Concrete5 Stacks & Blocks - concrete5

I am working on existing concrete5 website and I don't have sufficient knowledge of concrete database structure.
I am creating api to fetch all the products which are added in "Stacks and Blocks".
I have cID, stID values and fetched the info from stacks table, Can anyone please let me know How to fetch the complete details including image from database.
I tried to make the relation between tables based on cID, stID.
Thanks in advance.

The images are stored in the application/files directory although you'll need to retrieve the path from the database to find them. as #1stthomas noted, without more details of the information you are working with, it's difficult to provide any specific advice.
FWIW, the API documentation for concrete5 can be found here.


I need help understanding how to refresh cache for a place id

I have installed a Everest GPlaces Business Reviews and have found the place id that is required to be added. But it comes back Saying:
The provided Place ID is no longer valid. Please refresh cached Place IDs as per
I have read this but I have no idea where to add a field they talk about and am totally stuck. All the reviews plugins have this place id and I don't know what to do from here.
Hoping for some help with what to do. In basic language.
Thanks in advance
I'm no expert; I ran into this problem myself and to my knowledge it seems like reviews can't be pulled easily with most plugins, if the GMB is set up as anything other than a location with a physical address.
Instead of the Places API you'd want to use the My Business API... although if you are using a plugin (and don't want to add a physical location to your GMB) you're stuck.

How do I store related firebase data?

I'm making a firebase app where there's the concept of posts and authors.
I need to have a field called postedBy to give information about the post author. I'm currently confused on how to best implement this. Here's what I've thought about...
Store a postedBy field with the post author's ID as value. My issue with this is that I have to further send single requests for the user information, like name, profile picture etc.
I store a postedBy field with the exact clone of the author's data (name, profile URL, etc). My issue with this is what if the user changes their profile information? Do I have to loop through all the posts data to also ensure the changes?
What is the best way to solve an issue like this?
For your case, I would say that the best option would be probably to use only the ID as a value. This way, you can perform queries to return values using only the ID.
Using this approach should be the simplest and easiest way for you to create your application. Since the ID will be the point to connect your tables and to perform the queries, it should make your work easier.
In the below article, there is an example of a Blog application, that you can take a look and get some insights on how to configure your application as well - mainly about this part about author and post. :)
Learning Firebase: Creating a blog article object
Let me know if the information helped you!

Dataobject and Page relationships
The above post seems like it's what I should do but I just need some help sorting this out in my head.
Firstly, I need to create a relationship between a page (Owner, for example) and a dataobject (Car). An owner can create many cars which are linked to that one owner. However, I have another page (Garage) which can create cars that are linked to every owner. If an owner does not want one of these cars they reject it. I was thinking the manymanydataobjectmanager would be good for that bit.
Each owner should only be able to see the cars that relate directly to them within the CMS, not other peoples cars, so I was using dataobjectmanager and assigning permissions to the page using groups.
The thing that is really making this awkward is that when it's all set up I need to output JSON which will consist of the cars the owners created and the cars they accepted from the garage, not the ones they rejected. I'm thinking I need another table like the linked table but with a status column perhaps?
To clarify, my question is how do I create this mess in a constructive SilverStripe way? Is the approach I was taking correct or is there a better way?
Many thanks in advance and please tell me if I've been unclear.
are you using silverstripe 3?
could you clarify what of the actions happen in the backend and what actions are possible for the user in the frontend?
maybe for your relations it could be better to use ModelAdmin:
It gives you the opportunity to manage relations without the Sitetree/Pages Overhead. For example creating a Sitetree Element just to have an Owner is not the best way - except if you really need an Owner represented as a real Page. Owner could be also just a Dataobject instead.
Especially if you want to output just JSON in the end you are maybe completely independent of Sitetree/Pages... then you could write a custom controller with a routing rule and which gives you back just the data that you need:

moving database schema over to drupal

I'm creating a web application and I just want to know how to think about Drupal's db coming from an MVC background.
I have tables to represent people's data such as SSN, First Name, Last Name, Zip Code, Address, Language, Location. Now on the front end I want to create a form to populate this information for a bunch of subjects (people). I have my database normalized so the Zip Code has its own table (with a foreign key link to the person table). The "person" table has stuff such as First Name, Last Name, Address etc... and the "language" table will have the different language abbreviations (again with a foreign key back to the person table).
I would like to know how to move something like this to drupal's schema. I know I could create my own tables and link them back to the "node" table and then I guess build my forms to accept user input...but is this the suggested way to do it? I was looking at webform, but it seems this should be used for simpler forms where the database isn't normalized and everything is just stored in one large table. I'm not sure, but I would definitely love to hear what you guys think...and if you could point me to some resources that'd be great.
Drupal is flexible enough that you can create whatever tables you want and then write code to link them back to the node table. However doing this will mean that you end up with a lot of code which is very specific to your schema, and is not very interoperable with other Drupal modules.
You will find that you get on better with Drupal if you mostly do things the Drupal way. And only go for a very customized solution where you are doing something which isn't covered by standard Drupal modules.
For example you may find that the profile module fits your needs as far as standard information about people goes. The location module (specifically user location) will cover users addresses. By using these modules you are more likely to find other modules which work with them in future and overall you will find you have less code to write.
One thing you may find useful is the migrate module for getting your existing data into Drupal.
It sounds like you're just storing information and the subjects (people) won't be users of the Drupal site.
Leveraging the node and CCK modules to make this happen would remove most of the development work. For example, each of your tables (e.g. Person, Zip Code, Language) could be represented by a content type with a number of fields. The foreign keys would be represented by node reference fields. So the Person content type may have one or more node references to nodes of type, Language.
The migrate module seems well used (626th most popular of 4000+ modules used in at least 10 distinct Drupal sites), but it may be easier to whip up your own migration script, but I'm not familiar with either your situation, your familiarity with Drupal's API, or the migrate module.
Node reference fields display as links to the referenced nodes by default, but can be themed to load and display the referenced node instead (e.g. displaying Language information in a Person node). There's a handy screencast that illustrates how to go about theming node reference fields to load and selectively display the referenced nodes' contents.
Coming from an MVC background you may not like how Drupal stores data in the DB.
Profile module was mentioned, but I find I get more flexibility with Content Profile and CCK combined.
I've written some migration scripts before from Coldfusion to Drupal, and it's not too involved.

Drupal 6 - Views2 - How to build a view of non-nodes

I have a need to build views in drupal of non-nodes, actually objects external to drupal. The api that I am calling against passes me back a stdClass object.
Anyone have ideas on how to get Views2 to display non-node objects?
My understanding of Views 2 is that it is meant to work with information stored in a database.
If you don't have access to the database against which the API was written, then consider writing the objects the API returns into a table. The easiest thing would probably be to create nodes from the objects. Then you could access them with Views 2.
This is similar to the approach taken by the Acitivty Stream module ( It creates nodes from the data returned by various APIs. Check out the module's code for examples of how to create the nodes:
On the other hand, if you have access to the source database, you might consider exposing the tables of that database to Views directly. This is the approach taken in the latest Views 2 integration code included with CiviCRM v2.2.3, which you can review here:
CiviCRM is a Drupal module that writes data to tables outside of the Drupal database -- not into nodes. The views integration code exposes most of those tables to Drupal.
Hope this helps.
-- Andrew B.
According to the Views 3 roadmap, Views will eventually work with non-SQL data sources. In the meantime, some very preliminary work has been done in this area, using the Flikr API as a proof-of-concept.
Fixed in latest 6.x-1.x-dev branch. VBO now supports users and comments in addition to nodes. A special hook_object_info can be used to support any other type of object. Please try it and let me know!
you have to expose custom data to views like described here:
Views is built for working with nodes + CCK exclusively. If you want to create views for custom pages, you'll need to code some additional module + theme pages.
