Stripe credit card fields not working on WordPress - wordpress

My WordPress website is using Stripe and WooCommerce plugin to accept credit card.
But on final checkout page, the credit card field is not working and showing very small size:
"Live Publishable Key" and "Live Secret Key" are correct.
Any idea how to fix it?

There are many types of solutions for this problem, like having SSL installed, using the correct domain, etc.
On my site there was an error with the PayPal Checkout, which I had active too, that caused the stripe credit card form to not get filled with the according input fields. When I deactivated PayPal Checkout I could use the form just as expected again.
So far that's enough of a solution for me since I can continue using the normal PayPal implementation on WooCommerce without needing PayPal Checkout.
The PayPal Checkout error I received was:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'FUNDING' of undefined at getFundingMethods".
I have not been able to resolve it yet though without deactivating PayPal Checkout.

This issue may due to the incorrect domain, license keys from Stripe or the setup process in the documentation haven’t been completed:
Please follow this documentation step by step:


How to fix TRANSACTION_REFUSED error in WooCommerce PayPal Payments plugin

Am using WooCommerce with WooCommerce PayPal Payments plugin, on checking out (live environment) am getting the error below;
[UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY] The requested action could not be performed, semantically incorrect, or failed business validation.
To add on, sandbox works without any issue.
I will be grateful for any assistance.
TRANSACTION_REFUSED is not a technical problem, and so cannot be fixed. It is a decline by PayPal.
Have the customer use a different payment method, or contact PayPal for information about why the payment might have been declined.
Note that payments to your own production account are not permitted. If the payer information is at all connected to the receiving account, this is why it was declined.

Problems with PayPal in WooCommerce

I have correctly configured payments with PayPal in WooCommerce, sometimes I get orders and pay for PayPal and everything is fine, but sometimes some customers pay and WooCommerce does not change the status of the order to "Paid", and for that reason customers contact me to tell me that they already paid and yes.
Does anyone feel the same?
PS: This error is occasional, I do not know what it could be.
You could always just log in to your PayPal account and see if the transactions that show an incorrect status in WooCommerce do actually exist in your PayPal transaction log with the correct status. If so, then you should contact WooCommerce support for them to explain why those same transactions do not show up with the correct status in their portal. If WooCommerce tells you that it's an issue with PayPal (and thus, there is nothing to be corrected at their side), then open a case with PayPal support and they can look into the logs being sent from WooCommerce's API calls into PayPal to confirm whether or not they are doing it properly.
PayPal Standard that comes with WooCommerce uses IPN to update the order status. Unfortunately, their IPN integration is not great, and it often fails.
If you use my PayPal for WooCommerce instead, and setup Express Checkout, this problem will not happen. Also, you'll have a lot more features and functionality.

Woocommerce orders not being received by PayPal, but email suggests otherwise

Having a nightmare with this and cannot find a solution anywhere - the only similar issues I find are the exact opposite problem!
Placing an order using PayPal (standard) at checkout puts the order 'On hold' in wp, but completes on the front end and the user even receives the PayPal receipt so are none the wiser. In the PayPal business account there is nothing.
Interestingly, PayPal express checkout works fine! So the account is definitely setup correctly. Something I have noticed is that the receipt from the express checkout transaction and from the standard have different Merchant names - the standard one (the one not working)has the rather than the merchant name. This would suggest that this is the issue, but I've been into the business settings and checked this as well as the Woocommerce settings and everything is in order.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
For Woocommerce PayPal standard you have to enable Auto return url and Notification url(Instant payment notification) which will update the order status on your woocommerce. Refer the following URL link: and enable both Auto return & Instant payment notification settings on the Merchant/Business PayPal account. Please note that Merchant PayPal account is not linked with any other website.
PayPal Express checkout is recommended:
I would recommend you just stick with Express Checkout. It has many more features and options than PayPal Standard. I would recommend the PayPal for WooCommerce, though, which is the one PayPal reps would recommend as well if you talk to them.

WooCommerce Subscription with Stripe Gateway

I have set-up a WooCommerce Subscription with Stripe Gateway. First payment for subscription is working fine, but automatic recurring billing/payment Monthly is not working with stripe, I also noticed that on the Woocommerce->Subscriptions total columns says "Via Manual Renewal" instead "Credit Card" or Stripe.
Can anyone provide me solution for this issue?
The subscriptions plugin may be in staging mode. This can happen if the domain of the site changes.
Go to WooCommerce > System Status and check the value of Subscriptions Mode under the Server Environment section.
When the subscriptions plugin is installed, it saves the current domain of the site. If this domain changes in the future, the subscriptions plugin will automatically enable staging mode to prevent duplicate payments. When this happens you will see a warning in the admin:
If you click Quit nagging me, the warning will be hidden but you will not get another chance to re-enable the automatic payments.
To show that warning message again, you'll need to reset the value of an option in the database. Set the value of wcs_ignore_duplicate_siteurl_notice to false in the wp_options table.
A faster way is to go to the All Settings page in your WordPress admin (/wp-admin/options.php), and reset it there.
See the WooCommerce Subscriptions documentation for more information: How Does Subscriptions Handle Staging Sites and Migrations?.
I know this old but this might help somebody.
That method by woocommerce did not work for me (
What did work was changing another option in wp_options: wc_subscriptions_siteurl.
I changed the value to my current URL and it changed Subscriptions from Staging to Live, and all "Via Manual Renewal" messages were changed to "Via Credit Card (Stripe)" or "Via Paypal".

How can I force Guest Checkout in Woocommerce using PayPal Express?

I'm trying to launch an online store using Wordpress, WooCommerce and the "Paypal for Woocommerce" Plugin.
On Paypal, Guest Checkout is only available on mobile, but it's not an option on desktop. I read somewhere that you need to add this lines to your SetExpressCheckout API Call but I don't know where to put them:
Can anyone using this plugin help me? Thank you.
it is true that if you add those parameters to the SetEC API call it will enable guest checkout and present the credit card form on the hosted page. To add these parameters, however, you have to alter the source code of the plugin. If you are using Angelleye's plugin there is a setting:
PayPal Account Optional – If your PayPal account is setup with PayPal Account Optional enabled (available in your PayPal account profile) then setting this option here will provide a better checkout flow for non-PayPal users. It will be more obvious that you do not need a PayPal account in order to complete payment, and this will typically increase conversion rates.
you can see complete documentation here.
