Do I need a Redis ConnectionMultiplexer for each pub/sub subscription? -

I have a .Net Core Web Api setup where I expose an endpoint that is basically a forever-frame. I am constrained by an API contract that forces me to expose it as such.
That forever-frame pushes data that is received from a Redis pub/sub channel. I will have multiple listeners on this endpoint, and they should basically be individual subscribers to the same channel.
I use StackExchange.Redis.
There is one thing I cannot wrap my head around, and that is how to use the ConnectionMultiplexer in this scenario. Everywhere I read about it I am told to have one global ConnectionMultiplexer. But if I do that won't I unsubscribe all subcribers when one leaves and shuts down a subscription to the channel that they are all listening to?
If I don't then I will run into a memory leak I am sure.
A global ConnectionMultiplexer keeps the number of connections to Redis at a minimum, but I don't see any way to avoid it here.
Is there something I have misunderstood?

Always use the same instance of ConnectionMultiplexer, or you will lose the benefits of using a multiplexer.
I had a similar issue when calling unsubscribe on a channel caused all subscribers to unsubscribe too.
If you look at the ISubscriber interface, there is two ways to subscribe to a channel :
void Subscribe(RedisChannel channel, Action<RedisChannel, RedisValue> handler, CommandFlags flags = CommandFlags.None);
ChannelMessageQueue Subscribe(RedisChannel channel, CommandFlags flags = CommandFlags.None);
I took the second one and it solved my problem.


Axon4 - Re-queue failed messages

In below scenario, what would be the bahavior of Axon -
Command Bus recieved the command
It creates an event
However messaging infra is down (say kafka)
Does Axon has re-queing capability for event or any other alternative to handle this scenario.
If you're using Axon, you know it differentiates between Command, Event and Query messages. I'd suggest to be specific in your question which message type you want to retry.
However, I am going to make the assumption it's about events, as your stating Kafka.
If this is the case, I'd highly recommend reading the reference guide on the matter, as it states how you can uncouple Kafka publication from actual event storage in Axon.
Simply put, use a TrackingEventProcessor as the means to publish events on Kafka, as this will ensure a dedicate thread is used for publication instead of the same thread storing the event. Added, the TrackingEventProcessor can be replayed, thus "re-process" events.

Sending a message to a service bus queue via .NET Core Logger?

I have created a custom logger which sends messages to a service bus queue. My problem is that the Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger has no async Log method, so am having to call an async method synchronously which can cause issues.
So my questions is, what is the safest way for me to accomplish this without it causing thread starvation?
Net Core Logging is designed specifically to not use async methods. They believe that logging should be quick enough that it doesnt need it.
"Logging should be so fast that it isn't worth the performance cost of
asynchronous code."
The recommendation is that if you need to log stuff like this, you use a "Batched Logger" instead.
"Instead, synchronously add log messages to an in-memory queue and have
a background worker pull the messages out of the queue to do the
asynchronous work of pushing data to SQL Server."
So, basically, you should move your queue calls into a background worker (HostedService) and get it to do the async calls in the background worker instead. Your normal "logger" method should call something that sticks the messages into a MemoryCache queue or something similar and then your background worker will fetch the out of there in the background. I'm sure (off the top of my head) the Azure Logger has a simple example of this sort of thing

Not able to do async dispatch to consumer and understand how "prefetch limit" is relevant

My understanding was that default behavior of ActiveMQ is to do async dispatch of messages to the consumers, but when I tried to test it by doing a Thread.sleep(60000); in my MessageListener#onMessage() then broker was not able to send queued messages until it received the acknowledgment from the dispatch of previous message.
So, then I tried to explicitly set the async flag, just in case, using ((ActiveMQConnectionFactory)connectionFactory).setDispatchAsync(true); as mentioned here but still same behavior.
Is there a way in which I can make sure that my ActiveMQ broker doesn't get blocked if one of the consumer is taking long time, please note that I know and read about "slow consumers" but this is not what I want, I want a truly async dispatch where-in where broker sends the message doesn't wait for any acknowledgement/response.
I just read about what-is-the-prefetch-limit-for and I am wondering that when broker is sending message synchronously to the consumer then what's the point of "prefetch limit"?
With the default configuration, ActiveMQ is configured to use a dispatch thread per Queue - you can use set the optimizedDispatch property on the destination policy entry - see configuring Queues.
set the optimizedDispatch="true" in activemq.xml
optimizedDispatch :
Default Value : false
Description : Don't use a separate thread for dispatching from a Queue.
Note that by doing a Thread.sleep(60000); in the MessageListener#onMessage() when using a single consumer the dispatcher of the consumer cannot send another messages.
<policyEntry queue=">" optimizedDispatch="true"/>
queue=">" means all queues
EDIT by OP (hagrawal): To help future visitor to catch the concept quickly I am putting below the core concept in nut shell, please feel free to read all the comments below in order to know more. Many thanks to #HassenBennour for clarifying all this.
If there are 2 consumers connected and messages getting produced then
it will do robin round message dispatching to those consumer, but
suppose no consumer is connected, broker got 4 messages enqueued, a
consumer got connected with 3 as prefetch limit then it will deliver 3
messages to the consumer and then wait, meanwhile if some other
consumer gets connected then it will immediately deliver 4th message
to that otherwise it will wait for acknowledgment of 1st message
before delivering 4th message to same consumer.

Need to validate approach: Spring Integration + AMQP + Async

I've been recently investigating about Spring Integration and AMQP (RabbitMQ), as I need to communicate two applications (middleware and backend) with async approach, so that the middleware doesn't block when receiving client calls.
I first followed the simpler approach of implementing this in a synchronous, this meaning that I have a gateway interface and an outbound gateway (with requiresReply=true) on the middleware, and then an inbound gateway and a service activator on the backend. This initial approach works well (I've used Spring Integration XML config).
Now I need clarification on the approach to follow to make this work in an async way.
By looking at the RabbitMQ Tutorial 6, it's better to work with a callback queue and a correlationId, and per what I understood, this would be similar to calling Spring RabbitTemplate's convertAndSend() and then receive(), instead of convertSendAndReceive() (which would block until response is received).
I've checked the Spring Integration docs, where I need to replace the gateway interface on the middleware for it to return Future or ListenableFuture.
Async Gateway
Once that's done, I also looked at the documentation for the outbound gateway, where it says that it can work together with the RabbitTemplate to manage the correlationID and replyTo message attributes.
My questions are:
In order to make this work with an async approach, should I keep working with outbound/inbound gateways, instead of outbound/inbound message converters?
In case of following the outbound/inbound message converters approach (which sounds to me similar to what the RabbitMQ tutorial shows), how do I associate the Future on the gateway interface with the result coming back from with inbound channel adapter?
To be honest you don't provide an original business requirement. It might be a fact that there is really no reason to get deal with this async handsoff, because you have a #Gateway as an entry point which is thread-free and even if it is blocked to wait for the reply it doesn't impact other threads which may perform similar sendAndReceive operation. In most cases it is really just enough to do everything within the same requestor thread and don't loose performance with shifting to the shared ThreadPoolExecutor.
Right, the Future allows you to free a caller a bit to be ready to accept new requests within the same thread.
Since it is a MessagingGateway and you want to have a reply anyway, there is a hook associated with the request - TemporaryReplyChannel header. That's why that <outbound-gateway> works properly: it place its blocking reply to that channel for the gateway's return (or for FutureTask#set()).
I'd say that we can achieve the same TemporaryReplyChannel gain with that your async reply requirement.
You should use inbound/outbound channel adapter pair.
Before send the message to the <int-amqp:outbound-channel-adapter> you should do this <header-channels-to-string> for the <header-enricher>.
The server side maybe the same - <int-amqp:inbound-gateway>
You should use fixed replyQueue as a header for those message to send through the <int-amqp:outbound-channel-adapter>
the <int-amqp:inbound-channel-adapter> should be configured for that fixed replyQueue.
Both <int-amqp:outbound-channel-adapter> on client side and <int-amqp:inbound-gateway> must be configured for the mapped-request-headers="*" to allow to propagate that reply-channel header to the server and vise versa.
The <int-amqp:inbound-channel-adapter> on the client side will just send the reply to the reply-channel as it is for the <int-amqp:outbound-gateway>
You may need to take care about the correlationId manually, since <int-amqp:inbound-gateway> may require that to produce a reply properly.
Well, something like that...
Feel free to ask more questions. Or correct me if I misunderstood your question.

SignalR: Why choose Hub vs. Persistent Connection?

I've been searching and reading up on SignalR recently and, while I see a lot of explanation of what the difference is between Hubs and Persistent Connections I haven't been able to get my head around the next level, which is why would I choose one approach over the other?
From what I see in the Connection and Hubs section it seems that Hubs provide a topic system overlaying the lower-level persistent connections.
From the highly up-voted comment below:
Partially correct. You can get topics or groups in persistent connections as well. The big difference is dispatching different types of messages. For example you have different kinds of messages and you want to send different kinds of payloads. With persistent connections you have to embed the message type in the payload (see Raw sample) but hubs gives you the ability to do RPC over a connection (lets you call methods on on the client from the server and from the server to the client). Another big thing is model binding. Hubs allow you to pass strongly typed parameters to methods.
The example used in the documentation uses a chat room metaphor, where users can join a specific room and then only get messages from other users in the same room. More generically your code subscribes to a topic and then get just messages published to that topic. With the persistent connections you'd get all messages.
You could easily build your own topic system on top of the persistent connections, but in this case the SignalR team did the work for you already.
The main difference is that you can't do RPC with PersistentConnection, you can only send raw data. So instead of sending messages from the server like this
Clients.All.addNewMessageToPage(name, message);
you'd have to send an object with Connection.Broadcast() or Connection.Send() and then the client would have to decide what to do with that. You could, for example, send an object like this:
Connection.Broadcast(new {
method: "addNewMessageToPage",
name: "Albert",
message: "Hello"
And on the client, instead of simply defining
yourHub.client.addNewMessageToPage = function(name, message) {
// things and stuff
you'd have to add a callback to handle all incoming messages:
function addNewMessageToPage(name, message) {
// things and stuff
connection.received(function (data) {
var method = data.method;
window[method](, data.message);
You'd have to do the same kind of dispatching on the server side in the OnReceived method. You'd also have to deserialize the data string there instead of receiving the strongly typed objects as you do with hub methods.
There aren't many reasons to choose PersistentConnection over Hubs. One reason I'm aware of is that it is possible to send preserialized JSON via PersistentConnection, which you can't do using hubs. In certain situations, this might be a relevant performance benefit.
Apart from that, see this quote from the documentation:
Choosing a communication model
Most applications should use the Hubs API. The Connections API could
be used in the following circumstances:
The format of the actual message sent needs to be specified.
The developer prefers to work with a messaging and dispatching model
rather than a remote invocation model.
An existing application that uses a messaging model is being ported to use SignalR.
Depending on your message structure, you might also get small perfomance benefits from using PersistentConnection.
You may want to take a look at the SignalR samples, specifically this here.
There are two ways to use SignalR: you can access it at a low level by overriding its PersistentConnection class, which gives you a lot of control over it; or you can let SignalR do all of the heavy lifting for you, by using the high level ‘Hubs’.
Persistent Connection is a lower level API, you can perform actions on more specific time when the connection is opened or closed, in most applications the Hub is the best choice
There are three major points to consider when comparing these two:
Message Format
Communication model
SignalR customization
With hubs message formatting is basically handled from you but with persistent connections the message is raw and has be tokenized and parsed back and forth. If the message size is important then also note that the payload of a persistent connection is much less that that of a hub.
When it comes to the communication model persistent connections basically have a function for sending and receiving messaging while hubs take a remote procedure call model with unique function per requirement.
When it comes to customization since persistent connections are more low level they may give you more control over customization.
