Will BigQuery charge me for export data from Firebase Analytic - firebase

I'm quite new to the service Bigquery.
My situation is I'm linking the Firebase Analytic to Bigquery to make some of analytic stuff (Blaze Plan upgraded).
I found that every day, the BigQuery automatically generates an event table with data from Firebase. My question is: will I be charged for that operation ? I'm afraid of charging for streaming insert, you know.
fyi: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/streaming-data-into-bigquery#streaminginsertexamples
Thanks for viewing.

You can use Firebase and BigQuery without a credit card, within the monthly free tier limits.
However streaming into BigQuery is not free, and (for now) Analytics for Firebase exports data into BigQuery through streaming, so there will be an associated cost.
Meanwhile there is Firebase data that you can get for free into BigQuery:
Cloud Messaging


Google analytics migration to firebase

I have a project which has google analytics and we have important data in GA which we don't want to loose is there any possible way while migrating to FireBase Analytics we can have this data there as well.
What I have tried so far is we can export data from GA in JSON format using Big Query, is there any way we can import this data to FireBase analytics using Big Query or is there a way I can link my GA account to firebase project and data migration will be done automatically?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Unfortunately, the answer is no: there is no way to import old data to Firebase. That's why during the transition period (from GA to Firebase) it's recommended to use both SDKs or Google Tag Manager in order to log everything to both GA and Firebase. Then when you have built enough historical data in Firebase you can switch to it.
If you need both sets of data (Firebase and GA) you can export your GA analytics data to BigQuery, export Firebase data to BigQuery and then combine them and process them outside of Firebase, for example using Data Studio.

Connecting Firebase to BigQuery Sandbox

I am trying to connect Firebase to Google BigQuery Sandbox to check the raw data of Google Analytics for Firebase.
Linking Firebase and BigQuery needs to upgrade Firebase for Blaze plan. If I upgrade Blaze plan, is it not avaliable use BigQuery Sandbox?
If BigQuery Sandbox is not able to use Firebase Blaze plan, is it available BigQuery Free Trail?
I would like to know the combination to be able to Firebase Blaze plan connect to BigQuery.
According to this Google Help's answer: Link Firebase to BigQuery.
You can export Crashlytics, Predictions, Cloud Messaging, and
Performance Monitoring data to the BigQuery sandbox free of charge.
Data export for Google Analytics for Firebase is only available for
projects on the Blaze plan. With the full BigQuery integration
available on the Blaze plan, you also gain access to export data from
Google Analytics for Firebase
So you should be able to use BigQuery sandbox after upgrading to Blaze.

No events intraday data from Firebase analytics in bigquery

Summary: What i want is get the data that my apps push to Firebase analytics. I've seen that this is possible in realtime with the analytics intraday dataset. I've linked my firebase with bigquery and ticked the apps on so that they share data.
My firebase has billing set so i have the blaze billing settings.
Problem: There is no dataset of analytics. i only see this, there is no dataset of the realtime data called "intraday".
Edit: Right now i have the event data from the past days. but still no realtime data from the intraday dataset

Does Google charge streaming fee when import Firebase Google Analytic data to BigQuery?

I know that when Google Firebase project link to BigQuery, user has to pay for storage fee and Queries fee as it documents in this
But I wonder if Google also charges streaming inserts fee in this case ? Is it just an "import/export" case (without fee) or is it really a streaming action when migrate data from Firebase Analytics to BigQuery then user has to pay for this also?
As noted:
BigQuery has a free storage tier.
BigQuery has a free queries tier.
BigQuery doesn't have a free streaming tier.
So the current answer is: When exporting Analytics for Firebase to BigQuery, you can do most for free (up to certain limits), except the streaming.

Live or hourly data sync from Firebase to BigQuery

We are using firebase to capture events on our App.
We have connected it with BigQuery so that the analytics data captured by firebase is exported to BigQuery.
The only problem for us is that the data export to BigQuery happens once in 24hrs. We would like to have the data export to BigQuery every hour.
I have not found a way to do this on Firebase console.
I was wondering if there is any way to ensure hourly export to BigQuery from Firebase analytics.
events_ table is what is updated every 24 hours.
If you want to get near real-time data, use the events_intratable_ table
For further reading: https://firebase.googleblog.com/2016/08/real-time-exporting-of-analytics-data-into-bigquery.html
