Control PTZ of an IP Camera - http

I am building a project using the IP Camera Intelbras 5220 SD IR Datasheet.
In this project, I am using a website through which I can access the camera, but also need to control the movement of this camera, i.e. I need to control its PTZ. I have no idea how to start, but I would like to control the camera using HTTP because I think it is easier. I searched for some keywords like Onvif and SOAP, but I found nothing that could really help me.
Does anyone have any idea what can I do?

I found the answer by myself and it is not too difficult. All I need to do is search more about Onvif. As my python is 3 this link was very helpful:
If my python is 2 I would use this one.
There are some examples there that help me a lot. For more details about Onvif I also used this one.
Now my camera is working very well.


How to used NetworkBehavior in Unity3D

Check the Picture- Image Here
I made a c# script then change the MonoBehavior to NetworkBehavior
then pud the script in the Main Camera.
I have problem using NetworkBehavior I dont know how to execute it, I want to try the SyncVar and other attributes that can help about server-client data networking.
It is difficult to tell what is going on from you picture, and it would be helpful if you could tell us exactly what you are looking for, but as far as SyncVar working, it is important to note that it only works from the server side. That is, you can't sync an attribute from a remote player to the server, but the server can sync a player's attribute to everyone else. another thing to note about sync var is that it only works on basic types and unity math types (quaternion, vector3, etc.) if I recall correctly. If you need more help please try to be more specific.

How to get started with drawing robot

I am a beginner to robotics, and I wanted to program a robot arm to draw a picture on arbitrary objects I present to him.
I do have an Intel Realsense camera, will receive a robot arm next days, and thought about using ROS as a base, moveit for movements and the PCL library for object detection.
How do I connect all of these together? Are there any particulary interesting tutorials that you would recommend? Anything I should try out up front?
Also, I suppose I will need to build custom code for detecting the target object in the point cloud and calculate how the picture should be placed on the object and then use moveit to follow the target path. Where would this code go?
Any help would be appreciated.
Meanwhile, I found an excellent book on the topic:

Network Protocol implementation

As part of a project work i am supposed to "implement" any network protocol of my choice. I googled for it but didnt find anything that would help a beginner like me to start off. Could anyone please give some ideas on where to begin?
Thanks in advance!
PS: am not sure of the tags either.
You can try DHCP. It is relatively simple and common.
To start you can cover the same subnet/vlan case. (Server client same subnet.)
Next do the different subnet/vlan case if you have time.

BTstack on MSP430F5438A + CC2564 bluetooth module

First, is there any good documentation for the btstack API's. I am trying to learn how to fully use btstack , send and receive data, look for devices within range and initiate connection.I am implementing this for MSP-430F5438A + CC2564 Bluetooth module.
This website has some examples, but I am still confused, I need someone to break it down for me.Is there a template that I can start of. Anything would be helpful. If there is a step by step reference on how to connect to a device and exchange packets, it would be really great. Thanks is advance
In the regular "GettingStarted" page is a little explanation on what goes on in the packet handler, which is the main part of where you basically put all of your new code.

AS3: Game development

I am looking a game framework for flex/AS3. I want to use it to create simple 2d games, such as tower defense, etc.
Maybe someone can suggest something?
Check out this framework.
It's easy to learn but very powerfull.
check out the Pushbutton Engine from none other than Jeff Tunnell (Incredible Machine) and his Push Button Labs .. new company spawned from Dynamix/GarageGames .. read more here
You dont need a game framework, AS3 alone is enough to create games. I recommend the Shootorials over at Kongregate. Its a step by step tutorial for creating a sidscrolling shooter. You can find the first step here and you can (if youre curious) play the intended end result here.
Thumbnail for first tutorial
Edit: I assumed that Flex wasnt important. If it is, some follow the "Shootorials with free tools" forum thread, also on Kongregate. I read those myself back when I tried flash, the result was.... meh.
Check out isometric engine which name is FFilmation, also it has got editor to create isometric place.
