Firestore social media posts table - firebase

so I want to create a sort of social media application and use firestore as main database.
the goal is to create "facebook" news feed.
each user will have a list of friends and each user will be able to create posts.
each post can be modified to be visible to all the users of the application or just the user friends. so each user will be able to post posts to all his friends and to post posts to everyone in the application.
also, users can "save" posts they liked in the newsfeed.(LikedPosts subcollection)
USERS (collection)
DocumentID - userId gathered from Authentication uid
firstName: String
lastName: String
username: String
birthdate: Timestamp
accountCreationDate: Timestamp
FRIENDS (subcollection)
DocumentID - userId of the friend
username: String
LikedPosts (subcollection)
authorUserId: String
authorUsername: String
text: String
imagePath: String
POSTS (collection)
DocumentID - postId randomly generated
authorUserId: String
authorUsername: String
text: String
imagePath: String
likesCount: Number
LIKES (subcollection)
DocumentID - userID of the liker
username: String
now in the newsfeed for a user - How can I query for all the visible post (forFriendsOnly:no) and also to all the posts for friend only, that the current user is in the author friends subcollection.
also, if the user change his name, how can I change his name accordingly for all his previous posts, and all the save posts related to the user?(located in user likedpost subcollection)

I guess you were asking 2 questions.
First, Firestore recommends data duplication instead of joining query across collections. The way you designed the post and user has to rely on query concept in SQL.
It is still possible to achieve that, if you don't mind to have all the author's friend id as an array inside of that post document. Meanwhile, you have to sync author's friend array through trigger function when author add/delete friends.
I wouldn't really recommend this solution, because as a social platform, user's friends might be changing constantly, then you have to keep on updating all his post's friend array.
There is another solution, which is add one more subcollection under user as his visible "feeds". Then whenever an author creates a post, trigger function will write this post's summary to all his friends' visible "feeds" collection.
However, both above solutions are not perfect if you are concerned about accuracy, realtime, cost, etc. I guess that is the drawback we have to bear with. If you have to achieve the same thing as SQL, I guess the only option is using other solutions for query part, such as elastic search, mysql, neo4j, etc. PS: You can still wrap it with cloud functions.
Regards to your 2nd question, one way is not duplicate username if you think your user would change their name frequently. And always query username by user id from user collection. The other way is using trigger function to update the duplicated username when user change their names. I would recommend the second way, since user wouldn't change their names frequently.

Not necessarily related to your original question, but your LikedPosts subcollection likely needs a restructuring. If you can ensure uniqueness on your postId, then it should probably be something like:
LikedPosts (subcollection)
postId: Unique identifier for liked post
authorUserId: String
authorUsername: String
text: String
imagePath: String
The current structure only allows for one liked post, so you'll need to change it to be one document per liked post, or a document containing a list of all of the liked post ids.


Firestore efficient/fast query posts a user has liked

I have a collection with users and a collection with posts.
In every post there is a sub collection of user ids that liked that post. Additionally I also have a sub collection in the users where I save the id of the posts that a user liked.
Now my question is, what would be the most efficient query to get all the posts a specific user liked.
The ways I know are: (examples are in Javascript)
Query the sub collection of a user to get all the post ids that the user liked. Than get all Documents with query and query Constraint
The problem is I need to separate this into multiple queries because the query constraint "in" can only get up to 10 elements in the array:
const data = query(collection(db, "posts"), where("postId", "in", postIds))
Query the sub collection of a user to get all the post ids that the user liked. Than get all Documents (posts) individually.
So for every document I need to do this:
const data = await getDoc(doc(db, "posts", "postId"))
Is there any other more efficient and faster way of achieving this.

Cloud Firestore rule for Read - on the basis of where clause [duplicate]

I'm trying to secure requests to a collection to allow any single get, but to allow list only if a specific key is matched.
Database structure is like this:
content: "Post 1 content"
uid: "uid1"
content: "Post 2 content"
uid: "uid1"
content: "Post 3 content"
uid: "uid2"
The Firestore query I'm making from Vue:
// Only return posts matching the requested uid
.where("uid", "==", this.uid)
The security rules I'd like to have would be something like this:
match /posts/{post} {
allow get: if true // this works
allow list: if [** the uid in the query **] != null
I want to do this so you can list the posts of a specific user if you know their uid but can't list all posts of the system.
Is there a way to access the requested .where() in the security rules or how can I write such rule or structure my data in this case?
Relevant & credits:
Seemingly, I can make a request on a query's limit, offset, and orderBy. But there's nothing on where. See: #1 & #2.
I copy-pasted much from this question. I don't see how the accepted answer answers the question. It seems like it answers another case where a user is allowed to list some other users' posts. That is not my case; in my case, what's public is public. So, it doesn't answer the main question in my case, it seems.
There's currently no way, using security rules, to check if a field is being used in query. The only thing you can do is verify that a document field is being used as a filter using only values you allow.
Instead, consider duplicating enough data into another collection organized like this:
user-posts (collection)
{uid} (document using UID as document ID)
posts (subcollection)
{postId} (documents using post ID as document ID)
This will require the client to call out a UID to query in order to get all the posts associated with that user. You can store as much information about the post documents as you like, for the purpose of satisfying the query.
Duplicating data like this is common in NoSQL databases. You might even want to make this your new default structure if you don't want your users to query across all posts at any given moment. Note that a collection group query naming the "posts" subcollection would still query across all posts for all users, so you'd have to make sure your security rules are set up so that this is enabled only when you allow it to happen.
Also note that UIDs are typically not hidden from users, especially if your web site is collaborative in nature, and you combine multiple users' data on a single page.

How to structure collections in Firestore and access them in flutter?

I am trying to create an social app using flutter, in that app I have users and their posts, so in firestore I am creating 2 collections,
So, in users it will have user data like email, display picture, bio etc. For identification I'm creating a key in posts which will have a reference to the user to whom the post belongs, like so,
Now, I while I ask a particular post I also want some of the user details like UserName and display picture so that I can show it in the Post in the UI like,
So, I want to use StreamBuilder as it will reflect any changes made, but I can't get user details if I'm using StreamBuilder.
How can I achieve this?
According to your data model, you need to make two queries, the first one to get the user ID and others to get the posts corresponding to the user.
final StreamController<List<Post>> _postsController =
Stream listenToPostsRealTime() {
// Register the handler for when the posts data changes
_postsCollectionReference.snapshots().listen((postsSnapshot) {
if (postsSnapshot.documents.isNotEmpty) {
var posts = postsSnapshot.documents
.map((snapshot) => Post.fromMap(, snapshot.documentID))
.where((mappedItem) => mappedItem.userId == FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser().uid)
// Add the posts onto the controller
I would like to recommend you to visit this video: "How to structure your data" and this post, remember that you will be charged for every read to the database, so if you're going to gather information from the Users document every time you retrieve a Post, it would be a better idea to have duplicated information from the Users document inside your Posts document, this way you only have to query your Posts document. Remember that denormalizing data (like replicating it) on the NoSQL world is a common behaviour.
Your structure could be something similar to:
createdAt: "June 25, 2020"
description: "New food"
email: ""
image: ""
[updatedAt: "June 25,2020", user: likerUser]
[ name: posterUser,
profile_picture: "",
profile_url: ""]
In order to keep your data synced between both documents I recommend you to check this answer

Firebase Firestore - security rule based on "where" query parameters

I'm trying to secure requests to a collection to allow any single get, but to allow list only if a specific key is matched.
Database structure is like this:
content: "Post 1 content"
uid: "uid1"
content: "Post 2 content"
uid: "uid1"
content: "Post 3 content"
uid: "uid2"
The Firestore query I'm making from Vue:
// Only return posts matching the requested uid
.where("uid", "==", this.uid)
The security rules I'd like to have would be something like this:
match /posts/{post} {
allow get: if true // this works
allow list: if [** the uid in the query **] != null
I want to do this so you can list the posts of a specific user if you know their uid but can't list all posts of the system.
Is there a way to access the requested .where() in the security rules or how can I write such rule or structure my data in this case?
Relevant & credits:
Seemingly, I can make a request on a query's limit, offset, and orderBy. But there's nothing on where. See: #1 & #2.
I copy-pasted much from this question. I don't see how the accepted answer answers the question. It seems like it answers another case where a user is allowed to list some other users' posts. That is not my case; in my case, what's public is public. So, it doesn't answer the main question in my case, it seems.
There's currently no way, using security rules, to check if a field is being used in query. The only thing you can do is verify that a document field is being used as a filter using only values you allow.
Instead, consider duplicating enough data into another collection organized like this:
user-posts (collection)
{uid} (document using UID as document ID)
posts (subcollection)
{postId} (documents using post ID as document ID)
This will require the client to call out a UID to query in order to get all the posts associated with that user. You can store as much information about the post documents as you like, for the purpose of satisfying the query.
Duplicating data like this is common in NoSQL databases. You might even want to make this your new default structure if you don't want your users to query across all posts at any given moment. Note that a collection group query naming the "posts" subcollection would still query across all posts for all users, so you'd have to make sure your security rules are set up so that this is enabled only when you allow it to happen.
Also note that UIDs are typically not hidden from users, especially if your web site is collaborative in nature, and you combine multiple users' data on a single page.

Store and Query Posts in Firestore in a performant way

So I need to store Posts that are created by Users, now the data modell is the problem, bringing all existing Posts in a Posts Collection with a field of creatorUserID will make it able to show posts belonging to a user.
Now a User has a Subcollection called Followers with the ID of people following, the problem with that is that Im not sure how a query would look to show only Posts of People that the User follows.
Also im worried about performance when there are 10mio+ Posts in the collection.
In order to query a document in Firestore the data you want to query by needs to be on the Document you want to query, there is no way of querying a collection by the data of a document from another collection. This is why your use-case is a bit tricky. It might not seem very elegant, but this is a way of solving it:
We use two collections, users and posts.
- email: string
- followingUserIDs: array with docIds of users you are following
- postName: string
- postText: string
- creatorUserID: string
To find all the posts belonging to all the users the logged in user is following, we can do the following in the code:
1 Retrieve the logged in user document
2 For each id in the "followingUserIDs" array I would query Firestore for the Posts. In JavaScript it would be something like: => {
return firestore.collection('Posts', ref => ref.where('creatorUserID',
'==', followingUserId));
3 Combine the result from all the queries into one array of posts
