How to fix a exponential regression to positively skewed data? - r

file linki am trying to explore exponential regression for predicting #calls_to_be_made(DV) for given #sales_potential(IDV) of customers.The data is positively skewed. is it better to try exponential regression for this case.? if so how to proceed? if not why? Need some more ideas.
I have to performed linear regression to predict #calls_to_be_made(DV) for given #sales_potential(IDV) of customers.The data is positively skewed. I have eliminated zero values and i have log10 transformed both the variables to get near normal distribution. it gave an rsqr value of 55%.
The expected result is how to perform exponential regression and also need clarity of thought on which model (technique) is good to prefer for my particular problem.?
file1<-read.xlsx("wx2.xlsx",sheetName = "Sheet1",header = T)
#file1$Potential.18.19<-round(file1$Potential.18.19,digits = 0)
data1$Sales_to_be_made <- log10(data1$Sales_to_be_made)
data1$calls_to_be_made <- log10(data1$calls_to_be_made)


Backtransform LMM output in R

When performing linear mixed models, I have had to square-root(log) transform the data to achieve a normal distribution. Having performed the LMMs, I now want to plot the results onto a graph, but on the original scale i.e. not square-root(log) transformed.
Apparently I can use my raw (untransformed data) on a graph, and to create the predicted regression line I can use the coefficients from my LMM output to get backtransformed predicted y-values for each of my x values. This is where I'm stuck - I have no idea how to do this. Can anyone help?

Test of second differences for average marginal effects in logistic regression

I have a question similar to the one here: Testing the difference between marginal effects calculated across factors. I used the same code to generate average marginal effects for two groups. The difference is that I am running a logistic rather than linear regression model. My average marginal effects are on the probability scale, so emmeans will not provide the correct contrast. Does anyone have any suggestions for how to test whether there is a significant difference in the average marginal effects between group 1 and group 2?
Thank you so much,
It is a bit unclear what the issue really is, but I'll try. I'm supposing your logistic regression model was fitted using, say, glm:
mod <- glm(cbind(heads, tails) ~ treat, data = mydata, family = binomial())
If you then do
emm <- emmeans(mod, "treat")
emm ### marginal means
pairs(emm) ### differences
Your results will be presented on the logit scale.
If you want them on the probability scale, you can do
summary(emm, type = "response")
summary(pairs(emm), type = "response")
However, the latter will back-transform the differences of logits, thereby producing odds ratios.
If you actually want differences of probabilities rather than ratios of odds, use regrid(), which will construct a new grid of values after back-transforming (and hence it will forget the log transformation):
It seems possible that two or more factors are present and you want contrasts of contrasts on the probability scale. In that case, extend this idea by calling regrid() on the table of EMMs to put everything on the probability scale, then follow the analogous procedure used in the linked article.

How to rectify heteroscedasticity for multiple linear regression model

I'm fitting a multiple linear regression model with 6 predictiors (3 continuous and 3 categorical). The residuals vs. fitted plot show that there is heteroscedasticity, also it's confirmed by bptest().
summary of sales_lm
rediduals vs. fitted plot
Also I calculated the sqrt for my train data and test data, as showed below:
2 3533.665
2 3556.036
I tried to fit glm() model, but still didn't rectify heteroscedasticity.
glm.test3<-glm(SALES~.,weights=1/sales_fitted$.resid^2,family=gaussian(link="identity"), data=sales_train)
resid vs. fitted plot for glm.test3
it looks weird.
glm.test3 plot
Could you please help me what should I do next?
Thanks in advance!
That you observe heteroscedasticity for your data means that the variance is not stationary. You can try the following:
1) Apply the one-parameter Box-Cox transformation (of the which the log transform is a special case) with a suitable lambda to one or more variables in the data set. The optimal lambda can be determined by looking at its log-likelihood function. Take a look at MASS::boxcox.
2) Play with your feature set (decrease, increase, add new variables).
2) Use the weighted linear regression method.

Obtaining predicted (i.e. expected) values from the orm function (Ordinal Regression Model) from rms package in R

I've run a simple model using orm (i.e. reg <- orm(formula = y ~ x)) and I'm having trouble understanding how to get predicted values for Y. I've never worked with models that use multiple intercepts. I want to know for each and every value of Y in my dataset what the predicted value from the model would be. I tried predict(reg, type="mean") and this produced values that are close to the predicted values from an OLS regression, but I'm not sure if this is what I want. I really just want something analogous to OLS where you can obtain the E(Y) given a set of predictors. If possible, please provide code I can run to do this with a very short explanation.

R: Linear regression model does not work very well

I'm using R to fit a linear regression model and then I use this model to predict values but it does not predict very well boundary values. Do you know how to fix it?
My model is:
fit32=lm(log(ZLFPS) ~ poly(QPZL,2,raw=T) + ZLDBFSAO)
results3 <- coef(summary(fit32))
#inverse model used for prediction of FPS
f1 <- function(x) {first3 +second3*x +third3*x^2 + fourth3*1}
You can see my dataset here. This dataset contains the values that I have to predict. The FPS variation per QP is heterogenous. See dataset. I added a new column.
The fitted dataset is a different one.
To test the model just write exp(f1(selected_QP)) where selected QP varies from 16 to 36. See the given dataset for QP values and the FPS value that the model should predict.
You can run the model online here.
When I'm using QP values in the middle, let's say between 23 and 32 the model predicts the FPS value pretty well. Otherwise, the prediction has big error value.
Regarding the linear regression model I should use Weighted Least Squares as a Solution to Heteroskedasticity of the fitted dataset. For references, see here, here and here.
fit32=lm(log(ZLFPS) ~ poly(QPZL,2,raw=T) + ZLDBFSAO, weights=1/(1+0.5*QPZL^2))
The other code remains the same. This model gives me lower prediction error than the previous.
