Adding analytics for specific fields in API Connect - ibm-datapower

I am currently facing an issue while logging specific field in API Connect analytics for SOAP Services.
There is a section in API Designer Analytics where you can define and specify existing Parameters for your API that can be used to gather analytics data about the API. For REST I have tried and I am getting specified fields in Analytics but for SOAP I am not getting.
I am using version


How do I create audiences in Google Analytics 4 using an API?

Google Analytics 4 allows new custom audiences to be created:
I want to do this programmatically through a web API, but I can't see any documentation. Is it possible to create audiences in Google Analytics 4 using an API?
Google have confirmed that "the creation of audiences is not yet supported in Admin API" and have raised a feature request. They've not given a timeline for implementation but suggested following the Google Analytics API Notify group for future updates.
I need to remember that even after this feature is implemented in the GA Admin grpc API, it will also need to be supported in the .NET client library that I'm using, so there will take some additional time.
Not sure when added, but...
Web API:
.NET client:

Is the GA User Activity API compatible with GA4?

Is it possible to retrieve user's data from a GA4 property using the User Activity API (
I have checked the documentation but have not found anything so far. Some endpoints of the v4 API explicitly display a warning saying it is not compatible with GA4, but this User API does not display such warning.
no it is not as stated at the top of the page for the Reporting api Overview there for it apply sto the full Reporting API v4.
Note: This API does not support Google Analytics 4 (GA4) properties. Please use the Google Analytics Data API to access the new reporting features for GA4 properties.
As far as i can see there is no equivalent in GA4 yet.
Note: I pinged the team to have them add the quote to the top of that page as well.

Retrieve GA3 and GA4 data with same API?

So we are using Reporting V3 API in our custom dashboard to retrieve custom reports from multiple GA properties. Now some of our customers have GA4 properties which doesn't show up in properties list. Question is, to support both versions (GA3 and GA4) the only alternative now is to use Reporting V3 and Data API for different properties or did we miss something and there's one API which can be used for both GA versions?
There are two versions of Google analytics now Universal analytics and GA4 they are completely different and have different APIs designed for each one.
Google analytics reporting api allows you to access data from Universal analytics accounts.
Google Analytics GA4 is a completely different system and is not supported by the reporting api to access data behind a GA4 account you will need to use the Google analytics data api
there is also the Google analytics admin API which is the equivalent for the Management api for GA4. so if you want to be able to list a customers GA4 accounts you will need to use that api as well.
Note: The admin api is currently in alpha, and the data api is currently in beta. Take that into account before developing production applications using these apis.

How to use Google Analytics web+api property to fetch analytics data and display on third party dashboard

AS Google Analytics Services SDK sunset On October 31st, 2019 they stop processing incoming hits for this property. and ask to use latest App + Web property, which utilizes Google Analytics for Firebase SDK.
I have successfully linked firebase with app+web property.
Now my question is , how i can fetch that analytics data useing that property ID and display on third party website? I am successfully able to capture app analytics data i just want to display that report with API. how i can use propertyID to fetch that data.
With web_app property there is no View(ViewID) as previous.
Any help on this?
For GA4 Properties, you can use the Google Analytics Data API v1 to fetch analytics data and display on a third party site. This API can produce reports of active users by date and other useful dashboards.
See the Data API v1's developers site for more information:
When fetching analytics data in the Analytics v3 and Analytics Reporting v4 APIs, a view id is specified. As the question suggests, GA4 properties do not have views. GA4 properties cannot be used in Analytics v3 and Analytics Reporting v4 APIs.
This question asks about "App + Web" properties. For context, App + Web Properties were recently renamed to GA4 Properties. See the blog post for more information:
There's no public API to get the firebase-backed App + Web analytics data. However, you might have enabled BigQuery integration and use BigQuery API to make requests to analytics tables.

can I access the unique client Id through GA API?

I am currently querying my Google Analytics data using the Google Analytics API via R.
I would like to query based on the unique client ID as my primary dimension, but I can't find this dimension using the API.
Is it possible to query Google analytics from the API using the client Id as a dimensions?
Update: Client ID is now available in Google Analytics Core Reporting api as ga:clientId.
I've added it in my script and works seamlessly.
Query explorer doesn't support it yet, hopefully soon...
The only dimensions and metrics that you can use with the Google Analytics API can be found in the Dimensions and metrics explorer you could also check the metadata API.
As you can see client id is not a valid dimension exposed via the Google Analytics API. You could set this in a custom dimension yourself however for it to work your going to have to make sure that its set on every single request you send to Google Analytics.
then you can use the custom dimension metadata
As of late 2018 early 2019 it is now possible to query ga:clientid from the google analytics api.
