Passing arguments to button onclick method in vuejs - button

I am trying to pass the selected values from the tag and pass it to a button’s click event. However, I was not able to get the data in the onclick function. See the code below.
I am getting undefined in the alert.
Please help.
<div class=“form-group”>
<div class=“form-group” align=“center”>
<label for=“select-Year”>Select CMS Fiscal Year :</label>
<select class=“form-control input-sm” style=“width:120px” id=“select-Year”>
<option v-for=“yr in years” value=“yr”>{{ yr }}</option>
<div class=“form-group” style=“align:center”>
<button id=“btnSubmit” class=“btn btn-primary” style=“align:center” v-on:click=“loadData(yr, $event)”>Open</button>
methods: {
`loadData`: function(yr, event){

I tried to do this for you, go to the page and see <>.
Hope it with help for you.

The yr variable only exists within the scope of option when you used v-for on it.
That's why it's causing an error when you try to pass it to the event handler of your button which is located outside the scope of v-for.
How can I get selected option?
One way to get the year selected is to declare a year variable under your component data attribute and use the v-model directive on your select field to form a two-way binding.
data: function() {
return {
year: null
And in your select and button tags,
<select class="form-control input-sm" style="width:120px" id="select-Year" v-model="year">
<option v-for="yr in years" value="yr">{{ yr }}</option>
<button id="btnSubmit" class="btn btn-primary" style="align:center" v-on:click="loadData($event)">Open</button>
In this way, you can get access to the year in loadData,
loadData(event) {
console.log(this.year, event);


How to validate dropdown in angular 7 by template driven form

Tried to validate dropdown select box but not working. May be css issue? So How to validate it. If anyone knows please help to find the solution.
<div class="form-group col">
<select id="inputState" #state="ngModel" [(ngModel)]="model.state" name="state" [ngClass]="{'invalid-textbox' :signUpForm.submitted && !state.valid }">
<option *ngFor="let optionName of formFields" value="{{optionName}}">{{optionName}}</option>
input[type=password].invalid-textbox {
border-bottom: 2px solid #ed5558;
I got this working in the stackblitz. Template-driven forms use basic html validation so you had to add the required attribute. I also changed !state.valid to state.invalid in [ngClass]. The last thing I did was add an empty string for the value attribute and the selected attribute to initialize the ngModel state.
HTML Template
<div class="form-group col">
<select id="inputState" #state="ngModel" [(ngModel)]="model.state" name="state"
[ngClass]="{'invalid-textbox' : signUpForm.submitted && state.invalid }" required>
<option value="" selected>Select</option>
<option *ngFor="let optionName of formFields" [value]="optionName">{{optionName}}</option>
model: any = {
state: ''
This should respond now if a user deselects a state option and tries to submit it.

how to define a select component within a clr-tab

Tried to insert a "select" component under a tab. Basically, the tab just displays some dynamic forms. The select is a list of string for user selection Looks like my definition is correct. Do not know why it messed up the whole angular/clarity UI page.
<button clrTabLink>Submission Form</button>
<label class="required" for="uniqueCertIDs">Unique Cert IDs</label>
<div class="select">
<select id="partnercertIDs" formControlName="EEPortalProductDetails">
<option *ngFor="let ucertID of uniquecertIDs" [value]="ucertID.UniqueCertId">{{ucertID.UniqueCertId}} </option>
Very likely, the scope of the select portion is not correct. Failed finding related documentation.
It's difficult to say whats happening without a running example.
I created a simple form with a select in a tab and it seems to be ok.
Here is the template code for my tabs:
<button clrTabLink id="link1">Tab1</button>
<clr-tab-content id="content1" *clrIfActive>
<h3>Form 1</h3>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="selects_1">This is a select box</label>
<div class="select">
<select id="selects_1">
<option *ngFor="let user of users" [value]="user">{{user}} </option>
You can see this running here:
If this doesn't solve your issue, can you fork the StackBlitz and recreate it there?
<form [formGroup]="partnersForm" >
<div class="form-group">
<label class="required" for="selects_1">Unique Cert IDs</label>
<div class="select" >
<select id="selects_1" formControlName="partnerFormCertIDs" ng-change="selectAction()">
<option *ngFor="let ucertID of uniquecertIDs" [value]="ucertID.UniqueCertId" >{{ucertID.UniqueCertId}}</option>
and in my Session.ts file. Debug using console, the alert never shows up
selectAction() {
alert("selected value changed !!!!");
#nextgen-ui Regarding your second issue, the data binding syntax should be either on-change or (change); ng-change is an AngularJS directive.
Please see this Stackblitz.
#Jose Gomes
The event is defined as updateCertData()
<form [formGroup]="partnersForm" >
<div class="form-group">
<label class="required" for="selects_1">Unique Cert IDs</label>
<div class="select">
<select id="selects_1" formControlName="partnerFormCertIDs" (change)="updateCertData()">
<option *ngFor="let ucertID of uniquecertIDs" [value]="ucertID.UniqueCertId">{{ucertID.UniqueCertId}}</option>
And I defined a POST API in the event
let selectedCertID = this.partnersForm.get('partnerFormCertIDs').value;
for ( let partnerInfo of this.uniquecertIDs) {
if(partnerInfo.UniqueCertId == selectedCertID){
this.submit[0].Option[0].value = partnerInfo.ProductId;
this.submit[0].Option[1].value = partnerInfo.ProductName;
this.certsService.setSubmissionProduct(this.certId, this.submit);
this.certsService.setSubmissionProduct is a POST API, sending data back to UI Server
setSubmissionProduct(sessionId: string, info:any){
let body = {'submitConfig': info};
let url = GLOBALS.baseUrl + "session/" + sessionId + "/submitproduct";
return, body);
The never sends message to the controller successfully. I tried several other post methods, which works well in other logic part, but never sends message successfully if it is put within this "change" event.

meteor onRendered not called

I’m trying to have a reactive bootstrap selectpicker but I have a weird behaviour:
An event has to change the options of the select but it works only after the first event which is not working because the app doesn’t go into the onRendered part…
This is the onRendered part:
var renderTimeout = false;
Template.printerselect.onRendered( function(){
if (renderTimeout !== false) {
renderTimeout = Meteor.setTimeout(function() {
renderTimeout = false;
}, 10);
Template.printerSetupForm.onRendered( function(){
here, the templates :
<div class="col-lg-3 col-md-4 col-xs-12 form-group">
<select id="printerCompany" class="form-control selectpicker" name="printer[company]">
<option selected="true" disabled="disabled" value={{company}}>
Please Select A Printer Company
{{#each Companies}}
<option value="{{company}}" {{printerCompanySelected company}}> {{company}}</option>
<div class="col-lg-3 col-md-4 col-xs-12 form-group">
<label>PRINTER NAME</label>
<select id="printerName" class="form-control selectpicker" name="printer[name]">
<option selected="true" disabled="disabled" value={{name}}>
Please Select A Printer
{{#each Names}}
<!--<option value="{{name}}" {{printerNameSelected name}}>
<template name="printerselect">
<option value="{{name}}"> {{name}} </option>
The refresh is called when the page is rendered.
Then I change the company which changes some Session variables and reactively to change the name select options but the refresh is not called so that doesn’t come to the onrendered part.
But when I change again the company it’s working, the onRendered part is called.
Weird thing is that even if this is not displaying the right names, when i’m choosing a name which doesn’t match with the company, the select chooses the right one.
Sorry for my english in advance, I did my best.
Thanks you in advance !
EDIT: Names helper :
Names: () => {
if(typeof company!='undefined') {
return Printers.find({company: company}).fetch();
} else {
return Printers.find().fetch();
I set the Session variable 'printers' with an empty field. When I select a company, it's now working but without company, I don't get any printers because I don't have to test company with 'undefined' but with empty field.
So I changed to test with empty field and it isn't working anymore...
So weird that a test could cancel a onRendered, this must be an issue with the Mongo stuff.
I will continue to search on it.

Meteor form state not being saved

I'm having problems trying to make a reactive form. When I insert data into one collection, the other select is refreshed also. This happens with input fields also, everything gets cleared when I update one of the bound collections.
Is this supposed to happen?
My test code:
<template name="test">
<form class="form-horizontal well" id="test-form">
<select class="input-xlarge" name="item_id">
{{#each types}}
<option value="{{_id}}">{{name}}</option>
<select class="input-xlarge" name="category_id">
{{#each categories}}
<option value="{{_id}}">{{name}}</option>
And my helpers are:
Template.accounts.type = ->
Template.accounts.categories = ->
I think this is a limitation of Meteor right now, hopefully it'll be resolved in the future.
As discussed on irc, some ways to get around it:
Separate them into different templates
Wrap them in a helper that calls Meteor.ui.chunk.
Use a session variable to track the currently selected state. For example: = {
'change #category_id': function() {
Session.set('selected_category_id', $(this).val());
(and code to initially select the value in Session.get('selected_category_id') if not undefined in the template).

jquery next button focus

To improve navigation on one of the pages I am tyring to set a focus on a next available(enabled) button when leaving last data entry field.
$('input[type=text], select, textarea').filter(':last').blur(function()
For some reason it only works when last data entry field is textbox. Something is wrong in the handler.
$(document).ready(function() {
<textarea rows="3" /></textarea>
<input type="text" />
<input type="button" value="Something" />
Did the trick ... pretty much identical, so I don't know what's not working for you.
doesn't do the trick?
Assign the buttons a CSS class and try $('.ButtonClass:enabled:first').focus();
