Setting Up a New SSL Project on MAMP Pro - wordpress

I just purchased MAMP Pro as I have moved most of my websites over to SSL.
I cannot for the life of me, get the assets or files to load. So essentially any of the CSS/JS/IMAGES. The website itself loads with plain text, but that is it.
The error message I'm getting in the dev tools for all the assets not loading is: ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR
Here is what I've tried:
Set my self-signed certificates to ALWAYS TRUST (tip from from this post)
Reset my browser history + cache
I tried different browsers and incognito mode, and they all show the same issue
I also do not have an ad blocker installed, as some other posts I have read indicated that was their problem.
The lock, however, is appearing in the address bar, so the certificate appears to be working, but still causing the assets to be blocked on load.
Any suggestions would be helpful!

UPDATE I fixed it. Because I was using MAMP before MAMP Pro, my old projects had the database linking to localhost:8888. I had to go in and revise the WordPress tables to my updated siteurl home. Hope this helps someone!


WordPress Site - Site not sending any data on user login and checkout

I'm just wondering if anyone might of been had the same experience as me before? I have just migrated a WordPress site (running on an older version of WordPress) to a new dedicated server.
My website loads up perfectly fine, however, when my users are logging in or trying to access the WooCommerce Checkout page, there browsers are returning the "Site did not send any data".
The strangest thing is, some people can log-in, others can't. I've advised my users to try deleting there browser cache and I've setup a tempoary log-in link (Incase the old log-in link my users was seeing was being cached from when my site operated on my previous server)
I've disabled all caching plugins, but in the Network tab, I'm still seeing a few elements being cached, I'm not too sure if this could be WP CLI cache which is perhaps operating in the background?
Ultimately, I'm just trying to get my head around how to solve th "Website did not send any data" error - It's been around 4 days since the server migration completed and previously, users had no trouble at all logging in and navigating the website.
Here's what I've tried so far:
Reset the htaccess file
Disabled caching plugins (Third-party plugins)
Installed Really Simple SSL to ensure all my website paths are being redirected to HTTPS
Changed my PHP handler to SuExec
Disabled server-side cache
Reset permalinks (Changed my permalink setting from Post Name to Plain, and vice versa)
But quite a few of my users are still reporting the same error, whilst other users can access and navigate my website perfectly fine.
Has anyone experienced a similar issue before?
Thank you!

Wordpress dashboard is accessible from my PC but redirects to 404 on my laptop

as you can see in the title, I am able to login my Wordpress Website dashboard with no problem at all, on my Desktop. I've been doing the changes and security/plugin/theme updates using my Desktop. What I want to do right now is to do the same on my macbook. I want to be able to do the same from my macbook but I find it weird that on my PC, the dashboard is operational but on my macbook and my gf's laptop it redirects to the 404 error page.
I've tried clearing the cache upon doing some reading and saw some post about deleting the .hta access file but I am confused as to how files on my ftp is working on my desktop but not for my laptop.
Any help is appreciated! Thank you for taking the time to read!
As it turns out I had a plugin conflict that changes my url dashboard slug for security purposes. A different developer created this website and had this plugin installed and it took me longer than I care to admit to notice this.

Mamp Pro localhost:8888 Gets Redirected And Shows 'Site Can't Be Reached Error

I am completely baffled on what's going on...
When I click the WebStart button for the localhost from the Mamp Pro UI, it opens that just fine and I get the expected address of http://localhost:8888/MAMP/?language=English.
If I manually enter an address like http://localhost:8888/phpmyadmin/ it also goes to the correct place.
But when I try to either remove the '/MAMP/?language=English' from the WebStart page, or try to manually type http://localhost:8888 it redirects to http://some-other-website:8888/. This happens no matter what directory I point the host to.
I had set up a host of that name previously, but this morning everything just went haywire to the point where I completely uninstalled MAMP Pro and MAMP, but this is still causing me problems. This is happening with both Wordpress and NON-Wordpress local sites.
Really starting to lose it because I can't get any work done. I'm trying to make a Wordpress theme and I've even tried doing a new install of the WP in a completely different folder but now no matter what I'm doing at the moment I just can't get this thing to work :((
Well, I feel like a boob. It turned out to be the siteurl and home values in the wp_options table of the Wordpress database were pointing to the existing values I'd set up, but I had changed the host name in Mamp Pro so the pages would initially open correctly but Worpress would then rewrite the URL and... well, OOPS! I finally found this out thanks to looking at Daniel W's advice. I also had to reset Chrome because it was holding onto it on the browser end too. Thanks for the help, Daniel!

Browser ignores the url path on the first load

I have a Wordpress site that is migrated to a new server. Along with the migration, it now also has a subfolder /en which is a different version of the website targeted for international audience. The problem I am facing is that if I try to load the site, on the first load it redirects to But if I load on the second try it goes to the subfolder website. And it is browser specific. I have this problem on Chrome and Safari but not on Firefox
I have already tried clearing the cache in the CMS level and also on the browser, this hasn't helped in any way. Could it be because of DNS switching from older server to the new server?
Here are some ideas on how to find the root of the problem:
Check the site from a different network / device to make sure it's not the DNS cache
Check the .htaccess file of the server, maybe theres a misconfiguration
Use a site like this one to trace the redirect
If nothing helpes you could just wait a few hours, maybe the DNS servers take some time to update all the settings.

"Hard Reload" shows different results than fresh visit (from new device), any idea why?

having some cache issues(I think), but can't figure out where the problem is.
When I do a Hard Reload I get the new results but after clearing all my browsers cache (Chrome) it still loads the old version of the site while visiting normally.
I thought it was just the browser's cache but then I tried fresh devices that never had visited the site and I'm getting the same issue, the old site version.
-I've talked with my host (Host Gator Resseller) and they say they dont have any server level cache.
-I'm not running any cache plugins on my site (WPMU Install, X theme)
-I did have cloudflare installed but have since disabled it, purged the cache, and turned on developer mode and nothing.
-Tried new devices from multiple locations and connections and the problem persist, so it can't be browser related nor ISP related.
-Also tried incognito, and nothing.
I seriously can't think of where the problem is, any idea?
