Ignition SDK Gateway configuration shows path, not string - ignition

I am trying to program a MODULE for the Ignition SDK but I am running into problems with the paths of the strings in the .properties file not working properly.
I have a file called
and one called
In .properties file, I have the following strings:
ConnectionString.Name=Connection String
ConnectionString.Desc=Connection String for the IoT Hub device
MaxTime.Name=Maximum time
MaxTime.Desc=The time spent
MaxMessages.Name=Maximum to collect
MaxMessages.Desc=will be collected
and in the .java file, I have reference to the strings by using
public static final StringField connectionString = new StringField(META, "ConnectionString");
public static final IntField maxTime = new IntField(META, "MaxTime");
public static final IntField maxMessages = new IntField(META, "MaxMessages");
Category CONNECTION_CATEGORY = new Category("ProfileSettings.Category.Connection", 1001)
.include(connectionString, maxTime, maxMessages);
but when I load the module into the gateway and look at the configuration page, I get ¿ProfileSettings.ConnectionString.Name? where it shows question marks
around the path and not the actual text needed for all the strings

Maybe try using the complete field names?
public static final StringField connectionString = new StringField(META, "ConnectionString.Name");
Or possibly
public static final StringField connectionStringName = new StringField(META, "ConnectionString.Name");
It would be helpful to have more information about what and where those files are from. Is the .properties file or properties.java something you wrote or is that something that comes as part of the SDK?


Read (audio) file from subfolder in AndroidAssets in Xamarin.Forms

I try to eneable audio in my Xamarin.Forms application. I want to have the audio files in a Subfolderof the Assetsfolder like this Assets/Subfolder/Audio.mp3
I have found a plugin SimpleAudioPlayer which provide an example.
The following code works like provided.
var player = Plugin.SimpleAudioPlayer.CrossSimpleAudioPlayer.Current;
Now I want to place the audio file in a subfolder and I tried to call
But I get an Java.IO.FileNotFoundException
I looked then into the implementation of the Load function and I fould the following code
public bool Load(string fileName)
AssetFileDescriptor afd = Android.App.Application.Context.Assets.OpenFd(fileName);
player?.SetDataSource(afd.FileDescriptor, afd.StartOffset, afd.Length);
return PreparePlayer();
where the filename is pasted to the Assets.OpenFd() function. which returns an AndroidFileDesriptor
The documentation does not really provide any information from Microsoft and from the Android site.
My questions are
How can I receive the file from the subfolder in Android Assets?
What can I paste into the Assets.OpenFd() function (subfolders etc)?
I would appreciate any advice, since after a long time trying to resolve it I don't really have an idea.
According to the docs of the package, you won't be able to do just that because you have to use player.Load(GetStreamFromFile("mysound.wav")); where GetStreamFromFile is basically
Stream GetStreamFromFile(string filename)
var assembly = typeof(App).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
var stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("App." + filename);
// Obviously App in the line above should be replaced with your app
return stream;
And secondly you have to player.Load(GetStreamFromFile("Subfolder.mysound.wav")); where Subfolder is the name of your subfolder.

Want to store TestNg Report in separate folder with time stamping

I want to store my reports in another folder other than tests-output with time stamping
so i added a program:
public class Customreporter implements IReporter
File fd = new File("");
String date;
DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd_hh-mm-ss");
String folderNameWithTimeStamp = df.format(new Date());
String currentDir = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "//Reports//";
String finalPath = currentDir + folderNameWithTimeStamp;
public void generateReport(List<XmlSuite> xmlSuites, List<ISuite> suites, String outputDirectory)
and changed my xml to
<suite name="suitedemo" parallel="false">
<listener class-name="com.validation.Customreporter">
<test name="suitetestdemo">
<suite-file path="./exceptions.xml" />
<suite-file path="./screenshot.xml" />
Now it's creating a new folder every time, but it is storing sometimes only emailalablereport. What can I do, I dont want to customise reports I only want to store reports in new folder every time I run the suites. I changed the build file, it's working but we are executing xml files, not build.
Thanks in advance
I have seen similar behaviour when using setOutputDirectory(). But when i changed the implementation it worked for me. Instead of creating a testng xml during design time, i create one dynamically using the TestNG XmlSuite class. And then setting a different output directory using setOutputDirectory(). Let me know if you need more help on this.
At a high level,
XmlSuite suite = new XmlSuite();
List<XmlSuite> suites = new ArrayList<XmlSuite>();
TestNG tng = new TestNG();
I haven't tested the setSuiteFiles() as i have my testng xml at class level. Also this need not be a listener. You can have this in a main() or your init .......

Deleting in SailGraph

I am trying to delete a vertex in SailGraph. This works locally but not on the server. On the server the underlying neo4j database is left inconsistent.
graph = GraphFactory.createGraph(config.get("type").getAsString(),
name, dbpath);
sail = new GraphSail<KeyIndexableGraph>(graph);
sailGraph = new SailGraph(sail);
reasoner = new ForwardChainingRDFSInferencer(
new GraphSail<KeyIndexableGraph>(graph));
This is what i use to initialise then I load an RDF
public static void loadRDF(InputStream is, String baseURI, String format,
sailGraph.loadRDF(is, baseURI, format, baseGraph);
To remove I use
Vertex vertex = sailGraph.getVertex(uri);
Locally it works on the server it goes past the remove step but the vertex is still there. No exceptions or anything. I have set the permissions on the database directory to allow writing but still nothing. Any ideas?

Images are getting published with TCM id appended with the image name

Mode of publishing - static
I'm trying to publish images, but the issue is whenever I publish those images, their TCM URI is appended to their name (i.e if image name is example and its TCM URI is like tcm:1-115, image filename becomes example_tcm1-115).
I have written the following code:
public void Transform(Engine engine, Package package)
Filter MMCompFilter = new Filter();
MMCompFilter.Conditions["ItemType"] = Tridion.ContentManager.ItemType.Component;
Folder folder = engine.GetObject("tcm:1-1-2") as Folder;
foreach (Component MMcomp in folder.GetItems(MMCompFilter))
Binary binary = engine.PublishingContext.RenderedItem.AddBinary(MMcomp);
String binaryurl = binary.Url;
char[] array = binaryurl.ToCharArray();
string obj = new string(array);
string final = newImagepath(obj);
char[] array2 = final.ToCharArray();
string obj2 = new string(array2);
package.PushItem("Image", package.CreateHtmlItem(obj2));
public string newImagepath(string filePath)
int formatIndex =filePath.IndexOf(".");
string format= filePath.Substring(0,formatIndex);
int finalPath=filePath.IndexOf("_");
string newPath=filePath.Substring((finalPath+1));
return (format+"."+newPath);
I want to publish images without the TCM URI appended to it. Plz suggest how can it be done.
Chris Summers wrote a very nice article on this very topic http://www.urbancherry.net/blogengine/post/2010/02/09/Unique-binary-filenames-for-SDL-Tridion-Multimedia-Components.aspx
It is basically a very simple thing to fix, but can have huge consequences which you should be aware of!
You can only publish a binary with a certain file-name in a single location once (and a binary can only be published to a single location on the presentation server, unless you publish it as a variant). However, in the CMS it is very easy to create Multimedia Components with the same binary file-name in different folders, which if they get published to the same location will be in conflict. That is why by default SDL Tridion appends the TCM URI to the filename to make it unique.
Simplest is always best.
In your TBB, just push the individual images to the package:
Then use the "PublishBinariesInPackage" TBB to publish these images to your presentation server.
You can use the RenderedItem.AddBinary method for this goal. Some of the overloaded versions of the method allows to publish an image as a stream, and pass any file name. For example:
public Binary AddBinary(
Stream content,
string filename,
string variantId,
string mimeType

Blackberry - Cannot create SQLite database

I am making an app that runs in the background, and starts on device boot.
I have read the docs, and have the SQLiteDemo files from RIM, and I am using them to try create a database on my SD Card in the simulator.
Unfortunately, I am getting this error:
DatabasePathException:Invalid path name. Path does not contains a proper root list. See FileSystemRegistry class for details.
Here's my code:
public static Database storeDB;
public static final String DATABASE_NAME = "testDB";
private String DATABASE_LOCATION = "file:///SDCard/Databases/MyDBFolder/";
public static URI dbURI;
storeDB = DatabaseFactory.openOrCreate(dbURI);
I took out a try/catch for URI.create and DatabaseFactory.openOrCreate for the purposes of this post.
So, can anyone tell me why I can't create a database on my simulator?
If I load it up and go into media, I can create a folder manually. The SD card is pointing to a folder on my hard drive, and if I create a folder in there, it is shown on the simulator too, so I can create folders, just not programatically.
Also, I have tried this from the developer docs:
// Determine if an SDCard is present
boolean sdCardPresent = false;
String root = null;
Enumeration enum = FileSystemRegistry.listRoots();
while (enum.hasMoreElements())
root = (String)enum.nextElement();
sdCardPresent = true;
But it only picks up store/ and never sdcard/.
Can anyone help?
I think I resolved this.
The problem was I was trying to write to storage during boot-up, but the storage wasn't ready. Once the device/simulator was loaded, and a few of my listeners were triggered, the DB was created.
See here:
