For each categorical variable in dataset, I want to get counts and summary stats for each level. I can do this using dlookr R package using their diagnose_category() function. Since at work I don't have that package I recreated the function using dplyr.
In sparklye I am able to get counts for a single variable at a time. Need help to extend it all categorical variable.
Need Help:
Implement the function via SparklyR
Table 1: Final output needed:
# A tibble: 20 x 6
variables levels N freq ratio rank
<chr> <ord> <int> <int> <dbl> <int>
1 cut Ideal 53940 21551 40.0 1
2 cut Premium 53940 13791 25.6 2
3 cut Very Good 53940 12082 22.4 3
4 cut Good 53940 4906 9.10 4
5 cut Fair 53940 1610 2.98 5
6 color G 53940 11292 20.9 1
7 color E 53940 9797 18.2 2
8 color F 53940 9542 17.7 3
9 color H 53940 8304 15.4 4
10 color D 53940 6775 12.6 5
11 color I 53940 5422 10.1 6
12 color J 53940 2808 5.21 7
13 clarity SI1 53940 13065 24.2 1
14 clarity VS2 53940 12258 22.7 2
15 clarity SI2 53940 9194 17.0 3
16 clarity VS1 53940 8171 15.1 4
17 clarity VVS2 53940 5066 9.39 5
18 clarity VVS1 53940 3655 6.78 6
19 clarity IF 53940 1790 3.32 7
20 clarity I1 53940 741 1.37 8
R Code:
# Categorical Variable Profile
# Table based on dlookr package, diagnose_category() function
# variables : variable names
# types: the data type of the variable
# levels: level names
# N : Number of observation
# freq : Number of observation at the level
# ratio : Percentage of observation at the level
# rank : Rank of occupancy ratio of levels
# Helper Function
cat_level_summary <- function(df,x) {
count(df,x, sort = TRUE) %>%
transmute(levels = x, N = sum(n), freq = n,
ratio = n / sum(n) * 100, rank = row_number())
# Loading
diamonds_tbl <- diamonds
# Main Code
CategoricalVariableProfile <- diamonds_tbl %>%
select_if(~!is.numeric(.)) %>%
map(~cat_level_summary(data.frame(x=.x), x)) %>%, .) %>%
rownames_to_column(., "variables")%>%
mutate(variables = str_match(variables, ".*(?=\\.)")[, 1] )
Spark Code:
#Spark data Table
diamonds_tbl <- copy_to(sc, diamonds, "diamonds", overwrite = TRUE)
CategoricalVariableProfile <- diamonds_tbl %>%
group_by(cut) %>%
summarize(count = n()) %>%
Flatten your data using sdf_gather:
long <- diamonds_tbl %>%
select(cut, color, clarity) %>%
sdf_gather("variable", "level", "cut", "color", "clarity")
Aggregate by variable and level:
counts <- long %>% group_by(variable, level) %>% summarise(freq = n())
And finally apply required window functions:
result <- counts %>%
arrange(-freq) %>%
rank = rank(),
total = sum(freq, na.rm = TRUE),
ratio = freq / total * 100)
Which will give you
# Source: spark<?> [?? x 6]
# Groups: variable
# Ordered by: -freq
variable level freq rank total ratio
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
1 cut Ideal 21551 1 53940 40.0
2 cut Premium 13791 2 53940 25.6
3 cut Very Good 12082 3 53940 22.4
4 cut Good 4906 4 53940 9.10
5 cut Fair 1610 5 53940 2.98
6 clarity SI1 13065 1 53940 24.2
7 clarity VS2 12258 2 53940 22.7
8 clarity SI2 9194 3 53940 17.0
9 clarity VS1 8171 4 53940 15.1
10 clarity VVS2 5066 5 53940 9.39
# … with more rows
with following optimized plan
Project [variable#524, level#525, freq#1478L, rank#1479, total#1480L, ((cast(freq#1478L as double) / cast(total#1480L as double)) * 100.0) AS ratio#1481]
+- Window [rank(_w1#1493L) windowspecdefinition(variable#524, _w1#1493L ASC NULLS FIRST, specifiedwindowframe(RowFrame, unboundedpreceding$(), currentrow$())) AS rank#1479], [variable#524], [_w1#1493L ASC NULLS FIRST]
+- Window [sum(freq#1478L) windowspecdefinition(variable#524, specifiedwindowframe(RowFrame, unboundedpreceding$(), unboundedfollowing$())) AS total#1480L], [variable#524]
+- Project [variable#524, level#525, freq#1478L, -freq#1478L AS _w1#1493L]
+- Sort [-freq#1478L ASC NULLS FIRST], true
+- Aggregate [variable#524, level#525], [variable#524, level#525, count(1) AS freq#1478L]
+- Generate explode(map(cut, cut#19, color, color#20, clarity, clarity#21)), [0, 1, 2], false, [variable#524, level#525]
+- Project [cut#19, color#20, clarity#21]
+- InMemoryRelation [carat#18, cut#19, color#20, clarity#21, depth#22, table#23, price#24, x#25, y#26, z#27], StorageLevel(disk, memory, deserialized, 1 replicas)
+- Scan ExistingRDD[carat#18,cut#19,color#20,clarity#21,depth#22,table#23,price#24,x#25,y#26,z#27]
and query (sdf_gather component not included):
<SQL> SELECT `variable`, `level`, `freq`, `rank`, `total`, `freq` / `total` * 100.0 AS `ratio`
FROM (SELECT `variable`, `level`, `freq`, rank() OVER (PARTITION BY `variable` ORDER BY -`freq`) AS `rank`, sum(`freq`) OVER (PARTITION BY `variable`) AS `total`
FROM (SELECT `variable`, `level`, count(*) AS `freq`
FROM `sparklyr_tmp_ded2576b9f1`
GROUP BY `variable`, `level`) `dsbksdfhtf`
ORDER BY -`freq`) `obyrzsxeus`) `ekejqyjrfz`
I am super new to R and currently playing with the "diamond" dataset.
I am trying to return the row corresponding to the lowest, mean and largest prices and put everything in a 10 by 4 matrix. Please explain an easier way of doing this if possible.
max(diamonds$price) # this one gives me the wrong val!
M<-matrix(1:cols, nrow = 1, ncol = cols)
colnames(M)<-c("carat","cut" , "color" , "clarity", "depth" , "table" , "price" , "x" , "y" ,"z")
# Here I need to add the rows corresponding to the min,mean,max to this matrix.
If all you want to do is to select the rows in the diamonds data frame corresponding to the mean, minimum, and maximum of price, this is easily accomplished with a combination of the $ and [ forms of the extract operator in Base R.
Note that this will return a data frame with 3 rows, not 4, because there are two rows at the minimum price, no rows at the mean price, and one row at the maximum price.
diamonds[diamonds$price %in% c(min(diamonds$price),mean(diamonds$price),max(diamonds$price)),]
...and the output:
carat cut color clarity depth table price x y z
<dbl> <ord> <ord> <ord> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 0.23 Ideal E SI2 61.5 55 326 3.95 3.98 2.43
2 0.21 Premium E SI1 59.8 61 326 3.89 3.84 2.31
3 2.29 Premium I VS2 60.8 60 18823 8.5 8.47 5.16
A solution with dplyr uses filter() as follows.
# dplyr solution
diamonds %>% filter(price %in% c(min(price),mean(price),max(price)))
...and the output:
# A tibble: 3 x 10
carat cut color clarity depth table price x y z
<dbl> <ord> <ord> <ord> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 0.23 Ideal E SI2 61.5 55 326 3.95 3.98 2.43
2 0.21 Premium E SI1 59.8 61 326 3.89 3.84 2.31
3 2.29 Premium I VS2 60.8 60 18823 8.5 8.47 5.16
matrix and dataframes are different in R. diamonds is a dataframe it is better and easy to process if you keep it as dataframe only.
summary(diamonds) gives you some nice summary stats for each column.
If you want to apply specific functions to columns using dplyr, you can do :
diamonds %>%
summarise(across(where(is.numeric),list(min = min, max = max, mean = mean))) %>%
tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = everything(),
names_to = c('col', '.value'),
names_sep = '_')
# A tibble: 7 x 4
# col min max mean
# <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#1 carat 0.2 5.01 0.798
#2 depth 43 79 61.7
#3 table 43 95 57.5
#4 price 326 18823 3933.
#5 x 0 10.7 5.73
#6 y 0 58.9 5.73
#7 z 0 31.8 3.54
Note that I applied these functions only to numeric columns since cut, color, clarity are factor columns.
I am trying to write a custom function where I use rlang's quasiquotation. This function also internally uses dplyr's join functions. I have provided below a minimal working example that illustrated my problem.
# needed libraries
# function definition
df_combiner <- function(data, x, {
# check how many variables were entered for this grouping variable <- as.list(rlang::quo_squash(rlang::enquo(
# based on number of arguments, select `` in cases like `c(cyl)`,
# the first list element after `quo_squash` will be `c` which we don't need,
# but if we pass just `cyl`, there is no `c`, this will take care of that
# issue <-
if (length( == 1) {
} else {[-1]
# creating internal dataframe
df <- dplyr::group_by(.data = data, !!!, .drop = TRUE)
# creating dataframes to be joined: one with tally, one with summary
df_tally <- dplyr::tally(df)
df_mean <- dplyr::summarise(df, mean = mean({{ x }}, na.rm = TRUE))
# without specifying `by` argument, this works but prints a message I want to avoid
print(dplyr::left_join(x = df_tally, y = df_mean))
# joining by specifying `by` argument (my failed attempt)
dplyr::left_join(x = df_tally, y = df_mean, by = !!!
# using the function
df_combiner(diamonds, carat, c(cut, clarity))
#> Joining, by = c("cut", "clarity")
#> # A tibble: 40 x 4
#> # Groups: cut [5]
#> cut clarity n mean
#> <ord> <ord> <int> <dbl>
#> 1 Fair I1 210 1.36
#> 2 Fair SI2 466 1.20
#> 3 Fair SI1 408 0.965
#> 4 Fair VS2 261 0.885
#> 5 Fair VS1 170 0.880
#> 6 Fair VVS2 69 0.692
#> 7 Fair VVS1 17 0.665
#> 8 Fair IF 9 0.474
#> 9 Good I1 96 1.20
#> 10 Good SI2 1081 1.04
#> # ... with 30 more rows
#> Error in ! invalid argument type
As can be seen here, I want to avoid the message #> Joining, by = c("cut", "clarity") and so explicitly want to input the by argument for the _join function but I am not sure how to do this.
(I've tried rlang::as_string, rlang::quo_name, etc.).
We can convert to string with as_string
dplyr::left_join(x = df_tally, y = df_mean,
by = map_chr(, rlang::as_string))
df_combiner <- function(data, x, {
# check how many variables were entered for this grouping variable <- as.list(rlang::quo_squash(rlang::enquo(
# based on number of arguments, select `` in cases like `c(cyl)`,
# the first list element after `quo_squash` will be `c` which we don't need,
# but if we pass just `cyl`, there is no `c`, this will take care of that
# issue <-
if (length( == 1) {
} else {[-1]
# creating internal dataframe
df <- dplyr::group_by(.data = data, !!!, .drop = TRUE)
# creating dataframes to be joined: one with tally, one with summary
df_tally <- dplyr::tally(df)
df_mean <- dplyr::summarise(df, mean = mean({{ x }}, na.rm = TRUE))
# without specifying `by` argument, this works but prints a message I want to avoid
#print(dplyr::left_join(x = df_tally, y = df_mean))
# joining by specifying `by` argument (my failed attempt)
dplyr::left_join(x = df_tally, y = df_mean, by = map_chr(, rlang::as_string))
df_combiner(diamonds, carat, c(cut, clarity))
# A tibble: 40 x 4
# Groups: cut [5]
# cut clarity n mean
# <ord> <ord> <int> <dbl>
# 1 Fair I1 210 1.36
# 2 Fair SI2 466 1.20
# 3 Fair SI1 408 0.965
# 4 Fair VS2 261 0.885
# 5 Fair VS1 170 0.880
# 6 Fair VVS2 69 0.692
# 7 Fair VVS1 17 0.665
# 8 Fair IF 9 0.474
# 9 Good I1 96 1.20
#10 Good SI2 1081 1.04
# … with 30 more rows
Join functions take a string vector for its by argument. Use deparse to go from expressions to strings:
dplyr::left_join(x = df_tally, y = df_mean, by = map_chr(, deparse))
As mentioned by earlier authors, ´by´ expects a string vector. An easy way to move from lists of quosures to strings is illustrated by stanwood on the RStudio Community thread Should tidyeval be abandoned?
...tidyr::left_join still expects a list of strings: by = c("Species",
"Sepal.Length"). If I want to supply these programatically the best
solution I found was by = sapply(sepaldims, quo_text). Consider this a
plug for abstracting quo_text to lists of quosures.
sepaldims <- quos(Species, Sepal.Length)
I have a df tracking movement of points each hour. I want to find the total distance traveled by that group/trial by adding the distance between the hourly coordinates, but I'm confusing myself with apply functions.
I want to say "in each group/trial, sum [distance(hour1-hou2), distance(hour2=hour3), distance(hour3-hour4)....] until current hour so on each line, I have a cumulative distance travelled value.
I've created a fake df below.
paths <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=80,ncol=5))
colnames(paths) <- c("trt","trial","hour","X","Y")
paths$trt <- rep(c("A","B","C","D"),each=20)
paths$trial <- rep(c(rep(1,times=10),rep(2,times=10)),times=4)
paths$hour <- rep(1:10,times=8)
paths[,4:5] <- runif(160,0,50)
#this shows the paths that I want to measure.
I probably want to add a column paths$dist.traveled to keep track each hour.
I think I could use apply or maybe even aggregate but I've been using PointDistance to find the distances, so I'm a bit confused. I also would rather not do a loop inside a loop, because the real dataset is large.
Here's an answer that uses {dplyr}:
paths %>%
arrange(trt, trial, hour) %>%
group_by(trt, trial) %>%
mutate(dist_travelled = sqrt((X - lag(X))^2 + (Y - lag(Y))^2)) %>%
mutate(total_dist = sum(dist_travelled, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
If you wanted the total distance but grouped only by trt and not trial you would just remove that from the call to group_by().
Is this what you are trying to achieve?:
paths %>%
mutate(dist.traveled = sqrt((X-lag(X))^2 + (Y-lag(Y))^2))
trt trial hour X Y dist.traveled
<chr> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 A 1 1 11.2 26.9 NA
2 A 1 2 20.1 1.48 27.0
3 A 1 3 30.4 0.601 10.4
4 A 1 4 31.1 26.6 26.0
5 A 1 5 38.1 30.4 7.88
6 A 1 6 27.9 47.9 20.2
7 A 1 7 16.5 35.3 16.9
8 A 1 8 0.328 13.0 27.6
9 A 1 9 14.0 41.7 31.8
10 A 1 10 29.7 7.27 37.8
# ... with 70 more rows
paths$dist.travelled[which(paths$hour==1)] <- NA
paths %>%
summarise(total_distance = sum(dist.traveled, na.rm = TRUE))
trt total_distance
<chr> <dbl>
1 A 492.
2 B 508.
3 C 479.
4 D 462.
I am adding the new column to calculate distances for each group, and them sum them up.
How can I randomly add missing values to some or each column (say random ~5% missing in each) in a simulated dataframe, plus, is there a more efficient way of simulating a dataframe with both continuous and factor columns?
#Simulate some data
N <- 2000
data <- data.frame(id = 1:2000,age = rnorm(N,18:90),bmi = rnorm(N,15:40),
chol = rnorm(N,50:350), insulin = rnorm(N,2:40),sbp = rnorm(N, 50:200),
dbp = rnorm(N, 30:150), sex = c(rep(1, 1000), rep(2, 1000)),
smoke = rep(c(1, 2), 1000), educ = sample(LETTERS[1:4]))
#Manually add some missing values
data <- data %>%
mutate(age = "<-"(age, age <19 | age >88),
bmi = "<-"(bmi, bmi >38 | bmi <16),
insulin = "<-"(insulin, insulin >38),
educ = "<-"(educ, bmi >35))
Best solution in my opinion would be using the mice package for this. This is a R package dedicated to imputation. It also has a function called amputate for introducing missing data into a data.frame.
ampute - Generate Missing Data For Simulation Purposes
This function generates multivariate missing data in a MCAR, MAR or MNAR manner.
The advantage of this solution is you can set multiple parameters for the simulation of your missing data.
ampute(data, prop = 0.5, patterns = NULL, freq = NULL, mech = "MAR",
weights = NULL, cont = TRUE, type = NULL, odds = NULL,
bycases = TRUE, run = TRUE)
As you can see you can set the percentage of missing values, the missing data mechanism (MCAR would be your choice for missing completely at random) and several other parameters. This solution would also be quite clean since it is only 1 line of code.
Here's a tidyverse approach that will remove roughly 20% of your data for each column you specify:
# example data
N <- 20
data <- data.frame(id = 1:N,
age = rnorm(N,18:90),
bmi = rnorm(N,15:40),
chol = rnorm(N,50:350))
# specify which variables should have missing data and prc of missing data
c_names = c("age","bmi")
prc_missing = 0.20
data %>%
gather(var, value, -id) %>% # reshape data
mutate(r = runif(nrow(.)), # simulate a random number from 0 to 1 for each row
value = ifelse(var %in% c_names & r <= prc_missing, NA, value)) %>% # if it's one of the variables you specified and the random number is less than your threshold update to NA
select(-r) %>% # remove random number
spread(var, value) # reshape back to original format
# id age bmi chol
# 1 1 17.37355 15.91898 49.83548
# 2 2 19.18364 16.78214 50.74664
# 3 3 19.16437 17.07456 52.69696
# 4 4 NA 16.01065 53.55666
# 5 5 22.32951 19.61983 53.31124
# 6 6 22.17953 19.94387 54.29250
# 7 7 24.48743 NA 56.36458
# 8 8 25.73832 20.52925 57.76853
# 9 9 26.57578 NA 57.88765
# 10 10 26.69461 24.41794 59.88111
# 11 11 29.51178 26.35868 60.39811
# 12 12 NA 25.89721 60.38797
# 13 13 NA 27.38767 62.34112
# 14 14 28.78530 27.94619 61.87064
# 15 15 33.12493 27.62294 65.43302
# 16 16 32.95507 NA 66.98040
# 17 17 33.98381 30.60571 65.63278
# 18 18 35.94384 NA 65.95587
# 19 19 36.82122 34.10003 68.56972
# 20 20 37.59390 34.76318 68.86495
And this is an alternative that will remove exactly 20% of data for the columns you specify:
# example data
N <- 20
data <- data.frame(id = 1:N,
age = rnorm(N,18:90),
bmi = rnorm(N,15:40),
chol = rnorm(N,50:350))
# specify which variables should have missing data and prc of missing data
c_names = c("age","bmi")
prc_missing = 0.20
n_remove = prc_missing * nrow(data)
data %>%
gather(var, value, -id) %>% # reshape data
sample_frac(1) %>% # shuffle rows
group_by(var) %>% # for each variables
mutate(value = ifelse(var %in% c_names & row_number() <= n_remove, NA, value)) %>% # update to NA top x number of rows if it's one of the variables you specified
spread(var, value) # reshape to original format
# # A tibble: 20 x 4
# id age bmi chol
# <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 1 17.4 15.9 49.8
# 2 2 19.2 16.8 50.7
# 3 3 19.2 17.1 52.7
# 4 4 NA 16.0 53.6
# 5 5 22.3 NA 53.3
# 6 6 22.2 19.9 54.3
# 7 7 24.5 20.8 56.4
# 8 8 25.7 NA 57.8
# 9 9 26.6 NA 57.9
# 10 10 NA NA 59.9
# 11 11 NA 26.4 60.4
# 12 12 NA 25.9 60.4
# 13 13 29.4 27.4 62.3
# 14 14 28.8 27.9 61.9
# 15 15 33.1 27.6 65.4
# 16 16 33.0 29.6 67.0
# 17 17 34.0 30.6 65.6
# 18 18 35.9 31.9 66.0
# 19 19 36.8 34.1 68.6
# 20 20 37.6 34.8 68.9
Would this work?
n_rows <- nrow(data)
perc_missing <- 5 # percentage missing data
row_missing <- sample(1:n_rows, sample(1:n_rows, round(perc_missing/100 * n_rows,0))) # sample randomly x% of rows
col_missing <- 1 # define column
data[row_missing, col_missing] <- NA # assign missing values
I have a large dataset I need to divide into multiple balanced sets.
The set looks something like the following:
> data<-matrix(runif(4000, min=0, max=10), nrow=500, ncol=8 )
> colnames(data)<-c("A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H")
The sets, each containing for example 20 rows, will need to be balanced across multiple variables so that each subset ends up having a similar mean of B, C, D that's included in their subgroup compared to all the other subsets.
Is there a way to do that with R? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance!
# Reproducible data
data<-matrix(runif(4000, min=0, max=10), nrow=500, ncol=8 )
Updated Answer
It's probably not possible to get similar means across sets within each column if you want to keep observations from a given row together. With 8 columns (as in your sample data), you'd need 25 20-row sets where each column A set has the same mean, each column B set has the same mean, etc. That's a lot of constraints. Probably there are, however, algorithms that could find the set membership assignment schedule that minimizes the difference in set means.
However, if you can separately take 20 observations from each column without regard to which row it came from, then here's one option:
# Group into sets with same means
same_means = data %>%
gather(key, value) %>%
arrange(value) %>%
group_by(key) %>%
mutate(set = c(rep(1:25, 10), rep(25:1, 10)))
# Check means by set for each column
same_means %>%
group_by(key, set) %>%
summarise(mean=mean(value)) %>%
spread(key, mean) %>%
set A B C D E F G H
1 1 4.940018 5.018584 5.117592 4.931069 5.016401 5.171896 4.886093 5.047926
2 2 4.946496 5.018578 5.124084 4.936461 5.017041 5.172817 4.887383 5.048850
3 3 4.947443 5.021511 5.125649 4.929010 5.015181 5.173983 4.880492 5.044192
4 4 4.948340 5.014958 5.126480 4.922940 5.007478 5.175898 4.878876 5.042789
5 5 4.943010 5.018506 5.123188 4.924283 5.019847 5.174981 4.869466 5.046532
6 6 4.942808 5.019945 5.123633 4.924036 5.019279 5.186053 4.870271 5.044757
7 7 4.945312 5.022991 5.120904 4.919835 5.019173 5.187910 4.869666 5.041317
8 8 4.947457 5.024992 5.125821 4.915033 5.016782 5.187996 4.867533 5.043262
9 9 4.936680 5.020040 5.128815 4.917770 5.022527 5.180950 4.864416 5.043587
10 10 4.943435 5.022840 5.122607 4.921102 5.018274 5.183719 4.872688 5.036263
11 11 4.942015 5.024077 5.121594 4.921965 5.015766 5.185075 4.880304 5.045362
12 12 4.944416 5.024906 5.119663 4.925396 5.023136 5.183449 4.887840 5.044733
13 13 4.946751 5.020960 5.127302 4.923513 5.014100 5.186527 4.889140 5.048425
14 14 4.949517 5.011549 5.127794 4.925720 5.006624 5.188227 4.882128 5.055608
15 15 4.943008 5.013135 5.130486 4.930377 5.002825 5.194421 4.884593 5.051968
16 16 4.939554 5.021875 5.129392 4.930384 5.005527 5.197746 4.883358 5.052474
17 17 4.935909 5.019139 5.131258 4.922536 5.003273 5.204442 4.884018 5.059162
18 18 4.935830 5.022633 5.129389 4.927106 5.008391 5.210277 4.877859 5.054829
19 19 4.936171 5.025452 5.127276 4.927904 5.007995 5.206972 4.873620 5.054192
20 20 4.942925 5.018719 5.127394 4.929643 5.005699 5.202787 4.869454 5.055665
21 21 4.941351 5.014454 5.125727 4.932884 5.008633 5.205170 4.870352 5.047728
22 22 4.933846 5.019311 5.130156 4.923804 5.012874 5.213346 4.874263 5.056290
23 23 4.928815 5.021575 5.139077 4.923665 5.017180 5.211699 4.876333 5.056836
24 24 4.928739 5.024419 5.140386 4.925559 5.012995 5.214019 4.880025 5.055182
25 25 4.929357 5.025198 5.134391 4.930061 5.008571 5.217005 4.885442 5.062630
Original Answer
# Randomly group data into 20-row groups
data = data %>%
mutate(set = sample(rep(1:(500/20), each=20)))
A B C D E F G H set
1 1.848823 6.920055 3.2283369 6.633721 6.794640 2.0288792 1.984295 2.09812642 10
2 7.023740 5.599569 0.4468325 5.198884 6.572196 0.9269249 9.700118 4.58840437 20
3 5.733263 3.426912 7.3168797 3.317611 8.301268 1.4466065 5.280740 0.09172101 19
4 1.680519 2.344975 4.9242313 6.163171 4.651894 2.2253335 1.175535 2.51299726 25
5 9.438393 4.296028 2.3563249 5.814513 1.717668 0.8130327 9.430833 0.68269106 19
6 9.434750 7.367007 1.2603451 5.952936 3.337172 5.2892300 5.139007 6.52763327 5
# Mean by set for each column
data %>% group_by(set) %>%
set A B C D E F G H
1 1 5.240236 6.143941 4.638874 5.367626 4.982008 4.200123 5.521844 5.083868
2 2 5.520983 5.257147 5.209941 4.504766 4.231175 3.642897 5.578811 6.439491
3 3 5.943011 3.556500 5.366094 4.583440 4.932206 4.725007 5.579103 5.420547
4 4 4.729387 4.755320 5.582982 4.763171 5.217154 5.224971 4.972047 3.892672
5 5 4.824812 4.527623 5.055745 4.556010 4.816255 4.426381 3.520427 6.398151
6 6 4.957994 7.517130 6.727288 4.757732 4.575019 6.220071 5.219651 5.130648
7 7 5.344701 4.650095 5.736826 5.161822 5.208502 5.645190 4.266679 4.243660
8 8 4.003065 4.578335 5.797876 4.968013 5.130712 6.192811 4.282839 5.669198
9 9 4.766465 4.395451 5.485031 4.577186 5.366829 5.653012 4.550389 4.367806
10 10 4.695404 5.295599 5.123817 5.358232 5.439788 5.643931 5.127332 5.089670
# ... with 15 more rows
If the total number of rows in the data frame is not divisible by the number of rows you want in each set, then you can do the following when you create the sets:
data = data %>%
mutate(set = sample(rep(1:ceiling(500/20), each=20))[1:n()])
In this case, the set sizes will vary a bit with the number of data rows is not divisible by the desired number of rows in each set.
The following approach could be worth trying for someone in a similar position.
It is based on the numerical balancing in groupdata2's fold() function, which allows creating groups with balanced means for a single column. By standardizing each of the columns and numerically balancing their rowwise sum, we might increase the chance of getting balanced means in the individual columns.
I compared this approach to creating groups randomly a few times and selecting the split with the least variance in means. It seems to be a bit better, but I'm not too convinced that this will hold in all contexts.
# Attach dplyr and groupdata2
# Create the dataset
data <- matrix(runif(4000, min = 0, max = 10), nrow = 500, ncol = 8)
colnames(data) <- c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H")
data <- dplyr::as_tibble(data)
# Standardize all columns and calculate row sums
data_std <- data %>%
dplyr::mutate_all(.funs = function(x){(x-mean(x))/sd(x)}) %>%
dplyr::mutate(total = rowSums(across(where(is.numeric))))
# Create groups (new column called ".folds")
# We numerically balance the "total" column
data_std <- data_std %>%
groupdata2::fold(k = 25, num_col = "total") # k = 500/20=25
# Transfer the groups to the original (non-standardized) data frame
data$group <- data_std$.folds
# Check the means
data %>%
dplyr::group_by(group) %>%
dplyr::summarise_all(.funs = mean)
> # A tibble: 25 x 9
> group A B C D E F G H
> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
> 1 1 4.48 5.05 4.80 5.65 5.04 4.60 5.12 4.85
> 2 2 5.57 5.17 3.21 5.46 4.46 5.89 5.06 4.79
> 3 3 4.33 6.02 4.57 6.18 4.76 3.79 5.94 3.71
> 4 4 4.51 4.62 4.62 5.27 4.65 5.41 5.26 5.23
> 5 5 4.55 5.10 4.19 5.41 5.28 5.39 5.57 4.23
> 6 6 4.82 4.74 6.10 4.34 4.82 5.08 4.89 4.81
> 7 7 5.88 4.49 4.13 3.91 5.62 4.75 5.46 5.26
> 8 8 4.11 5.50 5.61 4.23 5.30 4.60 4.96 5.35
> 9 9 4.30 3.74 6.45 5.60 3.56 4.92 5.57 5.32
> 10 10 5.26 5.50 4.35 5.29 4.53 4.75 4.49 5.45
> # … with 15 more rows
# Check the standard deviations of the means
# Could be used to compare methods
data %>%
dplyr::group_by(group) %>%
dplyr::summarise_all(.funs = mean) %>%
dplyr::summarise(across(where(is.numeric), sd))
> # A tibble: 1 x 8
> A B C D E F G H
> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
> 1 0.496 0.546 0.764 0.669 0.591 0.611 0.690 0.475
It might be best to compare the means and mean variances (or standard deviations as above) of different methods on the standardized data though. In that case, one could calculate the sum of the variances and minimize it.
data_std %>%
dplyr::select(-total) %>%
dplyr::group_by(.folds) %>%
dplyr::summarise_all(.funs = mean) %>%
dplyr::summarise(across(where(is.numeric), sd)) %>%
> 1.643989
Comparing multiple balanced splits
The fold() function allows creating multiple unique grouping factors (splits) at once. So here, I will perform the numerically balanced split 20 times and find the grouping with the lowest sum of the standard deviations of the means. I'll further convert it to a function.
create_multi_balanced_groups <- function(data, cols, k, num_tries){
# Extract the variables of interest
# We assume these are numeric but we could add a check
data_to_balance <- data[, cols]
# Standardize all columns
# And calculate rowwise sums
data_std <- data_to_balance %>%
dplyr::mutate_all(.funs = function(x){(x-mean(x))/sd(x)}) %>%
dplyr::mutate(total = rowSums(across(where(is.numeric))))
# Create `num_tries` unique numerically balanced splits
data_std <- data_std %>%
k = k,
num_fold_cols = num_tries,
num_col = "total"
# The new fold column names ".folds_1", ".folds_2", etc.
fold_col_names <- paste0(".folds_", seq_len(num_tries))
# Remove total column
data_std <- data_std %>%
# Calculate score for each split
# This could probably be done more efficiently without a for loop
variance_scores <- c()
for (fcol in fold_col_names){
score <- data_std %>%
dplyr::group_by(!! %>%
dplyr::summarise(across(where(is.numeric), mean)) %>%
dplyr::summarise(across(where(is.numeric), sd)) %>%
variance_scores <- append(variance_scores, score)
# Get the fold column with the lowest score
lowest_fcol_index <- which.min(variance_scores)
best_fcol <- fold_col_names[[lowest_fcol_index]]
# Add the best fold column / grouping factor to the original data
data[["group"]] <- data_std[[best_fcol]]
# Return the original data and the score of the best fold column
list(data, min(variance_scores))
# Run with 20 splits
data_grouped_and_score <- create_multi_balanced_groups(
data = data,
cols = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H"),
k = 25,
num_tries = 20
# Check data
> # A tibble: 500 x 9
> A B C D E F G H group
> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <fct>
> 1 5.86 6.54 0.500 2.88 5.70 9.67 2.29 3.01 2
> 2 0.0895 4.69 5.71 0.343 8.95 7.73 5.76 9.58 1
> 3 2.94 1.78 2.06 6.66 9.54 0.600 4.26 0.771 16
> 4 2.77 1.52 0.723 8.11 8.95 1.37 6.32 6.24 7
> 5 8.14 2.49 0.467 8.51 0.889 6.28 4.47 8.63 13
> 6 2.60 8.23 9.17 5.14 2.85 8.54 8.94 0.619 23
> 7 7.24 0.260 6.64 8.35 8.59 0.0862 1.73 8.10 5
> 8 9.06 1.11 6.01 5.35 2.01 9.37 7.47 1.01 1
> 9 9.49 5.48 3.64 1.94 3.24 2.49 3.63 5.52 7
> 10 0.731 0.230 5.29 8.43 5.40 8.50 3.46 1.23 10
> # … with 490 more rows
# Check score
> 1.552656
By commenting out the num_col = "total" line, we can run this without the numerical balancing. For me, this gave a score of 1.615257.
Disclaimer: I am the author of the groupdata2 package. The fold() function can also balance a categorical column (cat_col) and keep all data points with the same ID in the same fold (id_col) (e.g. to avoid leakage in cross-validation). There's a very similar partition() function as well.