Replicating lattice graph for a mixed model - r

I am trying to replicate a lattice graph using ggplot2 for a mixed model. My ggplot graph looks very similar but I am not sure about about loess line model fitted.
My goal is to add a loess line from the mixed model using ggplot2. Below is an example of my commands :
mses <- tapply(SES, School, mean)
Bryk <-[, c("School", "SES", "MathAch")])
names(Bryk) <- c("school", "ses", "mathach")
sample20 <- sort(sample(7185, 20)) # 20 randomly sampled students
Bryk$meanses <- mses[as.character(Bryk$school)]
Bryk$cses <- Bryk$ses - Bryk$meanses
sector <- MathAchSchool$Sector
names(sector) <- row.names(MathAchSchool)
Bryk$sector <- sector[as.character(Bryk$school)]
cat <- sample(unique(school[sector=="Catholic"]), 20)
Cat.20 <- groupedData(mathach ~ ses | school, data=Bryk[is.element(school, cat),])
Graph with Lattice:
xyplot(mathach ~ ses | school, data=Cat.20, main="Catholic",
panel=function(x, y) {
panel.loess(x, y, span=1)
panel.xyplot(x, y)
panel.lmline(x, y, lty=2)
Graph with ggplot:
ggplot(Cat.20, aes(x = ses, y =mathach )) +
geom_point(size=1, shape=1) +
stat_smooth(, colour="Red",se=F)+
facet_wrap(school~., scale = "free_y")
Please any advice will be appreciated.

Before going into the explanation, allow me to refer you to this question: Why is it not advisable to use attach() in R, and what should I use instead?
While it's recommendable that you made your question reproducible, the code you used can do with some clean-up. For example:
Don't include packages that aren't used in the code (I didn't see a need for the lme4 package);
There's no need to use data(...) to load MathAchieve. See the "Good Practices" section from ?data for more details.
As mentioned above, don't use attach().
For complete reproducibility, use set.seed() before any random sampling.
For a minimal example, don't plot 20 schools when a smaller number would do.
Since you are using one of the tidyverse packages for plotting, I recommend another from its collection for data manipulation:
Bryk <- MathAchieve %>%
select(School, SES, MathAch) %>%
group_by(School) %>%
mutate(meanses = mean(SES),
cses = SES - meanses) %>%
ungroup() %>%
left_join(MathAchSchool %>% select(School, Sector),
by = "School")
colnames(Bryk) <- tolower(colnames(Bryk))
cat <- sample(unique(Bryk$school[Bryk$sector == "Catholic"]), 2)
Cat.2 <- groupedData(mathach ~ ses | school,
data = Bryk %>% filter(school %in% cat))
Now that that's out of the way, let's look at the relevant functions for loess:
from ?panel.loess:
panel.loess(x, y, span = 2/3, degree = 1,
family = c("symmetric", "gaussian"),
... # omitted for space
from ?stat_smooth:
stat_smooth(mapping = NULL, data = NULL, geom = "smooth",
method = "auto", formula = y ~ x, span = 0.75, method.args = list(),
... # omitted for space
where method = "auto" defaults to loess from the stats package for <1000 observations.
from ?loess:
loess(formula, data, span = 0.75, degree = 2,
family = c("gaussian", "symmetric"),
... #omitted for space
In short, a loess plot's default parameters are span = 2/3, degree = 1, family = "symmetric" for the lattice package, and span = 0.75, degree = 2, family = "gaussian" for the ggplot2 package. You have to specify matching parameters if you want the resulting plots to match:
xyplot(mathach ~ ses | school, data = Cat.2, main = "Catholic",
panel=function(x, y) {
panel.loess(x, y, span=1, col = "red") # match ggplot's colours
panel.xyplot(x, y, col = "black") # to facilitate comparison
panel.lmline(x, y, lty=2, col = "blue")
ggplot(Cat.2, aes(x = ses, y = mathach)) +
geom_point(size = 2, shape = 1) +
stat_smooth(method = "lm", se = F)+
stat_smooth(span = 1,
method.args = list(degree = 1, family = "symmetric"),
colour = "red", se = F)+
facet_wrap(school ~ .) +
theme_classic() # less cluttered background to facilitate comparison


Plotting GAM in R: Setting custom x-axis limits?

Is there a way to set the x-axis limits when plotting the predicted fits for GAM models? More specifically, I'm fitting a smoother for each level of a factor using 'by = ', however, each factor level has a different range of values. Plotting the variable in ggplot results in an x-axis that automatically accommodates the different ranges of 'x'; however, after fitting a GAM (mgcv::gam()) the default behavior of plot.gam() appears to be predicting values across a shared x-axis limit.
The dummy data below has some continuous variable for 'x', but in my real data, 'x' is Time (year), and 'group' is sampling location. Because I did not collect data from each site across the same time range, I feel it is inappropriate to show a model fit in these empty years.
## simulate data with a grouping variable of three levels:
d = data.frame(group = rep(c('A','B','C'), each = 100),
x = c(seq(0,1,length=100),
seq(0,.5,length=100))) %>%
mutate(y = sin(2*pi*x) + rnorm(100, sd=0.3),
group = as.factor(group))
## Look at data
ggplot(d, aes(x = x, y = y, colour = group))+
Here is the raw data with loess smoother in ggplot:
## fit simple GAM with smoother for X
m1 = mgcv::gam(y ~ s(x, by = group), data = d)
## base R plot
par(mfrow = c(2,2), bty = 'l', las = 1, mai = c(.6,.6,.2,.1), mgp = c(2,.5,0))
## Gavin's neat plotter
Here is the predicted GAM fit that spans the same range (0,1) for all three groups:
Can I limit the prediction/plot to actual values of 'x'?
If you install the current development version (>= from GitHub, {gratia} will now do what you want, sort of. I added some functionality to smooth_estimates() that I had planned to add eventually but your post kicked it the top of the ToDo list and motivated me to add it now.
You can use smooth_estimates() to evaluate the smooths at the observed (or any user-supplied) data only and then a bit of ggplot() recreates most of the plot.
d <- data.frame(group = rep(c('A','B','C'), each = 100),
x = c(seq(0,1,length=100),
seq(0,.5,length=100))) %>%
mutate(y = sin(2*pi*x) + rnorm(100, sd=0.3),
group = as.factor(group))
m <- gam(y ~ group + s(x, by = group), data = d, method = 'REML')
sm <- smooth_estimates(m, data = d) %>%
ggplot(sm, aes(x = x, y = est, colour = group)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lower_ci, ymax = upper_ci, colour = NULL, fill = group),
alpha = 0.2) +
geom_line() +
facet_wrap(~ group)

How to plot the result of a regression prediction in R

I am beginning with ML in R, and I really like the idea of visualize the results of my calculations, I am wondering how to plot a Prediction.
mod_sat_sal <- lm(total ~ salary, data = df)
new_teacher <- tibble(salary = 40)
predict(mod_sat_sal, new_teacher)
Expected result:
Data and Regression Model
data(sat, package = "faraway")
df <- sat[complete.cases(sat), ]
model <- lm(total ~ salary, data = df)
Method (1) : graphics way
# Compute the confidence band
x <- seq(min(df$salary), max(df$salary), length.out = 300)
x.conf <- predict(model, data.frame(salary = x),
interval = 'confidence')
# Plot
plot(total ~ salary, data = df, pch = 16, xaxs = "i")
polygon(c(x, rev(x)), c(x.conf[, 2], rev(x.conf[, 3])),
col = gray(0.5, 0.5), border = NA)
abline(model, lwd = 3, col = "darkblue")
Method (2) : ggplot2 way
ggplot(df, aes(x = salary, y = total)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method = "lm")

Having several fits in one plot (in R)

I was wondering how I can modify the following code to have a plot something like
# source Quantile LOESS
airquality2 <- na.omit(airquality[ , c(1, 4)])
#'' quantreg::rq
rq_fit <- rq(Ozone ~ Temp, 0.95, airquality2)
rq_fit_df <- data.table(t(coef(rq_fit)))
names(rq_fit_df) <- c("intercept", "slope")
#'' quantreg::lprq
lprq_fit <- lapply(1:3, function(bw){
fit <- lprq(airquality2$Temp, airquality2$Ozone, h = bw, tau = 0.95)
return(data.table(x = fit$xx, y = fit$fv, bw = paste0("bw=", bw), fit = "quantreg::lprq"))
#'' Quantile LOESS
ql_fit <- Quantile.loess(airquality2$Ozone, jitter(airquality2$Temp), window.size = 10,
the.quant = .95, window.alignment = c("center"))
ql_fit_df <- data.table(x = ql_fit$x, y = ql_fit$y.loess, bw = "bw=1", fit = "Quantile LOESS")
I want to have all these fits in a plot.
geom_quantile can calculate quantiles using the rq method internally, so we don't need to create the rq_fit_df separately. However, the lprq and Quantile LOESS methods aren't available within geom_quantile, so I've used the data frames you provided and plotted them using geom_line.
In addition, to include the rq line in the color and linetype mappings and in the legend we add aes(colour="rq", linetype="rq") as a sort of "artificial" mapping inside geom_quantile.
library(dplyr) # For bind_rows()
ggplot(airquality2, aes(Temp, Ozone)) +
geom_point() +
geom_quantile(quantiles=0.95, formula=y ~ x, aes(colour="rq", linetype="rq")) +
geom_line(data=bind_rows(lprq_fit, ql_fit_df),
aes(x, y, colour=paste0(gsub("q.*:","",fit),": ", bw),
linetype=paste0(gsub("q.*:","",fit),": ", bw))) +
theme_bw() +
scale_linetype_manual(values=c(2,4,5,1,1)) +
labs(colour="Method", linetype="Method",
title="Different methods of estimating the 95th percentile by quantile regression")

Use ggplot to plot partial effects obtained with effects library

I would like to use ggplot to replicate the plots partial effects (with partial residuals), as obtained with the "effect" package. To do this I need to retrieve some information.
This is the plot I want to replicate with ggplot.
mod <- lm(log(prestige) ~ income:type + education, data=Prestige)
eff = effect("education", mod, partial.residuals=T)
From the eff object I am able to retrieve the partial residuals, as eff$residuals, but they are not sufficient to replicate the plot. I think that what I need is the both the residuals, AND the marginal predicted effect. However I was not able to retrieve them from my eff object.
Otherwise I only have the residuals scores that cannot be plotted against the line of the marginal effect.
Any hint on how to retrieve this information?
You have almost all the information available. This would take some more time to generalize, but here's some code that results in a figure approximately like from the effects package. Notice that the smoother is off, but I didn't bother to dig up why.
The code should be self explanatory. I only copied function closest from the package.
mod <- lm(log(prestige) ~ income:type + education, data=Prestige)
eff = effect("education", mod, partial.residuals=T)
closest <- function(x, x0) apply(outer(x, x0, FUN=function(x, x0) abs(x - x0)), 1, which.min) <- unlist(eff$x.all)
trans <- I
x <- data.frame(lower = eff$lower, upper = eff$upper, fit = eff$fit, education = eff$x$education)
xy <- data.frame(x =, y = x$fit[closest(trans(, x$education)] + eff$residuals)
g <- ggplot(x, aes(x = education, y = fit)) +
theme_bw() +
geom_line(size = 1) +
geom_point(data = xy, aes(x = x, y = y), shape = 1, col = "blue", size = 2) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lower, ymax = upper), alpha = 0.5) +
geom_smooth(data = xy, aes(x = trans(x), y = y),
method = "loess", span = 2/3, linetype = "dashed", se = FALSE)
grid.arrange(plot(eff), g, ncol = 2)

ggplot GLM fitted curve without interaction

I want to add the fitted function from GLM on a ggplot. By default, it automatically create the plot with interaction. I am wondering, if I can plot the fitted function from the model without interaction. For example,
dta <- read.csv("")
dta <- within(dta, {
prog <- factor(prog, levels=1:3, labels=c("General", "Academic", "Vocational"))
id <- factor(id)
plt <- ggplot(dta, aes(math, num_awards, col = prog)) +
geom_point(size = 2) +
geom_smooth(method = "glm", , se = F,
method.args = list(family = "poisson"))
gives the plot with interaction,
However, I want the plot from the model,
`num_awards` = ß0 + ß1*`math` + ß2*`prog` + error
I tried to get this this way,
mod <- glm(num_awards ~ math + prog, data = dta, family = "poisson")
fun.gen <- function(awd) exp(mod$coef[1] + mod$coef[2] * awd)
fun.acd <- function(awd) exp(mod$coef[1] + mod$coef[2] * awd + mod$coef[3])
fun.voc <- function(awd) exp(mod$coef[1] + mod$coef[2] * awd + mod$coef[4])
ggplot(dta, aes(math, num_awards, col = prog)) +
geom_point() +
stat_function(fun = fun.gen, col = "red") +
stat_function(fun = fun.acd, col = "green") +
stat_function(fun = fun.voc, col = "blue") +
geom_smooth(method = "glm", se = F,
method.args = list(family = "poisson"), linetype = "dashed")
The output plot is
Is there any simple way in ggplot to do this efficiently?
Ben's idea of plotting predicted value of the response for specific model terms inspired me improving the type = "y.pc" option of the sjp.glm function. A new update is on GitHub, with version number 1.9.4-3.
Now you can plot predicted values for specific terms, one which is used along the x-axis, and a second one used as grouping factor:
sjp.glm(mod, type = "y.pc", vars = c("math", "prog"))
which gives you following plot:
The vars argument is needed in case your model has more than two terms, to specify the term for the x-axis-range and the term for the grouping.
You can also facet the groups:
sjp.glm(mod, type = "y.pc", vars = c("math", "prog"), = T, facet.grid = T)
There's no way that I know of to trick geom_smooth() into doing this, but you can do a little better than you've done. You still have to fit the model yourself and add the lines, but you can use the predict() method to generate the predictions and load them into a data frame with the same structure as the original data ...
mod <- glm(num_awards ~ math + prog, data = dta, family = "poisson")
## generate prediction frame
pframe <- with(dta,
## add predicted values (on response scale) to prediction frame
pframe$num_awards <- predict(mod,newdata=pframe,type="response")
ggplot(dta, aes(math, num_awards, col = prog)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method = "glm", se = FALSE,
method.args = list(family = "poisson"), linetype = "dashed")+
geom_line(data=pframe) ## use prediction data here
## (inherits aesthetics etc. from main ggplot call)
(the only difference here is that the way I've done it the predictions span the full horizontal range for all groups, as if you had specified fullrange=TRUE in geom_smooth()).
In principle it seems as though the sjPlot package should be able to handle this sort of thing, but it looks like the relevant bit of code for doing this plot type is hard-coded to assume a binomial GLM ... oh well.
I'm not sure, but you wrote "without interaction" - maybe you are looking for effect plots? (If not, excuse me that I'm assuming something completely wrong...)
You can, for instance, use the effects package for this.
dta <- read.csv("")
dta <- within(dta, {
prog <- factor(prog, levels=1:3, labels=c("General", "Academic", "Vocational"))
id <- factor(id)
mod <- glm(num_awards ~ math + prog, data = dta, family = "poisson")
Another option would be the sjPlot package, as Ben suggested - however, the current version on CRAN only supports logistic regression models properly for effect plots. But in the current development version on GitHub I added support for various model families and link functions, so if you like, you can download that snapshot. The sjPlot package uses ggplot instead of lattice (which is used by the effects package, I think):
sjp.glm(mod, type = "eff", = T)
Or in non-faceted way:
sjp.glm(mod, type = "eff", facet.grid = F, = T)
