Improve R Script execution from NodeJS - r

I'm new to R, and I'm invoking an R script from a NodeJS app. When the R Script is invoked, it takes a long time in producing output. I investigated and realized that the bulk of that overhead is when it loads the libraries and the model I'm using. Let me clarify that any optimization would work, taking into account that I'm running this code in a Raspberry Pi 2 b+.
My question is: Is there a way to preload all the libraries and the model on R and then trigger predictions on demand? So that I won't need to reload the libraries and the model every time I want a prediction.

No. Since you're just invoking a script the loading of everything it has to be done everytime the script is run; since nothing didn't exist in memory before you invoked it.
One workaround I would suggest is to instead run a R script have your R script running as a service and then query that service from nodejs.
I cannot help you with that since my expertise for R doesn't go very far away and I don't know if having an R server is even possible.
An alternative to that, if it is not too cumbersome, is to port your R project to python and mount a server of some kind (which with python is extremely easy to do) and then poke that server from nodejs. Since you would be running a server you can just cache the libraries at the server startup time and have everything in RAM for your next query.


cannot allocate memory - RSelenium and EC2

I am trying to implement a Selenium test to perform automated actions on a website (looping through pages). I am using R and RSelenium package as well as a PostgreSQL database using DBI package. All this using EC2 AWS server.
My problem is that after a few minutes that the script was launched, my RStudio session freezes (as well as my Linux session) and I can see a message like "cannot allocate memory".
So this is clearly a memory issue without a doubt, and by doing top I could see that my Selenium docker was using most of the resources.
But my question is how can I reduce the amount of memory used by the Selenium test?
IMHO there is no practical way for a test to use less memory than the memory required by the given test. You can try to simplify the given test by breaking it up into 2 or more tests. Check for memory leaks, as suggested in another answer.
It would be much easier to use the next largest instance type with more memory, and shut down the instance when not in use to save money, if that is an issue.
Don't forget drive.close() in your code, if you don't close your driver, you will have a lot instance of Chrome.

Workflow for using command line R?

I am used to using R in RStudio. For a new project, I have to use R on the command line, because the data storage and analysis are only allowed to be on a specific server that I connect to using ssh. This server doesn't have rstudio-server to support remote RStudio sessions.
The project involves an extremely large dataset, and some pre-written code to load/format the data that I have been told to run using "source()" before I do anything else. This takes several minutes to run and load the data each time.
What would a good workflow be for something like this? Editing my code in a .r file, saving, then running it would require taking several minutes to load the data each time. But just running R in an interactive session would make it hard to keep track of what I am doing and repeat things if necessary.
Is there some command-line equivalent to RStudio where you can have an interactive session but be editing/saving a file of your code as you go?
Sounds like JuPyteR might be your friend here.
The R kernel works great.
You can use it on a remote server either with exposing an open port (and setting up JuPyteR login credentials)
Or via port forwarding over SSH.
It is a lot like an interactive reply, except it holds state.
And you can go back and rerun cells.
(Of course state can be dangerous for reproduceability)
For RStudio you can launch console and ssh to your remote servers even if your servers don't use expensive RStudio for servers platform. You can then execute all commands from R Studio directly into the ssh with the default shortcut key. This might allow to continue using R studio, track what you're doing in the R script, execute interactively.

When should I restart R session, GUI or computer?

I use R, Rstudio and Rcpp and I spent over a week debugging some code, that was just giving errors and warnings in unexpected places, in some cases with direct sample code from online or package documentation.
I often restart the R session or Rstudio if there are obvious problems and they usually go away.
But this morning it was really bad to the point were basic R commands would fail and restarting R did nothing. I closed all the Rstudio sessions and restarted the machine for good measure, (which was unnecessary).
When it came back and I re-loaded the sessions everything seems to be working.
Even the some rcpp code I was working on for weeks with outside packages will now compile and run where it gave gibberish errors before.
I have known for a while that R needs to be restarted once in a while, but I know it when basic functions don't run, how can I know earlier.
I am looking for a good general resource or function that can tell me I need to restart because something is not running right. I would be nice if I can also know what to restart.
Whether the R session, the GUI such as Rstudio, all sessions and GUIs or a full machine restart.
For as long as I have been dabbling with or actually using R (ie more than two decades), it has always been recommended to start a clean and fresh session.
Which is why I prefer to work on command-line for tests. When you invoke R, or Rscript, or, in my case, r (from littler) you know you get a fresh session free of possible side-effects. By keeping these tests to the command-line, my main sessions (often multiple instances inside Emacs via ESS, possibly multiple RStudio sessions too) are less affected.
Even RStudio defaults to 'install and restart' when you rebuild a package.
(I will note that a certain development package implies you could cleanly unload a package. That has been debated at length, and I think by now even its authors qualify that claim. I don't really know or case as I don't use it, having had established workflows before it appeared.)
And to add: You almost never need to restart the computer. But a fresh clean process is a something to use often. Your computer can create millions of those for you.

is it possible to run R as a daemon

I have a script in R that is frequently called during the day (by other scripts). I call R in a terminal using
Rscript code.R
I notice it takes a lot of time to load packages and set up R.
Is it possible to run R as a background service which I hit using a port or something?
Yes, look into RServe which has been available for over a dozen years for this reason. There are a couple of fairly high profile applications too.
You can check out this add-in for Rstudio, it is not a port like solution but maybe it can help you

How to run R script from command line repeatedly but only load packages the first time

I want to run an R script (in Win 7) from SQL Server 2014 each time a new record is added (to perform some analysis on the data). I saw that this can be done with the xp_cmdshell command which is like running it manually from the command line.
My problems (and questions) are:
I've made out from various websites that probably the best option is to use Rscript. This would have to be used at the command line as:
C:\Program Files\R\R-3.2.3\bin\x64\Rscript "my_file_folder\my_file.r
Can I copy Rscript.exe to the folder where my script is, such that I can run my script independently, even if R is not installed? What other files do I need to copy together with Rscript.exe such that it would work independently?
My script loads some packages that contain functions that it uses. Is there a way to somehow include these in the script such that they don't have to be loaded every time (it takes about 5 sec so far and I need this script to be faster)? Or is there a way to only load these packages the first time that the script runs?
In case the overall approach I've described here is not the best one, I am open to doing it differently. Maybe there is a way to somehow package the R script together with all the required dependencies (libraries and other parts of the R software which the script would need to run independently).
What I ultimately need is a for the script to run silently, and reasonably fast, without any windows or anything else popping up, each time a new record is added to my database, do the analysis and exit.
Thanks in advance for any answers.
I figured out an elegant solution to running the R script. I'm setting up a job in SQL Server and inside that job I'm using "xp_cmdshell" to run my script as a parameter to Rscript.exe, as detailed at point 1 above. I can start this job from any stored procedure and the beauty of it is that the stored procedure does not wait for the script to finish. It just triggers the job (that runs the script in a separate thread) and then it continues with its business.
But questions from points 1 and 2 still remain.
