Integrate Google\Firebase account setup in my app setup - firebase

Since my apps will rely on Firebase Realtime Database\Cloud Messaging, is there a way to integrate the initial creation of the Google account and Firebase project during my app install?


Will I be able to use my Firebase FCM account if the application is under a different play store account?

I am working on a Whitelabel mobile app project, and I require the ability to use Firebase FCM. The majority of the applications are in our own Google Play Account, but a few are on a client's separate Google Play Account.
Is it possible to use the same Firebase FCM account for both Google Play Account's applications? Or will I need to have the external account provision the Firebase app resource on their end and give us the JSON config file?

Do I have to enable Firebase if I want to connect to my Cloud Firestore database from outside of Google cloud products?

Till now I was using service account to connect to my Firestore database (Firebase is not enabled) from within Google products like Cloud Functions or Colab.
Now I need to connect to Firestore from html page opened in my browser. Is it possible without enabling Firebase?
Yes, the Google Cloud Firestore NodeJS SDK is meant to be used on server side only. You can use Firebase Web SDK along with Firebase Authentication and Firebase Security Rules to support serverless app architectures where clients connect directly to your Firestore database.
You don't necessarily have to use Firebase Auth. However, it might be a good idea to restrict access and allow only public content to be accessible without authentication.
You can follow the quickstart in the documentation to setup the client SDK.

Connect to Firebase buckets

I have a backend in golang and was wondering how I can connect to Firebase storage to create/delete buckets and add/delete files. Can I use the Admin sdk. I found the client storage lib in golang for google cloud storage. Can I use that? And whats the difference between firebase storage and google cloud storage?
The app I'm working on connects to Firebase Storage Buckets via the Admin SDK, but we're using Firebase Functions in Node.js. However, it looks like the Admin SDK in Go offers the same Storage access, and it's documented (with example code in Go) here:
I like using Admin in Firebase, because you don't have to worry about project configuration and authentication to the various services. Firebase storage is google cloud storage, but with a nice wrapper and well-integrated into other aspects of your Firebase project. You get some limitations as a trade-off for all of that convenience, but unless you run into a feature of Google Cloud that you absolutely need and doesn't exist in Firebase, I'd stick with the Firebase (and Admin) version.

access google cloud storage with firebase credential

I have a node.js client that uses firebase authentication. Now I want to access Google Cloud Storage, however the firebase SDK for node.js does not include GCS. Using #google-cloud/storage works but only with anonymous access. How do I apply the firebase credential to #google-cloud/storage so that GCS access is in the context of the logged-in user?
Node.js is a server that operates in a privileged environment. The Firebase Admin SDK (aka the Node SDK) talks to other services via a service account.
Firebase Authentication enables client-side authentication. The JavaScript SDK is the client-side SDK.
There is no Node.js client SDK for Firebase that accesses Cloud Storage. Since both the Firebase Admin SDK and the Google Cloud Platform client for Node.js use administrative privileges to access Cloud Storage, it looks like those won't be an option for you either.
The two options I can think of are:
Use the Admin SDK in a Cloud Function, and expose the files from Cloud Storage that way.
Use the REST API for Cloud Storage.
I admit that neither is trivial, so I hope somebody knows a better solution.

Difference between Firebase Admin SDK and Firebase Admin Web API

I want to take a decision to use Firebase Admin SDK or Firebase Admin REST API.
I need to use it in the communication from Angular/Node.js to Firebase database.
Please let me know if you can share the comparison between this two.
For communicating from an Angular web app with the Firebase Database, use the Firebase Web SDK.
For communicating from a server-side Node.js process with the Firebase Database, use the Firebase Admin SDK.
For communicating with the Firebase Database from a platform for which there is no SDK, use the Firebase REST API.
