph for read/write count.
I am able to see today's quotas on this page.
I want see Cloud Firestore Read Operations & Cloud Firestore API Calls for everyday.
Please provide a link for required page?
You will be able to see the number of reads/writes/deletes in the Firebase Console:
For other usage statistics, you should use Stackdriver. You will also see the same read/write/delete statistics in Stackdriver, but much detailed. Have a look at this answer: Where can I find Stackdriver in Firebase console?

Where can I find Stackdriver in Firebase console?

I've read in this article that Firestore has launched Stackdriver (in beta) so we can monitor Cloud Firestore read, write and delete operations in near-real time but where can I find it in Firebase console?
You have to go to the Google Cloud Console and not to the Firebase console.
The URL is
There you will find a set of vertical menu items about Stackdriver. You should use the Monitoring menu item to open the Stackdriver console.
Then once in the Stackdriver console, you should open the Resources menu and create a new Metric for your Firestore instance, as shown below:
BTW, Doug Stevenson has recently published a couple of posts which cover (among others) some of the link/differences between the two consoles: and

How can I see Firebase Storage Usage in the Console

I am using Firebase for almost 2 months now for my app in production and right now I am on Spark plan for sometime until I get user base. I see that the Spark pricing allows 1GB of downloads per day and 5GB of total storage but nowhere on the console I am able to see how much storage quota I have used up now. This is really important to a lot of users, if you show usage information for Database you should show it for storage as well.
As long as Storage is concerned it's actually a Google Cloud Storage Bucket, you can visit the Google Cloud Console and see the details. Firebase currently does not show the bucket usage details.
You can send them a feature request from this link :
Like Raghvendra said, you can view it on the Google Cloud Console at the following link:
my-app will be your project name, and is the same as the one you use on Firebase:

Where to find Firebase usage report? [duplicate]

After I migrated my app to I cannot view the database usage quota, bandwidth usage and several other statistics in the analytics tab. Is there any way to check this using new panel?
Update: you can now see your project's Realtime Database, Cloud Storage, and Hosting usage in the Firebase console.
Update (20160727): you can now see your project's database usage from the Firebase Console. Thanks for your patience!
Previous answer: the database usage quota charts are not yet available in the new Firebase Console. We're working on adding them, as well as adding similar charts for Storage and Hosting. Hang in there!
I see a new Usage tab now. Console > Database > Usage
Currently shows Sent Bytes, Storage and Connections. Looks like it may not be stable yet, because it does not match the stats reflected in my billing section.
