Subset a dataframe by unique combination of values from another dataframe in R - r

I have a large dataframe A similar to the following and a second one, B, containing only lat/lon values.
What I am trying to do is to subset dataframe A based on the unique combinations of lat/lon from dataframe B.
So far, I have tried the following but does not work.
How should I change my code in order to effectively do this?
vals time lon lat mo year
1 5 1978-11-01 100 32 01 1988
2 3 1978-11-02 100 45 02 1988
3 3 1978-11-03 100 45 01 1998
4 9 1978-11-04 100 50 05 1998
5 1 1978-11-05 100 60 05 1998
6 4 1978-11-06 100 32 05 1998
A_subset <-subset(A, A[, "lon"] %in% B$lon | A[, "lat"]
%in% B$lat)

Consider running an expand.grid on data frame B for all combination of unique coordinates. Then merge to data frame A:
B_all_combns <- expand.grid(lon = unique(B$lon), lat = unique(B$lat))
A_subset <- merge(A, B_all_combns, by=c("lon", "lat"))


From panel data to cross-sectional data using averages

I am very new to R so I am not sure how basic my question is, but I am stuck at the following point.
I have data that has a panel structure, similar to this
Country Year Outcome Country-characteristic
A 1990 10 40
A 1991 12 40
A 1992 14 40
B 1991 10 60
B 1992 12 60
For some reason I need to put this in a cross-sectional structure such I get averages over all years for each country, that is in the end, it should look like,
Country Outcome Country-Characteristic
A 12 40
B 11 60
Has anybody faced a similar problem? I was playing with lapply(table$country, table$outcome, mean) but that did not work as I wanted it.
Two tips: 1- When you ask a question, you should provide a reproducible example for the data too (as I did with read.table below). 2- It's not a good idea to use "-" in column names. You should use "_" instead.
You can get a summary using the dplyr package:
df1 <- read.table(text="Country Year Outcome Countrycharacteristic
A 1990 10 40
A 1991 12 40
A 1992 14 40
B 1991 10 60
B 1992 12 60", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
df1 %>%
group_by(Country) %>%
# A tibble: 2 x 3
Country Outcome Countrycharacteristic
<chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 A 12 40
2 B 11 60
We can do this in base R with aggregate
aggregate(.~Country, df1[-2], mean)
# Country Outcome Countrycharacteristic
#1 A 12 40
#2 B 11 60

Replace values based on months in a dataframe with values in another column in r, using apply functions

I am working with a time series of precipitation data and attempting to use the median imputation method to replace all 0 value data points with the median of all data points for the corresponding month that that 0 value was recorded.
I have two data frames, one with the original precipitation data:
> head(df.m)
prcp date
1 121.00485 1975-01-31
2 122.41667 1975-02-28
3 82.74026 1975-03-31
4 104.63514 1975-04-30
5 57.46667 1975-05-31
6 38.97297 1975-06-30
And one with the median monthly values:
> medians
Group.1 x
1 01 135.90680
2 02 123.52613
3 03 113.09841
4 04 98.10044
5 05 75.21976
6 06 57.47287
7 07 54.16667
8 08 45.57653
9 09 77.87740
10 10 103.25179
11 11 124.36795
12 12 131.30695
Below is the current solution that I have come up with utilizing the 1st answer here:
df.m[,"prcp"] <- sapply(df.m[,"prcp"], function(y) ifelse(y==0, medians$x,y))
This has not worked as it only applies the first value of the df medians$Group.1, which is the month of January (01). How can I get the values so that correct median will be applied from the corresponding month?
Another way I have attempted a solution is via the below:
df.m[,"prcp"] <- sapply(medians$Group.1, function(y)
ifelse(df.m[format.Date(df.m$date, "%m") == y &
df.m$prcp == 0, "prcp"], medians[medians$Group.1 == y,"x"],
Description of the above function - this function tests and returns the amount of zeros for every month that there is a zero value in df.m[,"prcp"]
Same issue here as the 1st solution, but it does return all of the 0 values by month (if just executing the sapply() portion).
How can I replace all 0 in df.m$prcp with their corresponding medians from the medians df based on the month of the data?
Apologies if this is a basic question, I'm somewhat of a newbie here. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
Consider merging the two dataframes by month/group and then calculating with ifelse:
df.m$month <- format(df.m$date, "%m")
df.merge <- merge(df.m, medians, by.x="month", by.y="Group.1")
df.merge$prcp <- ifelse(df.merge$prcp == 0, df.merge$x, df.merge$prcp)
df.m <- df.merge[names(df.m)]
A dplyr version, which does not rely on original order. This uses slightly modified test data to show replacement of zeroes and multiple years
## test data with zeroes - extended for addtional years
df.m <- read.delim(text="
i prcp date
1 121.00485 1975-01-31
2 122.41667 1975-02-28
3 82.74026 1975-03-31
4 104.63514 1975-04-30
5 57.46667 1975-05-31
6 38.97297 1975-06-30
7 0 1976-06-30
8 0 1976-07-31
9 70 1976-08-31
", sep="", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
medians <- read.delim(text="
i month x
1 01 135.90680
2 02 123.52613
3 03 113.09841
4 04 98.10044
5 05 75.21976
6 06 57.47287
7 07 54.16667
8 08 45.57653
9 09 77.87740
10 10 103.25179
11 11 124.36795
12 12 131.30695
", sep = "", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, strip.white = TRUE)
# extract the month as integer
df.m$month = as.integer(substr(df.m$date,6,7))
# match to medians by joining
result <- df.m %>%
inner_join(medians, by='month') %>%
mutate(prcp = ifelse(prcp == 0, x, prcp)) %>%
select(prcp, date)
prcp date
1 121.00485 1975-01-31
2 122.41667 1975-02-28
3 82.74026 1975-03-31
4 104.63514 1975-04-30
5 57.46667 1975-05-31
6 38.97297 1975-06-30
7 57.47287 1976-06-30
8 54.16667 1976-07-31
9 70.00000 1976-08-31
I created small datasets with some zero values and added one line of code:
#create sample data
prcp <- c(1.5,0.0,0.0,2.1)
date <- c(01,02,03,04)
x <- c(1.11,2.22,3.33,4.44)
df <- data.frame(prcp,date)
grp <- data.frame(x,date)
#Make the assignment
df[df$prcp == 0,]$prcp <- grp[df$prcp == 0,]$x

R: subsetting all observations of individuals that have one matched observation

Sorry for another dang subsetting question; I just can't find this case described, though it must be common. Boiled-down data looks like this:
Plot Year BA
A 1980 44
A 1990 54
A 2000 66
B 1980 58
B 1990 69
B 2000 80
I want all observations for any plot with BA < 50 in 1980 -- in the above, all three A rows. I understand subset(Df, BA<50 & Year==1980) but can't figure out the next level of indexing.
Also if anyone has a better way to phrase the title I'll change it. Every way I could think of to search on only turned up the &/| questions. (So many &/| questions...)
Index your condition on Plot, checking membership with %in% in case there is more than one Plot satisfying the condition in the real data.
subset(df, Plot %in% unique(Plot[BA < 50 & Year == 1980]))
# Plot Year BA
# 1 A 1980 44
# 2 A 1990 54
# 3 A 2000 66
Or with standard evaluation [ subsetting,
df[with(df, Plot %in% unique(Plot[BA < 50 & Year == 1980])), ]
# Plot Year BA
# 1 A 1980 44
# 2 A 1990 54
# 3 A 2000 66
Another option with dplyr, this assumes there is only one record equal to 1980 for each plot, otherwise you may want to wrap the condition with all() or any() depending on your desired logic:
df %>% group_by(Plot) %>% filter(BA[Year == 1980] < 50)
# Source: local data frame [3 x 3]
# Groups: Plot [1]
# Plot Year BA
# <fctr> <int> <int>
# 1 A 1980 44
# 2 A 1990 54
# 3 A 2000 66
Under circumstances where multiple 1980 exist for some plots, the logic by #DirtySockSniffer's answer is equivalent to df %>% group_by(Plot) %>% filter(any(BA[Year == 1980] < 50)) in dplyr.
We can use data.table
setDT(df1)[, if(all(BA[Year == 1980] < 50)) .SD, by = Plot]
# Plot Year BA
#1: A 1980 44
#2: A 1990 54
#3: A 2000 66

tapply based on multiple indexes in R

I have a data frame, much like this one:
I would like to compute the maximum number of consecutive NAs per reference, per year.
I have created a function, which works out the maximum number of consecutive NAs, but can only be based on one variable.
For example,
func <- function(x) {
with(DF, tapply(values,ref, func))
# A B
# 200 90
with(DF, tapply(values,year, func))
# 2014 2015
# 120 90
So there are a maximum of 200 consecutive NAs in ref A in total, and maximum of 90 in ref B, which is correct. There are also 120 NAs in 2014, and 90 in 2015.
What I'd like is a result per ref and year, such as:
A 2015 80
A 2014 120
B 2015 90
B 2014 50
There are multiple ways of doing this, one is with the plyr library:
ref year NAs
1 A 2014 120
2 A 2015 80
3 B 2014 60
4 B 2015 90
Using your function, you could also try:
with(DF, tapply(values,list(ref,year), func))
which gives a slightly different output
2014 2015
A 120 80
B 60 90
By using melt() you can however get to the same dataframe.
Very similar to the tapply solution above. I find aggregate give a better output than tapply though.
with(DF, aggregate(list(Value = values),list(Year = year,ref = ref), func))
Year ref Value
1 2014 A 120
2 2015 A 80
3 2014 B 60
4 2015 B 90
I like the recipe format
DF$values[$values)] <- 1
DF %>%
filter(values==1) %>%
group_by(ref,year) %>%
mutate(csum=cumsum(values)) %>%
group_by(ref,year) %>%
Source: local data frame [4 x 3]
Groups: ref [?]
ref year max(csum)
(fctr) (int) (dbl)
1 A 2014 120
2 A 2015 80
3 B 2014 50
4 B 2015 90

How to assign a value depending on two conditions including column names. (add environmental variable to tracking data)

I have a data frame (track) with the position (longitude - Latitude) and date (number of the day in the year) of tracking point for different animals and an other data frame (var) which gives a the mean temperature for every day of the year in different locations.
I would like to add a new column TEMP to my data frame (Track) where the value would be from (var) and correspond to the date and GPS location of each tracking points in (track).
Here are a really simple subset of my data and what I would like to obtain.
track = data.frame(
Var = data.frame(
TrackPlusVar = data.frame(
Temp= c(22,11,19,22,31)
I've no idea how to assign the value from the same date and GPS location as it is a column name. Any idea would be very useful !
This is a dplyr and tidyr approach.
# reshape table Var
Var %>%
gather(Day,Temp,-Longitude, -Latitude) %>%
mutate(Day = as.numeric(gsub("Day","",Day))) -> Var2
# join tables
track %>% left_join(Var2, by=c("Longitude", "Latitude", "Day"))
# animals Longitude Latitude Day Temp
# 1 1 117 18 1 22
# 2 1 116 20 3 11
# 3 1 117 20 4 19
# 4 2 117 18 1 22
# 5 2 116 20 5 31
If the process that creates your tables makes sure that all your cases belong to both tables, then you can use inner_join instead of left_join to make the process faster.
If you're still not happy with the speed you can use a data.table join process to check if it is faster, like:
Var2 = setDT(Var2, key = c("Longitude", "Latitude", "Day"))
track = setDT(track, key = c("Longitude", "Latitude", "Day"))
# Longitude Latitude Day Temp animals
# 1: 117 18 1 22 1
# 2: 116 20 3 11 1
# 3: 117 20 4 19 1
# 4: 117 18 1 22 2
# 5: 116 20 5 31 2
