I was wondering how I can create a topic in the console of fire base. I see there is android code to do it from the application but that takes time to reflect on the console. I don't even know where to look if it was created. Also can this be done in Javascript compared to java?
Example code for JS would be nice if I cannot do it through the console.
You don't need to do anything in the console to create a topic. Just start using it by string name on both the server and client, and it will just work.
I successfully went through RNfirebase docs and added the libraries in my project. Everything is working well and good and the app starts. It's now basically for android.
I have only integrated it the way docs said i.e natively in Gradle files and wherever the docs said.
The question is do I have to initialize any method somewhere in my JS codes to record the crash events or they would be automatically sent to firebase console without requiring any codes (Which I think its impossible because I have to take their instance somewhere and then render them so that they call the native modules).
Well there are some methods which I could see in the docs. How to use them to record events.
You would have included google-services.json by which the firebase will be initialized.
After doing Crashalytics setup you are good to go. You will be automatically getting crash notifications in the console.
Check this documentation . Even though this is for V6 it applies for all versions. We had used another such service called Bugsnag, which is not as elegant as Crashalytics, that used to send to its console as well without we calling their send APIs.
So basically you do not need to call their APIs when crash occurs, Crashalytics will automatically send the crash report.
Please look to this link also.
Hi guys i have made a shinyApp for a client using R.
The client for whom I’m working is asking for a shinyapp that works offline preferably in the form of an application or shiny window (as the online link of shinyapp.io will put load on the server). He wants to get the shiny output without seeing the R code.
He will later handover the shinyApp to his employees (>200) and they will mostly use the offline shinyApp on their desktop (in shiny window). Furthermore the data is very confidential so the client doesn't want his employees to either get csv data or publish the app online or see R code. Because every time they would run the app, they require csv data or codes to generate output.
That's why he doesn’t want a publish button anywhere in the app so that his employees doesn’t publish the app online.
Is there any way to do so? Any suggestions would be much appreciated
Method 1
I feel this is the best way to do it. This will give you an exe setup to install on your clients' server If you find it complicated you can try the below method, but my first preference would be this one.
Method 2
The process of making your standalone app is best explained here.
You can also use this site. If you feel the first is a little ambiguous
It is very much possible, and I do it often. If you have any doubts, you can ask me. This will not show the code to your client, it will be like any other desktop/server app, although the code can be seen if the app is probed, unlike the first method.
You can put the packaged app in a server which serves the local IPs.
I think you can do it without any hassle. Just follow the instructions line by line.
Regards/Revanth Nemani
I have not been able to find any reference for the options passed into the node module version of firebase-tools. How do one turn on diagnostic logging or progress output? The github README for firebase tools only says:
The Firebase CLI can also be used programmatically as a standard Node module. Each command is exposed as a function that takes an options object and returns a Promise.
and has only the example:
project: 'myfirebase',
token: process.env.FIREBASE_TOKEN,
cwd: '/path/to/project/folder'
}).then(function() {...
It would be really nice to get complete docs. The source code wasn't much help.
There isn't a good way to see progress via the programmatic API for the Firebase CLI right now. Your best bet would be to instead use spawn or similar to run it as a process and simply capture the stdout.
We'd like to improve this in the future but there are no concrete plans of what it will look like yet.
To see the complete list of keys off of the client object, see commands/index.js
In terms of what options to pass in, that is definitely hard to figure out. This seems like a great chance to submit an issue requesting specific improvements to documentation, or take a shot at documenting it yourself and submit a PR.
I'm making the move into Firebase. But Day One I'm stumped with a simple one liner.
This is right from the demo:
var myDataRef = new Firebase('https://un2ubl6u7zs.firebaseio-demo.com/');
And returns in my Chrome Console:
This is from the demo link, but I get exactly the same response in the console for any firebase DB I create. It's probably something REALLY simple, just trying to wrap my brain around Firebase, it's very different coming from a decade in the SQL world.
Thanks for pointers. :-)
You will only have access to Firebase, if you include the Firebase JavaScript client as a script:
<script src="https://cdn.firebase.com/js/client/2.4.0/firebase.js"></script>
This will make the Firebase object (and may others) available to your script.
I recommend that you start with this 5-minute interactive tutorial for Firebase. Adding the script tag is explain in step 1 there.
There was a similar question yesterday:
Uncaught ReferenceError: Firebase is not defined
This will not work with the new client.
see upgrade guide: https://firebase.google.com/support/guides/firebase-web
I started this little project where I would do real time collaboration on code using CodeMirror.
I have a msgs system setup such its easy to pass objects from one user to another. My problem is getting it integrated with CodeMirror. I found out that it have events for onchange and a replaceRange(string, from, to).
I pass the onchange objects to the other users and uses the replaceRange to update the view. Problem is then when using replaceRange, it triggers an new onchange and it sends msgs back and forward. Anyone know if there are some way of updating the local view without it triggering an onchange. Or suggestings for other paths to take. (the msgs system is already set up and its easy to pass javascript objects to other clients).
You Can Use Firepad
FirePad is an open-source (on GitHub) realtime collaborative plug-in to codemirror. You can get it setup with codemirror in 4 extra lines of code and a few minutes. It's uses Firebase for the backend.
To get this to work properly, you'll have to merge changes as well. See http://ot.substance.io/ for a demo of an open-source solution (also using CodeMirror).