Shiny reconnecting to existing session - r

I created a Shiny app which is doing a long computation and therefore i am running it on a local server in my Network.
I can access the app via my computer, upload files and start the calculation. But when I close the browser and access the app via a weblink again, Shiny will start a new empty session.
How can I reconnect to the "closed" session with the hopefully still running computation and uploaded files?
It seems that it may be possible with RStudio Connect or running the app via a ShinyServer. Is there another easy way to handle it?

Reconnecting to the exact same session seems not possible. I found after a lot of research the Bookmark function, which saves your Input inside a new URL or on a Server. See references here: Link
Unfortunately, it didnt work really good because i had bigger plots and tables as saved output.
I solved the problem with a workaround. In the end of the computation i save the whole environment with save.image(file='myEnvironment.RData')
I added an actionbutton and by clicking it loads the saved environment with load('myEnvironment.RData'). After this, all files are back in the environment and new outputs can be created by e.g. output$xy <- renderPlot({XY}).
Hope that helps


Unsure where image_write downloads to in

I'm attempting to make a public website, and I'm trying to use image_write to create a file into a local directory.
The following code works on my local R studio code:
image_write(im.resized, path = paste0(output_file_directory, file_name), format = "jpg")
When I run the code on the website, the code runs without error, but I'm not sure where it downloads the file to. I know that the output_file_directory part isn't the issue, so I'm a little lost. Any help would be much appreciated!
On it is not possibly to store permanently data, due to:
" is a popular server for hosting Shiny apps. It is designed to distribute your Shiny app across different servers, which means that if a file is saved during one session on some server, then loading the app again later will probably direct you to a different server where the previously saved file doesn’t exist."
See here:

Not able to save records into db after published to shiny server

I have published one application on shiny server which basically takes input from users and save into SQLite database in back-end.
My concern is after publishing to shiny server when user is opening the form and saving their input i can't see any record saving in database.However it is working perfectly fine when i try to launch from R-studio without publishing.
I have put database file into shiny folder before publishing,i believe issue might due to the path of the database so is their any specific folder or path on which we suppose to put our database file?
Any help would be appreciated!
Are you sure that supports write access for sqlite? There is a community post (see From this it is clear that did not support local data storage at that time and there were no concrete plans to implement it. That was one and a half years ago, true, but it may simply be that it is still not be available at this point. That would mean that you can most likely read but not write sqlite.
Hopefully, you find an alternative to store data here:

Automatically restart Shiny apps after server reboot

I have a Shiny application that needs to load into memory some fairly large data sets. To save the users some time when browsing to the dashboard, I set the app_idle_timeout to zero (using the community version of the Shiny server application), as suggested in the docs. This works as expected.
However, the underlying data needs to be refreshed daily. Hence, what I would like to do is setting up a cron job that reboots the shiny server (or stops the relevant sessions) every day at 3am and then automatically initiates a new R session so that the data in the global.R is loaded into memory and the dashboard ready to consume instantly.
What I do not understand is how to initiate a particular Shiny application from terminal, i.e. mimic what happens when browsing to the URL of this app on the Shiny server.
Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

Possibility of getting offline shinyApp without Publish Button, csv Data and seeing R code?

Hi guys i have made a shinyApp for a client using R.
The client for whom I’m working is asking for a shinyapp that works offline preferably in the form of an application or shiny window (as the online link of will put load on the server). He wants to get the shiny output without seeing the R code.
He will later handover the shinyApp to his employees (>200) and they will mostly use the offline shinyApp on their desktop (in shiny window). Furthermore the data is very confidential so the client doesn't want his employees to either get csv data or publish the app online or see R code. Because every time they would run the app, they require csv data or codes to generate output.
That's why he doesn’t want a publish button anywhere in the app so that his employees doesn’t publish the app online.
Is there any way to do so? Any suggestions would be much appreciated
Method 1
I feel this is the best way to do it. This will give you an exe setup to install on your clients' server If you find it complicated you can try the below method, but my first preference would be this one.
Method 2
The process of making your standalone app is best explained here.
You can also use this site. If you feel the first is a little ambiguous
It is very much possible, and I do it often. If you have any doubts, you can ask me. This will not show the code to your client, it will be like any other desktop/server app, although the code can be seen if the app is probed, unlike the first method.
You can put the packaged app in a server which serves the local IPs.
I think you can do it without any hassle. Just follow the instructions line by line.
Regards/Revanth Nemani

Shiny R: Updating global environment objects from a batch file on a server application?

I have a shiny app that continuously runs on a server, but this app uses SQL data tables and needs to check for updates once a day. Right now, with no batch file in place, I have to manually stop the app, run an R script that checks for these updates, then re-run the app. The objects that I want to update are currently stored in RStudio's global environment. I've been looking around at modifying .RData files because I'm running out of options. Any ideas?
EDIT: I'm aware that I probably have to shut down the app for a few minutes to refresh the tables, but is there a way I can do something like this using a batch file?
